Episode 1145


A Storm Knocking on my Door
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 09, 2025

Episode Theme song: "Next to You" Charlotte Cardin

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Frederick sent Bryce to the winery in Santa Barbara to check in on one of their projects
- Daisy learned that Dawn visited Tara in jail
- Chris agreed to pause the custody hearing until after they found a way to help Daisy
- Penny woke up from her coma, but claimed that she couldn't see anything
- Abby and Ethan went to Simona and told her that Donovan kidnapped Olly. Lukas, Victoria, and Sergio, meanwhile, found Donovan and Olly at the Calimo cabin
- Logan accused Jeff of being part of the problem with Meggan's drinking
- Jacob admitted to Cassie and Isabelle that he needed time to figure out his next steps

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Stephanie, what is happening?" a worried Cory rushes up to Penny's bedside and grabs her hand. "Penny, it's Cory, I'm…I'm right here."

"Why can't I see anything?" a panicked Penny asks in confusion.

A few moments earlier, Stephanie was able to bring Penny out of her coma, which thrilled Cory and Robin. As Stephanie was doing her assessment of Penny to ensure she her vitals were okay after coming too, Penny started to announce that she wasn't able to see anything, which is now triggered concern with everyone in the room.

"Okay, everyone take a deep breathe please," Stephanie tries to calm the room down before she turns and looks at Cory and Robin. "I need you two to step outside please; I want to do an assessment on Penny and I need some space."

"Cory?" Penny asks with tears in her eyes. "Please come back; don't leave me here…"

"I'll be right outside," Cory replies to her. "I'll be back as soon as the doctor is finished her review; she just has to find out why you can't see, okay?"

"Okay," Penny replies to him.

Robin and Cory move to the door and exit the hospital room, where they immediately face one another. "What the hell is going on?" Robin asks him quickly.

"I have no idea, but I hope Stephanie can figure it out," Cory sighs back to her.

The Calimo Mansion

Natasha pours herself a glass of wine at the bar in the living room of the Calimo mansion, while a large fire roars in the fireplace. On the coffee table, her IPad screen is open and is on some wedding ideas as she and Shane have decided to have a big wedding when they remarry. She moves back to the sofa and is about to pick up her IPad again, when Jacob moves into the living room. She looks at her son and wonders where his head is now that he knows about Isabelle's blackmail scheme against Cassie.

"Oh darling, I just poured some wine, would you like some and join me?" she asks as Jacob looks back at his mother.

"Sure, that sounds nice."

"Your father and I spoke earlier today," Natasha tells him as Jacob sits in the arm chair across from her with a fresh glass of wine. "We have decided to have a big wedding this time, since our last marriage wasn't legal."

"I still can't believe that happened," Jacob admits to her. "But I think a big wedding sounds nice. You two have been through so much together, it is a nice way to celebrate."

"That is exactly what we were thinking," Natasha purses her lips together. "And how are you? If we were getting married tomorrow, whom would you bring as your plus one? Isabelle or….uh, Cassie?"

Jacob chuckles back to her before takes a sip of his drink. "I've taken a lot of time to sort through my feelings," he reveals to her. "And I think I've finally know what I want and need to do, Mom. But regardless of what that is, you have to support me. Can you do that?"

"If you want to be with Cassie…"

"It doesn't matter whom I decide," he interrupts her. "I need your support, please?"

"I'll try," Natasha smiles back to him. "I just hope you're making the right choice."

The Sugarbowl

Jeff sits at the back booth of the coffeehouse with a decaf coffee in front of him. He is thinking about how he ran into Meggan earlier at the Pink Flamingo and she was, once again, drinking a martini. When he asked her to stop, she threw her drink at him and stormed off. He has no idea how he is going to get through to her, but he knows that he must do something to make her realize the error of her ways.

He takes a sip of his drink when the door to the coffeehouse opens and Logan appears. Logan, immediately, sees his father and moves to the back booth to join him.

"You're here late," Logan notes to him as he sits across from him.

"I ran into your mother earlier," Jeff reveals to him. "She was drinking again; when I called her out on it, her drink ended up on my face."

"Whoa," Logan can't help but chuckle. "She threw her drink at you? You must have pissed her off if she wasted alcohol."

"I was just trying to get her to see how her actions are harming her and the family," Jeff sighs back to him. "How are you feeling?"

Logan shrugs back to him. "Honestly, Dad, it's her life," he tells him. "If she wants to get wasted every day, that's her choice. What harm is she actually causing?"

"You weren't born the last time she was drinking this much," Jeff replies to him. "She thought she ran over a little boy and killed him."

"I know the story," Logan says back to him. "I just think you need to let her do what she wants because the more you harass her, the more she turns to the bottle."


At the window seats, Chris and Trenyce sit next to one another with some hot chocolates next to them. They are together as they are still trying to figure out a way that they could, possibly, prove Daisy's innocence in Antonio's murder so they could get her out of jail. After Andrew saw Daisy last, he noted that she seemed depressed, so they are trying to figure out how they could get her out of jail.

"Andrew went to see Daisy again tonight," Trenyce tells her estranged husband. "I am hoping that she is in better spirits then last time."

"You and me both," Chris tells her before he takes a sip of his herbal tea. "Have you given any thought to how we can prove her innocence?"

"I haven't," Trenyce sighs back to him. "I wish there was some kind of evidence that we could find to help prove her innocence."

"Simona Lopez and Lois Kam really built a solid case against Daisy," Chris reminds her. "It was all circumstantial, but it was strong enough to get a conviction."

"We know that Daisy is innocence," Trenyce says. "There has to be something we can do."

