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Bleeding Out Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: | ||
Theme song: "Until I Bleed Out" The Weekend Previously
on One Day at a Time
Andrew and Abby scurry down the pier as they look around hoping if they can see Albertinah anywhere. Andrew has been worried about his girlfriend since he texted her a while ago, but she hasn't responded to him; Albertinah had told him that she was going for a walk, but it is not like her to not respond to his text messages. Considering that the Rose Peddle killer is still on the loose, Andrew is worried that something has happened to Albertinah. Together with Abby's help, they have already searched the park, the Sugarbowl and the Pampa Grill and they haven't been able to track down Albertinah. The longer they go without finding her, the more worried Andrew becomes about Albertinah "I don't see her anywhere," Abby tells him as they continue to walk down the pier, looking in all directions. "Where could she be?" "I wish I knew," Andrew sighs back to her. "I'm starting to get worried, Abs." "Don't worry," Abby grabs his hand and looks into his eyes. She can really see how much he cares about Albertinah; she hasn't seen this look of worry on him in a very long time. "We will find Albertinah. I know we will." Andrew uneasily nods back to her. "I hope you're right," he whispers back to her. "I think the other parking lot is just up here," he turns and points to the lot. "Maybe she parked on this side of the pier?" "Let's go check it out," Abby tells him as they start to walk towards the parking lot. They arrive at the staircase that will take them to the parking lot. Immediately, they see a dark figure hovering over someone that appears to be laying on the ground. "Hey, what is going on over there?" Andrew points towards a car in the parking lot, as the killer stands up and rushes off. "Hey, you! What are you doing?" Abby feels her heart skip a beat at the sight unfolding in front of her. Abby sees Albertinah's body laying on the ground as Andrew rushes off towards the dark figure. "Oh my God!" Abby cries as she rushes over to Albertinah's body. Andrew, meanwhile, has started to chase after the Rose Peddle Killer. "Andrew! Please, be careful!" Abby says as she reaches Albertinah, who is laying in a pool of blood and is covered in rose peddles. "Albertinah? Oh my God, can you hear me? Albertinah!" Abby fumbles around in her purse for her phone. "Yes, 9-1-1, I need help on the pier! Please, someone has been stabbed!" Meanwhile, Andrew runs after the killer, who bolts behind one of the large brick buildings behind the pier. The killer comes up to the end of the alley, where there is a large brick wall. They turn around and see Andrew rushing towards them as they realize they are at a dead end. "It's over," Andrew comes up to the killer and tries to catch his breath. "You're not going to get away with this anymore!" | ||
The Calimo Mansion The guests in the living room of the Calimo mansion gasp as Natasha holds the small handgun towards Robbie and Kim, whose wedding was interrupted by his sister pulling out her weapon. No one can truly believe that Natasha is holding a weapon against her brother and his fiancé. "Natasha, what the hell are you doing?" a stunned Robbie moves down from the altar and closer to his sister. Everything is happening so quickly; his head is spinning but he has hard time believing that Natasha is actually pointing a gun a Kim. "This is the most insane thing you've ever done!" "Don't you say that to me," Natasha replies to him as she keeps pointing the gun at Kim. "I have told you that this wedding can't happen, maybe now you will realize how serious I am!" "I realize how crazy you are!" Robbie shouts back to her. "Put the gun down, Natasha. Let's go out into the foyer and talk about this, okay?" "I will only put this gun down if you are going to stop this wedding," Natasha looks back at him. "The alternative is that I shoot Kim right here and right now." Kim looks back at Robbie with worry all over her face. "Please Natasha," Kim pleads with her. "Let's talk about this, okay? Please, you don't want to do this!" "I don't want you to marry Robbie," Natasha grits her teeth back to her. "That's the bottom line." *** While the Calimo siblings are sparring, Leah looks over at Cory, who has a concerned look on his face, clearly upset about the events unfolding at the wedding ceremony. "Hey, are you okay?" Leah whispers to her lover, who looks back at her and shakes his head no. "How can I be okay?" he asks her back. "Natasha has a gun in her hand and Sophie is sitting next to her. My daughter is witnessing her mother threaten to shoot people. What the hell is Natasha thinking?" Leah sighs back to him. "I don't