Episode 1149


Almost Slipped Away
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 23, 2025

Episode Theme song: "Anthing to Be With You" Carly Rae Jepesn

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Robbie told Kim he slept with Madeline. She slapped him and rushed to the Calimo cabin for space, unaware Madeline was there
- Cheresa invited Chantel and Dawn over as she had made a decision about her future
- Lukas and Donovan worried about Abby wanting Olly back
- Logan saw Sophie and Max together on Valentine's Day
- Jacob told Natasha he had made a decision
- Leah suspected Victoria arranged the missing funds from Robertson Enterprises
- Clayton saw Andy and Nicholas together

The Calimo Cabin

Kim slowly pulls her SUV into the parkway of the Calimo cabin. Her eyes are red from crying as she has found out that Robbie slept with Madeline on New Year's Eve. What's worse is that Robbie only told her because Madeline forced his hand; he would have still be lying to her if she hadn't made Robbie tell her the truth. And Kim knows that the reason Madeline wanted the truth to come out is because she still has feelings for her husband. The entire situation makes her blood boil because this all started because Robbie was feeling insecure about her relationship with Tyler, which is outrageous.

"At least I am here," she whispers to herself. "I can try to calm down and figure out what the hell I am going to do next."

She opens the door to the SUV and immediately starts to get covered in the large snowflakes that are falling from the sky, which made her drive more worrisome.

"I just want to get out of this snowstorm and have a relaxing night," she says as she grabs her bag from the backseat of the SUV. "Don't worry little one," she pauses as she puts her hand on her stomach as she feels her baby kicking. "We will be comfortable soon enough."

With that, she closes the door to the SUV and rushes towards the front door of the cabin. She opens the door and scurries inside, letting the snow fall from her boots quickly. She exhales as she moves into the living room, but immediately freezes at the sight in front of her: a fire is raging in the fireplace, and there is a bottle of champagne on the coffee table with one glass.

"Hello?" she calls out as she sets her bag down. "Who is here?"

Just then, Madeline emerges from the kitchen and looks back at Kim. "Kim…what…what are you doing here?"

"I was just about to ask you the very same thing," Kim replies to her with a glare.


Clayton sits at the bar by himself with a beer in front of him. He can't stop thinking about how he saw Andy and Nicholas together on Valentine's Day, and they looked more in love then ever. Not so long ago, the sight of seeing them together would have made his blood boil. He would have been trying to come up with some plan to get Nicholas back since, for so long, he thought that they were meant to be together.

"I guess it's true what Nicholas said," he whispers to himself. "It's time to put all of this behind me, and behind all of us. I need to move on from the dreams of being with Nicholas."

He takes a long sip of his beer before he sets the glass back down on the bar. "They did look happy together," he says. "And maybe there is a guy out there for me that will make me that happy one day. That's what I need to strive for, and nothing else."


"I…I can't believe that your Dad asked you and your uncle to hold an invention for your Mom," a stunned Sophie admits to Logan as they sit at one of the high-top tables at the back of the bar. Logan just told his friend that Jeff asked him and Lukas to be in an invention with Meggan as he continues to think that her drinking is out of control.

"You and me both," Logan replies to her before he takes a swig of his beer. "Lukas and I, we told him that we needed time to think about it. I mean, if I do this and my mom refuses to get help, it would be like cutting her out of my life."

"Do you think you can do that?" Sophie asks him back.

Logan shrugs back to her. "I have no idea, I mean I live with her, you know? How am I supposed to cut her out of my life completely?"

"Maybe you won't have to find out," Sophie suggests to him. "I mean, maybe she will realize she needs to get help?"

Logan finishes his beer and signals to the bartender to bring him another one. "I have no idea," he admits to her. "I guess we will see and I'll talk to Lukas about it."

"Speaking of," Sophie gulps back to him. "Do you think you should be drinking this much? I … I don't want you to fall into the same habits as your Mom."

Logan looks back at her in shock. "I don't have a problem drinking," he spits back at her. "I…I can't believe you'd said that to me!"

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to fall into the same trap as your Mom, that's all."

Logan chuckles back to her. "You should be worried on dating that loser Max compared to my drinking habits," he says, immediately regretting what he said. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No, you shouldn't have," Sophie snaps at him. "Max is a good man, and we are very happy together."

