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Me Astray Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: March 20, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Gold" Years & Years Previously
on One Day at a Time
Kim gazes into the large vanity mirror in the bedroom that she is in. She smiles as she looks at herself in the mirror, her makeup is slowly coming together as she is getting ready for her wedding to Robbie; she almost can't believe that the day is finally here, but she is thrilled that it is. After everything she and Robbie have been through, the fact that they are a few hours away from getting married is almost beyond belief. She puts her lipstick down and picks up her phone. She moves to the photo album and looks at a picture of her and Bob on one of their wedding days; she feels her eyes swell with water looking at a picture of her deceased spouse. She still misses him every day, but she has learned how to move on, even though it was the hardest thing she's ever had to do. "You were the love of my life," she tells the picture. "After you left me, I never thought I would find this kind of happiness again, Bob. For me to find peace and happiness, with Robbie of all people, I feel like it a sign from you. I hope you know that today doesn't mean that I will forget you, it is just the next chapter of my life." She closes her phone and looks back in the mirror. "By the end of the day, I will be Mrs. Robbie Calimo," she tells herself. "Nothing will stop me from marrying the man I love." | ||
The Calimo Mansion Robbie slowly buttons up his crisp white shirt and then looks at himself in the large mirror in his bedroom. He feels his heart racing a little as he prepares to get married again; he knows that it is not his first trip to the altar, but he certainly believes that it is his last. He takes a deep breath as he finishes clasping his cufflinks before he runs his hand through his hair. "I know that Natasha has her reservations about today," he tells himself as he continues to look in the mirror. "But, she will come around eventually. She has to see how close Kim and I are and how much better she makes me." He turns and moves to his desk, where he sees a picture of himself, Natasha and Bob. He picks up the photo and looks at his father for a moment. "I hope you're proud of me, Dad; I know this isn't exactly the norm, but Kim and I, we found something that we can't deny. I just hope that, where ever you are, you are giving us your blessing. Kim and I love each other, and we will spend the rest of our lives together, I know it." *** The living room of the mansion has been transformed into setting for the upcoming wedding between Robbie and Kim; the sofas have been removed and replaced with white chairs with white cushions on them. Bright fuchsia orchids surround the room giving the room an elegant pop of color. There are waiters in white tuxedo's circling the room with glasses of champagne, so the guests can enjoy some bubbles while they wait for the ceremony to begin. Shane grabs a glass of champagne and takes a sip of it immediately. He glances across the room and happens to see Adam, Robin, Dawn and Max standing together in a group. He can only imagine that they are discussing Adam and Robin's upcoming wedding, which they must be planning since they just got re-engaged to one another. "Penny for your thoughts," Helen says as she comes up behind Shane, noticing that he is looking at Adam, Robin, Max and Dawn. "Or, do I have to ask." Shane turns and looks at her. "You read my mind already, I'm sure." "Tell me that you have some news for me?" Helen asks as she takes a sip of her champagne. "Have you contacted a lawyer to file for full custody of Dominique?" Shane sighs back to her, still wondering if going after custody for his daughter is the best move. But, he knows that Helen is right, it could be the only way to get Adam and Robin to split up, for good this time. "I, uh, yes, I have been in touch with a lawyer," he reveals to her, hoping that he is doing the right thing. "I will sue for custody of Dominique." Helen gets a sly grin on her face as she touches her glass to his. "Cheers, we are about to get everything that we want." *** "Robbie and Kim certainly didn't hold back with the setup of this wedding," Max notes to his father, sister and Robin as they stand huddled together in the corner of the room. "Have you ever been to a wedding at the Calimo mansion?" Robin asks him. "They usually go all out; they are the talk of the town, that is for sure." "Has it given you any ideas for your upcoming wedding?" Dawn asks Robin before she takes a sip of her champagne. Robin looks over at Adam with a sly grin on her face. "Well, yes," she replies to her. "Your father and I were thinking " "Oh no, should we be worried?" Max asks with a chuckle. "We were hoping that the two of you would stand up for us," Adam tells his children. "I would love nothing more than to marry Robin with my children by my side. So, what do you say? Will you stand up for us at our wedding?" Dawn gulps heavily as she sees Helen over Adam's shoulder. She still can't help but wish her father was reuniting with her mother; she still longs for that, but she realizes that she must accept that Adam has chosen to be with Robin. "I would be more than happy to stand up for you Dad," Max finally replies to Adam, as he moves up and hugs his father and then hugs Robin. "Yes, of course, me too," Dawn uneasily says too, moving in line to hug her father and his fiancé. "Ooh! This is so exciting," Robin clasps her hands together after the hugs are finished. "We will have the best wedding now, I know we will!" *** "Where is Cory?" Jeff asks Leah as he moves up