know what she is thinking," Leah admits to him. "Do you want to interfere?" "No, I don't think that's a good idea," Cory looks back at her. "But, I will be having a strong conversation with Natasha once this is all said and done. By the way, I saw you with Jeff earlier is everything okay?" Leah thinks back to seeing her ex-husband in the foyer and he told her his theory about why she is dreaming about a baby crying. "I have been having dreams Cory," Leah reveals to him. "About a baby crying but I can't find the child to stop it from crying." "You didn't tell me this? Are you okay?" "I know," Leah nods back to him. "I thought the dreams would go away but they haven't. Anyways, I told Jeff and he assumes it is because the anniversary of Noah's death is coming up." Cory grabs her hand and kisses it. "If you need anything from me, Leah, you know that I'm here for you. I want to help you with whatever it is you're going through. I don't want you to think you can only confide in Jeff about these types of things." "Thanks," Leah smiles back to him. "I am a lucky woman to have you in my corner." *** A few rows behind Leah and Cory, Meggan and Jeff sit next to one another, watching the drama between the Calimo's unfold. Meggan turns and notices that Jeff is watching Cory and Leah; she notes that Jeff arches his eyebrow when Cory kisses Leah's hand. She shuts her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. She is trying so hard to not have insecurities about Jeff and Leah's past and their relationship, but at every turn she is reminded of everything that they share, including two children together. It doesn't seem to matter that she and Jeff also share a son; Jeff continues to be so invested in Leah's relationship with Cory, and Meggan doesn't know how much more she can take or what to do about it. "Hey, are you okay?" Jeff leans over and asks her as he notices that she has her eyes shut. Meggan opens her eyes and looks back at him. "I'm surprised you even noticed me," she replies to him. "You've been starring at your ex-wife for minutes, Jeff." "We will talk about it later, okay? Just remember that I love you, Meggan." "Right," Meggan nods back to him with a slight eye roll. "Of course, you do." Twin
Peaks Executive Hotel Trenyce emerges from the washroom wearing a large white, fluffy robe in the large king suite hotel room that she is staying in for the night. After she was discharged from the hospital, the last place she wanted to go was back to her house; she can't help but think about how she went to her house but when she heard a loud noise, she thought that the Rose Peddle killer was coming back to kill her, since she was the intended victim on New Year's Eve. It turned out to be Abby, but the event triggered a panic attack and Trenyce ended up fainting; Abby rushed her to the hospital where she learned that part of the reason she fainted is because she is pregnant. "I still can't believe that I am pregnant," she puts her hand to her stomach, as she thinks back to last December when she and Brad made love. She immediately knew that it was a mistake because she is engaged to Chris and she knew that Cheresa would be furious with. "And, the father of this little baby will never get to meet him or her." She feels her eyes swell with water thinking about how Brad was killed on New Year's Eve in the attack in her house; now, even more than ever, she feels guilty about not being the one who was killed. "What am I going to do? How am I going to explain this baby to everyone? No one will believe that Chris is the father, he's been in jail too long. How am I going to tell my fiancé and my daughter that Brad is the father of my baby?" The
Victors Mansion Tyler steps out of his car and looks at the Victors mansion. He takes a deep breath as he thinks about how he was at Robbie and Kim's wedding, but he and Natasha had a small tiff because she suggested that if Felicia was off her medication, she could be the Rose Peddle killer. Natasha did try to backtrack by saying that it was Eva's theory, but Tyler was still upset with her, so he left the ceremony. Of course, before he left, Tyler got a call from his mother where Felicia admitted that she thought she saw Brett in her bedroom the night before, but she wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not. Tyler, who already thought Brett has been up to something, wanted to get to the bottom of what his mother saw. The only way to do that, Tyler thought, was to talk to Brett directly. He finally knocks on the front door and waits for Brett to answer. He finally does, and Vinny arches his eyebrow back at Tyler. "Tyler, this is a surprise," Vinny tells him, knowing that he must still pretend to be Brett. "What can I do for you?" "We have to talk," Tyler pushes his