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So Hold On Tight | ||
Theme song: "Overtime" Zach Bryan | ||
The State Prison Daisy looks at the food that is supposed to look like mashed potatoes that the cook scoops on to her plate and sighs. While she is in jail, she doesn't expect the meals to be fine dining, but she does wish that it would, at least, look appealing. She turns to find an empty table and glares when she sees Tara sitting at the end of a table by herself. Immediately, Daisy thinks back to how she found out that after Dawn visited her, she went to see Tara. When Dawn returned, Daisy thought she looked a little dazed, and maybe confused, and she isn't sure why. Daisy finds herself swiftly moving towards the woman that kidnapped Cheresa years earlier and shot Kim. "I heard that you had a visitor the other day," Daisy says as she sits across from Tara, who looks up annoyed by her visitor. "What the hell do you want?" Tara asks as she drops her fork. "You've never spoken to me before, what gives?" "Dawn is a friend of mine," Daisy tells her before she takes a bite of her dinner. "I don't like that you are involved in her report." "I don't fucking care what you like, little girl." "Don't call me little girl!" "What do you want then, little girl!" Tara's eyes open wider as she looks back at Daisy. "I just want to know what you're up too," Daisy admits to her. "I saw Dawn after her visit with you and she looked, I don't know, different." "Maybe I just gave her a dose of harsh reality," Tara snaps back at her. "But you know what? You need to mind your business. Don't come around me asking about a private conversation again." "Are you threating me?" Daisy asks her in surprise. "You should be so lucky," Tara sneers. "I'm telling you; you come digging for answers that you don't answers too, and might find yourself in a situation where you can't ask anyone for anything ever again." With that, Tara stands up and walks away from Daisy, leaving her feeling spooked that her life was just threatened. The Lawson Estate; Abby & Cheresa's Home Cheresa moves to the bar in the lavish living room of her family home and makes herself a vodka soda, which she takes a sip of immediately. She knows that she spent Valentine's Day alone because she had been thinking about her life; Chantel has asked her to move forward in a relationship together, but she asked her that when they both thought that Dawn had left town. Now, Dawn is back, and Cheresa can't help but wonder if this is a chance for her and Dawn to try to put their relationship back together. She knows that the last time she saw Dawn, she admitted to Cheresa that she is still devastated by her affair because she loves her so much. "I have taken the time to figure out what is best for my future," she whispers to herself as she takes a sip of her drink. "And I think I've made a decision. I I just hope it's the right one, and I hope that both women will accept this and give me a chance." Before she can say anything else, the doorbell chimes and Cheresa sets her drink down before she moves into the foyer to answer the door. She sees Chantel standing on the other side and welcomes her into the home. "Come in, it's freezing outside," Cheresa tells Chantel. "I have a fire going, you can warm up in the living room. "Thanks," Chantel smiles as she takes off her coat and throws it over the armchair. "It is freezing out there. I can't wait for spring." "You and me both," Cheresa replies to her. "Can I get you a drink?" "Uh, sure," Chantel says. "I'll have whatever you're having." "Sounds good." "I was surprised to hear from you," Chantel admits to her. "But I am hoping that this means you've thought about my suggestion that you and I get together? I know that Dawn is back but " "I have been thinking about that," Cheresa reveals to her before she passes her the vodka spritz. "I spent all of Valentine's Day thinking about my future and I've made a decision." "Oh?" Chantel says as she takes a sip of her drink. Then, the doorbell chimes again. "Ah, perfect timinig," Cheresa smiles. "I will only have say this once." Chantel arches her eyebrow as Cheresa moves back to the foyer and opens the front door, seeing Dawn on the other side. "Hi," Cheresa smiles at Dawn. "Please come in, it's time that we get everything on the table, once and for all." The Sugarbowl Jeff sits in the back booth of the coffee house with a large coffee in front of him. His mind is racing over his recent encounters with Meggan, who's drinking seems to get more out of control by the day. In fact, the last time he saw her, she threw her martini in his face and told him to leave her alone. Jeff knows from personal history how dangerous Meggan's drinking can get, which is why he has summoned Lukas and Logan to join him. Just then, the two men arrive at the booth and scoot in across from him. "Hi Dad," Logan says to his father. "Uncle Lukas are here, just like you asked. What's going on?" "I'd like to know that myself," Lukas admits to him. "I have a lot going on with my son right now." "I know you do," Jeff looks back at Lukas. "But this is this is important. It's about Meggan." "Has something happened to Mom?" Logan asks out of concern. "Other than her drinking?" Jeff asks him back. "No, but I think the sooner we get that under control, te better." "Have you tried talking to Meggan about this?" Lukas