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Heart Can't Take a Loss Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 20, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "In Your Eyes" The Weekend Previously
on One Day at a Time
Victoria slowly opens her eyes as she lays in the large bed in the master bedroom of her condo. She immediately puts her hand to her forehead as her head is still pounding from a migraine. She wishes she understood why she has had such a bad headache for so many days now; nothing she does seems to work to get rid of it. She has missed work, family events and other aspects of her life because of this non-stop headache. She just wants it to go away so she can start to feel normal again. She slowly leans up in the bed and reaches for her phone, still not seeing the small device on the corner of it that Vinny planted that is giving off a high-pitched noise, which is the underlaying cause of her headaches. She notices that she has a missed call from her mother and her brother; she sighs, knowing that they are concerned about her. She can't help but recall the previous night when Brett stopped by to visit her and he suggested that she seek medical attention; considering that she has another day with a headache, she can't help but wonder if he is right. She slowly gets out of bed and moves to the washroom, where she opens the medicine cabinet and pulls out the bottle of aspirin. She quickly pops two pills her mouth and swallows them down with some water. She moves back into the living room but freezes when she sees another woman standing in the living room. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" she calls out to the woman, who's back is turned to Victoria. Victoria is startled that someone else is in her condo; she doesn't' remember letting anyone else into her condo. The woman slowly turns back around, and Victoria sees herself standing in her living room holding a walkie talkie. "You see, Helen," Brandy says with a devilish grin on her face. "You will never get out of the coffin! I will make you pay for what you've done to your daughter!" Victoria shakes her head in disbelief at the sight in front of her! She quickly rushes up but when she arrives at Brandy, the figure disappears into thin air. Victoria looks around the house and starts to tremble as she realizes that she is alone. Everything that she just saw was a hallucination. "What is happening to me?" she gasps as tears fill her eyes. "Am I losing my mind?" | ||
Roboto "You're in the office early today," Eva announces to her daughter as she moves into the main office at Roboto and spies Natasha already sitting behind the desk typing into her laptop. Eva wanted to come visit Natasha to see how she is coping with the fallout of her revealing that she and Tyler have been sleeping with one another; she knows that Dominick, likely, didn't take the news overly well but she wants to support Natasha considering they have had some rocky moments themselves lately. "I have a million things to do today," Natasha looks up at her mother. "You look nice today." "Thank you, sweetheart," Eva tells her. "I was hoping to see how you are doing? After your little announcement, I'm sure you've had your share of push back for being involved with Dominick's son." Natasha chuckles back to her. "That's putting it mildly," she admits to her. "Tyler quit Robertson Enterprises because of Dominick's attitude," she reveals to Eva. "And, Jacob is furious with me and so is Robbie. But, otherwise, everything is great." "I
do believe in time they will all come around," Eva says back to her. "After
all, Bob has been gone for a few years now. Maybe it is time these families learn
to co-exist, even though that might prove to be difficult with everything going
on?" Eva sighs back to her. "The night of your announcement," Eva looks back at her. "I saw Felicia trembling terribly," she continues to explain. "I questioned whether or not she was off her medication or not." "Why would she go off her medication?" Natasha asks her in confusion. "I wish I knew," Eva admits to her. "But, I told Dominick that if Felicia is off her medication, anything is possible. Including, the possibility that Felicia is the Rose Peddle Killer." Natasha gasps back to her mother and shakes her head no. "That can't be true, could it? Tyler's mom, the serial killer?" "I don't have any concrete evidence," Eva tells her. "But, the last time she went off her medication she kidnapped Leah and there was the explosion at the farm house in Lake Tahoe. I'm just saying anything is possible." "We have to find out if this is true," Natasha nods back to her. "And, in the meantime, I am not going to tell Tyler about this. I just must hope that Felicia is not the killer; we all do." Twin
Peaks Police Department Simona continues stare at her white board that is filled with clues of the Rose Peddle killer trying to come up with an obvious way to track the serial killer. She recalls how she realized that one of the links that she has to try to connect is actually between Shelley and Trenyce, not Brad, as the killer was trying to stab Trenyce but Brad interjected and ended up dead as a result. If she can connect the dots between the two women, she might be on her way to figuring out the identity of the killer. "Who is a connection between Shelley and Trenyce?" she asks herself as she studies the white board. "The obvious answer is Cheresa, but why would Cheresa kill one of her best friends and try to kill her mother? That doesn't make sense, however, it could be someone connected to Cheresa," the detective says as she moves up to her white board and writes down Cheresa's name in between Shelley and Trenyce's. She freezes when she looks at the pictures that are on the white board; the first one of Shelley's body, the second one of Brad's. "Wait a minute," she studies the pictures closely. "Both of the victims had fresh rose peddles on top of their bodies. I don't know why I didn't think of this before," she moves back to her desk and picks up her phone. "Hey, I need to get the phone numbers and addresses of every single florist in Twin Peaks and I need it now." Adam's
