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for the Feeling Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: May 29, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Summer Love" Carly Rae Jepsen The Davenport
House; Trenyce, Chris & Andrew's Home "You're keeping a secret from me?" Chris uneasily asks Trenyce back as they sit next to one another on the sofa in the living room of the house they live in together. Chris just suggested to Trenyce that they get married sooner rather than later but instead of being excited at the idea of getting married, she revealed that she has been keeping a secret from him. He has no idea what it could be, but he wants to get to the bottom of it. "What haven't you told me, Trenyce?" Trenyce nervous looks back at him as she feels some beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead. She hates that she must tell Chris that she is pregnant with Brad's baby, but she realizes that she can't keep the secret from him forever because eventually everyone will know that she is with child. "There isn't any easy way to say this," she finally replies to him as she stands up from the sofa and paces around the room. "You're scaring me Trey," Chris stands up and moves up to her. "Just tell me? It can't be that bad?" "I uh " she begins to tell him nervously. "I slept with someone while you were in jail." Chris sighs heavily back to her as he runs his hand over his face, as he feels like he was just punched in the gut. "You slept with another man? Even after we got engaged?" "I know," Trenyce bites her lip. "I know that it was wrong, Chris. It just happened." "I don't believe this." "That's not the end of it," she looks back at him knowing that there is no going back now. "I'm pregnant. I'm carrying his child." | ||
Riverbench Winery; The Richardson
Estate; Santa Barbara "Are you feeling better now that you've had dinner?" Cory moves up to Leah as they stand up in the living room of the winery. He recalls how Leah admitted that she was hearing a baby crying in her head since she arrived at the winery; he was alarmed because he knows that she was having some dreams of hearing a baby crying but she wasn't able to find the child to help it; the fact that she can't get the crying out of her head now that they are at the winery is even more troublesome. He is hoping that maybe getting some food in her will help her. Leah uneasily looks back at him. "I don't know what is happening to me," she admits to him. "I was having those dreams at home but since getting back here, the crying is like a ringing in my ears. I can't shake it." "What can I do to help?" Cory asks her. "Do you want a glass of water? Do you want to go lay down?" Leah looks back at him as Meggan and Jeff re-enter the living room. They immediately can tell that Leah is still struggling with the crying in her head. "What's going on? Leah, are you okay?" Jeff asks his ex-wife as he moves up to her. He looks at her with worry on his face, which Meggan takes note of. She hates that Jeff is so invested in his ex-wife. "I think it would be best if I go home," Leah announces to everyone. "I don't know what it is about this winery, but I feel like I am losing my mind. I am sorry to cut this weekend away so short." "No, it's fine," Meggan comes up to her and puts her hand on her back. "We won't have fun if we know that you are struggling. Let's call it a weekend, guys? Let's go pack and get Leah home?" "That sounds like a plan," Cory uneasily nods back to her before he looks over a Leah and puts a smile on his face. "Let's go home baby." The
Pampa Grill "How are you holding up? And don't lie to me," Tyler looks across the table at Natasha as they are sitting together having dinner with one another. Tyler can only imagine how Natasha is handling the death of Eva; he knows how close Natasha and Eva were, so he wants to ensure his lover is doing okay with the loss of her mother. Natasha picks up her glass of red wine and takes a sip of it. "Every day is still difficult," she reveals to him as she sets the glass of wine back down on the table. "I don't know, I still feel like I am going to wake up and my Mom will still be with us." "Remember what I said," Tyler looks back at her. "And that is that I'm here for you if you need me. Whatever you need; if you must scream, scream, if you want to hit something, hit something just don't keep anything bottled up. I made that mistake after Blake died and some of my actions hurt a lot of people." "Thanks Tyler," Natasha tries to put a smile on her face. "I really appreciate everything that you're doing for me." "Of course," Tyler smiles back to her. "By the way, I have some news." Natasha arches her eyebrow back to him. "News? What kind of news?" "My Dad and I are actually on good terms again," Tyler reveals to her. "Eva's death has made him realize that life is too short, and we shouldn't be fighting. He told me if being with you makes me happy then he is okay with it." "Wow," Natasha shakes her head back to him in surprise. "That is the last thing that I was expecting to hear." "He even gave me my old job at Robertson Enterprises back," Tyler continues to tell her. "So, I'm officially working again." Natasha uneasily chuckles back to him. "And