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Myself to Pieces Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: July 24, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Love I'm Given" Ellie Goulding The
Pampa Grill "This is the most insane story," Paige says before she takes a sip of her orange juice while she sits at a table in the restaurant with Jeff and Leah sitting across from her. Paige just heard the story from Leah that her pain medication isn't actually pain medication, it is a form of a memory loss pill. Paige has no idea why Frederick Richardson would have wanted to keep Leah from regaining her memory, or why he kept giving her the pills once Leah's memory did return, but it is baffling and scary to her. "You have been taking these pills for years, how do we know that permanet damage hasn't occurred?" "I thought of that," Leah admits to her daughter before she looks back at Jeff. "I have an appointment next week to make sure that I am healthy. I have just been left wondering what Frederick was trying to accomplish in all of this." "Especially since you regained your memories shortly after you came back to Twin Peaks," Jeff recalls how Leah's memories came back during the ice storm that hit the town a few years ago. "Once that happened, I wonder why he wanted you to stay on the medication?" Leah shrugs back to her family. "I wish I knew," she tells them. "I am just glad that Cory realized that this was weird and had a pill analyzed. Otherwise, I would still be taking them on a regular basis." "You still have to solve the mystery as to what Frederick was trying to accomplish here," Paige tells her mother. "I feel like there has to be more to the story than meets the eye." "But, with Frederick being dead, I don't know that I will ever those answers," Leah replies to her. "I might never get the answers that I want and need." | ||
The Pampa Grill "I know that you are going through a difficult time right now," Nicholas replies to him quickly. "The last thing I want is for you to go through this alone. I have meant it when I said that I am here for you; I am your friend, Clayton. Does this have anything to do with the fact that you recently found out that you're related to Madeline and Reese.?" Clayton sighs back to him a little. "I feel like this is consuming my life," Clayton admits to him. "Part of me wishes I had never come back to Twin Peaks and that I stayed in Nashville." "But then you wouldn't have known the truth," Nicholas tells him. "I know it is a lot to take in, but isn't knowing the truth better than running from it?" "I guess that's fair," Clayton says. "I just I just feel like Madeline and Andy are expecting something different from me and I'm not able to give them what they want." Nicholas arches his eyebrow listening to his statement. "What do you think they expect from you?" Clayton locks eyes with Nicholas. "I think they want Reese back," Clayton reveals to him. "Ever since I met Melissa, the only thing everyone has told me is that I am a dead ringer for Reese; now that they know we are related, I feel like they expect me to be Reese and I'm not Reese! I am Clayton and I will never be Reese! I can't replace him, or anything, you know?" "You know how you said that you felt like this was consuming you?" Nicholas asks him back as Clayton nods. "That is likely exactly how both Madeline and Andy are feeling too. I think you all just need time to ease into this news. And believe me, they know that Reese isn't coming back; this is all just an adjustment period." "I hope you're right," Clayton forces a smile on his face. "Otherwise, they are just going to constantly be disappointed in me and that is not something I want to be a part of." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home "Wait, so you saw Abby at the Pampa Grill?" a surprised Donovan asks Lukas as he pours himself a cup of coffee in the living room of the lavish home he lives in with his husband, their son and Meggan. "Why didn't you tell me this yesterday when you got home?" Lukas takes a swig of his water from his water bottle as he is dressed in work out clothing before he shrugs back at his husband. "It was brief, I didn't think anything of it." "Well, how is she?" Donovan asks him back quickly. "I can only imagine that she is still going through hell realizing that she killed her own mother." "She was rattled, as per usual," Lukas replies to him. "She told me to say hi to Olly for her and I told her that we made the right decision asking her to step back from our son." "She must not have liked that." "I don't care if she liked it or not," Lukas admits to him. "We both have agreed that she creates more drama and that Olly doesn't need to be around that." Donovan sighs back to him. "I know," he tells his husband. "I still just can't help but feel for her. She's been through so much the last year." "I hope I'm not interrupting," Jasper announces as he moves into the living room. "I just wanted to let you know that Olly went down for his morning nap. I'm going to start some of my other tasks, like laundry before he wakes up again." "Thanks," Donovan turns and smiles at him. "I