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Past Becomes the Present Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||
Previously On One Day At A Time Scene
1 Natasha is outside walking. Her mind is racing, thinking of her past life. Why cant I remember?, When will I remember? are racing in her mind. Natasha becomes so distracted that she doesnt realize she walks on to thin ice. Meanwhile, in the cabin Shane and Leah are sitting in the living room. Suddenly they hear a blood curling scream from outside. "What was that?" a worried Leah asks. Shane gets up. "It sounded like a scream!" "Natasha?!" Leah calls out, as they rush to the door. Scene
2 Jackson sits down across from Kim in her booth. "We need to talk," he tells her. Kim puts her drink down and stares at Jackson. "You are breaking the rules of our agreement. Do you realize this Mr. McQuillan?" Kim says, trying to be strong. Jackson breaks out in a light laughter. Kim stares back at him. "Sorry," he says. "I just think this agreement isnt working out Kim. Seriously. I want to, no I need to move back to Twin Peaks." "Explain yourself Jackson. Cause from my point, there is no way you are coming back to Twin Peaks. Not now, not ever." Jackson sighs. "Alright, here it goes. For starters, White Cove is too small. Everyone knows everyone and everything that goes on. I need more privacy. Secondly, Ive been over there for months and I still havent found a job. Twin Peaks has much more to offer." Kim continues to look at Jackson with a stoic look on her face. "Obviously Im wasting my time," Jackson says getting up to leave. "Wait," Kim says, reaching out her hand to his arm. "Let me think about it. Ill contact you in a day or two and get back to you." Jackson smiles at Kim. "Thanks" he says walking off. Kim watches as Jackson leaves the club. She turns back around and finishes her drink. What am I doing? she asks herself. Scene
3 Natasha is outside walking. Her mind is racing, thinking of her past life. Why cant I remember?, When will I remember? are racing in her mind. Natasha becomes so distracted that she doesnt realize she walks on to thin ice. Her feet crack the ice almost immediately. Natasha screams, as she falls threw the ice. Natashas entire body goes under the chilly water. Natasha flaps her arms, trying to get to small opening of the ice. Suddenly a flash hits Natasha. [Flash] Cory turns, and kisses Natasha. He pulls away from her mouth. "I forgot to do that this morning" he smiles. "I know you did" Natasha replies. They kiss again. Natasha pulls back. "I wish I had time for a quickie, but I dont" she laughs. "Come on Nat! Youre killing me!" Cory smiles. "I think youll live. Plus, Ill make it up to you later" Natasha shares. "OK, you win. Whats up? Besides the obvious!" Cory laughs. [End of Flash] Natashas coat gets caught on her feet, which cause her to continue to be dragged under the water. Natasha looks up and sees two figures trying to save her. Suddenly shes hit with another flash. [Flash] Sofia sits on the sofa. "What took you so long?" Sofia asks "You know Mom, everything had to be perfect" Natasha says. Sofia looks at her daughter, and gets a little teary. "My baby is getting married!" she cries. Mother and daughter embrace. [End of Flash] Natashas tired arms finally start moving a little slower. Her frantic eyes roll back into her head. Her eyes lids shut; her arms stop flapping. Her feet stop kicking. Her body begins to move to the bottom of the river. Meanwhile, on shore.... "Shane, there she is!" Leah says, pointing in the water. "We have to save her!" Shane walks back from the ice. "Stay here. Dont go on the ice. Too much weight, and youll fall in as well." Shane cautions. "We have to move quickly!" Leah says, getting frantic. Shane takes off his coat, and rolls up his sleeves. "What are you doing Shane? You cant go in after her!" "I have no choice! Stay here!" Shane says running quickly on the ice and driving into the river in the same spot Natasha fell through. Leah waits on the shore. "Come on Shane...come on" she says softly to herself. Suddenly Shane emerges, with Natasha in his arms. "Oh my God! Shane! Is she alright?" Leah screams! "I dont know. We have to get her inside. Heres what we are going to do!" Shane says. Scene 4 Helen sits in the corner, slowly drinking a coke and rye. On the small table she has some papers spread out, and she is writing some notes. Suddenly she comes across Adams telephone number. "Hmm...should I give Mr. Black a call? Or maybe hes too busy with the good doctor" she smiles. "No harm in trying," she says, going through her bag trying to find her cell phone. She finally reaches it and dials Adams number. "Hi, Adam? This is Helen. Helen Mills....Ah, you do remember me [laughs]. Listen, Im at the Pub in White Cove. Id love for you to join me...Great!....Oh, you have to talk to me?...youd rather wait? Sure. Cant wait. Bye." Helen hangs up her phone and puts it in her bag. "I wonder what he has to tell me" she thinks to herself. Scene
5 Daisy paces around the small room. "Vinnys been gone awhile. I should be able to leave her soon." she says to herself. Suddenly she hears a noise. "Vinny? Vinny, is that you?" Suddenly Vinny emerges. "Im back! Ready to get out of this prison?" he smiles. "Ready as I ever will be" Daisy replies, almost jumping out of her skin in excitement. "Follow me," Vinny orders her. Daisy does as shes told. Scene
