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Periods Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||
Previously on One Day At A Time Scene
One Sofia sits in the living room, on the sofa as the fire crackles. Natasha has just finished revealing her complex situation involving herself, Shane, Rebecca, Jason, Robin and Cory. Well...this is interesting, Sofia says quietly. I dont know what to do mother. I fear I have ruined my chances with Cory...and ruined my friendship with Shane, Natasha replies, surprisingly unemotional at the moment. I know what you have to do. Its very simple, Sofia states. Natasha gets a smile on her face. She says through her smile, Please tell me. Sofia takes a hold of Natashas hand and says, Who do you love? Who do you want to be with? Cory, Natasha says slowly. Then you fight for him. Everything else will fall into place. But if you love Cory, you fight for him until you get him back. Natasha hugs Sofia, with tears streaming down her face. Thank you, she whispers. Scene
Two Kim emerges from her bedroom wearing a pair of blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt. She has her long hair pulled back into a ponytail. Jeff walks out of the kitchen. Did you have a nice bath? he asks. Kim smiles, a little disappointed that Jeff is now dressed in gray sweat pants and a tight white tang top. It was wonderful. And dinner smells great. Jeff laughs. Its my specialty. Macaroni and cheese and hotdogs. Oh, gourmet I see. Noah thinks so. Kim laughs. Im sure itll be great. Im famished Good, Jeff says. Have a seat. Dinners served. Scene
Three Vinny opens the front door, and enters quietly, as he thinks Meggan is asleep. He enters the den and quickly notices a bottle of rye on the bar. Thats odd, he says as he picks up the bottle to return it to the shelf. He realizes that the bottle is empty. Meggan didnt drink the entire bottle...did she? he asks himself as he proceeds to walk upstairs. He arrives at the bedroom door. He opens it slowly, and finds Meggan passed out on the bed, with a glass in her hand. What drove you to drink Meggan? Vinny wonders. Scene
Four Cory sits in a chair at the back of the room, falling asleep. He stirs when he hears Robin sigh. He opens his eyes, and sees her opening her eyes. He quickly rushes to her side. Hey, he says. Welcome back. Robins eyes open. She looks around. Where am I? she asks slowly. Youre in the hospital. You were in an accident. Robin continues to have a blank look on her face, but it slowly comes back to her. I cant believe I was... she starts slowly. ...so careless. Cory looks at his wife. I think we know what was wrong. Robin turns her head away, some tears forming in her eyes. You have a problem Robin. Youre hooked on anti-depressants. Tears creep out of Robins eyes. She continues to look away from Cory. You have nothing to be ashamed of, Cory tries to reassure her. I...feel so pathetic, she whispers. Cory bends down and kisses her on the forehead. No, youre not. And Ill be here to help you get through this, he says holding his wife, as tears stroll down her face. Scene
Five Kim and Jeff sit at the table, with two candles half burnt, eating their dinner. So, is it alright? Jeff says looking at Kim as she takes a bite of her hotdog. Hmmm, she smiles. Yea. I cant believe how hungry I was. Did you forget to eat at work? Kim stops for a second, and realizes that she did indeed skip lunch. Yea, I guess so. Jeff notices some mustard on Kims lower chin, and gets a grin on his face. What is it? Whats so funny? she asks. Its nothing. You just have a little mustard... he says reaching across the table with a napkin. He gets up and moves around to her chair, and kneels down. I couldnt reach, he says as he slowly wipes her chin. Thank you for dinner, she says slowly, as his hand returns to her face. Anytime, he whispers as he moves closer to her face. Kim puts her hand on his cheek as he comes into kiss her. His lips reach hers, but he quickly pulls back as the door bell rings. Kim gets up quickly. Ill get it, she says walking to the door. Jeff gets up, Tell whoever it is, they have rotten timing he mumbles to himself. Kim opens the door and sees Andy standing there. Andy! What a surprise. Come in, Kim says. Jeff looks on as the young man enters the apartment. Surprise? You invited me, remember? Andy asks. Oh, did I get the wrong day? Kim laughs. Oh my. No, its me. Its just been one of those days when nothing has gone the way I wanted it too. Please come in. Jeff makes a sudden movement. Oh, Andy, this is Jeff. Jeff, Andy. The two men shake hands. Its nice to meet you Jeff, Andy says noticing the candles. I didnt interrupt did I? Well... Jeff says. No, not at all, Kim interrupts, looking at Jeff. Please come in. Sit down and have some supper. Jeff and I were just finishing. Andy quickly sits at the table and starts eating. Jeff walks over to Kim. OK, whats the story? he asks. Scene
