Episode 1150


Got Fire in Our Hearts
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: March 06, 2025

Episode Theme song: "Angels in the Snow" Cher

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Eva and Dominick reunited as Will struggled with the secret that Frederick & Felicia are alive
- After learning Robbie slept with Madeline on New Year's Eve, Kim went to the cabin, where Madeline was hiding out
- Tara threatened Daisy in jail
- Penny admitted to Simona that Gordy killed Antonio thinking he was Cory
- Jeff asked Logan & Lukas to do an intervention with Meggan

The Calimo Cabin

Madeline and Kim continue to face one another in the living room of the Calimo cabin. Kim had arrived a short time ago, hoping to have some alone time as Robbie told her that he slept with Madeline on New Year's Eve, but, instead, she came face to face with the woman that Robbie slept with. The two, immediately, had heated words with one another, and Kim slapped her rival across the face.

"You're lucky that you're pregnant," Madeline sneers back at her as the fire crackles in the fireplace. "Otherwise, I would slap you back."

Kim rolls her eyes back to her. "Because being with child shows that you respect me?" Kim asks her quickly. "You certainly didn't seem to care about that when you slept with my husband!"

"He wanted it so badly," Madeline chuckles back to her. "Even though he was drunk, he couldn't wait to get his hands all over me!"

"You slut!" Kim shouts at her. "Just shut up! Shut up!"

"Careful Kimmy, you're going to cause your water to break," Madeline winks at her. "And I don't want to be the one to deliver your little bundle of joy."

"Ugh," Kim groans back at her. "This was a mistake! I…I can't do this!"

"What are you doing?" Madeline asks Kim, who turns around.

"I'm leaving," Kim sneers back to her. "I can't be around you one second longer."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

Eva scurries into the Pink Flamingo looking to grab some takeout for her and Dominick. She is still on cloud nine with the fact that they have reunited. After months of pleading with Dominick to give their marriage another chance, Dominick finally kissed her and they made love on the day of the one-year anniversary of Felicia's memorial service. She never thought she could be this happy again, but she is over the moon.

As she waits for her order, she happens to see Will sitting at a table by himself at the back of the restaurant. She finds herself moving back to see him as she knows that he is still struggling with the fact that they know that Felicia, and Frederick, are alive and well.

"Well, hi there," Eva purses her lips together as she sits across from her former lover. "How are you?"

Will looks up from his beer and forces a smile on his face. The fact is, he saw Eva and Dominick together on Valentine's Day, so he knows that he has lost Eva, likely forever this time.

Will sighs back to her. "I suppose I am fine," he replies to her. "You're glowing."

"Thank you," she replies to him quickly. "Dominick and I, we've reunited, so I am in a very good place."

"I thought as much," Will admits to her. "I saw you two on Valentine's Day and you looked very cozy."

"It all happened very quickly," Eva says back to him. "I…I am sorry that this news hurts you, I know you were hoping you and I would reunite."

"I get it, I am used to being second fiddle."

"It's not that," Eva says. "I will always care for you, but my heart, it is with Dominick. And…and that's why I need you to do something for me, Will."

"What?" Will looks back at her.

"Please don't tell anyone about Felicia," she whispers to him. "Please keep our secret, Will. My entire future is depending on it."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

The silver elevator doors open on the main floor of the hospital allowing Chris, Andrew, and Trenyce to step off and look around. They had received a message from Robin asking them to meet them at the hospital urgently; none of them know why Robin would have wanted to see them, but they were worried when she advised she was at the hospital.

"She said she's at room 1506," Trenyce looks at her phone to re-read the message from Robin. "That's this way."

"She really didn't say anything else regarding that this was all about?" Andrew asks her as they move towards the hospital room.

"Just that we all need to brace ourselves," Trenyce sighs back to him. "I have no idea what is going on."

"We won't have to wait much longer," Chris says as they turn down a hallway. "There are Robin and Cory now."

"Hey, we got here as soon as we could," Andrew looks at the couple, who are outside of Penny's hospital room. "What's going on?"

"Thanks for coming," Robin smiles back to them. "I know it didn't give a lot of information to you, but this is important."

"My friend, Penny," Cory begins to explain to them. "She had been kidnapped by her former fiancé last winter.

