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Finally in my Head Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: July 31, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "STFU" Rina Sawayama The
Sugarbowl Meggan swiftly moves up to the front counter of the coffeehouse and orders a large coffee. She has a million things to do at MW Investigations today and she knows that she won't be able to complete them without more caffeine. She thanks the barista for the coffee before she moves over to the coffee bar. She places some cream and sugar into her beverage, she can't help but look over and see Madeline sitting by herself at the coffee bar. Meggan sighs as she thinks back to a few nights earlier when she saw Jeff and Madeline at the Pampa Grill together and they shared a kiss with one another. Meggan knows that Jeff has told her that he won't wait around for her and now it seems like he is moving on with Madeline. After she places the lid on her coffee, Meggan finds herself moving towards Madeline. "Morning Madeline," Meggan says as she arrives at the window seating. Madeline turns and sees Meggan behind her. "Morning Meggan, how are you? Looks like we both needed coffee today, huh?" "I have so much work to do, I knew I wouldn't make it without one." Madeline chuckles back to her. "I hear you, I have a long shift at the hospital later." "Oh, you got a job, congratulations." "Thank you," Madeline smiles back to her. "I figured if I was staying in town for a while, I should get a job. Jeff actually took me out to celebrate the other night." "Ah," Meggan gulps back to her. "I actually saw you two together at the Pampa Grill. Looks like you two had a good time." Madeline gets a sly grin on her face realizing that Meggan is questioning what is going on between her and Jeff, which means their plan to make her and Will jealous might be working. "We really did," Madeline nods back to her. "We haven't been together in a long time just it is just comfortable with him, you know?" "Yea, I do know," Meggan replies to her. "I guess in some ways, my feelings for Jeff never left. And, it has been nice to reconnect with him." Meggan gulps heavily back to her as she forces an awkward smile on her face. "I'm glad for you, both of you," she tells her. "Anyways, nice chatting with you, I should get to my office." "Of course," Madeline knows that she twisted the knife just enough to make Meggan think about Jeff. "Have a great day Meggan." | ||
The Pampa Grill Will sits at the bar of the restaurant with some breakfast in front of him. He has his phone open in his other hand as he looks at the job submission that he is applying for at Raven's Meadow. He knows that he could go back to working at Twin Peaks hospital, but after everything that happened prior to his arrest, he doesn't think going back there is the best idea. He sets his phone down and then takes a sip of his coffee as he thinks back to seeing Jeff and Madeline at the restaurant a few nights earlier. He hasn't been able to get seeing them kiss out of his mind and he isn't entirely sure why. He recalls how Madeline kissed him at his hotel room recently, but he told her that they could only be friends because he is still grieving Eva but seeing her with Jeff definitely set something off on him. He is about to get up and leave when he sees Jeff move up to the bar and ask the waiter for his take-out order. "Morning Jeff," Will looks back at him. "Looks like we both wanted to get some breakfast." "Yea, we have a big meeting at Robertson Enterprises today, so I'm grabbing some food for the team." "That's nice of you." "Thanks, how have you been? I can only imagine what you're going through with Eva's death." Will sighs back to him. "It has been difficult," Will admits him to him as he thinks about his on-going grief with Eva. "To be honest, Madeline has been a life saver. She's become a really good friend to me." Jeff quickly recalls how he and Madeline knew that Meggan and Will were at the restaurant a few nights earlier when they were on their "date". He wonders if Will saw them share their kiss, because he hopes that he did. "Yea, Madeline is the best," Jeff smiles back to him. "She and I have been growing closer again lately." "Is that so?" Will asks him back. "Is that a good thing?" "She's a beautiful woman," Jeff chuckles back to him. "I'd say it's a very good thing." Will uneasily nods back to him, still wondering why the kiss bothered him so much. "Well that's good then? Just do me a favor, and don't hurt her again Jeff. Madeline doesn't deserve that. Not at all." *** At another table, Abby slowly picks up her coffee as she looks at her phone and sees that she has another busy day planned as she has another community service session scheduled at Raven's Meadow. She rather enjoyed the first day at the hospital, but she is still struggling to get over the fact that she killed her mother. She can't believe that after it was revealed that Brooke killed Shelley, Brad, Albertinah and Eva, she ended her mother's life. "You look a