Episode 1147


Capture the Magic
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: Feburary 16, 2025

Episode Theme song: "Vegas High" Kylie

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Eva & Dominick reunited despite her knowing that Felicia was alive. Will & Paige grew closer. He visited Frederick and Felicia admitted that she was happy with her life. Will didn't realize that Felicia was drugged
- Madeline told Robbie to tell Kim about their affair or she will. Madeline told Tyler and Clayton that she had to leave town for a while
- Abby was furious that Donovan was back at home with Sonny as she thought he kidnapped her son
- Max and Sophie made love again
- Despite knowing Clayton was back in town, Andy and Nicholas agreed to move forward with their relationship

The Calimo Mansion

Robbie gulps heavily as he looks back at Kim as they face one another in the living room of the Calimo mansion. They both have just admitted that they have something to tell one another; for a moment, Robbie thought that, maybe, Kim, somehow, knows about his affair with Madeline on New Year's Eve, but he doesn't know how she could have figured that out as only he and Madeline know the truth. The fact that Madeline told him that he had to tell Kim the truth or she would, however, is weighting on his mind. Did Madeline tell Kim the truth before he had a chance too?

"So, uh," he finally says something back to his wife. "You have something to tell me? What's going on?"

"Before I say anything," Kim replies to him. "You have to know that I am fine, and the baby is fine."

"The baby?" Robbie asks her in concern. "What does this have to do with our baby?"

"Take a breath and I'll explain," Kim chuckles back to him. "I had a doctor's appointment yesterday; it was spur of the moment because the OBGYN had an opening for me."

"Okay? What did she say?"

"Everything is fine," Kim reassures him. "It is just…well, the baby, it is smaller than normal. It's not a bad thing, she just thought that I should be larger by now, considering how far a long I am."

"What does that mean, exactly?" Robbie asks her.

"Just that the baby is tiny compared to the average baby," Kim tells him. "She assured me that he or she is fine, we have nothing to worry about."

"What a relief," Robbie sighs out. "I thought something had happened."

"Me too," Kim admits to him. "After my history, I was worried sick."

"I am glad you and the baby are doing okay," Robbie tells her. "You two, you mean the world to me."

Kim smiles back to him. "That's my news," she says. "So, what did you have to tell me, Robbie? What is your news?" she asks as Robbie gulps again, knowing that he has to break his wife's heart.

The Calimo Cabin

Madeline sits on the sofa in the Calimo cabin as she just finished starting a fire in the fireplace. She has settled in at the cabin as she has left Twin Peaks for a short while. After she told Robbie that he had to tell Kim about their New Year's Eve fling, she thought it would be best to lay low for a while. The last thing she wants is to get in the way of Kim's fury, which she knows is coming once she learns about the affair.

"This isn't exactly the Valentine's Day that I had envisioned for myself," she chuckles to herself as she takes a sip of her red wine that she got from the cellar. "But this won't be for very long; once things calm down between Kim and Robbie, I can return and carry out the rest of my plan to get Robbie back. This time away, though, it will be good for me. I can really think about how I can get Robbie back for good, because I know that deep down, he still loves me."

She takes another sip of her wine. "And any time now, he should be telling Kim the truth," she smiles to herself. "And she will realize what I have known all along: that Robbie loves me and wants to be with me."

She takes another sip of her wine and chuckles to herself. "Soon Robbie, we will be together, I know we will be."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

Soft jazz music is playing in the restaurant as the tables are starting to fill up with couples out celebrating Valentine's Day together. It has always been one of the restaurant's busiest nights of the year as the atmosphere is romantic.

At one table, Andy and Nicholas sit across from one another with some sparkling cider in front of them. Nicholas, normally, would drink champagne, but he wanted to support Andy's sobriety, so they got the sparking cider.

"This is nice," Andy smiles over to his fiancé. "It's not often we even celebrate Valentine's together."

"After everything we've been through this past year," Nicholas tells him. "We deserve to have some time to celebrate one another."

"Boy, have we ever been through a lot," Andy chuckles to him. "So I agree, it is nice that we can celebrate together."

"Well, how about a toast to that then?" Nicholas suggests as he raises his glass. "To getting through life, as difficult as it may be, together."

"I'll drink to that," Andy toasts his lover before they both take a sip of their drink.

At the bar, a solo Clayton turns and sees Nicholas and Andy toasting one another. He turns back to his beer and takes a sip of it, wondering if he will ever find the type of happiness that he sees in his former lovers.


At another table, Abby taps her finger rapidly as she is feeling anxious about what she is going to do with the fact that Lukas and Donovan still have her son, Sonny. She has asked Ethan if she has any legal recourses to pursue getting her child back, and he is investigating it.