need to get going to the office. I'll see you later." "Yea, have a good day babe," Lukas moves up to his husband and gives him a quick kiss. Donovan quickly exits the room before Lukas looks over at Jasper. "Olly is sleeping, you said?" "Yea, he went down quickly." "I'm just about to head to the gym," Lukas says back to him. "Did you bring any workout clothes? You could spot me today." Jasper chuckles back to him. "I did yea, but " "But what?" "You didn't say anything about this in front of Donovan?" Jasper asks him as they lock eyes. "Why didn't you tell your husband you wanted to work out together?" "He had to get to the office," Lukas tells him. "Don't worry, you won't get in trouble from my husband for working out with me. Come on, let's hit the gym." "Okay, I'll meet you in there," Jasper chuckles. "I just have to change." Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio Paige opens the door to the studio and moves inside, still reeling from the conversation she had with her parents at breakfast. She can't believe that Frederick was drugging her mother for years; she wishes she could understand but she realizes that they might never get the answers that they seek because Frederick is dead. She just hopes that her mother is able to move past this and remain healthy now. "Hey," a voice calls out causing Paige to jump as she expected to be alone. "I had to see you this morning." "Max, you scared me half to death," Paige scolds him as she sets her purse on the large table. "What are you doing here?" "Do you even have to ask?" Max asks her back quickly. "You haven't given me a straight answer about where we stand now that you know that my mother is alive and well. We have to talk about this Paige, I miss you." "You should have thought of that before you lied to me, Max." Max puts his head down, worried that Paige is about to end their romance once and for all. He knows why he lied about Cassie but no one else understands; he hates that he has hurt Paige again but he still believes he did the right thing in protecting his mother. "But, I just came from seeing my mother and she is going through something right now." "Is she okay?" Max asks her in surprise. "She should be now," Paige tells him. "But, it made me realize that I would do anything to help and protect her too. I'm not sure there's anything I can do in her situation, but it gave me insight into what you must have went through with Cassie." Max remains dumbfounded by her response to him. "Does that mean that you can forgive me?" "I don't like what you did," Paige looks back at him. "But, I am realizing why you did what you did. And, if I would do anything to help my Mom, I can see how you would want to do the same with your Mom." "You have no idea how much this means to me," he moves up to her and pulls her into a hug. "I have wanted to hear this for so long." "Well, look at this," Jacob says as he moves into the room and spots the embrace. "Jacob," Paige says as she exits her embrace from Max. "We were just talking." "I'm sure you were," Jacob rolls his eyes back to them, annoyed that Paige has forgiven Max for lying to everyone for months about Cassie being alive. "This guy can smooth talk his way through anything, can't he? Unbelievable." "Hey, what happens between Paige and I is our business," Max grits his teeth back to Jacob. He is annoyed with Jacob's constant interference in his life; he realizes that he needs to get Jacob off his back. "You can back off." Jacob chuckles back to him. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Have me just forget that everything has happened? Well, this isn't over Max, not by a long shot. You're mother is alive! The woman who tried to kill me will pay for what she's done!" "Paige has forgiven me, there's nothing else you can do," Max replies to him. "Let it go, Jacob." "That's where you're wrong," Jacob gets a sly grin on his face. "You're going to pay for what you've done, and I have made sure of that." "What does that mean?" Paige asks Jacob. "What have you done, Jacob? How is Max going to pay?" Raven's
Meadow Victoria slowly paces back and forth in her small room in Raven's Meadow as she thinks about the previous evening when she planted a kiss on Bryce. She realized a few days earlier that Bryce might have an attraction to her, which is why she kissed him. She has wondered if she can use this budding attraction from her doctor to her advantage. However, she realizes that she is playing a dangerous game because Bryce is the one who diagnosed her with her personality split again; while she doesn't believe this split feels the same as the last time Brandy took over her life, she still has no idea why Bryce would lie to her about her health. On top of that, she knows that she has stopped taking her medication in hopes of seeing if Brandy does re-emerge. So far, she has never felt better and has had no signs of splitting again. "I wonder," she whispers to herself quietly. "If I am feeling better because Brandy is truly gone. I don't feel like I am unwell right now. But, then the question is: why did Bryce tell me that Brandy was back?" She moves over to her small bed and pits