Episode 771
It Just Might Destroy You
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 05, 2022

Episode Theme song: "Take Yourself Home" Troye Sivan

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Trenyce woke up and found Brad stabbed
- Eva fell back into Will's bed after seeing a close moment between Dominick and Felicia
- Victoria continued to suffer from headaches as a result of Vinny's device on her phone
- Cassie left Max with millions of dollars following her "death"
- Natasha worried about Kim after she learned about Natasha's romance with Tyler
- Shane and Robin spent Christmas in the hospital while their daughter was in ICU. Adam, meanwhile, realized he had to decide on which woman he wanted to be with, Robin or Helen

Twin Peaks General Hospital

A blood covered Trenyce sits in the waiting room of the hospital eager to hear something about Brad. She can't forget seeing his bloody body laying in her living room with the fresh rose peddles covering it. She just hopes that she was able to get here in time to save his life. She realizes, however, that he lost so much blood and she has no idea how long he was laying there.

"Here, I brought you a coffee," Daisy tells her niece as she moves into the waiting room. She is also in a state of shock having found Brad stabbed; they were skeptical about the idea that there was a serial killer on the run but it is now evident that someone tried to kill Brad the exact same way that they killed Shelley. "I'm going to the Pampa Grill, I placed an order for some food. You have to keep your strength."

"Thanks, I don't know if I can eat or drink anything right now," Trenyce admits to her as Daisy sits next to her. "I just need to know what is going on. This is crazy."

"What the hell is going on?" Greg huffs as he barges into the waiting room with Brooke behind him. He and Brooke got a text message from Trenyce telling them that Brad was in an accient; they just have no idea what is going on. "Where is Brad? What happened?"

"Thank God you're here," Trenyce's lower lip quivers as she stands up and moves towards the Lawson's. "This is all so terrible."

"Tell me what happened to my son!" Brooke shrieks back to her.

"I..I wish I knew," Trenyce lets another tear falls down her eye. "I was getting ready for the party at the Pampa Grill and I heard this loud noise… Soon after Brad, was there so I thought it was him but someone else was in my house… I don't know how it happened but Brad pushed me out of the way and I must have hit my head … when I woke up," she pauses as she gasps for air. "He was there laying in blood. God, I hope he's okay," she says through some tears. "He had rose peddles on his body."

"This is a nightmare," Brooke covers her mouth as she starts shaking thinking about her child. "That sounds exactly like what happened to Shelley," Brooke looks at Greg as she starts to tremble. "Not my Bradley! Not Bradley!"

Greg turns and pulls her into a hug. "We don't know what's going on," he whispers back to her. "We won't lose him."

"I'm glad you're all here," a doctor says as she walks into the waiting room. "I have news about Brad."

"What is it? How's my son?" Brooke asks, eager to hear about her child.

The Pampa Grill

Eva opens the door to the restaurant desperate to have a glass of wine. She has so much going on in her mind right now, she just wants to sit alone and try to sort her thoughts.

She is still worried about Victoria because she has been consistently late and suffering from headaches the last few weeks. She doesn't want to believe the worst, that her multiple personalities are back, but she doesn't want to do what happened last time and ignore all the warning signs in front of her.

And, of course, she is still kicking herself for falling back into bed with Will after she saw Dominick and Felicia share a kiss. She hates that she fell back into his bed but she can't help but remember how Dominick told her that he doesn't like love was enough to save their marriage.

"I have to get through to you Dominick," she whispers to herself as she takes a sip of her chardonnay as she sits at the bar. "This can't be the end of our marriage. We have been through too much to let this go now."

She turns her head and happens to see Dominick sitting at a table with Felicia sitting across from him. They are smiling and laughing about something that one of them have said. Eva feels her heart sink at the sight. She hates that Dominick is, once again, with his ex-wife. She knows that Felicia is using this to get closer to Dominick, she just wishes he'd realize that.

"Does this mean you two are together now?" she asks herself. "Because I refuse to let that happen. You will be mine again, Dominick. Mark my words, you will be mine."

Robertson Enterprises; The Studio

"I still can't believe that happened," Paige giggles to Jacob as they move into the studio together as they each have coffee from the Sugarbowl in their hands.

"The barista seemed so surprised when we just wanted regular coffees," Jacob replies to her quickly.

They stop their chatter when they see Max putting some of his belongings into a box. Paige arches her eyebrow at the sight, wondering what is going on. It's not like him to be packing up, especially this early in the day.

"Max, what's up? Why are you packing up?" she asks him before she takes a sip of her coffee.

"I actually gave Dominick my notice this morning," Max reveals to them as Paige and Jacob look at one another in surprise. "It was effective immediately. I'm just grabbing my belongings."