way into the foyer of the mansion. "My mother claims she saw you in her bedroom the other night. Do you have to say for yourself? Why in the hell were you in my mother's bedroom?" "I'm sorry, what?" Vinny asks back, pretending to be in shock. He recalls that he told Felicia that she was dreaming when she caught him her bedroom; he was in the bedroom to refill her medication bottle with the false tablets that he has been giving her. He needs Felicia to be off her medication to keep Tyler preoccupied with her and not investigating his plan of revenge against Victoria. Had Tyler not witnessed Vinny leaving Victoria's condo, this would not be happening. He had hoped, however, that by telling Felicia that she was dreaming, she was going to think that he wasn't actually in her bedroom. "I have no idea what the hell you are talking about?" "My mother," Tyler looks back at him with intent. "She claims she saw you in her bedroom. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming or if it was real or not." "It most certainly was not real," Vinny shakes his head back to him. "I have no reason to be anywhere near you or your mother. I have no idea where this is coming from? But, I will tell you this, I'm getting awfully tired of you going around spreading these rumors about me. First about me sneaking out of Victoria's condo, now this? What the hell is wrong with you?" "I have no proof of any foul play," Tyler admits to him. "But, I'm warning you Brett, if you do anything to hurt my mother, you will answer to me, do you understand me?" "Perfectly," Vinny smirks back to him. "But, I suggest you focus on your unwell mother and leave me the hell alone. I have done nothing wrong and I will do my best to stay the hell away from her. Now, kindly get the hell out of my house." Tyler sighs back to him and quickly leaves through the front door. Once outside, he takes a deep breath, still not able to shake the feeling that Brett is hiding something; but what could it be? Meanwhile, in the house, Vinny runs his hand through his hair as he pours himself a scotch. "Damnit," he whispers to himself. "Felicia is becoming a problem. I may need to take drastic measures to get her out of my way once and for all." The
Calimo Mansion "Natasha, come on," Robbie moves closer to his sister, who is still pointing her gun at Kim. "You don't want to do this! You don't want to shoot Kim; your children are sitting right next to you for crying out loud." "You don't think I know that?" Natasha moves out of her aisle and closer to the altar. "Robbie, all I thought was that if I could scare you two with this gun, you would realize that marrying Kim was a mistake. Please, tell me that it has worked?" "Natasha, just put the gun down!" Kim pleads with her as she moves up to her. "Please!" "Oh, shut up," Natasha rolls her eyes at her. "There's nothing but blanks in the gun anyways, even if I wanted to shoot you, nothing would happen!" "Blanks?" Robbie asks her in surprise. "You pointed an empty gun at Kim in hopes of scarring me out of marrying her? What is wrong with you?" "Just tell me that it worked," Natasha looks back at her brother. "Tell me that I've scared you enough that you won't marry this woman!" "You bitch," Kim moves up to her and slaps Natasha across the face as she is tired of Natasha's behavior. Kim realizes that Natasha is being a child and she wants it to end, now. "How dare you!" Natasha looks back at Kim and slaps her back! "You have a lot of nerve!" Kim leaps at Natasha and the two women start brawling on the floor as the crowd once again gasps out loud in shock and horror. Robbie stands there in shock, not sure what to do. As the women wrestle for control, the gun goes off and a blood curling scream is heard in the room! The
Pier "It's over," Andrew glares back at the Rose Peddle killer as they stand in the alley behind the pier. "You're not going to hurt anyone else, do you understand me?" The killer nods back to him as they twirl the knife in their hand. Andrew moves to grab his cell phone to call for help when the killer makes a quick move towards him and slashes his arm with the knife! Andrew yells out in horror and immediately drops his phone. The killer steps on it, cracking the iPhone instantly. Andrew puts his hand over his arm and sees the blood seeping out from his fingers. "What the hell?" he looks back at the person holding the bloody knife. The killer pushes Andrew back, causing him to stumble back into the brick wall of the building behind him. He crumbles to the ground, as he continues to bleed heavily. The killer, meanwhile, rushes out of the alley and disappears into the darkness as police sirens can be heard in the distance, as Abby called for help earlier. Next
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