Episode 777
Jumping Through Hoops
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 26, 2022

Episode Theme song: "Worry About Me" Ellie Goulding

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Brad's memorial service took place and the Lawson's grieved together
- Eva continued to tell Will that they would never be a couple
- Vinny started to drug Victoria to carry out his next plan to drive her crazy
- Simona told Max that she was going to investigate his inheritance
- Nicholas admitted to Meggan that he was worried about Andy finding the truth about Clayton


"I am glad that you are all here," Simona tells Robbie, Kim, Natasha, Tyler and Dominick as she stands close to the large desk in the main office of Roboto. She gathered everyone together at once, so she could give them an update on Max's inheritance from Cassie since everyone in the room has stake in what she has uncovered. "It will save me from having to make more than one trip."

"We are assuming that you have looked into the potential stolen funds that Max could be inheriting," Natasha looks back at the detective before she looks over at Tyler and smiles at him.

"I have," Simona nods back to her. "After Dominick paid me a visit, I brought Max into the station."

"Ah, and what did he have to say for himself?" Dominick asks her quickly.

"He agreed to let me look into the inheritance," Simona reveals to everyone. "I was able to track down statements from the various accounts that Cassie Nova had her liquid assets in," she continues to explain. "There were no large deposits within the last year that would have been traced to the money stolen from Roboto and Robertson Enterprises."

"What are you saying, exactly, detective?" Robbie asks as he folds his arms over his chest.

"I am saying," Simona replies to everyone. "Max's inheritance is all from legitimate sources. He is not receiving any money from the two companies."

"Damnit," Dominick grits his teeth together. "I was certain that this would allow us to get our money back. Is there any way that these statements were altered?"

"I don't believe so," Simona tells him. "All the statements have official bank stamps on them. I don't believe Cassie put these stolen funds into the accounts that Max is inheriting from."

"So how are we ever going to get our money back?" Natasha sighs heavily.

"Unless you can uncover more accounts that Cassie would have had, I'm not sure there is a way to get the funds back," Simona replies to her. "I know this isn't the news you wanted, but this is what was found. I'm happy to answer any other questions but in the meantime, I have to get back to the station, so I can try to find the Rose Peddle killer."

"Thanks for your time," Kim smiles to her as Simona leaves the office. "Looks like we all have to get used to the fact that we might never get that money back."

"I can't accept that," Dominick shakes his head to everyone. "Cassie Nova will not get away with stealing my money!"

The Pampa Grill

Max sits by himself at a table with a beer in front of him. He knows that it is early in the day to be drinking but he felt like celebrating the fact that he was able to prove that all the inherited funds from Cassie were legitimate. Secretly, he realizes that Cassie had set this all up before her "death". With money that she did steal from Roboto and Robertson Enterprises, she bribed a staff member at the offshore banks to alter the bank statements to show that she had the money accumulated over years; then he used the official bank statement to make the statements appear legitimate. Of course, the hefty lump of money that Cassie gave him helped ensure he would never say a word about this to anyone as he could lose his job.

"You really did think of everything," he whispers to himself, thinking about his mother's plan. "I am in the clear and can live my life the way I want too now."

"Isn't it a bit early to be drinking?" Paige asks her friend as she comes up to the table, with Jacob quickly behind her. She saw Max and wanted to come say good morning. She hates there is this tension between the three of them and hopes that they can clear it up.

"I suppose so," Max takes another sip of his beer. "But, I don't have any commitments today and I am celebrating."

"What are you celebrating?" Jacob asks him as he arches his eyebrow.

"Simona Lopez investigated the source of funds from my inheritance from my mother's passing," he reveals to them. "And, it turned out that the funds are legitimate. My mother didn't steal from Roboto or Robertson Enterprises; further proof that everyone was way too hard on her while she was alive."

"She might not have stolen from the companies," Jacob snips back to him. "But, she did try to kill us, don't forget that."

