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You Can Shine Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 01, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Escape from LA" The Weekend The
Sugarbowl Kim moves into the coffeehouse desperate to grab another cup of coffee this morning. She had a couple at the Calimo mansion before she came into town to go to work at Roboto, but she is feeling like she could use another one. She knows that has a busy day planned at the office because she and Robbie are desperate to try to figure out a way to get the company back afloat since they are still struggling to recover since Cassie stole money from them last year. She came up with the great idea to hire a new model to help get some of Roboto's ads to feel fresher; now, they just must find a model that would really add a lot of new energy to the company. As she turns to move to the coffee bar to add cream and sugar into her coffee, she can't help but see Cheresa sitting at the window bar alone. She sighs to herself wondering how she is doing; she, like everyone else, can't believe that Brooke turned out to the serial killer and that Greg killed his ex-wife in self-defense. She realizes that she should also go see Greg to make sure that he is doing okay in this nightmare. "Cheresa," Kim says as she moves up to her. "I saw you here by yourself and wanted to come say hi." Cheresa turns to Kim and uneasily smiles back to her. "That was nice of you, Kim. How are you?" "I am good," Kim sits next to her. "I guess the question is, how are you? I am sure the last couple of weeks have been pretty tough on you?" "That might be the understatement of the year," Cheresa tries to force a laugh out of her mouth. "Brooke killed Shelley, Brad, Albertinah and Eva," she tells Kim, still in disbelief. "I don't know how to come to terms with that. To make it worse, we will never get answers because Greg killed Brooke. My world feels like it has been turned upside down." "I don't know if you know this," Kim looks back at her quickly. "But, a few years ago my young son was killed in a car accident," she reveals to her. "It took me a very long time to feel normal again, and even some days I still will just burst into tears for no reason when I think of him. I guess my point is that you're allowed to feel however you want while you're grieving all these losses. Don't let anyone tell you how you should or shouldn't feel, okay?" Cheresa nods back to her. "Thanks Kim, I really appreciate it." | ||
*** In the back booth of the Sugarbowl, Lukas sits across from a young Asian man with latte's in front of them. Next to Lukas is Olly's baby stroller, who is fast asleep inside. "So," Lukas looks up from the paper resume that rests on the table. "You have a master's degree in child care; What made you want to be a nanny instead of going into education?" Jasper Lim picks up his latte and takes a sip of it before he looks back at Lukas. Jasper is still relatively young and comes from a wealth family. His parents are first generation immigrants from Japan and worked hard to open a small chain of grocery stores in the Midwest. They had dreams for Jasper, their only son, to become a doctor but he went a different path and went into child care because he found that he loves children. Growing up as a gay man, he realized he was drawn to children because so much of his own childhood was left living a lie as he was worried about coming out; thankfully, when he did come out, his parents were more than supportive and loving to him. "There are many reasons to answer that questions," Jasper finally responds to him. "For starters, I really enjoy the one on one connection of a nanny or working in a day care would provide compared to the education system. Secondly, the education system has so many flaws in it, I'm not sure that I want to be a part of that until there are some major changes within and given the current political climate, I'm not sure that will happen any time soon." Lukas nods back to him, surprised by his answer. "I am really impressed by you Mr. Lim," Lukas admits to him. "Well," Jasper chuckles back to him. "If I am going to be watching your son, Mr. Richardson, I'm going to insist that you call me Jasper, please." "Very well Jasper," Lukas tells him. "But that means you can call me Lukas, and my husband, Donovan." "Husband? You're married?" Jasper asks him in surprise. "Yes sir, for a couple of years now," Lukas tells him as he pulls out his phone and shows him a picture of himself and Donovan. "This is Donovan." "Good looking couple," Jasper smiles back to him. "Olly is a very lucky boy to grow up in this type of home." "That's nice of you to say," Lukas replies to him. "If you don't mind, Jasper, I'm going to call your references before I make my final decision, but I am very interested in hiring you." "I look forward to hearing from you," Jasper reaches over and shakes Lukas' hand. "Very much