to his ex-wife, as they stand in the living room of the mansion, waiting for the wedding to begin. He can't help but recall the previous day when he overheard Cory and Leah talking at the coffeehouse about the fact that she still isn't pregnant, despite them trying to have a child together. He has been trying to stop thinking about Leah and Cory having a child together, he just can't help but be curious. He thinks that it is because he, so far, is the only man to have fathered Leah's children, so he is just naturally curious about Leah having another man's baby. "He is upstairs with Sophie," Leah takes a sip of her champagne before looking back at her ex-husband. "It certainly looks like a nice day for a wedding, huh?" "Brings back a lot of memories, doesn't it?" Leah smiles back to him. "I've certainly had my fair share trips down the aisle," she nods back to him. "Each one was very special." "That is very true," Jeff replies to her quickly. "Any luck with the baby?" "Not yet," Leah tells him quickly, thinking about how she and Cory took a pregnancy test a few days earlier and it came back negative. "But, we aren't in a rush. We have all the time to have a child. Cory and I are in it for the long haul." "Just hearing you talk about it," Jeff looks back at her. "It also brings up memories of Noah and Paige," he tells her. "Time has gone by so quickly." "You can say that again," Leah chuckles back to him. "So many memories." Jeff notes that she appears to be lost in her train of thought. "Hey, what is it? Did I say something wrong?" "No, of course not," Leah waves her hand back to him, unable to stop thinking about how she has been having recurring dreams of a child crying but she can't locate the infant to help it calm down. She has no idea what the dream means, but she is always left wondering if there is a bigger meaning behind it. "Well, then," Jeff tells her. "What were you just thinking about?" Leah sighs back to him. "I've been dreaming," she reveals to him. "Dreaming? About what?" "A baby," Leah tells him. "I'm in a room that I can't place, exactly, but it feels familiar. And, in the room, there is a baby crying but I can never find the child. I don't know what it means but I keep having the same dream." "Interesting," Jeff nods back to her. "Something in your subconscious is trying to tell you something, Leah. I guess it's up to you to figure out what it is." Leah smiles back to him, appreciating his words to her. Across the room, Meggan grabs a glass of sparkling cider and turns around to try to find Jeff. She freezes when she spies Jeff talking to Leah with a sly grin on his face. She feels her heart move into her throat at the sight and then quickly takes a sip of her cider. One
Day House Nicholas sits behind his desk reviewing the budget file for the One Day House. He has been working on the budget for a couple of weeks now and would love to finally finish it, so he can focus on other duties within the house. His mind, however, is struggling to stay focused as he recalls seeing Andy at the coffeehouse the day before. Andy, because of the rift between them right now, asked Nicholas not to go to Robbie and Kim's wedding today; Andy is still struggling to get over the fact that Nicholas knew that Clayton was staying at the One Day House and didn't tell him. Nicholas knows how badly Andy wanted to talk to Clayton to try to uncover why he looked exactly like Reese; Nicholas was insecure about letting them chat because Clayton admitted to him that he was attracted to Andy. Nicholas believed because Andy had such a strong attachment to Reese, it would move over to Clayton and they would end up breaking up. "How could I have been so stupid?" Nicholas asks himself as he sighs. "I should have told Andy the truth as soon as I knew Clayton was here. How is he ever going to forgive me for lying to him?" Nicholas shakes his head in frustration as he suddenly gets an idea. "Wait, that's it," he says as he grabs his phone. "If I can find Clayton and bring him back, Andy might realize that I really am sorry, and I want to make things right again. I have to find Clayton." He puts his phone to his ear. "Meggan," he says into her voicemail. "It's Nicholas. I know you're at the Calimo wedding, but I need to talk to you, it's important. We must find Clayton Hughes. It could save my relationship." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home "Are you sure that you're okay not going to the wedding?" Donovan asks Lukas, who is pouring two glasses of wine in the living room of the large estate they live in. "Of course," Lukas turns and passes his husband a glass of the merlot. "I would much rather spend the day with you and Olly, whenever he wakes up from his nap." "Good answer," Donovan leans and kisses him on the lips. "I've been thinking about something." Lukas arches his eyebrow as he takes a sip of his wine. "What is that?" "If you want Abby to have less time with Olly, I will honor your request," Donovan tells him. "But, I do think that she should see him, just not as often. And of course, always supervised." "I think that is a good compromise," Lukas tells him with smile on his face. "I'm glad we could talk through this and work on it together." "You and I can do anything together," Donovan replies to him quickly. "That's why we are a good match, Lukas." "How would you feel about me going back to work? Lukas asks him next. "I don't have any prospects, but we do have to support our son now." "Interesting idea," Donovan nods back to him. "But, with me working at Robertson Enterprises, I'm not sure we'd have enough time with Olly?" Lukas shrugs back to him. "I'd be okay hiring a nanny or some help," Lukas admits to him. "I had nanny's growing up and look how good I turned out!" "Let's think about that," Donovan chuckles back to him. "You know, Olly will likely be sleeping for another hour or so." "What are you suggesting?" "Let's go upstairs?" Donovan moves closer to him and kisses his husband on the lips. "We can have Daddy time." Lukas chuckles back to him. "I can definitely get into some Daddy time!" Twin