Max rolls his eyes back to him. "I don't think you'll ever let me forget," he replies to him. "Just try to remember who saved your life."

"Okay you two," Paige interrupts. "It's time to go into your separate corners. Max, see you around. Congratulations on today," Paige looks into his eyes to show him that she means what she is saying. "Come on Jacob, let's grab our table. We still must head into work later. We don't have time to squabble."

Max watches Paige and Jacob walk away from him. Max takes another sip of his beer. "I will get you away from that son of a bitch," Max whispers to himself, as he can see Paige and Jacob talking about what just happened at his table. "You're too good for him Paige."


Eva sits at the bar with a coffee in front of her as she thinks about how she and Donovan could prove that Victoria has split again and her alter egos have taken over. If Brandy is back in control of Victoria, Eva and Donovan have realized that she could be the Rose Peddle killer; Eva just hopes and prays that her daughter is not killing the citizens of Twin Peaks but considering Brandy's history, this is a very real possibility.

"It feels like it has been weeks since I've seen you," a voice calls out behind Eva. She turns around and sees Will standing there. Truth be told, she has been ignoring him lately since they slept together again because she is still determined to make her marriage to Dominick work. "How have you been?"

"Incredibly busy," Eva replies to him quickly. "I am trying to save my marriage and my children have required my attention."

Will sighs back to her having heard her claim she wanted her marriage to work for months. "I don't know how many times you have to fall into my bed before you will realize that you and I belong together."

"I am attracted to you Will," Eva admits to him. "You're a wonderful lover but beyond that, we don't have a relationship. I want my marriage to work."

"You really need to be careful," Will quickly says back to her. "Eventually I won't be asking for you to come back to me. If you push me away enough, I will stay away."

Eva looks back at him with intent and immediately finds herself feel tense. "Good," she uneasily tells him. "That's exactly what I want. You need to move on, Will, because Dominick and I will get back together. So, if you're waiting around for me, you don't have too."

Will puts his head down nods. "I don't mean to hurt you but…"

"It's fine," Will looks back at her. "I'll see you around."

She watches him leave and she immediately covers her mouth, devastated that she had to tell Will not to wait for her anymore. She just hopes that she and Dominick do reunite now.

"I won't stop until I have my marriage back," she whispers to herself.

One Day House

Meggan slowly walks up to Nicholas' office door at the One Day House and knocks. She opens the door when she hears a faint come in from inside the office. She knows that before Brad's service Nicholas had told her that he was worried about Andy learning that Clayton was at the One Day House. She just wants to know what she should do next.

"Morning Nicholas," Meggan says as she moves into his office.

"Meggan, hi," Nicholas turns and looks at her. "I saw you at Brad's service; I am so sorry again for your loss."

"Thanks," Meggan uneasily nods back to him. "I thought the service was really lovely."

"Me too," Nicholas agrees with her. "My heart goes out to the Lawson's; I can't imagine what they are going through right now."

"It will take a lot of time to get over Brad's death," she tells him. "Everyone who knew him will mourn for some time. Anyways, I think you know why I am here. I am here about Clayton, the man staying here at the One Day House."

"I know," Nicholas uneasily tells her. "Have you decided if you're going to tell Andy or not?"

"He is my client," Meggan says back to him. "It is my job to tell him that I found Clayton. I know that you're worried but…"

"I get it," Nicholas replies to her. "I am so worried about what this will do for my relationship."

Meggan nods back to him. "I can appreciate that. How about I wait for a couple days and you tell Andy the truth yourself? Maybe it would be better coming from you?"

Nicholas sighs back to her. "Okay, I will tell Andy the truth. I will tell Andy that Clayton is here."


Meanwhile, in Clayton's room, he emerges from the shower with a white towel wrapped around his waist leaving his toned chest exposed. He runs his hand through his hair as he wonders what he should get up to for the day.

"I need to figure out why everyone is still looking for me," he whispers to himself. "What the hell does Andy want with me? Why would he want to see me again knowing that I was scaring him into thinking his husband was haunting him?"

