Episode 1152


Devil's Out to Get Me
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: March 05, 2025

Episode Theme song: "Looping" Charlotte Cardin

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Eva asked Will to keep the fact that Felicia is alive and a secret after she reunited with Dominick. Will and Paige shared a kiss
- Madeline and Kim both left the cabin in the snowstorm
- Daisy returned home, which thrilled Chris, Trenyce, and Andrew
- Abby asked Ethan if she could get custody of Sonny
- Jacob told Cassie he wants to be with her and they made love

The Pink Flamingo

Abby scurries into the restaurant and sighs once she is at the bar. She and Ethan had been talking about her chances of getting custody of Sonny when she realized that they hadn't eaten, so they placed an order for takeout, and she had her driver bring her to the restaurant to get the food since Ethan had been having a couple of drinks. She is eager to get back to him so she can find out if he believes that she could get custody of Sonny.

After she tells the bartender that she is there, she turns and happens to see Max sitting at a table alone. She looks at the bartender and tells him where she will be, before she moves to the table and sits across from her friend. "What are you doing here alone?" she asks him as she takes off her jacket.

Max chuckles back to her. "Hi, to you too."

"Sorry, hi."

"It's all good, I am just bugging you," he winks back at her. "And I am not alone, I am waiting for Sophie to arrive."

"Wait, is Sophie the girl that you're seeing?" Abby asks him in surprise.

"Please keep it to yourself, but yea," Max nods back to her. "She's cool and I'm enjoying getting to know her a lot."

"That's sweet," Abby smiles back to him. "She's young, but that's sweet."

"We are just getting to know each other," Max reminds her. "How are things with you? Any update on Sonny?"

"Oh God," Abby groans back to him. "It's a long story, but remember when I thought Donovan kidnapped him? Well, he was at home when I showed up with the police. Somehow, they got Donovan back home."

"Whoa, that couldn't have looked good."

"It didn't," Abby sighs. "But I still think that something more is going on. But I can't dwell on that. I…I have to focus on getting Sonny back."

"So you want custody of your son?" Max asks her.

"Of course, I do," Abby nods back to him. "Ethan told me that it might be difficult because Donovan and Lukas have raised him since birth but he's…he's my son."

"That he is," Max leans over and grabs her hand to squeeze, just as Sophie arrives. She gulps at the sight of her boyfriend holding Abby's hand. "And I am here if you need anything from me."

"Thanks Max, you're the best."


At the back table of the restaurant, Isabelle sits with a glass of red wine in front of her. She avoided going to say hi to Max as she is worried about the reason that Jacob asked to see her. It is why she asked for the table in the back of the restaurant; she thought that they could have the most privacy at this table. The last time she saw Jacob, he told her, and Cassie, that he needed space to think about his future and he didn't want either of them to interfere in that.

"What do you have to tell me?" she asks herself as she takes a sip of her wine.

"Hey, sorry I am late," Jacob says as he reaches the table. "I saw Sophie walking in and wanted to say hi."

"That was nice of you," Isabelle purses her lips together. "How is your sister?"

"She seems to be fine," Jacob nods back to her. "How are you? This is some storm outside, huh?"

"It's wild," Isabelle shakes her head back to him. "Luckily, the new managers of the casino still offer me the family discount, so I'll stay here tonight instead of driving home."

"Makes sense," Jacob nods back to her. "Better to be safe than sorry."

"Exactly," Isabelle chuckles back to him. "So, umm, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about? The last time we saw one another…"

"Yea, I know," Jacob cuts her off. "I asked you and Cassie for space, and I've been thinking about my future, and I made a decision."

Isabelle sighs as she feels her heart skip a beat. She knows that her future with Jacob is riding on the next few minutes.

"And you should know," Jacob continues as he looks over at her. "I just came from Cassie's; she already knows what I want."

"Uh, okay?"

"I'm going to give my relationship with Cassie another chance," Jacob tells her, as Isabelle feels her heart break in her chest. "The truth is, we probably would have been together this entire time had it not been…"

"You don't have to say it," she cuts him off as a tear falls down her cheek. She wipes it immediately and then looks back at him. "Just go, Jacob. Please, I…I don't think I want you to see me like this."

"I am sorry that I hurt you," he whispers to her. "I will always care for you, Isabelle."

Isabelle doesn't respond as Jacob stands up and walks away from the table. As soon as he's gone, she covers her mouth and another tear escapes her eye, reeling that she has lost the man that she has loved for so long.


Meanwhile, upstairs in one of the suites, Andrew grunts loudly as he thrusts into Daisy, who moans in delight. Within a few minutes, they both reach their climax, and they collapse next to one another as their naked, sweaty bodies recover from the intense love-making that they just experienced. They had been at Trenyce and Chris' earlier when Daisy was released from jail; once they had some champagne to celebrate her release, Andrew whisked her back to his suite, where they made love to celebrate that she was a free woman.

"You have no idea how much I had missed you," Daisy chuckles as she runs her finger over his toned chest.

"I think I got the idea," he laughs back to her. "But, I, clearly had missed you too, Daisy. I am so glad that you're free and we can move beyond this nightmare."

"You and me both," Daisy admits to him. "The release couldn't have happened at a better time, either."

Andrew arches his eyebrow back to her. "Oh? Why do you say that?"

Daisy sighs back to him. "The last time you visited me, I told you that Dawn visited Tara."

"Yea, I remember."

"Well, I still thought that Dawn looked…I don't know? Different somehow after their visit," Daisy explains to him. "And so I confronted Tara."