I'm still at Roboto," she reminds him. "Which means we are officially working against each other." *** "And so, by accident, I basically found mine and Reese's baby books," Madeline tells Andy as they sit across from each other about her time at the Wilkins storage locker with Will. She knows that she has been wondering about Clayton Hughes, the man who looks just like Reese, and so she went to her family storage unit in hopes of finding something that would help her with uncovering the mystery of why the men look alike. "And, that's when I saw it: Reese's birth certificate. What struck me as odd is that my Mom's delivering doctor was Frederick Richardson; I've only heard bad things about that man." Andy uneasily looks back at her before he takes a sip of his sparkling water. "He did a lot of horrible things," Andy agrees with her. "I am not sure how this would connect Clayton to Reese?" Madeline shakes her head back to him. "I don't know either," she admits to him. "Maybe I am grasping at straws, but my mind is in overdrive right now." "What are you thinking Maddie? What do you think this means?" "I don't know," she looks at him. "But what if there was another baby? What if Clayton is actually my brother too?" Andy looks back at her in shock. He never imagined that Clayton could be Reese and Madeline's sibling, but it would make sense as to why he looks just like his deceased husband. "I never thought that before," he reveals to her. "But, then why wasn't Clayton raised by Olivia and Preston?" Madeline shrugs her shoulders back to him. "Maybe Frederick had something to do with it?" she suggests to him. "I need to figure out if Frederick had a connection to my parents because it could solve this entire mystery." The
Sugarbowl Clayton opens the door to the coffeehouse and moves inside quickly. He looks around the rather busy establishment and breathes a sigh of relief when he doesn't see Nicholas or Andy in the coffeehouse. He recalls how he saw them here earlier in the day and they shared a kiss; Clayton can't explain why seeing them kiss got to him, but he didn't like it. He wonders if it is because he still finds Andy very attractive; heck, he even thinks that Nicholas is attractive. "Maybe one day that will be me," he says as he grabs his iced coffee from the barista. "Finding someone to love and be loved." "Clayton," a voice calls out from behind him. He turns around and sees Nicholas approaching him. "How's it going? I haven't seen you since Nashville. You're managing okay?" Clayton uneasily nods back to him. "As well as to be expected," he takes a sip of his coffee. "I was actually thinking of applying for a job here. What do you think?" "I think working at the Sugarbowl would be a great first step for you," Nicholas nods back to him. "And, it would allow you to have some income coming your way." "Yea, that's what I was thinking," Clayton replies to him. "I'm surprised I haven't heard from Madeline again. I thought she wanted to uncover this mystery." Nicholas chuckles back to him. "I don't know Madeline very well," he admits to him. "But I think she will try to do whatever she can to solve this. This is her family that is being impacted." Clayton nods back to him. "Well, I'll do whatever I can to help. I'd also like to know why I look like this Reese fellow and why everyone thinks it's so odd." "I'm glad to hear that," Nicholas looks back at him. "We all just want answers, that's all." Roboto "Have you thought of anything to help us put Roboto back on the map?" Robbie asks Kim as he moves up to the desk where she is sitting with her laptop open. Kim looks up from her screen and looks at her husband as she knows that they are desperate to come up with a plan for the company to rebound after Cassie stole money from them last year. Every day that passes, she knows that Roboto is falling further and further behind and she refuses to let that happen. "I was just looking at these latest ad campaigns," Kim reveals to him as she points to her screen. Robbie moves around behind her and looks at the screen. "What do you see?" "A model holding the product?" Robbie asks her back. "Right," Kim nods back to him. "But we have used this girl in three or four other ads. I'm thinking the first thing that we need to do is get a new model. We need a fresh look. We need someone exciting." Robbie smiles back to her. "I think that's a great idea," he tells his wife. "If we get a new model with a great new product, that could be the thing that starts the fire under Roboto's ass." "Exactly," Kim chuckles back to him. "I'm glad that we are on the same page." Twin
