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Some Kind of Mistake | ||
Episode Theme song: "Some
Things Never Seem to Fucking Work" Solange Previously
on One Day at a Time Scene One - Riverbench Winery; The Richardson Estate; Santa Barbara "I've missed you so much," Leah tells Robbie as they exit their embrace and look at one another. Leah can't believe that she is finally seeing him again after so long. Since she had arrived here, she has wanted to get back to her family. Robbie looks over Leah's shoulder and can see how uncomfortable Victoria is because of his embrace with Leah. He hopes that she understands that he is just happy that Leah is alive; he still can't believe that she is back but here is she, in front of him. It's like the last two years haven't even happened, only they did. And, so much has changed in these last few years. "So, let me get this straight," Dominick tells everyone in the room, still in shock about what is happening, livid that once again Frederick did something to hurt her family. "Frederick, you've had Leah here the entire time we thought she was dead?" Frederick nods back to him. "That's right," he agrees with him, knowing that he can reveal his story. He has nothing to hide. "I've been here a long time," Leah explains to her father. "I've been staying in the west wing of the house. Everyone has been so kind but I missed my family terribly." "So there hasn't been a renovation up there," Jeff tells him. "You were keeping Leah up there?" "Why would you do that?" Meggan asks her father. "Why would you keep Leah here and not bring her back as soon as you knew she was alive?" "We all thought she was dead," Felicia says as she comes up to Frederick. "Why wouldn't you tell us that our grief was for nothing? Why wouldn't you give us Leah back sooner rather than later?" "It's a long story," Frederick sighs back to everyone as he puts his hands in his pockets. "I had my reasons." "Well you better start explaining yourself," Dominick replies to him quickly, already losing his patience with the doctor. "This is just another one of your damn tricks, isn't it?" "No," Frederick protests back to him. "The reason I kept Leah here is because she has amnesia," Frederick reveals to everyone. "She doesn't remember everything in her life." Paige looks over at her mother and wonders if that's why Leah hasn't been happier to see her. "I was hoping to keep Leah here until her memory came back completely. I wanted to make sure she was completely healthy before I surprised you all." "I can't believe you do this," Felicia whispers back to him as she comes up to. "How could you play God like this?" "It wasn't my intention to upset you," Frederick pleads with her. "I wanted this to be a surprise for you!" Felicia slaps him across the face. "You're a sick man, Frederick! My daughter is alive and you let me believe she was dead! You let us all believe she was dead! How could you?" Scene Two - Twin Peaks General Hospital "You remember what you have to do, correct?" Melissa asks the young male doctor, who is in the delivery room with Caroline, who is laying on the bed sweating as she has gone into labour. The young male doctor nods back to her. "You gave me enough money to know what I'm going to do. This room will be closed off. No one else will be in here until after the baby is born. There's another room adjoining to this one; after the delivery, Rebecca will be placed in this room with the baby and Caroline will be moved to rest in the next room. Don't worry, everything is under control." "I hope so," Melissa warns him, knowing everything is riding on the outcome of the birth. "Nothing can go wrong, absolutely nothing." Caroline suddenly screams out in pain as another contraction hits her. The doctor looks back at her. "Remember your breathing," he tells her as he moves up to the side of the bed to be with her. "Ms. Young, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. I should be with Caroline right now." Melissa nods back to him before looking at Caroline. "Don't worry Caroline, your baby will be here very soon," she smiles. Before she leaves, the door to the adjoining room opens and Rebecca emerges wearing a hospital gown. Melissa looks at her daughter and nods. "Get ready darling," she tells Rebecca. "This is it. I'm going to see Cory and keep him out of here until after the birth." "Good luck," Rebecca replies to her, her heart racing a million miles per minute. "He won't be happy." Caroline lets out another loud grunt as another contraction hits her, letting Melissa know that she has to leave the room. *** "Where is Rebecca DeWitt's room?" Cory asks a nurse at the nurses station in a huff. He got to the hospital as soon as he could after getting a call from Melissa telling him that Rebecca had gone into labour. In his mind, it's still a little bit early for her to be in labour, but he has no idea what Rebeca has been going through because she has shut him out of so much of the process of the pregnancy. He only hopes that his child is born healthy; his mind can't help but wonder back to the last baby he was about to have, only when Robin gave birth, the child was stillborn. He can't go through that again. "She's in a private room at the request of her mother," the nurse replies to Cory. "You'll hear something soon." The nurse leaves before Cory can reply to her that he wants to be in the room with Rebecca. "I just want to be there for my child," he whispers back to himself. He grabs his phone and dials a number quickly. "Robin, hi," he says into the phone. "I know you don't