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I'm Too Far Ahead
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Episode Theme song: "Things
I'd Never Say" Adam Lambert Previously
on One Day at a Time Scene One - Twin Peaks General Hospital Cory walks up to the hospital room and peers inside the small window on the door. Inside, he can see Rebecca resting in the hospital bed with a tiny baby bassinet next to her. He can't believe that his child with Rebecca is finally here, and once again, Melissa was the one that was involved in the process rather than him, this time being the labour. He can't believe that Rebecca didn't want him in the delivery room and instead, he was forced to stay in the waiting room, while the baby was born. In his mind, this only justifies the fact that he has obtained a restraining order against Rebecca's mother. He opens the door and quietly moves inside, not wanting to wake Rebecca. He realizes that she probably needs her rest after having a baby but he doesn't want to wait to see his daughter. This moment has been coming for such a long time. He moves up to Rebecca's bed and she stirs, opening her eyes. "Hey," he whispers to her. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine," she tells him, knowing very well she never gave birth to a child. She has to act like the blissful new mother, which is easy for her because this will bond her to Cory forever. "I'm not the first woman to have a child. I won't be the last." "Doesn't mean that you're not sensitive," he replies to her. "But I'm glad that you're fine. I can't believe our daughter is here." "I know," she says back to him. "Sleeping away. She's beautiful, huh?" Cory moves over to the bassinet and looks at the sleeping infant. He caresses her face before looking back at Rebecca. "She's the most precious little girl in the world," he tells her, his heart filling with love already. "I just can't believe that I'm a father." "And I'm a mother," Rebecca replies to him. "It seems surreal, huh?" "I wish I could have been with you during the labour," he reveals to her as he sits on her bed. "I wish I had been more supportive. She's my daughter too." "I know," Rebecca says as she puts some hair behind her ear. "I don't know what I was thinking." "I blame Melissa," he tells her as their eyes lock. "She's probably feeding you all these lies about me. And, that's why I've done something." "What have you done?" she asks him, worried about what he is going to say. "I've filed a restraining order against her," Cory reveals to her. "Your mother isn't allowed to be near our child." *** "How are you feeling?" Melissa asks Caroline, who is resting in a bed in a private room that Melissa had arranged for her. Melissa knows that Caroline needs to recover from having the baby but if anyone saw her, their plan could be ruined. This is why Melissa purposely obtained the private room for Caroline. No one can know who really gave birth today. Caroline looks up from the bed, her eyes red from tears. She can't believe that she gave birth a little bit early, but that she hasn't even seen her child. She knew that she was a part of this plan to get revenge on her brother Liam's death, but the fact that she is away from her child now, makes her heart ache. She had no idea that it would be this difficult. "Caroline? What is it? You're not saying anything," Melissa observes to her the long moment of silence. "What's wrong?" Caroline turns her head away from Melissa as another tear falls down her cheek. "I " she says through her tears. "I miss my baby." Melissa gets a stern look on her face. "You're not changing your mind about the plan are you?" Melissa asks her as she moves over to the bedside so she can look the younger woman in the eyes. "Because we've worked so long and hard at this for you to back out now; we've come too far now." Caroline looks her in the eyes. "How can you be so cruel? You never gave up your children, did you?" "No," Melissa replies to her quickly. "But, I never made a deal with someone to give my up children either. Think about your brother, for crying out loud!" "Liam is dead," Caroline whispers back to her. "And he's never coming back. But my baby, she's alive and well " "Do not back out of this now," Melissa's eyes zero in on Caroline's. "Or, I will make you regret it." *** Robbie looks over at Dominick as he takes a sip of his coffee, as they await some kind of word about Leah. After the woman in Santa Barbara admitted that she couldn't remember all of the details of her life, everyone decided to quickly come back to Twin Peaks so Shane could look at Leah and determine if she's still injured or what the chances of her memory coming back is. Everyone involved, however, is still reeling from the fact that Leah is