so." Twin
Peaks Executive Hotel "Morning, how did you sleep?" Madeline asks Will as she moves into his hotel room. She drops her purse on the chair and turns to look at her friend, who is shirtless and only wearing some grey sweat pants. Madeline can't help but notice his toned, muscular chest and licks her lips a little. Will runs his hand through his hair as he moves to the small table and pours himself a cup of coffee. "I tossed and turned," he admits to her. "I kept thinking about Eva's bloody body on the ground at the storage lockers." "I'm sorry that you're having trouble with that image and the events," Madeline shakes her head back to him. "Can I do anything to help?" Will turns and looks at her. "Well, what is the next step that you want to do in this Clayton Hughes mystery? For a short time yesterday morning, I did forget about Eva and my grief. I realized that you are right; the distraction is good for me." Madeline smiles back to him. "So, you want to still help me? That's great, because I have really enjoyed spending time with you again, Will. It has brought back a lot of memories for me." "Me too," Will admits to her. "It's been nice to reconnect with you, Madeline." Madeline looks at Will and finds herself moving up to him. She puts her hand on his muscular chest and then leans in and kisses him on the lips. "Whoa, what are you doing?" Will asks her as he pulls her away. Madeline shakes her head back to him quickly. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me." "I agreed to help you with your mystery Madeline," Will tells her. "But I am still grieving Eva. I just buried her yesterday. I am no way ready for anything else but friendship, okay?" Madeline nods back to him. "Of course," she purses her lips together. "I am sorry I crossed a line. Shall we talk about what our next steps are with Clayton?" "Yea, that sounds good." The
Victors Mansion Vinny moves into the living room of the large estate that he lives in and moves to pour himself some orange juice from the bar. He keeps thinking about his conversation with Daisy the previous day at Eva's memorial when she mentioned that she thought when they made love recently it felt different to her. Of course, Vinny knows that the reason it was different for her is because he isn't Brett; he is still posing as his twin brother to avoid jail time. Vinny knows that he was able to cover with a story but he just hopes that Daisy bought it so they can move on. "And," he whispers to himself as a takes a sip of his orange juice. "While I wait to ensure Daisy isn't still suspicious, I need to ensure that Victoria is getting closer to a true breakdown," he tells himself, as he thinks about how Victoria had a melt down at the memorial service because she thought she saw Brandy about to stab Donovan. Vinny knows that by increasing her drug dose, Victoria will continue to have more and more hallucinations, which make her family believe she has split again. He moves over to his phone and opens the app where he can control the small device that is on the back of Victoria's phone. He increases the voltage on the app and gets a devilish grin on his face. "What are you doing?" Daisy asks Vinny as she moves into the living room and sees him on his phone. It is an app screen that Daisy has never seen before so she is curious as to what is going on with her lover. "What's that on your screen?" "Oh," Vinny quickly puts his phone out of her eye sight. "This was this new grocery delivery app that I was trying. It didn't seem to connect me to a store in Twin Peaks though, so I am going to delete it." "I see," Daisy nods back to him. "That's too bad; a delivery system would be amazing." Vinny chuckles back to her, thrilled that he was able to cover with her again. "I agree," he leans in and kisses her. "Good morning, by the way. It's too bad you're dressed." Daisy giggles back to him. "Is that so? I don't have to stay dressed," she purrs back to him. "I like how you're thinking," he kisses her again before they start to rush out of the room. The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home Victoria slowly opens her eyes as she lays in the one of the guest rooms that is in the Richardson Estate, as the previous day Donovan brought her back to the mansion once she had a break down at Eva's memorial service. She immediately puts her hand to her head as she feels her head throbbing with a killer headache. "It's going to be a long day," she says as she leans up in the bed. "If I am waking up with one of these headaches." She crawls out of the bed and moves over to her purse, where she digs around until she finds her bottle of aspirin. She puts two pills in her mouth and swallows the pills down with some water. "Hopefully that helps," she whispers to herself as she turns when she hears a faint knock on the door. Donovan appears in the bedroom and looks at his sister with concern. "Morning, how are you today?" "I have