million miles away," a voice calls out from above her table. Abby looks up and sees Dominick standing in front of her. "Oh, Mr. Robertson," she says to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I guess I was deep in thought." "Do you mind if I sit with you?" he asks her as Abby gestures for him to sit. "Are you okay Abigail? If you want to talk about it, it might help? And, please. Call me Dominick, I insist." Abby feels her eyes swell with water. "Okay, thanks Dominick. I guess, it's just " she begins but she shakes her head as a tear falls down her cheek. "I don't know what I did to deserve this last year of my life, you know? Losing my son, and then my brother and then finding Albertinah's bloody body, learning my mother is a killer and then killing my mother? And, on top of that, I thought I found some peace when I was around Donovan and Lukas' baby boy, but they told me to keep my distance from him. I just feel like I keep getting dealt really bad cards, you know?" Dominick reaches over and grabs her hand to squeeze it. "You certainly have had your share of difficulties lately," he admits to her. "But you know, for every moment that life is tough, there is a part of life that is beautiful and precious. Even think about Olly; your time with him was probably some of the most cherished during this last year. Hold on to that, and remember that the storm won't last forever." "You're so kind to me," she looks back at him with red eyes. "I don't think I deserve this, but thank you." "You deserve it," Dominick looks back at her. "And so much more." "What the hell is going on here?" Felicia asks as she rushes up to the table and sees Dominick's hand resting on Abby's, as her ex-husband looks back at her. Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio Paige paces back and forth in studio as she thinks about how Max was arrested the previous day because Jacob went to Simona and told her that Cassie is alive and well and that Max knew about it. She knows that Jacob is livid that Max was lying, but a part of Paige can understand why Max kept the truth about Cassie a secret: he was protecting his mother. Paige knows deep down that she would likely do the same thing for Leah. That being said, she knows that Jacob was livid because they recently broke up and Cassie did try to kill them last year; she just wishes that Jacob would have reached out before he did something so extreme. "Morning," Jacob beams as he moves into the studio. "I am having a great day, aren't you?" "No," Paige looks back at him. "I have been worried Max. I still don't understand how you could have gone to the police without thinking about the ramifications, Jacob!" Jacob rolls his eyes back to her. "Wow," he looks back at his former fiancé. "Can Max literally do no wrong in your eyes? His mother tried to kill us, Paige! Do you remember that? The only reason she wasn't arrested last winter is because we all believed she was dead. For him to lie about that and not let us get justice, that's not fair." "I remember that Cassie almost killed us," Paige tells him. "My God, I still have nightmares about it, Jacob. The point is, Max isn't Cassie. He saved us, remember? He shouldn't pay for his mother's crimes." "He helped his mother get away with her crimes," Jacob grits his teeth back to her. "In my mind, that makes him just as guilty!" "Whatever," Paige waves her hands back to him. "We will never see eye to eye on this, I just hope Max is okay." "Oh believe me," Jacob says back to her. "I'm going to make sure Max, and Cassie, pay this time. I'm tired of those two thinking they can get away with everything. That has to end, now." Twin
Peaks Police Station "You have to understand that this is a huge mistake," Max tells Simona as he sits across from her desk in her office at the police station. Simona looks back at him with intent as she knows that he was held overnight in a holding cell. "Is that so?" she asks him quickly. "So, the burner phone with all the communications with you and your mother, is not yours? When you told me that your mother was alive, was that also a lie?" Max shakes his head back to her and sighs. "No, I was telling the truth. But, I saved Paige and Jacob in Banff last year; I shouldn't be here because I didn't do anything wrong!" Simona chuckles back to him as she leans back into her chair. "That is where you are wrong," she says back to him. "Your mother is wanted for attempted murder," she tells him. "The fact that you have known Cassie is alive and you didn't say anything, that means you are guilty of harbouring a fugitive. That's why I arrested you." "So, what is going to happen to me? I am going to jail?" "I'm willing to drop the charges," Simona reveals to him. "Really? What do I have to do to make that happen?" Max asks her, wanting the charges to be dropped. "Produce Cassie," Simona looks back at him with intent. "Bring me your mother and you can go free." The