alive. After the explosion in Lake Tahoe a couple of years ago, no one believed that this day could be possible. "I can't help but think about something," Victoria announces to Robbie, Dominick, Jeff and Felicia. She, maybe more than anyone, can't say that she's thrilled that Leah is back. She saw the way Robbie was looking at her with love in his eyes, when they embraced at the winery. After everything her and Robbie have been through the last couple of years, this is the last thing that their relationship needed. At the same time, however, she can't be upset that this woman is back in their lives if it's really Leah. "What are you thinking?" Felicia asks her, curious by her words. "I'm sure, like you, we all still have a million questions." Victoria arches her eyebrow. "I know," she replies to her. "But what if this woman isn't Leah at all." "What do you mean?" Dominick asks her out of confusion. "I mean," Victoria begins to tell her. "Frederick brainwashed Felicia for months into believing she didn't have feelings for Dominick. He's had Leah at the winery for two years; who knows what kind of information he has been feeding her." "I hate to say this," Robbie chimes in. "But maybe Victoria is right. Shane is with her right now running some tests, I'm sure a simple DNA test can be added to the list. We have to know if this is real or not." Dominick sighs and looks over at Felicia, who nods in agreement. "You're right," Dominick nods back to them. "Frederick is capable of almost anything. He's proved that with Felicia and again with his torrid past with Jemma Davenport. I'll request the DNA test." Before Dominick can leave the room, Tyler emerges at the doorway. "Mom, Dad," he says out loud. "Is it true? Is my sister alive?" "Oh Tyler," Felicia rushes into her sons arms, as tears fall from her eyes. "I'm so glad you're here! I will fill you in on everything, but you have to brace yourself for the most unbelievable of stories." Scene Two - The Victors Mansion; Vinny, Daisy & Jemma's Home "I'm so glad to be home," Daisy admits to Vinny as she walks over to the bar in the living room and pours herself a glass of wine. She knows that it is early in the day but she is still dealing with the fact that Jemma admitted that she is her mother, and Frederick is her father, after Frederick forced himself on her years ago. Of course, Frederick is claiming that he seduced her. She just can't believe that the woman she's thought of as her Aunt for all of these years is actually her mother and that's a product of rape. She feels like her entire life has been a lie of sorts. "I know you are," Vinny comes up to his new wife. "I hope you know that anything you need, I'm here for you. I'm no stranger to family drama." Daisy turns around and kisses him on the lips. "How did I get so lucky to marry such a wonderful man?" Vinny grins back to her. "I'm the lucky one," he tells her. "And I meant what I said, anything you need to help you through this, I'm here." "I hope I ain' interruptin' anything," Jemma announces to the newlyweds as she comes into living room. Jemma studies her daughter's face for a moment, trying to get a read on how Daisy is actually doing. She recalls their last night in Santa Barbara, Daisy told her that she just needed time. Jemma is hoping that enough time has passed that Daisy, and she will be able to forgive her and they can move on with their lives. That's all that Jemma wants now. "You're not interrupting," Vinny replies to her. "I was just telling my wife that I have to head into the office," he continues to say before he looks at Daisy. "See you later?" "Love you," she tells him before he leaves the room, leaving the mother and daughter alone. "I have to tell ya, I'm real glad to be home," Jemma tells Daisy as she moves over to the bar and pourself a glass a of water. "A bit early to be drinkin, ain' it?" she observes the glass of wine. "Don't you dare try to mother me now," Daisy sternly replies as she grabs her glass and takes another drink of her wine. "You can't just come into my life as my mother now and expect everything to be alright." "I wasn' tryin' that, Miss Daisy," Jemma tries to defend herself. "I wanna do whatever will make this easier on you. You gotta believe that." "Do you mean that?" Jemma nods back to her. "Of course I mean that." "Then move out," Daisy shocks her mother. "I need space and you living here isn't going to help." "But " "No but's, Jemma," Daisy tells her. "I have some errands to run and when I get back, I want you gone." Scene Three - The Pampa Grill "Hey, I'm glad you called me," Adam tells Robin as he arrives at her table and sits across from his friend. "It felt like it had been awhile since I saw you." Robin picks up her glass of wine and takes a drink of it. "No