a wicked headache," Victoria reveals to him. "I just took some aspirin but maybe I should try to eat something?" "We can have the cook prepare anything you want," he tells his sister. "I am really worried about you, Victoria. Yesterday at the memorial service " "I don't know what happened," she shakes her head back to him as she recalls seeing Brandy standing behind Donovan and preparing to stab him while he was speaking about their mother. "I really thought I saw Brandy standing behind you." "It was worse yesterday then last time I was with you when you thought you saw Brandy," Donovan informs her. "You were so intense, Victoria. I know the doctor at Raven's Meadow said that you split but you didn't feel that way, but something is doing on. And, we have to figure out what it is because after yesterday, I think it is getting worse." MWI
Investigations "I brought you some coffee from the Sugarbowl thinking you might need it this morning since we didn't get home until last night," Jeff announces to Meggan as he moves into her office at her private investigator firm. Jeff recalls how they were at the winery in Santa Barbara with Leah and Cory but they cut the trip short because Leah was having a difficult time as she was hearing a baby crying in her ears; Jeff knew that she was having dreams of a baby crying but the fact that being back in Santa Barbara caused Leah to hear the baby non-stop is most troubling. "It was a late night," Meggan replies to him. "So, I appreciate the coffee." "Anytime, I thought it was the least I could do," Jeff tells her. "I am just sorry that our weekend got cut short." "Me too," Meggan admits to him. "But, if Leah wasn't having a good time, I can understand why." "It's just weird how she was hearing the baby crying like a ringing in her ears." "You were very worried about her." Jeff sighs back to her. "We all were?" he quickly tells her. "It wasn't just me, and even you have to admit it was weird." "It is weird, I get it," Meggan snaps at him. "It's just, it was another reminder that you still care about her, Jeff. If this weekend was to show me that you still care about me the opposite happened. I never should have agreed to go away with you, Leah and Cory." "What are you saying? You think that we should break up again?" Meggan shrugs back to him. "I think it is for the best, at least for now," she admits to him. "I just feel like at every turn Leah is on the forefront of your mind, and I can't live that way. I won't." Robertson
Enterprises "I'm glad you're both here," Dominick announces to Leah and Tyler as they sit in his office at Robertson Enterprises. Dominick looks at his children and knows that he called this meeting last minute, so he is grateful that they were both able to make it. "Leah, darling, are you okay? You look like you didn't sleep well last night?" Leah uneasily smiles back to her father as she knows that it took her awhile to fall asleep after she got home from Santa Barbara; she finally stopped hearing the baby crying when she got home but the entire trip to California weighted heavily on her mind. "I am fine Daddy," she tells him as she doesn't want to worry him. "How are you doing? Eva's memorial is still so fresh on your mind?" "I miss Eva each and every minute," Dominick nods back to her. "That's part of the reason I called you both here." "What's going on Dad?" Tyler asks him. "With Eva passing," he begins to tell his children. "I realize that I am not getting any younger. And, that being said, I realize that I should probably spend more time with family and doing things that I love." "I don't think those are bad things at all," Leah replies to her father. "But, don't think that you're going anywhere anytime soon, please Dad." Dominick chuckles back to her. "I don't plan on it," he says. "But, sometimes life happens. Look at Eva, she still had so much life to live and here we are," he sighs back to his children. "What I'm saying, is that I am going to be stepping back from Robertson Enterprises. I will still be involved but I don't want to be a part of the day to day anymore." "I didn't see this coming Dad," Tyler admits to his father. "What are you planning to do?" Dominick smiles back to him. "I want you, Tyler, to take over at the CEO of Robertson Enterprises, effectively immediately." The words hit Leah like a ton of bricks; she can't believe that Dominick is choosing Tyler over her; she is the oldest child and has worked for Robertson the longest, yet she is being overlooked for Tyler? She feels her blood start to boil, as she looks over and sees a beaming Tyler stand up and hug Dominick. "Thank you so much Dad," Tyler says as they embrace. "I won't let you down, I promise." "I'm counting on that," Dominick chuckles back to him as they shake hands. The
