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Wedding, Part IV Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||
Previously on One Day At Time Scene
1 The kiss between Jeff and Leah continues, growing more passionate each passing moment. Dominick, still standing in the doorway, quietly shuts the door. In the hallway, he takes a deep breath, and walks away. Back inside, Leah finally pulls away from Jeff. You have no idea how long Ive been waiting for this, he smiles, moving in to kiss her again. Their lips meet again, but Leah once again pulls away. We cant do this Jeff, she says, holding her hand against his chest to prevent him from coming closer again. Im getting married in a little while. Maybe thats not a good idea, he says. Clearly you still have some feelings for me. I think what just happened proves that. Leah walks around, pacing. She puts her hand on her hip, a trademark she does when she is nervous. I just....got caught up in the moment, she says, trying to convince herself more than anything. You have to leave Jeff. Please. I cant take this right now. I need to get ready for my wedding! Jeff grabs Leah and looks her in the eyes. OK, Ill leave. But before you walk down the aisle, you better think if Robbie is the man you want to be marrying. I still felt something when I kissed you. And I know you felt it too. But Ill respect you, and leave. Jeff turns and leaves. As soon as the door shuts, Leah breaks down in tears. Scene
2 Victoria contemplates her recent discovery as she leans against the banister of the stairs, watching the rest of the guests partying. "This has been quite a day: Vinny, Helen and now Chris. It just cant get anymore delicious than this," she remarks joyously as Patricia sneaks up from behind, startling her. "Be careful, too much of a good thing cant be good for you." Patricia puts quite ominously. "Excuse me?" Victoria questions, narrowing her right eyelid. "The more you give in, the harder you fall. Take these stairs for instance," Patricia adds as she gestures Victoria attention toward the stairs. She then concludes, "People walk up and down them everyday, never dare thinking that one day they could just slip and fall." Victoria is taken aback and thrown by the eerie riddle. "Is that some kind of threat?" she queries. Patricia plays innocent, "Now why would I threaten you?" She asks with a coy grin. "I dont know what kind of game youre playing, but I wont be toyed with." Victoria states firmly, becoming agitated. Patricia quickly agrees with Victoria and informs her, "I couldnt agree with you more and as long as you dont toy with me, youll be fine." Her statement stuns Victoria, but before Victoria can fully respond, "Who " Patricia cuts her off. "Im your conscious and its telling you to stop whatever game youre thinking of starting with Vinny because if you dont well I dont think that bares mention." Patricia then walks away, leaving a shaken Victoria. Scene
3 Natasha rushes down the hallway, and runs into Shane. Natasha grabs Shane and pulls him in an embrace. Natasha? What is it? Whats wrong? he asks, putting his arms around her. Oh Shane...its all over. Forever this time. Ive lost Cory, she says as tears stroll down her cheeks. Whats happened now? Is it Robin? Hes staying with her. Ive lost my husband. Ive lost him, she cries. They exit from the embrace. Shane wipes away her tears, and pushes her hair back behind her shoulder. You deserve so much better, Natasha. You deserve the best, he whispers, as Natasha stops crying for a moment. Shane leans in and kisses Natasha softly. Helen, who is emerging from the restroom, spies the kiss. Interesting, she says to herself. Natasha quickly pulls away from the kiss. Shane?...what are you doing? Im so sorry... he stumbles. I must have got caught up in the emotions. Forgive me, Natasha. Natasha smiles. Ive already forgot, she laughs. Together, they walk towards the stairs. Helen emerges from the restroom. This is one interesting party, indeed, she smiles. Scene
4 Chris searches the party for his wife, catching a glimpse of her in the den as he nearly passes. He then backs up and lightly knocks on the door before entering. "Hey, there you are," he says as he enters. "Oh, Im sorry, I came down with a minor headache all of a sudden and I just came in here to sit down." She informs him as she looks into the blazing fire. "I was actually looking for you." She then adds. "Why?" he asks. "Do I really need a reason to want to see my husband?" she queries, thrown by the question. Chris expression remains fixed as Daisy questions more, "Are you alright?" "Why wouldnt I be?" he reciprocates the question. "I dont know, thats why I ask. You just seem a little distant lately and then theres these disappearing acts youve been pulling Where were you for nearly half an hour?" she questions. "It wasnt a disappearing act and this is really starting to feel like an inquisition " he manages to get out before Daisy interrupts, baffled by the response. "I only asked you one question," she states, seeing her husbands agitation. "Is it so hard to tell me what " she further expresses before Chris cuts in. "I made a couple of business calls, would you like to see the list of contacts?" He queries, looking toward an awe-stricken expression on Daisys face. He then decides to make a run for it, "I will be with the rest of the party if you need to find me," he concludes. Chris quickly leaves the den as Daisy remains baffled at what just occurred. Scene