one likes to drink a bottle of wine by themselves," she replies to him. "And, I realized we hadn't seen each other in a while as well. I wanted to see you." Adam takes a sip of the wine that Robin got them before he looks back at her. "You wanted to see me?" he asks her with a sly grin on his face. "What's going on?" "We should start with the good news," she replies to him. "I met your son, Max." "You did?" Adam asks in surprise. "How did that happen?" "He came to Robertson Enterprises," she informs him. "Apparently, he's into photography and he asked me for a job." Adam looks back in continued surprise. "He mentioned to me that he was hoping to do something positive with his life. I guess fashion photography is what he had in mind. What did you say to him?" Robin looks back at him. "I knew you'd want him to have a chance," she replies to him. "So, I agreed to give him an interview tomorrow morning." "Thank you for doing that," Adam tells her. "Don't give him the job if he's not right for it but I appreciate you giving him the chance," he says before he takes a sip of his wine. "I'm almost scared about the bad news now." Robin sighs and looks back at him. "It's Cory and Rebecca," she begins to tell him. "They've had their baby." Adam reaches over and grabs her hand, knowing she's been dreading this moment. "How are you holding up?" "I'm fine," she lies to him as she feels tears swell in her eyes. "You know the worse part? They had a girl." "I'm so sorry Robin," he tells her. "I know the baby you lost was a girl." "I know it's silly," she replies to him. "I don't know why I'm so upset." "Because you loved him," he continues to support her. "And she's your sister. It's only natural for you to be upset by this. Not to mention, what you went through with your own baby." Robin nods as a tear falls down her cheek. "Thanks for listening to me," she tells him as their eyes lock. "Always Robin," he whispers back to her. "Always." Scene Four - The Black House; Helen, Dawn & Barbara's Home "I'm coming!" Helen< calls out from the kitchen after she hears the doorbell ring. She has no idea who it could be, but she was just in the middle of pouring herself a cup of tea. She opens the door and sees Chris standing on the other side of the door. "Chris, you're home!" "In the flesh," he smirks back at her as he comes up and kisses her on the lips. "And, my oh my, have I missed you." "I missed you too," she grins back to him as he hands run down his shirt. "Did you?" he asks, lust fill his eyes. "Cause, I could show you how much I've missed you," he tells her as his lips find her neck. "Are you home alone?" "Yea," she manages to say in between soft moans. "Perfect, let's go upstairs," he tells her as they shut the front door and start moving up the stairs quickly, both wanting each other desperately. Just as they reach the top of the stairs, Dawn opens the front door and comes inside the house. She sees her mother and Chris rushing off to the bedroom and she rolls her eyes. She hates that her mother is moving on with Chris Michaels, instead of making her marriage to Adam work. "I can't stay here," she whispers to herself. "Not while that's going on upstairs," she says quickly leaving without seen or heard by her mother. Scene Five - The Sugarbowl "That was some trip, huh?" Andy tells Donovan as the friends sit across from each other with a coffee and a latte. Andy recalls how a lot happened while they were in Santa Barbara, including the fact that they saw Lukas at his family home. Andy knows that Craig wasn't particularly pleased with the fact that Lukas was in Santa Barbara, still closeted from Frederick. He does wish, however, that Craig would have sown Lukas some more respect in his childhood home. "It was," Donovan agrees with him. "I'm glad that the wedding's happened but at the same time, there seemed to be a lot of chaos around every turn." "That's putting it mildly," Andy says with a chuckle. "I hope Lukas is doing alright. He went through a lot while we were there. With Craig coming down hard on him and then finding out about Daisy and Frederick; It couldn't have been easy." Donovan finds himself nodding in agreement. "I wish Craig hadn't been so difficult with him," Donovan tells his friend. "But at the same time, I understand why he was upset. All Craig wanted was to have a boyfriend who was open and honest. But after everything that Frederick has done, I also understand Lukas' apprehension about coming out." "That's why he needs us to be supportive," Andy tells Donovan. "Berating Lukas over his decisions isn't going to help him, it's going to make him feel even smaller than he already feels." Donovan is about to reply, when something catches his eye walking by the coffeehouse outside. He points and Andy turns