Six Leah and Noah sit in the den, playing with video game. Leah smiles as she watches her son. Ive missed so much of your life, she thinks to herself, watching the young boy move his hands with the joystick, as his racing car turns a corner on the TV. She stops and admires him. His soft brown hair. His two little ears sticking out from his head. His baby blue eyes, strikingly bold and brilliant. His small nose, his perfect mouth. His lips red and his tongue out of his mouth. He has a large frame for a ten year old. Tall for his age, and yet slim. Leah is sure hell be a heart breaker in a few years. Youre doing so well Noah, Leah smiles. Noah doesnt turn his head away from the TV screen. He just smiles. Do you need anything? Leah asks. Noah keeps driving his car, but says. Maybe another soda, please. Leah looks at the clock on the entertainment unit. Noah, its getting a little late for another soda. How about some juice? OK, Mrs....I mean, Mommy he says, finally looking away from the screen and smiling at Leah. Leahs heart melts as she kisses her sons forehead and then walks into the kitchen. As she is pouring some apple juice into a glass, she hears the front door open. She returns, and spots Robbie hanging up his jacket. Hey baby, he says. Hey. I thought you were working late tonight? she says kissing him on the lips. I was, but I came home early to see you, he says putting his hands around her, and grabbing her ass, as he kisses her harder on the lips. Robbie, stop, Leah says. We have company. Oh yea. Whos here? Meggan? No.... Mommy! I won! Noah yells from the den. Robbie looks at Leah. Noah? Yea. Are you mad? Of course not, Robbie smiles. They enter the den. Leah places the apple juice on the coffee table. Noah, you remember Robbie, right? Noah looks at Robbie. Sure. Robbie sits on the floor next to Noah. What are you playing? Robbie says. Super Turbo Racing, Noah says holding up the cartridge. Oh yea. Im a master at this game, Robbie says. Really? Noah says. Yea. You want me to show you buddy? Yea! Noah says excitingly. Leah watches, and smiles as her two guys play the video game together. **The Next Morning** Scene
Seven Chris steps out of the washroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist. He spots Daisy hanging up the phone. Who was that baby? he asks, as he continues to dry his body. The agency. I told them that we would have Danielles daughter, she smiles. Oh yea. Great. When should we expect her? Later this afternoon. Shes coming on a bus. Her name is Trenyce. Trenyce, huh? This going to be odd. Going from no children, to a 16-year old girl. Are we ready for this Daisy? he smiles. I think so, she says rubbing his chest, and kissing him. Yea, me too. *** A young woman puts her bags on the bus and sits down. She looks out the window. Aunty Daisy and Uncle Chris, she smiles. Do I have a surprise in store for them. Scene
Eight Kim sits down at the table and takes a drink of her hot coffee. Noah sits next to her, eating his cereal. Jeff emerges from the kitchen with the paper and a bagel. So, how was it last night with your Mommy? Kim asks Noah. It was great. Mommy and I had dinner and then we played on the Xbox, Noah smiles. Was Mommy good at the race car? Jeff asks. Not really... Noah says. But Robbie was great. We had so much fun. Kim glances at Jeff, who becomes annoyed that Robbie was there with Noah. OK, Noah. Lets go, we have to get you to school. The bus is waiting. Jeff says. OK Daddy. Bye Kim Noah says hugging Kim. Have a good day Noah. Noah grabs his coat and his backpack and rushes out the door, Jeff following him. Kim sips on some coffee as she awaits for Jeff to return. Jeff returns and shuts the door. Are you ok? Kim asks, as he sits down. Never better. What? Just because Leah lied to me about Robbie being home? Maybe Robbie came home early or something, Kim suggests. I dont want to talk about it right now, Jeff says sitting down. I do want to talk about Andy though. Whats his deal? I knew this was coming, Kim admits. His parents died when he was younger Jeff. I feel for him. Hes going to school and working. I just wanted him to have a good meal last night. Jeff smiles. Youre just that kind of person, he says. You may think Im crazy with what Im about to tell you. Jeff looks at her and raises his eyebrow. Im listening. Im going to ask Andy to live here. With us. Scene
Nine Natasha slowly walks into the hospital. She takes a deep breath and proceeds into the hallway. I have to talk to Shane. I have to make things right with him, she thinks to herself as she continues to walk. She stops when she spots Cory coming out of room. Cory? she calls, walking quickly towards him. Whats happened? Are you injured? Cory looks at Natasha. No, its Robin. *** Inside the hospital room, Robin finishes getting dressed. Im so lucky, she thinks. Cory is really being supportive. He loves you Robin. He really loves you. You cant blow it this time, she continues to think. Robin turns her head and looks out the window on the door. She sees Cory and Natasha in an embrace. Next On
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