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Written by: Dallas Walsh |
Previously on One Day At
A Time
Rebecca continues to hide away in her mansion. She paces around the living room, remembering the recent events. Her arrival in Twin Peaks. Her orders from Brett to keep a low profile in the mansion. And wait. For Vinnys body to arrive. Only, the body never came. The coffin was empty. "Where could the body be?" Rebecca asks aloud. "And more importantly, what does Brett want with a dead mans body?" Her thoughts are interrupted by the phone call. "Hello....Brett! Finally. Why havent you contacted? Its been weeks!....Youve been busy? You realize that I have absolutely no life here....What do I want? I want out. I dont want this so called job anymore. I want to live my life. Being here in this mansion is so boring.....I understand that you have plans. I promise you, I will not say anything to anyone....Youre threatening me?....Yes! I understand. If I say anything, you will have me killed. I promise you....Really? I can go!? Oh! Thank you Brett!....I will stay here. And that way you can reach me at any time. Fine, whatever....OK, thanks again." Rebecca hangs up the phone and has a huge smile on her face. "Im free...finally!" she says. Scene 2 Robin arrives at the lab. She looks over some files on her desk. She walks over to the counter, which has test tubes with colored liquids. She begins mixing a few in a new tube. After mixing it, she puts it on the burner. After a few minutes, and then smells it. "Hmm....not bad. Needs more...." "Afternoon" Leah says, entering the lab. "Leah! Hi. What brings you by?" Robin says. "Whats that?" "The new mens cologne. Smell it" Leah smells the liquid. "Pretty good. I like it, actually." "Really? I thought it was missing something?" Robin smiles. "Why are you so happy today?" "A girl cant be happy?" "Wait...theres a new man in your life, isnt there?" "Leah!" Robin yells. "Who is he?" "What? Leah, come on." Suddenly it dawns on Leah. "Oh Robin. No! Please tell me its not..." "Leah. Please stay out of this." "Robin. Are you seeing Cory?" "Leah. Please." "My God Robin! He just lost his wife" "And Im helping him move on!" "Robin! This is the same old story. You being involved with man thats taken" Leah blasts her sister. "Cory isnt taken Leah. Natasha is dead. Doesnt mean Cory should be dead too." "Oh, Robin. I thought you had learned your lesson" Leah says, leaving the lab. Robin watches her sister leaves, and gets upset. "I cant believe her! Im finally happy, and shes trying to ruin it." Robin walks over to her desk, and then realizes something startling. "Leah may try to turn Cory against me. Or get Robbie too! I cant lose this. Im happy for the first time. What can I do?" Robin wonders. "Wait! Thats it. I have to become Mrs. Cory Calvin" Robin smiles. Scene 3 A young man is in a store, buying some food. He approaches the counter. The younger cashier smiles. "Hey Jason" she smiles. "Hi Emily. Having a good day?" he asks "Better now that I see you" she says. Jason laughs. "Is that everything for you today?" she asks "Yeah. Thats all" Jason pays Emily and leaves the store. He hopes in his pick up truck and starts to drive home. As he is driving, he sees something strange. He spots a woman on the side of the road, walking slowly. Her clothes are torn. Her hair is a mess. Her face is dirty. And she must be cold. Jason wonders who the stranger is. He pulls up beside her and stops the truck. "Do you need a ride?" he asks The woman turns. Its Natasha! She nods her head, and gets in. Jason looks at Natasha. "You must be freezing" he tells her. He grabs a blanket from the back of the truck and gives it to Natasha. "Thank you" Natasha manages to whisper. Scene 4 Kim arrives at the station. She meets with Chief Jones. "Are you sure you want to do this Kim?" Jones asks "Yes. All the arrangements have been made." "Where are you sending Jackson?" "White Cove" "Really? Thats only a 2 hour drive!" "I know. It will be easier for me to keep tabs on him. Or you guys. Once Jackson leaves town, I want to move on with my life." They are interrupted by a female guard. "Hes coming" she says. Kim gets nervous. Am I making a mistake? Letting loose the man who has tormented me? she thinks. "Last chance to pull out" Jones whispers. Scene 5 Jason and Natasha enter Jasons home. The small, 2 bedroom, single story house is a typical bachelor pad. Natasha, still wrapped in the blanket, stands still. Jason hands her a clean towel, and shows her the washroom. "In the closet are so clothes, my girlfriend leaves here. See if they fit" he says. Natasha shuts the door. Jason walks into the kitchen. "I wonder who she is? Should I call the police?" he wonders. Back in the washroom, Natasha enters the hot shower. As the water hits her skin, she begins to cry. "Why cant I remember anything?" she asks herself. Scene 6 Kim watches as the handcuffs are taken off Jackson. Kim looks at Jackson. A big grin on his face. No longer wearing the bright orange prison jumpsuit. Rather, in his usual black dress pants, and a dark navy silk button up shirt. "Do you understand the rules, Mr. McQuillan?" "Yes, I do. Thank you for everything Kim" "Save it Jackson. I want you out of Twin Peaks in three hours. And I will know every move you make. Trust me." Kim says, turning and leaving. She arrives outside, and breathes some cold, crisp air. God, did I just make a huge mistake? she thinks to herself. Kim