around. "Did you see that?" Donovan asks him as Andy turns back around. "It looked like Lukas." Andy grins a little. "Maybe he's back in town," he tells his friend. "Maybe he's ready to come clean?" Scene Six - Frederick's Office Frederick sits at his desk looking over some files that have built up since he was away for so long in Santa Barbara. His mind, however, is not on the work in front of him. He still can't believe everything that happened while he was away. Nothing in his life is the same as before the trip, from the truth about Leah being alive to his past with Jemma being exposed. He still has no idea how it all unraveled so quickly. "I won't continue to allow her to claim that I raped her," he whispers to himself, thinking about how Jemma indicated that he forced himself on her instead of the truth, which is that he seduced her all those years ago. "She won't get away with slandering my name." "Talking to yourself?" a voice calls from the doorway of his office. Frederick looks up and sees Daisy standing there. He can't help but feel glad to see her; he didn't know how his daughter would react to the news that he is her father; he hopes that her being there is a good sign for a potential relationship between the two of them. "Daisy, what a pleasant surprise, please come in." "Pleasant surprise, huh?" she asks him as she comes into the office. "Do you know what is not a pleasant surprise? Finding out that your mother, whom you believed was your Aunt, was lying to you for years because your surprise father raped her and then paid her into silence." "That's not what happened," he begins to protest to her. "Save it," she cuts him off. "I came here to tell you one simple thing," she continues in a harsh voice. "You will never be my father, do you understand me? I only wish you were dead instead of standing in front of me." "You don't mean that." "Oh, I do," she whispers back to him. "You stay away from me and my family, or so help me God, I won't be responsible for my actions." Scene Seven - Twin Peaks General Hospital "Has anyone heard from Paige?" Dominick asks the group, as they continue to wait for Shane to come back with some news about Leah. "She was exhausted," Jeff replies to him. "She went home to sleep. I think the fact that Leah can't remember her is really bugging her." "Of course it is," Felicia says back to him. "She has every right to be upset. She grieved her mother for a year, only for her to be alive but she doesn't remember her? I can't imagine how Paige is feeling right now." "I just can't believe my sister is alive," Tyler tells them as he looks over at Felicia. "I didn't get to see her before the explosion, so this will be so nice to see her again. I have to get my head around all of this." Before anyone else can say anything, Shane comes into the waiting room. "Shane, how is she? How's my wife?" Jeff asks, as Robbie looks back at him in surprise since Jeff just married Meggan. "I did run a DNA test," Shane reveals to everyone. "It's a match with yours Dominick, this woman is in fact Leah. She is alive." "Oh thank God," Felicia gasps. "I knew it was her when I saw her. I just had this feeling." "What about her head injury?" Robbie asks Shane, needing to understand the memory loss. Shane nods. "I can see swelling in the brain," he reveals to everyone. "It looks like she had it for a while," he continues to tell them. "I have placed her on medication to help reduce the swelling. This swelling could be the cause of the memory loss and because it's gone so long without proper treatment, there's no guarantee that it will come back." "So what you're saying is that Leah may never remember?" Dominick asks the doctor. "That's correct," Shane replies. *** "You would threaten me at a time like this?" a horrified Caroline asks Melissa. She nods back to her. "Nothing will come stop me from finishing this plan," Melissa whispers back to her. Suddenly, Caroline gets a worried look on her face as Melissa arches her eye brow. "What is it? You look worried about something." "Something is wrong," Caroline replies to her quickly. "Something is wrong with my baby, I can feel it. I I need to see her!" *** "You did what?" A shocked Rebecca asks Cory, having just learned that he ordered a restraining order against Melissa. "How could you do that?" "Easily after everything she's done to me," Cory replies, as he turns to look at the baby. "Look, I don't want to fight with you. Not when we have this beautiful baby to celebrate." He stands up and moves towards the child again, his face quickly turning into worry. "My God," he says. "What's wrong?" Rebecca asks as she sits up in the bed. "She's not breathing," Cory yells. "Our baby isn't breathing!" Next
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