"I can't imagine what you're going through right now," Max looks back at his friend, who just got filled in from Abby on the latest antics. "You know that I am here to support you, right?"

"I do," Abby replies to her. "Thanks Max, I know that you're meeting a girl for Valentine's Day, so I won't keep you, I…I just wanted you to her the latest from me."

"I appreciate it," Max says back to her. "Anyway that I can help with Sonny, you let me know, okay?"

"Thanks Max," Abby smiles to him. "I'll take off now, have a good Valentine's Day."

"You too," Max waves to her, as Abby leaves the table.

Behind Max, Sophie stands having seen Max with his friend. She knows that Max and Abby are friends, but seeing them together, she can't help but feel her insecurities creeping up.

"Sorry I am late," Sophie announces as she sits across from Max. "Looks like you had some company while you waited."

Max chuckles back to her. "Yea, Abby was here," he tells her. "She's still going through a lot finding out her son is alive."

"It's nice that you can be there for her," Sophie forces a smile on her face. "But enough of that, we are actually on a date on Valentine's Day! I…I can't believe it."

"We are on a date," Max winks back to her. "And that's why these are for you," he says as he reveals a bouquet of red roses for her, causing to gasp out.

"Oh Max, they are beautiful," Sophie gushes back to him.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," Max replies to her. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sophie."

Logan moves into the restaurant and freezes at the sight of Sophie and Max together, clearly on a Valentine's Date; he feels his heart sink into his chest at the sight as he has realized that he has feelings for Sophie, but she clearly doesn't have feelings for him.

"Why am I now suddenly in the mood for a stiff drink?" Logan whispers to himself, unsettled by the sight of Sophie and Max together.


At a table in the back corner of the restaurant, Will sits alone with a beer in front of him. His mind is racing on the fact that he went to the Victors mansion to confront Frederick about the fact that he and Felicia are alive; when he spoke to Felicia, she noted that she is very happy living with Frederick. Having heard her admit that to him, Will is further torn about whether or not he should tell anyone that Felicia is alive. He can't help but think about how Paige admitted to him that the family was still grieving the loss of Felicia, which is why he has wanted to tell the truth. He, also, knows that Eva wants the secret to remain a secret so she can have a chance with Dominick.

Will looks up and sees Eva and Dominick sitting at another table together each holding a glass of champagne. He can tell by the look on their faces that they must have reunited.

"Great," he whispers to himself. "So I am struggling with her secret and she has reunited with her husband, so I have lost her. There is no winning for me in this situation."

"Are you spending Valentine's Day alone?" a voice asks at the base of his table. Will looks up and sees Paige standing next to him.

"Paige, hi," Will says as he stands up and greets her. "I guess I had forgotten that it was Valentine's Day; but it makes sense considering how many couples are here tonight."

"Don't remind me," Paige chuckles back to him. "I am very single."

"You and me both."

"I saw my grandfather with Eva," Paige admits to him. "I guess if they have reunited, that means that you won't have a future with her?"

"Correct," Will shakes his head back to her. "I am also very single."

Paige finds herself leaning across the table and giving him a quick kiss. "Maybe together we wouldn't have to be single anymore?" she asks as their lips part.

Will chuckles back to her. "Yea, maybe not."

The Calimo Mansion

"I…" Robbie begins to say Kim as he moves to the bar and pours himself a scotch. "I don't know where to begin."

"How about from the beginning?" Kim asks him as she moves closer to him as he takes a sip of his scotch. "Whatever you have to tell me, Robbie, it can't be that bad? What is going on?"

Robbie sighs back to his wife. "It is about New Year's Eve," he admits to her. "I…I wasn't honest with you about what happened."

Kim arches her eyebrow back to him. "You told me that you got drunk at the party and stayed over night in a hotel room?"

"Right," he uneasily gulps back to her. "I did get drunk, that party is true. Because I was thinking about you and Tyler."

"There is nothing going on between me and Tyler."

"I couldn't get that in my head that night," Robbie tells her. "And at the party, I…I ran into Madeline."

"Madeline? What does she have to do with this?" Kim asks him quickly.

"She realized that I was drunk," Robbie whispers back to her. "And she offered to help me get home."

"That was nice of her?"

"She took me to her place, Kim," Robbie informs her. "And we…we slept together. I slept with Madeline on New Year's Eve," he says as the blood drains from Kim's face and she gasps in shock and horror.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Daisy confronts Tara
- Leah and Meggan have heated words
- How will Kim react to Robbie's news?

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