"You didn't? What did she say?" Andrew asks as he looks back at her.

"She threatened me," Daisy reveals to him. "Needless to say, I was shaken, and had no idea what she was going to do. We were face to face, again, when Simona arrived to bring me home."

"You're right, the timing was perfect," Andrew replies to her. "I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, because, I care for you, a lot."

"I'm glad," Daisy purrs back to him. "You know? I was away for a few months…"


"I want you again," she purrs as she pulls him into her and kisses him again.

The Davenport House; Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home

"I can't tell you how relieved I am that Daisy is back home and out of jail," Trenyce sighs to Chris as she sits next to him with a fresh glass of champagne in her hand. "I always knew that she was innocent, and now, everyone else will know as well."

"It is just awful that Simona Lopez can never do her damn job," Chris huffs back to her. "How many innocent people have to go to jail for crimes they didn't commit before she will lose her job?"

Trenyce chuckles back to him before she takes a sip of her champagne. "I don't disagree, but the evidence did point to Daisy. The only thing I care about is that the truth came out, and we have Cory, Robin and that Penny woman to thank for it."

"I couldn't agree more," Chris looks back at her. "But you do know what this means, don't you?"

Trenyce arches her eyebrow back to him. "What do you mean by that?"

"The custody case, Trey," Chris looks at her with intent. "I paused it temporarily so we could come together to get Daisy out of jail, and now, she's free."

"What are you saying?" Trenyce asks him as she leans up on the sofa.

"It means, I want custody of Albertinah, and with Daisy free, I'm going to pursue the case."

Dominick's Townhouse

"Once again, your selection on the takeout is fantastic," Dominick chuckles to Eva as they sit next to one another in the living room of their townhouse with some Pink Flamingo takeout.

Earlier, Eva went to the restaurant to get them some dinner as she isn't the best cook in the world. While she was there, she happened to run into Will, and she pleaded with him to keep the secret of the fact that Felicia and Frederick are alive; the last thing she wants is to ruin this newfound happiness she has found again with Dominick.

"You're welcome," Eva replies to him. "It was dicey driving back in the snow, but we had worked up an appetite from being in bed most of the day."

Dominick chuckles back to her. "It is good to be reunited with you, Eva," Dominick looks back at her. "After being so depressed over the holidays and thinking about Felicia, being back with you, it has given me a new sense of purpose and life."

Eva smiles back to him, trying to hide the guilt creeping into her mind about Felicia being alive. "I am so glad, Dominick. And what you said the other night, I agree with you."

"Refresh my memory? What did I say?"

"That this time we will make our relationship work," Eva replies to him. "Nothing will ever come between us again."

Bruno's Gym

Will stands next to the punching bag with some boxing gloves on unleashing his fury into the bag. His mind is racing about seeing Eva earlier in the evening and she admitted that she and Dominick had reunited, and as a result, she pleaded with him to keep the secret that Frederick and Felicia are alive to himself. He had expected that, eventually, Dominick would give her another chance, he would have been a fool not too, but the secret is truly eating Will alive.

"You look like you're trying to kill someone," Paige giggles as she moves up to him, also doing a late-night workout.

Will stops punching the bag and looks over at Paige. "Hey, I didn't see you come in."

"I just got here," Paige admits to him. "Good workout?"

"Yea, I guess I needed to blow off some steam," he admits to her. "How are you? I haven't seen you since…"

"We kissed?" She finishes his sentence. "I'm good; I did enjoy it, by the way. The kiss, I mean."

Will's cheeks flush. "I did too," he tells her. "I…I have to be honest with you about something though."

"Let me guess, you're still in love with Eva?"

"I am trying to get over that," he replies to her. "It's more like…something is really weighting me down. A secret that I promised I'd keep, but it is harder than I thought because it impacts a lot of people."

Paige arches her eyebrow back to him. "Do you want me advice?" she asks as he nods back to her. "Whoever is asking you to keep this secret isn't a friend if they can see how tormented you are; you have to live yourself, first, Will. So, if telling this secret will make you feel better, that's what you should do."

Grayson Road

Kim sits behind the wheel of her SUV white knuckled as the snowstorm continues to rage on as she tries to head back towards the Calimo cabin. She was there but Madeline was also there, and the two women shared a heated exchange as Robbie had confessed to his wife that he slept with Madeline on New Year's Eve. Kim went to the cabin in hopes of having some time alone to figure out what she wanted to do next. The last thing she thought that would happen is that Madeline would also be at the cabin.

She left the cabin quickly, however, she realized that the snow is falling down so aggressively that it is not safe for her to drive home, so she has turned around and will stay overnight at the cabin and ignore Madeline.

"I think I am almost there," she tells herself. "Don't worry little baby, Mommy will get us back to the cabin safe and sound. I promise you that."


Meanwhile, Madeline tries to look through the windshield of her car to the best of her ability. She has the wipers on full blast, but she can, still, barely see in front of her. After Kim left the cabin, Madeline realized that it was too dangerous for her to drive home, so she is trying to follow her to ensure she is safe. While they had heated words, the last thing she wants is for something to happen to Kim, or the baby.

"I couldn't live with myself if anything happened," she whispers to herself. "I have to make sure that Kim is okay."

She turns and corner and doesn't see the headlights of Kim's SUV coming towards her. Within seconds, the two vehicles crash into one another! The snow continues to fall on the vehicles, which are not moving, and Madeline and Kim lay in unconscious in their respective automobiles.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Will Madeline & Kim be okay?
- Will Dawn forgive Cheresa?
- Natasha finds Shane's yearbook

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