5 Robin and Cory exit from the embrace. Robin moves in and kisses Cory. He responds to the passionate embrace, by putting his hand through her hair. Ive never been so happy, she says exiting from the kiss. Im glad. I dont want to see you upset, Robin. Promise me you will take those anti-depressants Shane gave you. Cory, I really dont think I need them... Promise me Robin, he says in a stern voice. OK, ok, ok. I will. Anything to make you as happy as youve made me, she laughs. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Sofia enters. Sorry to interrupt, but the wedding is about to begin, Sofia smiles. Thanks Sofia, Cory says. Scene
6 Patricia wanders the room when she spies a very close Meggan and Vinny. She decides to spoil the moment by giving Meggan another warning. She decides it's to risky for them to meet with guests running in and out, so she backs up into the foyer and calls Meggans cellphone. Meggan is leaning onto Vinny when her phone rings, she removes her hand from Vinnys shoulder and answers her phone. "Hello!" she answers, wandering whose on the other line. "You must be careful, something isnt right." Patricia adds in a cryptic voice. Meggan feels the chill of the words and ask for reiteration. "I know this voice, its you, from " Meggan begins to state when Patricia cuts her off. "Not another word, we must not alarm the wrong person about our conversation." She adds. "What wrong person? What isnt right?" she queries firmly, but in a whisper. "The time isnt right, its too dangerous you must be careful I have to go." She says, quickly disconnecting as Meggan yells out wait to a dial tone. Vinny hears her outburst, "Something wrong, sweetheart?" He questions. "No, just a wrong number I guess." She adds as Vinny narrows his eyes, not completely buying the explanation but shrugs off the suspicion to his encounter with Victoria having him all worried. Scene
7 Jackson stands near the large fountain, as the heavy snow continues to fall. He opens his cell phone, and dials a number. Kims been taken care of, he says to Will, who is on the other line. My car just took her back into town. Do you think you could finish the job this time? Jackson snaps, as he hangs the phone up. A wicked smile comes across his face, as his puts his cell phone away. No one rejects me, Kim. No one, he says to himself. Scene
8 The party continues to progress. Guests mingling with each other, the waiters serving champagne, and music playing softly. Sofia moves to the center of the room. Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention please, Sofia says loudly, as the noise soon quiets down. If everyone will please put their drinks down, and make way to the parlor, the wedding will commence shortly. Sofia quickly exits the den, as guests begin to move to the parlor. Scene
9 Robbie slides his tuxedo jacket on, and looks in the mirror as he buttons it up. A smile comes across his face as he realizes how far he and Leah have come. Weve overcome everything baby, and now we will be together...forever, he smiles to himself as he ties his bowtie. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Bob and Sofia enter. Oh, look at my husband boy, Sofia gushes. Geez, Ma. Youre going to make me blush, he teases. Im just so proud of you, Sofia says, getting a tear in her eye as she hugs Robbie. I just want you and Leah to be as happy as your father and I. Im sure we will be. OK, Sofia says, exiting from the hug. Ill leave you two alone. But hurry. Ive informed the guests to move to parlor. Thanks Mom, Robbie says as Sofia leaves the room. I dont think we really need to have another father son talk, Robbie. After all, this isnt your first time marrying Leah, Bob laughs. True. And weve already had the birds and the bees talk, Robbie laughs. I will tell you Robert, that I, like your mother, am very proud of you. And you are doing a wonderful job holding up the family name and honor, Bob says. Dad... Robbie says, starting to cry. I love you. They embrace, before exiting for the parlor. Scene
10 The parlor looks like a church. There is an golden arch at the entrance, filled with white and light pink lilies. Candles, and more bouquets fill the parlor. There are white iron chairs, that are filled with guests. Father Murphy stands at the altar. He sees Sofia at the arch way, indicating to him that the wedding is about to begin. Ah, ladies and gentlemen, he says as the crowd hushes down. Ive just been told that the wedding is about to begin. Everyone, please find your seats as we are ready, he says. The guests find their seats, and I Do, by 98 Degrees begins to play. Cory and Robbie take their place at the altar, as Robin walks down the aisle. Natasha looks on, as Cory smiles at Robin. Shane puts his arm around Natasha...which Rebecca spots. Everyone stands as Leah begins to walk down the aisle. Robin looks in the front row, and sees Sofia already crying. But she notices something wrong. Dominick is missing. Wheres Daddy? she asks herself, trying not to get upset. Leah arrives at the altar, and hands her bouquet to Robin, who smiles at her sister. You look stunning, Robbie tells her. Thank you. I love you Robbie, she smiles back. At the back of the parlor, Jeff sneaks in, and watches Leah and Robbie hold hands. Let us begin, Father Murphy says. We are gathered here today to witness the union of Robert Jeffery Calimo, JR and Leah Quinn Robertson. Today is and will be a joyous moment in their lives. But it is also a serious moment, as they will pledge their love to each other forever. Before we continue...is there anyone...anyone at all that can show just cause why these two should not lawfully be married, please speak now, or forever hold your peace. Robbie and Leah look into the crowd. Leah quickly spots Jeff. He shakes his head, and leaves the parlor. It looks like we can continue, Father Murphy says. Wait! I have a reason! Dominick says, entering the parlor and running up the aisle. Leah, you cant marry Robbie! I simply refuse to allow it! Next
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