want to talk to me but I had to tell you, Rebecca has gone into labour .I get that you don't care," he says to her, hearing the tone of disappointment in her voice. "But I wanted you hear it from me." He hangs up the phone, when he sees Melissa walking close to him. "Melissa, where's Rebecca?" Melissa purses her lips together. "I've arranged for a private room for her. She's very comfortable, but the baby is coming." "I want to see her," Cory tells her. "I want to be with her when she gives birth." "I'm afraid that won't be possible," Melissa replies to him quickly. Scene Three - The Pampa Grill "I don't have too much time," Cassie tells Max as they sit across from each other having an early lunch together. Cassie recalls being at her office when she got a text message from Max telling her that he wanted to see her. She knows that her son has been having a difficult time since learning that Adam is his father, so despite a busy schedule at work, she's trying to ensure she makes enough time for Max right now. "I have a patient in an hour or so." "That's fine," Max replies to her before he takes a drink of his beer. "You know," she says to him. "I don't know if I am used you drinking yet." He smirks back to her. "Yea, yea," he grins. "Something like, I'm your baby and you can't believe how much I've grown up?" "You took the words out of my mouth," she tells him before she takes a sip of her wine. "Have you seen your father? Have you made any inroads on that front?" Max arches his eyebrow as he recalls Adam giving him some advice on taking his life in a positive direction. To Max's surprise, Adam gave him good advice and was very supportive. "I saw him last night and again this morning," he reveals as Cassie's eyes open in surprise. "Well, I'm very happy to hear that you are seeing him so often," she tells him. "Does that mean you've made amends?" Max shrugs. "I wouldn't go that far, but he did give me some good advice. And, guess what? I have a job interview tomorrow!" Cassie shakes her head in amazement. "This is certainly a surprise," she tells him. "What would you be doing?" "I'm not exactly ready to tell you just yet," he says back to his mom. "You'll be the first one to know if I get the job, though." "I'm so proud of you," Cassie smiles back to her son. "Keep your head up, Max, because I know you're destined for great things." *** Natasha sits a table alone drinking some wine as she recalls Cory getting the call that Rebecca went into labour as they were having brunch together. She hopes that the birth of Cory's new child goes well because she knows how his and Robin's lives were turned upside down when their child was born stillborn. She shakes her head, not wanting to dwell on that dark time in their lives. "The birth of a child is a beautiful thing," she whispers to herself, as she thinks about Jacob. "Hopefully this will lead to good things in Cory's life." She takes another sip of her wine as Shane approaches her table. He looks at his estranged wife for a moment and wonders how they got to this point in their lives. They used to be so happy together, now he has signed their divorce papers and he wants Natasha to do the same. He wants to move on with their lives and not keep being in this same place. "Shane, hi," Natasha says, looking up and seeing her husband walk up to the table. "Please join me. Would you like a glass of wine?" He shakes his head no as he sits across from her. "I'm glad I ran into you." Natasha can't help but smile, hoping that Shane has finally decided that maybe he wants to work on their marriage. She knows that he has been shutting her out of that for a long time. She almost feels like she can't keep fighting all alone for the marriage. At some point, he has to try to fight with her, or it won't work. "Are you?" she purses her lips together. "Well, I'm glad you were able to find me. Are you sure you don't want a glass of wine?" "I'm positive," he tells her. "I've been thinking," he continues. "In therapy, I've come to a lot of realizations." "In therapy?" she asks him, almost shocked that he's mentioning it. "You mean, your sessions with Cassie Nova?" Shane nods back to her. "That's right," he tells her. "And, that's why I have signed the divorce papers. And, I want you to sign them too. I'm ready to end this chapter of our lives." Natasha is floored when Shane pulls the papers out of his pocket and pass them across the table. "I can't believe this," she whispers in horror. "Just what did Cassie tell you in therapy? You realize what she's doing, don't you?" Shane shrugs his shoulders. "She's listening to me while I talk about my feelings," Shane defends his sessions with the doctor. "No," Natasha yells back at him. "She's feeding you lies and filling your head with insecurities! I knew that woman was up to no good. This is typical Cassie Nova!" "Natasha, enough," Shane snaps back at her. "You had an affair with Adam Black; you miscarried his baby; you didn't believe me when I was on trial. Cassie had nothing to do with that. Now, I'm going to give you some time, but I want you to sign those papers. I'm done with this marriage!" Natasha watches Shane walk away from her table before she picks up her wine and takes another swig of it. "How the hell am I going to prove that this is Cassie's doing?" she asks herself before she looks down at the divorce papers on the table. She shakes her head quickly. "I can't lose my marriage, not to Cassie Nova." *** Kim enters the restaurant and quickly moves inside, immediately spotting Tyler sitting at the bar. She recalls texting