Townhouse "It is nice that Shane is coming to see Dominique so often," Adam tells Robin as he brings a pitcher of iced tea into the living room of his townhouse. As he sets the beverages down on the coffee table, he can't help but think of Shane being upstairs with his daughter. He knows that Shane isn't thrilled with the fact that Robin and Domi moved in with him, but he is glad that Shane is coming by so often to see his daughter as often as possible; if he was in Shane's position, he would be doing the exact same thing. "He feels like he is missing out on a lot of Domi's early days," Robin reminds him as she pours some of the iced tea. "And, Domi adores him, so it is good that he is here so often." "You're still not having any regrets about moving in with me instead of moving in with Shane so Domi can be with her father all the time?" "Of course not," Robin purses her lips back together. "After everything you and I have been through Adam, I am exactly where I want and should be." Adam smiles as he moves over to the sofa to sit next to her. "I am glad you said that," he leans in and gives her a quick kiss on the lips. "Because, I am really glad that you're here too." Robin leans in and kisses him on the lips again. At the top of the stairs, Shane witnesses the close moment and sighs heavily. In the back of his mind, he can't help but think about Helen's suggestion to him that they do something to break up the couple. He has no idea what they could do but seeing Robin with Adam while his daughter is asleep in Adam's home, he can't help but wonder if Helen is right: maybe they should do something to split up the couple. The
Sugarbowl "Cheresa, how are you doing? I am so sorry that I missed Brad's funeral," Max looks over at Cheresa and Dawn as they sit in the back booth together catching up with each other. Max can't help but remember that he missed Brad's service because Simona Lopez had called him in to the police station, so she could request permission to investigate his inheritance from Cassie; of course, that has all come back clean, so he is living off of the money his mother left for him now. "Some days are better than others," Cheresa admits to her friend before she looks at Dawn. "I'm lucky to have Dawn; she has been my rock." Dawn blushes back to her. "Hey, we are there for each other. You helped me a lot with Shelley's death. I just can't believe that two people we were close too have been murdered by the same person." "We just have to pray that Simona Lopez catches this monster before they strike again," Max tells his friends. "Hey, by the way, have you seen Dad lately?" Dawn looks back at her half-brother before she takes a sip of her latte. "Not for a few days, why? What's going on with him?" "Robin moved back in with him," Max reveals to her. "They are living together with baby Dominique." "I heard," Dawn sighs back to him. "I really had hoped that Dad would realize he still loves my Mom since he thought they were married after his accident last year." "Maybe it is a sign that he and Robin are meant to be together?" Cheresa asks her girlfriend. "Cheresa might be on to something," Max looks back at his sister. "I saw Dad the other day and he's planning to move forward with Robin again." "Move forward?" Dawn asks him quickly. "What do you mean by that?" Behind the group, Helen appears that coffee bar to add some cream and sugar into her coffee. Her daughter hasn't seen her yet, but she is curious to hear how Adam is planning to move on with Robin; she knows that he told her he didn't want to be around her anymore following her role in Robin giving birth prematurely, but she still can't help but long to be reunited with her former husband. "He is planning to propose to Robin again," Max reveals to Dawn and Cheresa. "He wants to marry Robin, for real this time." Behind the table, Helen gasps at hearing the news. She knows that Robin and Adam are still technically engaged, but hearing that Adam wants to move forward hits her like a ton of bricks. She grabs her coffee and leaves, unseen by Dawn. Outside, she leans up against the wall and tries to catch her breath. "I have to do something," she whispers to herself. "But what? What I can I do to make Adam realize we belong together?" The
Tower's; The Penthouse; Cory's Home "Do you realize that we have made love every day since we got my test results back?" a sweaty Leah asks Cory as she lays her head on his muscular chest, as they are fresh from having another passionate round of sex with one another. They are trying to have a child together, and ever since Leah got the green light from the doctor that she is healthy enough to carry a child to term, they haven't been able to keep their hands off one another. "I certainly hope you're not complaining," Cory chuckles back to her. "Because, I for one have really enjoyed this time with you. I feel so close with you right now, Leah." "I feel close to you too," she leans up and looks into his eyes. "And, no, I'm definitely not complaining. After all, there is only one way for us to have this child." "It would be such a miracle for us to have a child at this stage of our lives," he nods back to her. "After everything you and I have been through, all the mistakes that we've made previously, it could be great to almost have a reset together." Leah nods back to him in agreement as she suddenly recalls her dream of hearing a baby crying but she couldn't see the child in the room that she was standing in. "Hey, are you okay? You look like you went a million mils away for a moment," Cory observes back to his lover. "Yea, I'm fine," Leah comes back into reality. "I was just thinking that I could use another round, if you're up too it?" Cory chuckles as he leans in and kisses her passionately. "I'm always ready for another round with you," he winks back to her. The