her pillow to see the small collection of pills that she is hiding. She picks one up and looks at it as she flashes back to the kiss she and Bryce shared. "If I continue to show interest in him," she tells herself. "Maybe then, I can find out what he is hiding and get to the truth." She nods to herself thinking her plan is the best thing for her right now. "I will continue to flirt and try to seduce him," she encourages herself. "He will tell me the truth; I have to figure out what the hell is going on here." *** "So, that is the tour of the hospital," Bryce tells Abby as he opens the door to the staff lounge and they move inside. He just finished showing Abby around as she is having her first shift for her community service. He is glad that there will be an extra set of hands around the hospital as they are always busy. "Do you have any questions that I can try to answer right now?" Abby moves a piece of her hair behind her ear. "When I got the call from the court officer, they indicated that the chief of staff would be here to meet me and show me around. Will I get to meet him or her?" "I'm afraid not," Bryce shakes his head back to her. "They are very busy and chooses not to be disturbed. You will not meet the chief of staff, not today, not ever." "I see," Abby replies to him quickly. "That's no problem, I will just make sure my parole officer knows about this." "Sure and I can talk to him if you'd like," Bryce forces a smile on his face. "The last thing I want is for you to get into trouble for the way we do things around here." "I appreciate that a lot," Abby smiles back to him. "I don't have any other questions right now. If it's okay, I will go and start my duties? You want me to do the laundry?" "Yea, that sounds good. I'll be around if you need anything. And, all of the nurses are more than willing to help you too." "Great, thanks Dr. Barty." "Anytime, and call me Bryce, please." "Okay Bryce, see you soon." Abby leaves the staff lounge and looks down the hall. At the end of it, she can see a large cart that she can use to collect the dirty laundry. She starts moving down the hallway but as she does she can't help but think about her conversation with Greg and Cheresa where he revealed that they will be broke because of the back pay that they owe the IRS because Brooke hadn't paid her taxes in years. She sighs, hating the thought of not having money. She knows that she has always been privileged, so the thought of not having that cushion to fall back on. "Wait," she stops when she arrives at the laundry cart. "Maybe that's what I could do. I think I have found a way to get my family some money again." She thinks about how she saw Dominick on her way out of the Pampa Grill; they have had a few chance encounters and he has always been pleasant with her. And, she knows that his wife recently passed away. "Dominick might be the way to ensure my family continues to live the life style that we are accustomed too," she says with a sly grin on her face, as the wheels in her head start turning about her new plan. The
Victors Mansion; Vinny & Daisy's Home "Are we alone?" Meggan asks Daisy as they move into the living room of the Victors mansion. Meggan has wanted to see her half-sister since she ran into Brett the previous day at the Pampa Grill; she believed that something was up with Brett before, but the fact that he told her to stay out of his business, to her, is further evidence that there is something off with him. She is now more convinced than ever that Vinny is actually posing as Brett. "Yes, I saw Brett leave earlier," Daisy welcomes her into the living room. "Do you want some sparkling water?" "No I'm fine," Meggan replies to her quickly. "I had a run in with Brett yesterday." Daisy arches her eyebrow back to her. "Really? How did that go?" Meggan sighs back to her. "He grilled me about you and I growing closer," she reveals to her. "And, then he told me he doesn't care that we are getting closer but he warned me to stay out of his business." Daisy looks back at her in surprise. "Really? I can't believe he would say that to you. That doesn't sound like Brett at all." In the foyer of the mansion, Vinny slowly walks through the front door and moves towards the living room. He freezes when he hears voices inside, immediately realizing that Meggan and Daisy are talking. He stops so he can listen to their conversation, curious as to what brought the systems closer together. "I know, I was pretty stunned myself," Meggan tells her, unaware that Vinny can hear their conversation. "To me, it further was evidence that something is going on with Brett. I'm more convinced than ever that Vinny ever that is alive and has been posing as Brett this entire time." Vinny shakes his head in the foyer, stunned that Meggan has seemingly figured out his switch with Brett. He quickly moves away from the door and leaves the house again. Once he's outside, he glares forward. "I have to stop this," he whispers to himself. "I will not get caught now, I've come too to let Meggan Richardson ruin this. Oh no, I will stop you Meggan, mark my words." Next
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