Logan picks up his fresh beer and raises the glass. "Well, cheers to that then," he says before he takes another sip of his beer.


At one of the booths near the front of the bar, a very pregnant Abby sits with a herbal tea in front of her while Andrew sits across from her with a beer. Abby just told Andrew that when she, Ethan, and Simona went to the Richardson estate because they suspected that Donovan kidnapped Sonny, they were both there and announced that they had been at Caldwell's Mountain Ski Resort, which she knows is a lie.

"This is wild," Andrew admits to her. "How did Donovan get back into town? And it is so obvious that Lukas and Victoria coached him into saying that he was at the children's festival since that is the lie they told us."

"I know," Abby sighs back to him. "This entire thing is getting out of control."

"What are your next steps in all of this?" Andrew asks her. "I mean, Abs, you're literally about to have another baby."

Abby chuckles to him. "Trust me, this little one reminds me of that every day," she admits to him. "But I can't stop having this desire to have my son back. He…he never should have been taken from me, from us."

"I don't disagree," Andrew admits to her. "But the fact the remains that Donovan and Lukas have raised him his entire life. If we take him from that home, think of the confusion that will set in."

"So you think we should just leave Sonny there?" Abby asks him in shock.

"I don't know what to do, that's what I'm saying."

"I want full custody," Abby stuns Andrew by her revelation. "I want my son back and I won't stop until I get him."

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home

"I barely slept last night," Donovan says as he moves into the living room of the Richardson mansion and sees Lukas pouring himself a glass of wine at the bar, while Olly is coloring on the coffee table in one of his coloring books.

"Why Daddy?" Olly asks him as he looks up at his father.

Lukas turns and watches as Donovan sits next to Olly and pats his back. "I guess I was worried about adult stuff Mr. Man," Donovan tells him. "You know that I love you, right?"

"I love you too, Daddy," Olly responds as he hugs Donovan. "Can I go watch Paw Patrol on my IPad now?"

"Of course, you can," Donovan chuckles back to him. "Have fun."

Olly rushes out of the room as Donovan stands up and looks at Lukas. "It kills me every time he tells me he loves me."

"It shouldn't," Lukas replies to him quickly. "Olly loves us, Donovan. We are his parents. Abby showing up here and barking orders at us won't change that."

"But she is his mother," Donovan reminds him. "I think this situation will get far worse before it gets better."

Lukas sighs back to him. "We have known for years that she was a loose cannon; it's why I wanted her to stay away from Olly when he was first born."

"And now we know she felt that connection to our son," Donovan replies to him. "This is all too much, Lukas. If…if Abby…"

"What? What are you concerned about?"

"If Abby goes to a lawyer," Donovan whispers back to him as gets tears in his eyes. "Will she have a legal right to our son? Could she get custody of our little boy?"

The Cascade Apartments; Cassie & Carter's Home

"Thanks for letting me know, tell Carter that I love him," Cassie says into her cell phone, before she hangs it up. She was just talking to another Mom, who is watching Carter as he is having a sleepover. She agreed to let her youngest son go so she could have time to try to clear her head from the drama going on in her life.

She moves to the bar and pours herself a glass of red wine as she thinks back to her last conversation with Jacob, where he told her, and Isabelle, that he needed time to think about what he wanted to do with his future now that he knew the truth about Isabelle's blackmail scheme. She just hopes that she hasn't lost Jacob forever because of something that Isabelle did to her.

She takes a sip of her wine and shakes her head to herself. "No, I won't let that happen," she whispers to herself. "I won't lose you, Jacob."

She sets her wine down when there is a knock on the door. She moves to the door and sees Jacob standing on the other side.

"Jacob, hi," Cassie says in surprise. "Please come in."

"Thanks," Jacob moves into the apartment. "Is Carter home?"

"He's not, I'm sorry," Cassie replies to him quickly. "He's at a sleepover."

"Good because I wanted to talk to you," Jacob reveals to her as they look at one another. "You know that I have been giving my future a lot of thought, and I think I have finally decided what I want. I…I just wanted you and Isabelle to hear it from me."

"Uh, okay?" Cassie gulps wondering where this is going. "What is going on?"

"You were right," Jacob smiles back to her. "Isabelle's lie, it cost us a future together with Carter, Cassie. And…I hate that. But I think…I think it's time we make that right."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I want to be with you," Jacob surprises her again. "If you'll still have me?"