Pampa Grill "You've been awfully quiet, does that mean you're still upset with me?" Jeff asks Meggan as they sit across from one another in the restaurant, each with a salad in front of them. Jeff knows that Meggan hasn't exactly been thrilled with him being curious about Leah and Cory's desire to have another child with one another, but he also can't help how he feels. He knows that, up to this point, he has been the only father of Leah's children, so the thought has bothered him to an extent. Especially since they went through losing Noah together and all the drama that they've had with Paige. "I am trying not to be," Meggan replies to him quickly as she takes a bite of her food. "But, I can't help but wonder why you care so much about Leah and what she is doing with her life. Considering our history, you have to understand why I am feeling this way." "I get that," Jeff tells her. "Look, I am sorry about how I have acted. All I can tell you is that I care about you, I want to be with you. My behavior was based on the fact that I am the father of Leah's children right now, Noah and Paige. Leah and I have been through so much with our children, including losing Noah. But that doesn't change the fact the fact that I am with you and want to be with you." "I appreciate you saying that," she says back to him. "I will do my part to not have insecurities, but I think you need to start showing me that I come first ad not your ex-wife." "I can do that," he reaches over and grabs her hand. "You're my number one, Meg. I mean that." Meggan forces a smile on her and nods back to him even though she still has insecurities in the back of her mind as she can't help but wonder if Jeff will always put Leah before her because of their long and sorted history together. *** At another table, Andy and Kim sit across from one another as the siblings catch up with each other. "How did Madeline take the news about the man who looks like Reese?" Kim asks her brother before she takes a sip of her white wine. Kim is curious to know how Reese's twin sister took the news that there is guy that looks exactly like Reese out there; she wonders if Madeline might have more details to help put the pieces together of why there is a Reese lookalike. "She was stunned," Andy reveals to her as he thinks about talking to his former sister in law on the telephone. He hadn't spoken to Madeline in a few months, but he realized he had to tell her about the Reese lookalike. "I think she had just as many questions as I do about this guy that was paid by Melissa to scare me." "And, there hasn't been any update on his whereabouts?" "I'm afraid not," Andy sighs back to her. "But, I'm not giving up Kim. I must find him to understand what this all means. I can't let this go." "I can't say that I blame you, Andy," Kim admits to him. "Lord knows if there was man that looked like Bob, I would want answers too." "Robbie does have some of Bob's features," Andy uneasily chuckles back to her, thinking about how she is engaged to Robbie, who is Bob's son. He still wonders if Kim is making the right decision marrying her deceased husband's son. "Yes, I suppose that's true." "How are things going between the two of you?" "I suppose I can't complain," Kim tells him. "He is upset with me because I knew about Natasha dating Tyler and I didn't tell him. He thinks I was keeping it a secret from him, which is true, but I was only keeping it a secret to keep peace in the family. Robbie and Natasha can't seem to stop squabbling now." "She's dating a Robertson and he's with you," he reminds her. "I think they are taking out their frustrations on one another." "Well, I don't know how much more I can take it," she admits to him. "We are a family and we have to start acting like one." "Does that mean you still want to marry Robbie?" Andy asks her back quickly. "Cause, maybe that isn't the best idea you've ever had?" "I do want to marry Robbie," Kim tells him. "I never thought I'd find love again after Bob, but I have. Natasha and anyone else who is against that, will have to learn to deal with it. I will become Mrs. Robbie Calimo, even if it's the last thing I do." The
Tower's; Floor Eight; Victoria's Condo "Oh Donovan, thank God you're here," Eva says as she leaves the elevator from the floor of Victoria's condo and rushes up to see her son about to knock on the front door. She was with Natasha when she got an urgent text from Victoria to come to her place; considering how worried she has been about her daughter, Eva raced right now. While in the car, she texted Donovan and told him to meet her there. "I came as soon as I got your message," Donovan replies to her. "What's going on?" "I don't know but Victoria told me to come over," Eva informs him. "Considering everything that has been going on with her, I dropped everything and raced over." "Let's find out what this is about," Donovan nods back to her as he knocks on the door. "Vic? It's Donovan and Mom, open up?" Victoria opens the door and immediately pulls her mother into a hug. "Thank God you're here," Victoria's shaky voice replies to them as they move into the house and they close the door behind them. "I need your help." "What has happened darling?" Eva asks her as she notices Victoria is shaking. "You're trembling, Victoria. What's happened?" "I don't know," Victoria replies as a tear falls down her cheek. "I can't explain it but I need help. Something is wrong with me. Something is very, very wrong with me." Eva uneasily looks over at Donovan and then looks back at her daughter. "Come sit down," Eva tells Victoria as they move to the sofa. "And, tell me everything." "I saw her," Victoria cries to her family. "I saw her standing right there." "Who did you see Victoria? Who was in your apartment?" Donovan asks his sister. "Brandy," Victoria covers her mouth while tear flow from her eyes. "Brandy was in my apartment!" Next
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