asks him quickly. "I have seen her drinking, but I don't think it's out of control?" "It is," Jeff tells him. "She's an alcoholic, this is a disease! The longer this goes on, I fear the worst will happen." "What do you think we can actually do?" Logan asks his father. "Mother is a grown woman, she can make her own decisions." "That she can," Jeff agrees with him. "But that's why I asked you here. I I want to hold an intervention," Jeff reveals to them. "But if we do that, we all have to be prepared to not have any more communication with her; the point of an intervention is to cut them out of our lives if they don't agree to get help. So what do you say? Will you help me, finally, get through to Meggan about how serious her drinking is?" The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Meggan sits at the bar of the Pink Flamingo with a martini in front of her. She takes a long sip of it, finishing it in one swoop. She orders another from the bartender, as she thinks back to her last conversation with Jeff, where she dumped her drink in his face. She hates that he is meddling so much into her business; she just wishes that he, and everyone else, would leave her in peace. "You're drinking at this hour?" a voice calls out from behind her. Meggan turns and sees Leah standing behind her. "Rough day?" "What do you want?" Meggan asks her quickly. "I'm in no mood to get a lecture from my dearest half-sister, especially since you stole my husband from me." Leah chuckles back to her. "Were you and Jeff ever married?" she asks her quickly. "No, you weren't because that marriage was illegal because I was alive with amnesia and being held hostage at the winery." "Oh God, you weren't being held hostage," Meggan rolls her eyes back to her. "Our father was taking care of you until you got your memory back. Are you sure you still don't have amnesia?" "Whatever, I can't believe that you're still drinking Meg," Leah admits to her. "Don't you remember what happened the last time you were drinking this much?" "You mean when I thought I killed your son? Only guess what, Noah or Bryce, whatever the fuck his name is, he's alive and well, Leah," Meggan sneers at her. "So why don't you leave me alone and go back to being a meddling mother? I don't want any of this, not anymore." "Suit yourself," Leah looks back at her with intent. "But one of these days, you're going to push everyone that cares about you away to the point where they don't care anymore. And then, you'll be alone, with your vodka." "I'll drink to that," Meggan turns around and takes another sip of her fresh martini. The Calimo Cabin Madeline looks out the window of the Calimo cabin, where she escaped too after she realized that she wanted to leave town until the storm of Robbie telling Kim about their night together on New Year's Eve calmed down, and sees a heavy snow falling from the sky. "I'm glad I got here when I did," she sighs to herself. "I wouldn't want to drive in this storm." She turns around and moves to the coffee table, where she has a bottle of champagne chilling next to the fire, which is raging in the fireplace. "I had red wine earlier, but now," she smiles as she pops the cork. "Now, I want to celebrate, because Robbie should be telling Kim the truth any time now, which means, my plan to break them up is working perfectly." She pours herself a glass of the champagne and takes a sip of it. "Soon Robbie, we will be together, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it." The Calimo Mansion "I I don't think I heard you," a flabbergasted Kim admits back to Robbie as they face one another in the living room of the Calimo mansion. Robbie just admitted to her that he and Madeline slept together on New Year's Eve. "You You told me a lie about what happened on New Year's Eve?" "I I did," Robbie gulps heavily back to her. "I didn't want to hurt you, and I didn't want anything to hurt our baby, Kim." Tears follow Kim's eyes at the news that her husband was unfaithful. All this time, Kim was telling Robbie that there was nothing going between her and Tyler, only for him to have had something going on with Madeline behind her back. She can't believe what she is hearing. "But you have hurt me," Kim says as a tear falls down her cheek. "How did you think lying to me would make this better?" "I..I don't know, but I am sorry, Kim. I am so sorry. This is the biggest mistake of my life." "Why did you tell me now? What the hell is going on?" "Madeline," Robbie whispers back to her. "She told me that I had to tell you or she would." "Of course," Kim wipes a tear from her cheek. "That bitch wants you back! I can't believe you did this!" "I'm sorry." Kim slaps Robbie hard across the cheek and then rushes out into the foyer. Robbie, once he's recovered from the shock of the slap, rushes after Kim. "Where are you going?" he asks her as he sees her grabbing her coat in the foyer. "I'm going to the cabin," she tells him. "And don't you dare follow me! I I need time away from you! I need time to process this!" Kim, then, bolts out of the front door, as Robbie rushes up to the door and sees Kim getting in her car, as the heavy snow fall continues. Next on One Day at a Time - What will happen when Kim realizes that Madeline is also at the cabin? - Who will Cheresa choose? - Jacob and Cassie connect |
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