"Whoa," Chris shakes his head in surprise.

"Yea," Cory uneasily smiles back to him. "Robin and I saved her, and Gordy, her fiancé, died in the process. And Penny, well, she hit her head and fell into a coma."

"Only, she just woke up," Robin then says.

"I'm not sure where this is going?" Trenyce admits to them in confusion.

"Well," Cory looks back at her. "When Penny woke up, she had some shocking information that she shared with us."

"Apparently, Gordy was livid with Cory for interfering in their relationship. So much so that on the night of the party, Gordy shot a man that he thought was Cory and killed him. That man, it was Antonio."

"Oh my God," Trenyce gasps back to them. "Because you two had the same costume on?!"

"Exactly," Cory nods back to her. "So, Simona is aware of this and she's going to the prison now."

"That means that Daisy will be free?" Chris asks as he looks at Trenyce and they hug. "This nightmare is over, it's finally over."

The State Prison

Daisy sits in the common area of the prison reading her book. Her mind, however, isn't on the words that she is trying to read. She keeps thinking about how she and Tara came face to face and Tara threatened her after Daisy asked her about her visit with Dawn. Daisy can't place it but something seemed off with the look on Dawn's face.

"What could have Tara said to Dawn that she looked so…confused?" Daisy asks herself in a whisper. "I will probably never know because Tara lashed out at me when I asked her about it."

Just then, the door to the more secured area opens and a guard escorts Tara out of the hallway. Daisy looks at the woman that threatened her and realizes that it must be close to mealtime if Tara is allowed into the common area.

Daisy finds herself putting her book down and standing up as Tara approaches her. "You have more questions you wanna ask me today?" Tara hisses at her.

"Why would I bother?" Daisy asks her quickly. "You wouldn't tell the truth even if I did."

"I told you last time to watch your mouth with me," Tara moves closer to her.

"Or what?" Daisy asks her quickly. "What exactly do you think you're going to do?"

"Wouldn't you like to find out!" Tara cackles.

"That's enough," a voice calls from behind the two women, who turn and see Simona standing there. "Daisy, you're coming with me."

Daisy arches her eyebrow before she and Tara lock eyes for a moment. "Detective Lopez? What are you doing here?"

"There's new evidence in your case," Simona reveals to her. "You're innocent, and we know that now. You're…you're a free woman!"

"What?" Daisy gasps as tears flood her eyes. "You mean that? This isn't a joke?"

"It's not a joke, come on, let's get you home," Simona says with a smile on her face.

Daisy wipes her eyes dry before she looks back at Tara. "Enjoy the rest of your life in hell," Daisy spits at her as she walks past her quickly.

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home

In the foyer of the Richardson mansion, Jeff stands next to Logan and Lukas as they have all agreed to have an intervention with Meggan regarding her drinking. Jeff knows that he asked the men earlier if they would support this, and they both needed time to think about it, which they have come together to help Jeff.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Logan asks his father and uncle as he puts his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I feel like Mom is going to freak out over this."

"I have been thinking about it non-stop," Jeff replies to his son. "And I do think that this is the best course of action. She has to realize how dangerous her drinking is; this is our way of telling her that we need her to take this seriously."

"I hate to say it, but Jeff is right," Lukas looks over at Logan. "I don't remember the last time I saw Meggan without a drink in her hand. We need to get in front of this before it gets worse."

Logan sighs back to his family. "Okay, I still think she will lose it, but you're right, we have to make her realize how serious this is."

The Calimo Cabin

"Kim, wait," Madeline calls out as she rushes towards the door, where Kim is about to leave the cabin. "I'm sorry, okay? I know that we have been squabbling, but you…you can't leave!"

"Watch me," Kim glares back at her as she opens the door. The snow is falling so heavily from the sky, however, that she can barely see her SUV.

"Kim, don't been silly about this," Madeline tells her quickly. "This storm is bad; I…I don't want you to drive home in this weather! Please, stay here, I'll make some tea and we can avoid one another!?"

"What part of I'm leaving did you not understand?" Kim barks at her. "I'm leaving here, Madeline, and for the record, I never want to see your face again!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Will Kim make it home?
- Robbie confesses to Natasha
- Daisy goes home

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