He pauses when he hears his phone ring. He moves over and grabs his phone. "Hello."

"Clayton Hughes," Melissa's voice booms on the other end of the phone. "You're a difficult man to get a hold of."

"I changed my number," he reveals to her. "I want nothing to do with you. I can't believe that I was sucked into your horrible plan to gaslight Andy."

"You weren't complaining when you were getting my money," she chuckles back to him. "Listen, I am glad that I was able to track you down. We have to talk."

"Why? What is going on?"

"I don't know if you are aware," Melissa tells him. "But, people are looking for you. People who would want to do you harm."

Clayton arches his eyebrow. "You mean Andy? Yes, I know that he is looking for me. Why are you telling me this?"

"Because," Melissa whispers back to him. "You know damn well that Andy can not be alone with you. We have too much at stake."

"What are you suggesting, Melissa?" he asks knowing that there is a lot more to their story than has been revealed thus far.

"Run," she tells him. "Run away from Twin Peaks and never look back."

The Tower's; Floor Eight; Victoria's Condo

Tyler steps off the elevator of the Tower's and quickly looks around. After his meeting at Roboto where he and his father learned that Max's inheritance was legitimate, he decided to come see Victoria, so he could try to get a true understanding how much money Cassie could have been making as a physiatrist. He hopes that if he has information it might help put Dominick at ease that Max isn't living off of stolen money.

As he moves towards the condo, he freezes when he sees the front door opening. Tyler turns around a corner when he sees Brett sneaking out of Victoria's condo. Tyler arches his eyebrow and hides as his mind starts to race about why Brett would be inside Victoria's condo; and more so, why he would be sneaking out of it. He waits until he hears Brett walk on to the elevator before he breathes out loud.

"What the hell was that all about?" he asks himself, still confused by what he just witnessed.

Twin Peaks Police Station

Greg storms through the busy police station as he moves towards Simona's office. He, and his family, are still mourning Brad but he is determined to figure out what Simona and the rest of the police force have uncovered with the Rose Peddle killer; Greg might now be able to bring his son back, but he is now hell bent on making the killer pay for what they have done.

"Good, you're here," Greg says as he moves into her office causing Simona to look up from her paper work. "We have to talk."

"I'm afraid this will have to be fast," Simona uneasily replies to him as she stands up from her desk and closes the door to her office once Greg is firmly inside. "I am about to go to a meeting to go over all of the clues we have as to whom the Rose Peddle killer is."

"That's exactly why I am here," he reveals to her. "I need to know what steps are being taken to ensure the person responsible for taking my son pays."

"I can't give you all the details because this is an on-going investigation," Simona quickly replies to him. "But you have to know that we are doing everything in our power to find the culprit."

"You better do just that," Greg grits his teeth together. "Because I will not have my son's death go unpunished! Do you understand me? You will find this son of a bitch and make him or her pay!"

The Graveyard

Brooke slowly walks towards Brad's tombstone, which still has fresh dirt on it as he was just buried the other day. As she arrives, she kneels down and drops some roses against the tombstone. She covers her mouth as she reads the name of her son that is across the cement block.

"I…I still can't believe that you're gone," she whispers as she gets tears in her eyes. "You weren't supposed to die, Brad. This doesn't seem fair."

She wipes her eyes as she continues to look at the tombstone. "I remember when you were a little boy, you were always the first one ready to help me with anything that I needed help with around the house. You always took care of me, Brad. You always took care of the family. It is why you turned out to be such a great private investigator."

"God," tears flow from her eyes. "How am I supposed to say goodbye to you? I am so sorry that this happened; it shouldn't have turned out this way! It shouldn't have turned out this way…" she cries as she moves her hand to touch the word "Bradley" on the tomb stone.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Shane is upset with Robin's choice
- Paige and Jacob don't see eye to eye
- Tyler visits Victoria

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