walks off, just as Jackson arrives outside. He smiles, and takes a deep breath. The fresh, cold air feels wonderful in his lungs. He then wakes off. Unbeknownst to Jackson, Kim watches him walk away. A tear runs down her cheek. Scene 7 Natasha emerges from the shower, in the fresh clothes. In the kitchen, Jason turns and spots Natasha. "Feel better?" he asks. "Much, thank you" Natasha replies. "She can speak!" Jason smiles. "Sorry. Its just..." "So tell me your name" Jason interrupts. Natasha sits down at the table, saying nothing. "Did you hear me? What is your name?" "I...I....I dont know." Natasha says, getting teary. "You dont know?" "No." she whispers. "I cant remember. I dont know what happened." "My God." "Please, you have to help me" Natasha pleads. "What can you remember?" "I remember....being in the river." "The river?" "Yes. I remember I was in the river, and I crawled out, on the bank. I was tired. Really, really tired. Im not sure how I got there." "And then...?" "After resting, I got up, and started walking. I dont know where, but I walked. And then you found me." "And thats all you can remember?" "Yes" Natasha says, getting tears. "Please, you have to help me. Please." Scene 8 Rebecca enters Wild Night. She spots a waitress behind one of the bars. She also spots a gentleman sitting on a stool in front of the bar. She approaches the bar. "What can I get for ya?" the waitress asks. "Ill have a chocolate martini, please" Rebecca says. "Coming up" the waitress smiles. Rebecca sits next to the gentleman. He turns and looks. Its Jackson. "Rough day?" he asks. "Not at all" she says. "I got my freedom" she smiles. "No kidding? Me too" he replies. Rebecca is handed her drink. "Well then, to our freedoms" she says, toasting his glass. Scene 9 Shane enters the hospital cafeteria. He grabs an egg salad sandwich and a coffee. He turns and spots Leah sitting near the window. He approaches her. "Is this seat taken?" he asks. "Shane?! No. Please sit" Shane sits across from Leah. "So, what brings you to the hospital? Nothing serious I hope" "No, nothing serious. Just a check up." Shane smiles, as he takes a bite of his sandwich. "So, whats up with you?" "Ah, dont ask." Shane replies. "Uh-no. What has Victoria done now?" Leah spits. "Were divorcing." "What? Oh my God. Shane, I had no idea. Im sorry." "Its for the best. We are not meant to be." "At least you found now sooner rather then later" "I guess. Its still hard to accept. Im not one to take my vows lightly" "I know Shane. But just think, the right girl is out there for you" Leah says. "I hope so" Shane smiles. Leah quickly glances at her watch. "Oh! Gotta run." "So soon?" "Yea. Sorry. Call me again, we can talk." Leah says. "Sounds good" Shane replies. Scene 10 Kim is at home, pacing in her apartment. She cant stop thinking about Jackson, and his freedom. She worries that she has made a terrible mistake. Her thoughts are interrupted by the door knocking. "Robbie? What are you doing here?" Kim asks. Robbie enters the apartment. "I heard Jackson was released. I wanted to make sure you are alright" "Im as good as I can be, I guess." "It will get better, with time." Kim looks at Robbie. An attractive man was checking up on her. "I dont think I need time, Robbie. I think I need..." "What?" Robbie says. Kim comes closer to Robbie, and puts her hands on his chest. "I think I need...a man" Kim says, kissing Robbie. Robbie quickly breaks the kiss. "Kim, this is not happening. I dont want to hurt you, but I wont sleep with you." Kim breaks down in tears. She sits on the couch, and covers her face. Robbie sits next to her. He puts his arm around her. "Kim, its alright" "No, its not" she says, crying. "Youre married! Whats wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?" Kim cries. "Youre hurting. Jackson hurt you Kim. It will take time" Kim falls into Robbies arms. Scene 11 Victoria is getting ready for the reading of Vinnys will. She is about to put on her coat, when she realizes its torn. "My God. The coat is torn! Why didnt I see this sooner?" she wonders. "I hope no one has seen this." Victoria grabs the coat. She places it in a large black garbage bag. She walks out to the trash can, and places the bag in to the trash can. "There. No one will know" she smiles. Scene 12 Rebecca and Jackson continue to talk, and get to know each other. "Thanks, Jackson." Rebecca says. "Ive had a really great time" "Me too" Jackson says. "Hey, has anyone ever told you, you look a lot like Robin Navy?" "What?" Rebecca asks, getting tense. "Hey, yea! I notice that too. My boss has been seeing a lot of her lately. You do look a lot like Robin" the waitress adds. "Thanks for everything" Rebecca says, leaving. Outside, Rebecca wonders about her connection to Robin. I have to remember...I have to she thinks to herself. Back inside, "Well, that was weird" the waitress says to Jackson. "Yea, very" Scene 13 Robbie arrives at the Glubbs home. He rings the doorbell, but no one answers. He turns to leave, but sees the garbage truck arrive. As the garbage man is putting the trash in the truck, the bag rips, and Victorias coat falls out. Robbie rushes over. "Hey, buddy. Can I see that coat?" Robbie asks. The garbage man hands it to him. Robbie sees the torn coat, and realizes it matches the fabric found at the Vinny Victors murder scene. "Thanks a lot" Robbie smiles. Next On One Day At A Time |
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