Chris finds himself putting his arm around his estranged wife and holds her for a moment. "You know what I believe?" he whispers to her. "I believe that this will all work out in the end; I think Daisy will come home."

"From your lips, to God's ears," Trenyec whispers back to him.

The State Prison

Daisy gets a sly grin on her face when she sees Andrew waiting in the vistors center. She was told that someone had come to see her, but she wasn't' sure who it was. But seeing her former lover makes her happy, especially since she can tell him about her visit with Dawn.

"You look better than the last time I was here," Andrew tells her as Daisy sits next to her. "Are you feeling better?"

"I am," Daisy replies to him quickly. "I had a visit from Dawn Black."

Andrew's eyes open wider in surprise back to her. "Dawn? I thought she left town after she found out about Cheresa sleeping with that nurse?"

"She did," Daisy tells him. "But, she's back doing a special report on mental health with inmates. We…we had a great conversation."

"That's great to hear," Andrew looks back at her. "Maybe she helped you with deal your depressive thoughts?"

"I hope so," Daisy whispers. "Something else happened though, and, well, I'm not sure what to make of it."

Andrew arches his eyebrow back to her. "What happened?"

"Dawn," Daisy looks back at him with intent. "She saw someone in prison; another inmate."


"Tara," Daisy reveals to him. "Dawn saw the woman that kidnapped Cheresa and shot Kim."

The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair

Frederick moves to the bar in the living room of the Victors mansion and pours himself a scotch. He is pleased with himself because earlier in the evening, Will arrived and demanded to speak to Felicia to see how she was coping being at the mansion. Frederick lied to Will, telling him that Felicia was suffering from amnesia that she suffered from in the fire at Raven's Meadow last year, but the truth is, Frederick is drugging Felicia to ensure that she doesn't remember her family or past life. This is why Felicia isn't asking to go home and be with her loved ones. Thankfully, when Will questioned Felicia, she said that she is very happy with Frederick at the mansion, which allowed Will to leave feeling satisfied. Still, Frederick realizes that Will's conscious might be a downfall, but he refuses to let that happen.

"I've come too far in my plans for William to ruin anything now," he whispers to himself. "Eva better keep her boytoy in check, or I might have to take action."

"Man, is it cold out there," Bryce announces as he moves into the living room, causing Frederick to turn and see his grandson. "I need something to warm me up."

"I'll get you a scotch and we can sit by the fire," Frederick replies to him. "You are back from Santa Barbara?"

"I just landed a short time ago," Bryce nods as he sits by the fire and accepts the drink from this grandfather.

"I see," Fredreick sits across from him. "How is everything at the winery and with our, uh, project?"

Bryce takes a sip of his scotch and then looks back at him. "Everything is absolutely fine," Bryce reveals to him. "We have no worries to report."

"Good," Frederick smiles back to him. "That's what I like to hear; now, we just have to ensure none of my family goes to the winery until we are ready for them to be there."

"How will you do that? Everyone thinks your dead?"

Frederick chuckles back to him. "Exactly," he tells him. "No one would have any reason to go there, not anytime soon, anyways."

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home

"Twin Peaks Police Department," Simona announces loudly as she bangs on the front door of the Richardson estate, while Ethan and Abby are behind her. Earlier in the evening, they arrived at the police station and revealed to her that they believed Donovan had kidnapped Sonny to prevent Abby from seeing her biological son. Once Simona heard this, she agreed to come to the mansion to investigate what was truly happening with the situation. "Open up!"

Lukas opens the door to the mansion and arches his eyebrow. "What is going on? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"We do," Simona says as she moves into the foyer of the mansion, while Abby and Ethan follow her. "But I heard that your husband might have kidnapped Sonny, Abby's son. Is that true?"

"Who the hell is at the door at this hour?" Donovan asks as he moves into the foyer, with Victoria behind him. "Simona? Abby? Ethan? What is this all about?"

Abby and Ethan look at one another in shock as they had no idea that Donovan would be back in town. "When did you get back? Where is Sonny?"

"Olly is in bed," Donovan replies to her quickly. "He and I went to the children's festival at Caldwell's Mountain resort."

"No, that's a lie!" Abby shrieks. "I know you tried to take my son to keep him from me!"

"Okay, calm down Ms. Lawson," Simona looks back at her. "It appears your claims that Donovan kidnapping your son are false. I'll leave you now, good night."

Abby looks at Ethan and feels her blood start to boil before she glares at Lukas, Donovan, and Victoria. "I don't know how you did this, but you won't get away with this! I want my son back, and I will do whatever I have too to get him!"

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"What is taking so long?" Cory asks Robin as he paces back and forth outside of Penny's hospital room. In fact, they have only been waiting for a couple of minutes, but it feels much longer to Cory, as he is worried about why Penny wasn't able to see when she woke up from her coma.

"Stephanie is just investigating what the problem could be," Robin tries to calm him down. "Just give her some time and we will find out what is happening soon enough."

"I am just scared," Cory admits to her. "All this time, I thought that if Penny woke up, everything would go back to normal; I just…I just don't understand what is happening."

"I can explain," Stephanie announces when she opens the door to Penny's hospital room and moves up to Cory and Robin.

"Please do, what is happening with Penny?" Robin asks her quickly.

"It appears that when Penny fell and hit her head, a nerve behind her ears that leads to the brain was damaged," Stephanie explains.

"What does that mean?" Cory asks her confused.

"It means that Penny is blind," Stephanie reveals to them as they gasp in horror. "And I don't know if she will ever regain her vision again."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Madeline makes a bold decision
- Jeff and Leah discuss Robertson Enterprises
- Simona arrives at the hospital

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