the father of her child telling him that she had to see him because she has to make sure that he won't reveal the truth about how Robertson Enterprises was able to launch their facial cream before Roboto. She knows that Bob is determined to get to the bottom of it; and if he learns that she was the one who sent Tyler their formula, her marriage could be over, for good this time. She can't let that happen; she has to ensure that Tyler won't say anything, not now, not ever. "I can't stay long," Kim tells him as she arrives at the bar. "Well, hello to you too," he says, looking back at her. He can't help but still find the mother of his child very attractive. Even though he knows she is making her marriage to Bob work and he has been sleeping with Trenyce, if Tyler is honest with himself, he knows that he still cares deeply for Trenyce. "If anyone sees us together," she whispers to him as she looks around the room. "We can say that we were talking about Blake," Tyler informs her. "It's fine. What's gotten you so worked up?" "The facial cream," she continues to whisper to him. "Bob is livid that Robertson Enterprise released the cream before Roboto could." "Ah," Tyler can't help but grin back to her. "And, he doesn't know that his precious wife gave me your formula?" She shakes her head. "He has no idea," she reveals to him. "And Tyler, he can't find out. For the sake of my marriage, he can't find out." "Interesting," Tyler replies to her. "So, you want me to keep quiet?" Kim nods back to him. "Please, if you ever cared for me, you won't say anything." Scene Four - Riverbench Winery; The Richardson Estate; Santa Barbara Frederick moves his hand to his face where Felicia just slapped him. "I'm going to let that slide," he whispers back to her. "How dare you come into my own and attack me like that, especially when I've just given you back your daughter!" "You're lucky that's all I've done to you," Felicia yells back at him. "I can't believe I ever trusted you!" "Can we please stop fighting?" Paige yells at everyone. "We have my mother back, this should be a joyous time." "I tend to agree with Paige," Victoria interjects. "Regardless of Frederick's actions, Leah is alive. We need to remember that." Jeff looks over at Leah and moves closer to her. "So, you don't remember everything in your life?" Leah shrugs. "I don't know. I just know what I remember I don't know if I can't remember anything else." "Well, what's the last thing that you do remember?" Dominick asks his daughter. Leah looks at everyone and feels water swell in her eyes. "Honestly, this is all so much for me to take in," she admits to him. "I mean, I know you're my mother," she tells Felicia. "But the last thing I remember about you, I believed you had died. I didn't realize you were alive. And, Paige," she turns to her daughter. "You keep calling me your mom, but I'm sorry, I don't remember having a child." Paige's face drops to the floor at Leah's admission. "You " her voice cracks. "You don't remember me?" Paige asks her in shock. "I'm sorry but no," Leah admits to her. "The last thing I remember," she continues as her eyes move to Robbie. "Was marrying Robbie at the Calimo mansion; the next thing I knew, I woke up here, confused about why I wasn't on my honeymoon." "I can't believe this," Meggan whispers in shock. "So, you think you're married to Robbie?" Leah nods back to her. "I am married to Robbie," she tells everyone before she moves closer to him. "You're my husband, and I love you so very much." Robbie accepts another hug from Leah, as he looks at Meggan, Jeff, Dominick and finally Victoria. He gulps when he realizes how hurt Victoria looks right now, but he doesn't have the heart to tell Leah that she's wrong about everything. Scene Five - Twin Peaks General Hospital "What do you mean, it's not possible to be with Rebecca?" Cory grits his teeth back to Melissa. "She's about to have my child! I should be with her right now." "Cory," Melissa begins to reply to him, knowing that she has to keep him away from the hospital room. "She asked me to tell you she wanted to do this alone." "Like hell she did," Cory spits back to her before he starts to turn around. "You know, this is exactly why I got a restraining order against you," he tells her, as her mouth opens in shock. "All you do is feed Rebecca these lies about me and you're trying to keep me from my child. Well, no more Melissa, this is ends now! I'm going into that room and that's final!" Melissa watches Cory turn and rush towards the private room where Caroline is giving birth. She rushes after him, knowing she has to stop him. "Cory, wait, please," she pleads with him. Cory arrives at the door and knocks before he opens the door. "Rebecca?" he calls out, but he's quickly greeted by the doctor. "Oh, you must be Cory Calvin," the doctor says to him as Cory nods. "Where's Rebecca?" he asks the doctor. "I want to help deliver my baby." "That's not necessary," the doctor informs him. "It's over, the baby is here." Melissa arrives at the door and breathes a sigh of relief hearing that the baby is born. "It happened already? How is my baby?" Cory asks the doctor. "She's fine," the doctor smiles. "She?" Cory asks as he gets a smile on his face. "I had a daughter?" "Yes," the doctor continues to tell him. "She's just being cleaned up, then you'll get to meet her. And you'll see Rebecca. Just be patient. Everything has worked out beautifully," he tells Cory, before his eyes lock with Melissa's, who is standing behind Cory. Next
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