6 A naked Chris and Danielle lay in bed, in the afterglow of making love. A sweaty Danielle looks over. "That was amazing...as usual." she smiles. "You werent so bad yourself" Chris smiles back. He leans forward, and kisses her again. They are interrupted by the phone ringing. Chris sighs. "What terrible timing" he says, reaching over for the phone. "Hello....Ah, man. Do you know what time it is?....Yea, yea. Ill be right there." Chris hangs up the phone. "Bad news?" Danielle asks. Chris gets out of bed, and slips on his boxers. "I gotta go to the office. Some report needs to be done tonight." Danielle gets out of bed and wraps her naked body in a rob. She walks up to Chris and hubs her hands on his chest. "Well, Im glad we had our fun early tonight" she smiles, kissing him again. "Oh baby, you are making it hard to leave." Chris says, pulling away. "Im sorry." Danielle says. "I dont want you to go." "The sooner I go, the sooner Ill be home" Chris smiles, as he puts on his pants. "True. Hurry though." Danielle says. "I will" Chris replies, leaving the bedroom, fully dressed. Scene
7 Leah opens the door to the Calimo cabin. A soaking wet Shane carries an unconscious Natasha into the living room and lays her of the sofa. "Im going to change. I need you to undress Natasha and put her in dry clothes. Ill make a fire when I get back." Shane tells Leah, as he is leaving the room. "Shane--will she be alright?" Leah asks. "Ill do a full examination when I return." Shane turns and leaves the living room. Leah kneels down beside Natasha, and grabs her hand. "Please dont die Natasha. Not after we found you. Please come back to us" Leah says, getting a tear in her eye. Scene
8 Victoria lays on the queen sized bed in her hotel room. Victoria is staying at the hotel, because her divorce from Shane was finalized. The room is rather large. It consists of three rooms. The front room, which has a small sofa, TV, mini bar, and small kitchen. The bedroom and the bath. Victoria has some hospital files on the bed. On the end table the crystal lamp is on, and a small glass half full with vodka. Her thoughts are totally on the files she is reading. They are quickly interrupted when she hears a knock on the door. She tosses her reading glasses on the bed and gets up. She puts on her robe and begins to walk to the door. Hopefully its Adam she thinks to herself, as a smile comes across her face. She reaches the door and opens it. To her disappointment, she finds Robbie standing there. "Robbie. What do you want?" Victoria snaps, trying to find her disappointment but obviously failing. "Its nice to see you as well, Victoria. Thank you for not leaving town, as I instructed the last time we met." "I have my life here Robbie, of course Im not leaving town. Anyway what did you want?" "I hate to do this, but I have no choice." "Do what Robbie?" Victoria asks, getting impatient. "Victoria Franky, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand these rights?" Robbie says. "Youre arresting me? For what?" "The murder of Vinny Victors. Ill give you 3 minutes to change your clothes. Then, Im cuffing you." Robbie says. Tears stream down Victorias face, as she slowly enters her bedroom. Scene
9 Helen sits in the corner, waiting for Adam. She has cleared the table of her work, and is nursing her coke and rye. She doesnt wait long, as Adam enters the pub. He quickly spots Helen and walks over to her. "Is this spot taken?" he smiles. Helen gets up and kisses him passionately. Just as they were kissing, Jackson enters the pub. He spots the kiss, and quickly leaves. "Helen...We need to talk" Adam says, pulling the woman off him. They sit down. "Have a drink." Helen says. "I dont need a drink. What happened between us...shouldnt have. Im in a relationship." "You are dumping me?" Helen says softly. "No! We were never together for you to be dumped. I hope you understand." Adam says, standing up. "See you around." Adam says as he leaves. Helen watches him go. A tear scrolls down her cheek. Scene
10 Daisy walks up the walkway of her house. She looks around, trying to gather everything. Im so glad Vinny helped me escape. And hes letting me do this on my own. she says to herself. Daisy arrives at the door, and turns the knob. The door is unlocked, and Daisy enters the house. She shuts the door quietly, and walks into living room. She hears someone in the bedroom. She slowly makes her way into the bedroom. She opens the door and sees Danielle. Danielle is brushing her hair in the mirror. Suddenly she sees Daisys image. She turns around. "Daisy!?" Danielle gasps. "The jigs up Danielle" Daisy smiles. Scene
11 Shane finishes the fire, which is now roaring. Natasha lays unconscious on the sofa, in dry clothes. Leah enters with some tea. "Drink some tea" Leah says to Shane, handing him a glass. "Thanks" Shane replies. "Natasha. I need to check her out." Leah moves aside to allow Shane to sit by Natasha. Shane puts his hand on her forehead. "Shes not cold anymore. I think the fires helping." he says softly. "She should regain consciousness soon." Leah takes a drink of her tea. Suddenly Natasha stirs. "Shane?...Natashas moving!" Leah says excited. Shane watches Natasha. Her eyes begin to flutter. Soon, her eyes open. "Natasha? Can you hear us?" Leah asks. Natasha slowly turns her head and smiles. "Shane? Whats going on?" Shane looks at Natasha. He flashes a light in her eyes. "Shes back!" he smiles. Natasha looks at them, and begins to speak. "I....I....remember. I remember....everything." Natasha says slowly. Next
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