Sugarbowl "I can't believe that," Madeline shakes her head back to Andy as they sit next together and Andy just finished telling her how Clayton told him that he will never be Reese. Andy is still reeling from Clayton's proclamation that he will never be Reese; in his mind, he has never suggested that he will never be his deceased husband, so he feels like Clayton is out of mind. "He said something similar to me." "What I don't get," Andy looks back at his sister in law. "Is that I have never even suggested that Clayton was going to replace Reese. No one will ever replace Reese; he has to know that." "I know," Madeline nods back to him. "Look, maybe he just needs time to adjust to all of this?" "Nicholas said the same thing," Andy reveals to him. "But, to be honest, if he's going to be an ass about this, I don't know that I ever want to get to know him." "Hey guys," Nicholas says as he comes up to them. He quickly recalls how the last time he saw Andy, his boyfriend was upset that Clayton had confided in him and he was keeping their conversation between him and Clayton. Nicholas is just trying to find a peaceful middle ground between all the parties involved as they are all still reeling from the shock that Clayton is a Wilkins. "Are you guys talking about Clayton?" "What else," Madeline chuckles back to him. "Andy was just telling me that Clayton made a remark that he will never be Reese; he said the same type of thing to me." Nicholas uneasily looks back at Andy and then at Madeline. "To be fair, I think Clayton is just in shock from everything that has happened. Give him some time and space and he will come around, I have faith in that." Andy looks back at him in surprise. "You're still talking to me, aren't you? You're still choosing to be on his side over mine?" "Andy, it's not like that," Nicholas pleads with him. "I'm just trying to find common ground." "Yea, only as long as it is Clayton's ground that we move too, right?" Andy shakes his head back at him. "You know what? I can't do this. I need to get out of here." Before Madeline or Nicholas say anything, Andy storms off. They end up looking at each other uneasily. "He'll come around," Madeline tells Nicholas. "Like you said, he's just trying to navigate all of these changes in his life." MW
Investigations Meggan takes a sip of her coffee before she moves her attention to the next file that sits on her desk. She is trying to get through as much work as she can because she knows that she has a busy week ahead. She looks up, however, when she hears a knock on the office door. She sees Daisy standing there with a look of concern on her face. "Hey, sorry, I hope this is a good time," Daisy says as she moves into her half-sister's office. "I thought we should talk." Meggan nods back to her. "I am assuming that this is about Vinny and Brett?" "What else?" Daisy asks her quickly, unable to stop thinking about Meggan's theory that Vinny is alive and has been posing as Brett for months. "I can't get it out of my head that you think that Vinny is alive, Meggan." "I just don't know what else to think?" Meggan admits to her. "It would explain everything about why we think Brett has been acting so oddly. And, it would explain why you thought it was different when you and Brett slept together. It's because it was Vinny, not Brett." "We have to find out the truth," Daisy tells her. "And, I think I know how we can do that." "How?" "I'm going to confront him," Daisy looks back at Meggan. "I'm going to ask Brett point blank if he's truly Vinny. He won't be able to lie to me." "No," Meggan shakes her head back to Daisy. "If he knows that we are on to him, Vinny could become dangerous. I don't like this idea, Daisy. So, promise me that you don't do this? Promise me that we will come up with another way?" The
Pampa Grill "Answer me!" Felicia says in an urgent whisper as she looks back at Dominick and Abby as they sit together at a table. "What the hell is going on here?" "Felicia, please calm down," Dominick looks back at his ex-wife, and realizes that she could be close to snapping. He can see that her hand is slightly shaking. "Abby and I were just talking, that's all, okay?" "I don't like this girl," Felicia looks back at Dominick as Abby gulps heavily. "She needs to leave you alone! She's poison!" "How dare you," Abby shrieks back to her. "You will not speak to me that way." "You listen to me," Felicia wags her finger in Abby's face. "You stay away from Dominick and our family, or so help me God " "That's enough Felicia," Dominick stands up and moves over to her. "You are out of line. Do you hear me? Come on, I'll take you home." He turns to Abby. "I'm sorry about this," he tells her. "But, remember what I said, okay?" Abby nods back to him, wondering what is going on with Felicia as she is clearly close to snapping. Dominick, meanwhile, looks at Felicia and puts his arm around her shoulder. "Come on," he tells her. "Let's get you home and let's get you some of your medication." "Thank you, Dominick," Felicia's voice cracks. "I I don't know what's happening to me. But, I don't like it. Not one bit." Next
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