Peaks Police Department "So, again, you're telling me that Brooke hit you on the head with a paper weight," Josh Levitt sits in an interrogation room in the police department while Greg sits across from him. Greg has just finished explaining to his lawyer his version of the events that happened the night that Brooke was killed; of course, Greg knows that he didn't actually kill Brooke, it was Abby, but he is determined to take the fall for it because he doesn't want Abby to go through anything else right now. Greg knows that Abby has been through a lot with losing Sonny, losing Andrew, Brad's death, Albertinah's death, finding out that Brooke was the killer and then Donovan told her that he wanted her to stay away from Olly. The trauma all became too much for Abby and she blacked out the event completely, which is how Greg was able to step in and claim that he killed Brooke. "And, then you grabbed an ice pick and stabbed her in the back with it?" Josh finishes asking him his question. "Yes," Greg nods back to him. "That is exactly what happened." Josh sighs and puts his pen down and looks back at Greg. "You have to be honest with me, Greg, if you want me to build a strong case." "I am being honest with you," Greg looks back at the lawyer. "Why would you think I'm lying?" "For starters," Josh sighs back to him. "A blow to the head by a paper weight would have knocked the wind out of you, I'm sure. It doesn't add up that in that state you were able to grab another weapon, get Brooke on the floor, and stab her. So, what am I missing?" "Nothing," Greg grits his teeth back to his lawyer. "That is exactly what happened. I must have had an adrenaline rush or something, Josh." Josh puts his hands up in defeat. "Okay, I'll use that but if you want me to help you Greg, you really should tell me the truth, okay?" "This is the truth," Greg nods back to him. "I promise you that." The
Pampa Grill Dominick opens the door to the restaurant and moves inside. He quickly scans the restaurant to ensure that no member of his family is currently dinning because the last thing he wants is for someone to ask him how he is coping with Eva's death; he just wants to have a drink before he goes back home for the night. He breathes a sigh of relief when he doesn't see anyone, so he moves up to the bar and sits down. He quickly orders a double scotch and waits for his drink to arrive. "Do you mind if I sit here?" a voice asks causing Dominick to turn and see Abby moving up to the bar. "Oh, sorry, Mr. Robertson, I didn't realize it was you. I'm probably the last person you want to see right now." Dominick takes a sip of his scotch. "Please, have a seat." Abby looks back at him in surprise. "Really? You mean that? I just need a drink before I head home." Dominick picks up his glass. "We are having the same thoughts," he chuckles back to her. "And, of course I mean you can sit here, Abby. I certainly can't fault you for the actions of your mother." Abby takes a sip of her vodka soda and sighs back to him, as she still can't believe that Brooke was the Rose Peddle killer. The fact that her mother killed four people, including Brad and Dominick's wife, is shocking to her. Never in a million years did she ever expect Brooke to be the killer. "For what it is worth," Abby looks back over at the older man. "I am sorry about Eva. She was a lovely woman." "Thank you," Dominick nods back to her. "I miss her very much. I am sure that finding out that your mother was the serial killer and that your father stabbed her is a lot to handle?" "That is just the latest of everything that has happened to me lately," Abby takes another sip of her drink. "My son died at birth last November, then my brother died on New Year's Eve and now this mess with my parents. It's just been a lot to handle, you know?" "Losing my wife is a lot to handle for me, so I can only imagine what you're going through." Abby turns and looks at him with a sly grin on her face. "Thank you for being so sweet to me," she tells him. "When I saw you, I didn't think the conversation would end this way." "Like I said," Dominick takes a sip of his scotch. "I can't hold the actions of your mother against you, Abby. We all just must try to move forward now. If we can." "If we can," Abby takes a drink of her vodka. "I'll drink to that." The
Davenport House; Trenyce, Chris & Andrew's Home "You're pregnant?" a stunned Chris looks back at Trenyce as he feels his blood start to boil. It wasn't enough that Trenyce just told him that she slept with someone else while he was in jail, but the fact that she is carrying the man's child is a devastating blow to him. "My God, how can this be happening?" "I am so sorry," Trenyce gets tears in her eyes. "I never meant for any of this to happen, Chris. You have to believe me!" "You cheated on me while I was in jail," Chris grits his teeth together. "I know I fucked up by driving my car that night, but I thought you were proud of me for stepping up and taking ownership of the situation?" "I was, I am proud of you!" Trenyce lets a tear fall down her cheek. "Really? So proud that you sleep with the first guy that comes along?" "It wasn't like that, Chris!" "Then how was it? You were with this guy before?" Chris asks her quickly. "Who the hell is this guy? Who got you knocked up, Trey?" Trenyce shakes her head back to him as another tear falls down her cheek. "That doesn't matter," she cries back to him. "It's over." "Tell me!" Chris yells. "Tell me who he is!" "Brad!" Trenyce yells back to him. "Brad Lawson is the father of my baby!" Chris looks back at her in shock. Trenyce gasps as she watches Chris storm out of the living room. She shakes a little when she hears the front door slam close as Chris storms out of the house. "Chris, please," Trenyce cries to herself. "Come back, please come back." Next
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