Sugarbowl Abby walks into the coffeehouse and moves quickly into the line up to order her drink. As she waits for her chai tea to be made, she looks to the back booth and sees Lukas sitting there with a baby stroller next to him. She almost feels her heart sink at the sight as she knows that she would love to go and see baby Olly, but Donovan told her that they want her to stay away from their son. Abby, especially with everything going on with her family, would love to see Olly since she felt such a connection to him and since he brought her so such a sense of calmness. "Thank you," she grabs her drink from the barista. She turns to leave the coffeehouse, but she finds herself walking over to Lukas and baby Olly. "Morning Lukas." Lukas looks up from his stack of resumes and sighs immediately at the sight of Abby. "Hi Abby," he manages to say to her. "I am in the middle of something, so if you don't mind ?" "I just wanted to say," Abby sits across from him quickly, annoying Lukas in the process. "That whatever I did to make you and Donovan change your mind about me seeing Olly, I am sorry. You know how much I care about your son." Lukas uneasily nods back to her. "We appreciate that," he tells her. "We are just trying to do what is best for your son. Considering everything going on with Greg and how Brooke turned out to be the killer, you have to understand why we made our decision?" Abby, again, feels her heart sink into her chest. "Right," she tells him. "Well, just know that I care very much for Olly and I will always be there for him, if he needs me." "He won't, but thank you," Lukas coldly tells her. "Okay, I get it," Abby stands up from the booth. "Take care Lukas. And you too Olly," she says looking at the baby stroller. She quickly walks away from the baby feeling herself start to gasp for air. Once she's outside, she leans up against the brick wall and lets a tear fall down her eye. "Why is saying goodbye to him so hard?" she asks herself as another tear falls down her cheek. Suddenly, she has another flash of seeing Brooke's body on the ground of the foyer of the Lawson estate. She shakes her head and the image is gone but it leaves her feeling even more confused than ever as she had a similar flash at Eva's memorial service. "What the hell is wrong with me?" she wipers eyes dry. "I need to get control of myself." Twin
Peaks Police Department "You didn't have to come to see me," Greg tells Kim as they sit across from one another in the visiting center of the police station. After Kim saw Cheresa at the coffeehouse earlier, she realized that she needed to come visit Greg to make sure that he is doing okay. Even though she decided to have a relationship with Robbie, she still cares very much for Greg as they went through a lot together. He supported her when no one else did, and she will never forget that. "Of course, I did," Kim smiles over to him. "You're my friend, Greg. You have been with me during some of the most difficult times of my life. I only want to do the same for you." "I appreciate that," Greg nods back to her. "I still feel like this is all some big mistake that will resolve itself." "I can't believe Brooke snapped like that," Kim shakes her head back to him. "I mean, to kill four people and hurt you? What happened to her?" "I wish I knew," Greg whispers back to her. "The way she described it, she lost it after the trial last year when I refused to take her back. She left town and something snapped in her. She came back and quickly killed Shelley." "And then Brad?" "That was an accident," Greg reveals to her. "She wanted to kill Trenyce but Brad saved her. She seemed devastated by what she did, killing her own son, but she carried forward." "I am so sorry Greg," Kim tells him. "To find all of this out must have been shocking for you." "You have no idea," Greg shakes his head back to her. "What was scary is that she wanted to kill me to stop me from telling anyone." Kim uneasily looks back at him. "I need you to do something for me," she tells him as they lock eyes. "Be honest with me, okay?" "Of course?" "Did you really kill Brooke?" "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Greg uneasily chuckles back to her, thinking about how his lawyer, Josh, asked him the same thing. "Because," Kim looks at him in the eyes. "I know you, Greg, and the last thing that you are is a murderer. That's why I have to ask." Greg sighs and thinks about how Abby killed Brooke. In the wake of the traumatic events, she fainted and blocked out the entire killing of her mother. Greg knows how much Abby has been through since she lost Sonny and decided to cover for her and confess to killing Brooke. He has to carry on with his story now because he can't let Abby take the fall for this; now not, not ever. "I killed Brooke," Greg firmly tells Kim back. "I have to pay for my actions. I need everyone to believe me when I say that I know what I did was wrong, but I had no other choice. I killed Brooke, and I am ready to face any consequences as a result of that." Next
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