Peaks General Hospital "Trenyce is pregnant, I certainly didn't see that coming," Abby admits to Andrew as they stand outside of Trenyce's hospital room. Abby recalls how the previous day Trenyce learned that the reason she fainted is because she is pregnant; Abby, and Andrew, had just assumed that Trenyce had suffered a panic attack because she was scared that the Rose Peddle killer was coming back to kill her again. "I know," Andrew agrees with her. "I don't think anyone saw it coming, even Trenyce looked shocked." "You know," Abby looks into his eyes for a moment. "Actually, never mind. It's silly." "No, tell me what you were going to say Abby." Abby bites her lower lip as she looks back at him. "It just brought back so many memories I have of when I was carrying Sonny. Like I told you, it is silly." "You thinking of our son is not silly," Andrew grabs her hand and looks back into her eyes. "Sonny will always be a part of us, Abby. Don't be so hard on yourself, okay?" Abby nods back to him and looks down at their hands, which are connected. For a moment, she can't help but wonder if it is a sign that they are meant to be together after all. Before she can say anything, however, Andrew hears his phone ping with a new message and quickly drops her hand. "Ah, sorry," he reads the message on his screen. "It's from Albertinah. She is going for a walk to clear her head." Abby immediately nods back to him, realizing that Andrew is still with Albertinah. She can't believe she allowed herself to get caught up in the thought of them being together again. *** Meanwhile, Trenyce stands in her hospital room and is packing her overnight bag up. She has been discharged from the hospital, but she is still reeling from the news that she is pregnant. The last thing she ever expected to discover is that she was carrying a child. After she went home, she realized that it was too much being there again since Brad was murdered in her living room on New Year's Eve. When Abby arrived, she was so scared that the Rose Peddle killer was returning that she started to hyperventilate and eventually she fainted. When she came too, she assumed that she suffered from a panic attack; the fact that she is pregnant is jarring but makes sense as she recalls feeling faint a few weeks earlier at the Pampa Grill. "I can't believe I'm going to be a mother," she whispers as she zips up her bag. "This is surreal." She freezes for a moment and covers her mouth in horror. "Wait," she bites her lip. "Chris has been in jail for months and Brad and I " She closes her eyes and recalls the day when Brad was at her house helping her with a leaking sink; they ended up making love and she has never told a single person about their encounter because she knows how much pain it would have caused Chris and Cheresa. They were all just starting to get their footing as a family, so she never wanted to ruin that. She even told Brad that they would never make love again. But, now, she is faced with this reality. "My God," she lets a tear fall down her cheek. "Brad is the father of my baby. I'm going to have Brad's baby." The
Calimo Mansion "You look beautiful today," Tyler tells Natasha as he opens the door to her bedroom and moves inside. He can't take his eyes off his lover as she wears a sparkling pink dress. Natasha turns as she finishes putting a large diamond earring into her ear and smiles at him. "You don't look bad yourself. Thanks for being here today." "I know today is going to be a rough day for you," he nods back to her. "I just hope you're not planning to do anything crazy to stop this wedding from happening." Natasha looks over at her purse and then looks back at Tyler, thinking about how she found Bob's handgun the other evening and she thought that if she could scare Robbie and Kim, they would realize that they are making a mistake. "Don't worry about that," Natasha purses her lips together. "How is Felicia?" Tyler arches his eyebrow back to her. "My mother? She's fine, why do you ask?" Natasha shrugs back to her. "I had a long conversation with Eva the other day," Natasha reveals to him. She had been putting off telling him this for days now and she just finds herself revealing it all today. "She seems to think that if Felicia was off her medication, she could be the Rose Peddle killer. I don't know, it seemed to make sense to me. I just hope it's not the case." "I can't believe you," Tyler huffs back to her. "How dare you stand there and accuse my mother of such things!" "I'm not accusing her, I'm just relaying the theory," Natasha defends herself. "If you think your mother is on her medication, then we can drop this." "She took a pill in front of me yesterday," Tyler replies to her. "So, I'd appreciate if you'd keep these theories to yourself before someone gets hurt by it." "Tyler," Natasha calls out as he moves to the door. "Don't leave, I'm sorry." "You need to stop and think about what you say and do," he turns and glares at her. "Because, the words have consequences. Think about that, okay? See you at the wedding." Natasha sighs as he leaves the room, leaving her alone. "Great," she tells herself. "Not only am I going to have to aim a gun at Robbie and Kim today, but Tyler is furious with me. Lovely way to start this damn wedding." Next
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