"I don't think we were expecting that news," Jacob says back to him in surprise. He has no idea why Max would quit the job that he seemingly loves so much. "What brought this on?"

"Honestly?" Max glares back at him. "I don't think I could work here after everything that happened with my Mom. The fact that you two had a celebration the week after she died was very telling."

"That was Natasha's idea," Paige reminds him. "You can't blame us for something we had nothing to do with!"

"That's where you're wrong," Max tells her. "You easily could have shut it down. But no, I walk in and you had a glass of champagne in your hand. You know what? It doesn't matter, I've made up my mind."

"But," Paige pleads with him. "How will you survive? You need some kind of income?"

Max laughs back to her. "Funny that you care now," he looks back at her and then over at Jacob. "Not that it's any of your business, but I actually inherited a good chuck of money from my Mom. She's always looking after me. It will keep me a float for a while until I find something I want to do, with people that won't stab me in the back."

"Max, I wish you could see this from our side…" Paige pleads with him.

"See you later," Max ignores her as he finishes packing his box and moves towards the door.

"Max, wait!" Paige calls out but it falls on deaf ears as Max leaves the studio.

"Let him go," Jacob puts his hands on her shoulders. "He's grieving and is lashing out. He'll come around, I know he will."

"I hope so," Paige looks back into Jacob's eyes. "He shouldn't be alone while he's going through this. I just want to be there for him."

"You're a good person," Jacob tells her. "Like I said, Max likely just needs time."

The Pampa Grill

"I just saw Mom leaving, I wonder if she is okay?" Donovan looks over at Victoria as they sit together in the back corner table.

Victoria sighs as she picks up her glass of sparkling water. "I am sure she's still trying to get back into Dominick's good graces. I don't know how she will make up to him that she slept with Will behind his back."

"You know our mother, if she's determined to do something, nothing can stop her."

"True," Victoria nods back to him. "How is Olly? I really need to see my nephew again."

"He's getting bigger and bigger each day," Donovan smiles back to his sister. "And yes, you should see him. I have to ask though, how are you feeling?"

Victoria looks back at him quickly. "What do you mean?"

"You've been having so many headaches lately," Donovan reminds her, as Victoria looks at her water. The reason that she doesn't have a glass of wine in front of her is because she still has a headache. "Have you figured out what it is that is causing this?"

"I think it is just the stress of going back to work," Victoria tells him. "I don't know what else it could be."

"Mom is worried," Donovan reveals to her. "And, the more frequent you have headaches, I have to admit I'm worried too."

"Please don't," Victoria waves her hand back to him. "You need to focus on Lukas and Olly right now. I will be fine, I promise you that."

Donovan forces a smile on his face. "Just let me know if I can help with anything Vic," he tells her. "Because, Mom and I just want you to be healthy."


"Oh darling, you must missed your father," Felicia tells Tyler, who is sitting across from her at her table. "He had to run to Robertson Enterprises. Apparently, Max Black gave his notice this morning."

"That's news to me," Tyler admits to his mother. "I haven't been in the office yet."

"Well, I have filled you in on the latest," Felicia says as she picks up her coffee and takes a sip. "What is going on with you? How are things with Daisy?"

Tyler sighs as he looks back at her. "I guess I should tell you the latest."

"What? What's happened? Are you two engaged already?"

Tyler uneasily chuckles back to her. "Ugh, not exactly," he says back to her quickly. "We actually have gone our separate ways."

"What? Tyler, you love that woman! Don't you remember how devastated you were when you thought she was dead?" Felicia gasps back to him, stunned by his revelation.

"Of course I do," Tyler tells Felicia. "But, look, she was gone for months. Both Daisy and I really changed in that time that she was away. We tried to make it work but we both realized that it was time to move on."

"How are you with this? Are you okay?"

"I am okay," he nods back to his mother. "I don't want you to make a big deal out of this okay? Please? I am fine, I just wanted you to hear this from me."

"As long as you're happy, then I am happy Tyler," Felicia replies to him quickly. "That's all a mother wants for her children."

Tyler smiles back to her. "I am telling you, I am happy. Happier than I have been in a very long time."


Natasha opens the door to the restaurant and scurries inside. She waits for the hostess as she was hoping to grab a drink with Tyler before she heads into the office for the day. She knows, however, that it is a risk for them to be seen in public together but she still wants to have the drink with him.

Just then, she sees Daisy emerge from the bar carrying a takeout bag in her hand. She decided to leave the hospital and come grab some food for her and Trenyce since she knows that Trenyce hasn't had anything to eat in a while. "Natasha, hi," Daisy says as she approaches her.