Cassie rushes into his arms and kisses him passionately. "Of course, I'll have you," she says as their lips part. "Oh my God, you've made me the happiest woman in the world!"

Jacob chuckles back to her. "I'm happy too, and we will be happy together, Cassie, I believe that," Jacob whispers back to her. "I…I should go talk to Isabelle though."

"No," Cassie leans in and kisses him again. "You can do that after; first, I want to reunite in every way possible."

Jacob chuckles as she follows her into her bedroom, eager to make love to the woman he has chosen to be with again.

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

Victoria sits at a able by herself as she needs to head back to Robertson Enterprises after she is done her meal. Earlier, Tyler told her that they needed to work together to come up with something new that would put the company back near the top of the corporate ladder. Now that Leah is out of the company, Victoria knows that this is her time to shine.

"Well, isn't this cozy?" Leah says as she moves closer to the table, having spotted her daughter in law. "Shouldn't be you be at my family's company creating more havoc?"

"I am heading back to work soon, yes, Victoria replies to her. "But be careful, Leah, your tone suggests that you're bitter that you've left the company."

"I'll have you know that I left on my own accord," Leah reminds her quickly. "Because I care about my family's company."

"You stole from your family's company," Victoria chuckles back to her. "You don't deserve to work there!"

"How dare you! I am so glad that you and Noah are having issues," Leah spits back to her. "I hope he leaves you and never looks back."

"Your son, BRYCE, is a piece of trash," Victoria hisses back to her. "But I guess the apple doesn't fall from the tree. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to run the company that I am a part of."

Leah feels her blood boil as Victoria storms off from the table. "I'll find out what you did to get me removed from Robertson, I promise you that."

The Lawson Mansion; Abby & Cheresa's Home

"This feels incredibly awkward," Chantel admits to Cheresa and Dawn, as they move back into the living room of the Lawson estate. Earlier, Chantel arrived, and she had assumed that it meant that Cheresa was ready to give them a real chance at a relationship. Instead, the doorbell rang and now, Dawn is coming into the living room. Chantel knows that things have been tense because of her affair with Cheresa, which caused the other two women to break up. "What is going on, Cheresa?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Dawn says as she looks at Cheresa. "You asked both of us here? What is going on?"

"I know that this seems weird," Cheresa nervously chuckles to the women. "But I wanted to only say this once; so we all know where I stand on our…uh…situation."

"What does that even mean?" Dawn asks her in confusion.

"It means," Cheresa looks at Dawn as she moves closer to her. "When we met the other night at Barcode, you admitted that you still loved me, but that you were hurting because of my night with Chantel."

"That's right," Dawn says back to her.

"And you," Cheresa looks back at Chantel. "You've been asking me to give us a chance at being together."

Chantel gulps as she looks back at Dawn. "I did do that, yes."

"Well, I'm here to tell you both that I…I still love Dawn," Cheresa reveals to her. "Chantel, I never meant to hurt you, but if I am honest, I love Dawn, and Dawn," she says as she looks at her. "I want to have the chance to make things right with us, because I feel like we belong together. So, what do you say? Will you give us the chance to be together again? Give us a chance to love one another the way I know we can?"

The Calimo Cabin

"I…well, I came here for some down time," Madeline admits to Kim as they stand facing one another in the Calimo cabin.

"I bet you did," Kim huffs back at her.

"What's wrong with you? Or do I even have to ask?"

"You smug bitch," Kim glares back at her. "You know damn well why I am upset! You fucked my husband on New Year's Eve!"

Madeline chuckles back to her. "Ah, so Robbie did tell you. Good on him, I just hate that he was lying to you."

"You do not," Kim rolls her eyes back to her. "You knew exactly what you were doing, but it's not going work, Madeline. You're not going to steal my husband from me!"

"If that's the case," Madeline looks back at her. "Then why are you here and not with your husband trying to work it out? I will tell you why, because you came here to get away from him. So don't stand there and be self-righteous with me, you bitch!"

"Bitch?" Kim hisses at her before she rushes up to her slaps her across the face. "Don't you ever call me a bitch again, or you will answer to me!"

Next on One Day at a Time

- Eva tells Will about her reunion with Dominick
- Madeline and Kim's battle continues
- Meggan's intervention begins

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