"Daisy," Natasha replies to her quickly. "I guess we were bound to run into one another eventually."

Daisy nods back to her. "I don't have a lot of time, I'm afraid. Trenyce really needs me right now."

"Is everything okay?"

"I don't know yet," Daisy admits to her. "There was an accident with Brad Lawson," Daisy reveals to her. "The doctor was just about to give Trenyce, Greg and Brooke the latest when I left to get this order. I need to get back there now."

"I won't keep you," Natasha tells her. "Just know that I am sorry for how things worked out for you and Tyler."

"Are you?" Daisy asks her quickly. "Because, I would have thought that us breaking up was a way for you to get back together with him."

"We have gotten back together," Natasha reveals to her. "I guess I'm glad you heard that from me."

"Well congratulations," Daisy rolls her eyes back to her. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

Daisy rushes past Natasha, trying not to be too upset about what she just heard even though she knew that it was coming from the moment that she and Tyler split up.

Adam's Townhouse

Adam slowly moves his way to the front door of his townhouse as he hears someone knocking. He wonders if it will be Dawn, since she advised him that he needed to decide if he wanted to be with Helen or Robin going forward. If he is honest with himself, he has no idea what is he doing to do because he is still reeling from the fact that Robin slept with Shane in Paris which has resulted in her having his child.

He opens the door and sees Helen standing on the other side. "Can I come in? It's freezing out here."

"Uh, sure," Adam uneasily moves so Helen can move into the foyer. "What brings you by, Helen?"

"Do I need a reason to see you now?" she asks him as she puts her coat on to his sofa and looks back at him. "It wasn't long ago that we were living together again as husband and wife, Adam. I still care about you a great deal."

"It was all a lie," Adam whispers back to her. "I had lost my memory! I didn't remember that I was engaged to Robin."

"Everyone was just following Shane's orders," Helen replies to him quickly. "He told all of us that if we told you the truth it could jeopardize your recovery. That was the last thing any of us wanted to do, Adam."

"I get that Helen, I really do," Adam looks back at her as he crosses his arms over his chest. "But you took it to a new level, didn't you? You took advantage of the entire situation!"

"I did no such thing."

"We made love, Helen!" Adam yells at her. "That never would have happened if I didn't have amnesia!"

Helen sighs heavily. "You and I have always had a connection," she replies to him. "That night proved it, Adam."

"I am engaged to another woman Helen! Us being together that night was a huge mistake but you took advantage of my memory loss to get closer to me!" Adam yells at her. "And for that, I don't know if I will ever forgive you!"

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Hey, have you gotten any rest at all?" Shane asks Robin as he moves up to the small line of chairs that are outside the ICU of the hospital. He can tell that Robin has been sitting there, eager to get another update about baby Dominique.

Robin looks over at Shane and smiles to him. "Hey you," she says as he sits next her. "I have been here a while. I just don't want to leave Domi's side, even though I'm not physically next to her."

"I understand," Shane nods back to her. "Just remember that you have to keep your strength or you won't be any help to Domi when she finally takes a turn for the better."

"You're right," Robin says with a little yawn. "I guess I should head back to my room and get some sleep."

"I'll walk with you," Shane tells her as he stands up.

"I'm glad the two of you are here," a doctor says as he leaves the ICU.

"Doctor Rodriguez," Robin looks over at the doctor. "How is Domi? What is going on?"

"I have some good news actually," Dr. Rodriguez replies to them. "Her lungs are developing nicely, if this continues, I think she might get to leave the ICU soon."

"Really?" Robin asks with tears forming in her yes. "That is the best news I've heard all day."

"We will keep monitoring her and I will keep you posted."

"Thank you doctor," Shane says as Robin turns to face him. Immediately they hug one another.

"My God, this is a miracle," Robin lets a tear fall down her cheek as Shane holds her.

"Our baby will make it," Shane continues to hold her. "She will be just fine."


Back at the waiting room the Lawson's and Trenyce eager await to hear what is going on with Brad from the doctor. They are all on pins and needles waiting for an update.

"Please, don't keep us waiting. How is Brad?" Greg asks the doctor.

"I'm afraid it's not good news," she begins to reply to everyone.

"What is it? Is he in a coma?" Trenyce asks her next.

"No," she shakes her head back to him. "There's no easy way to say this but Brad is dead…"

"No!" Brooke covers her mouth in horror as Trenyce starts to weep.

"He was dead when he arrived, the injuries that he suffered from … he didn't make it."

"I don't believe this," Brooke turns and buries her head into Greg's shoulder. "Not Bradley, not my baby!"

Next on One Day at a Time

- Adam and Robin share a close moment
- Cory and Leah continue to plan for the future
- Eva makes a rule with Dominick

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