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Darkness of the World Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: August 22, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Dynasty" Rina Sawayama Bryce quickly opens the door to the staff room and moves inside. He looks around and realizes that he is alone, so he lets out a loud sigh. He just came from Victoria's room to give her the medication that she is on and once again she asked him if she could leave the hospital because she is interested in having a relationship with him. Bryce is struggling with this heavily because he knows that he has been attracted to her since he first met her; the fact that she wants more than a professional relationship is making it very difficult for him to say no to her. However, he knows that as long as she is a patient at the hospital, they could never be together in that sense. "But I have to say no to her," he whispers to himself. "Not only would Vinny be furious but so would he." He shakes his head as he moves to the sink and pours himself a glass of cold water. After taking a long sip of it, he wonders how he can get out of this mess. "How am I going to be with Victoria? The feelings I have for her, they continue to grow stronger," he tells himself. "Maybe if I can convince everyone that she isn't a danger anymore, they will agree to let her go and then we could be together?" He nods to himself, almost as if he must convince himself that this is a good idea. "That's what I will do. I will tell Vinny that he has gotten his revenge and I will tell my boss that Victoria wants to leave and that it is time; she's actually doing much better, even on the medication that I'm giving her. She's not seeing anything out of the ordinary, which is surprising. Maybe she's becoming immune to them. No, it doesn't matter. She's better, I just have to convince everyone else of that." He sets the glass down and looks at the door. "Okay, no time like the present, right? You got this Bryce, you got this." | ||
Raven's Meadow Victoria paces back and forth in her room in Raven's Meadow replaying the last few visits she has had with Bryce; she has been coming on to him strongly because she is determined to figure out why he would misdiagnosis her. Ever since she stopped taking the medication that he was giving her, she has never felt better, which makes her believe that she never split again in the first place. "It doesn't make sense," she whispers to herself. "Why was I losing control before I checked myself in here? I lost it completely at Mom's memorial service? Why would I do that if I hadn't split?" she asks herself, as she recalls her breakdown at Eva's memorial service. Donovan had to drag her out of there because she was making such a fool of herself. She moves to the small bed in her room and lifts the pillow to look at the growing collection of medication that she hasn't taken. She picks up one of the pills and looks at it. "What if these pills were making me sick? What if someone wanted me to believe that I had split again?" she asks herself, trying to put the pieces together. "And, somehow, Bryce is involved in this?" She shakes her head quickly thinking that it couldn't possibly be true. "But why would Bryce do that? And who would want to hurt me that way? No, this can't be what happened." She stands up and then recalls Bryce telling her that leaving Raven's Meadow wasn't even up to him; it was up to the Chief of Staff. "I have to find a way to get out of here," she tells herself. "I have to find a way to escape this place. The question is, how? How can I get out of here without getting caught? I need to be free and back with Donovan. I have to get out of here." Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio "Well Paige," Jacob looks back at his former fiancé as they are having another heated discussion about Max being arrested for knowing that Cassie didn't die last November in the plane crash after she tried to kill the two of them. Jacob continues to believe that he did the right thing by exposing Max to Simona Lopez for hiding the fact that his mother is alive; Paige, meanwhile, has continued to say that she wants Cassie to pay for her crimes but understands why Max was helping his mother because she would do the same for Leah. Jacob just finished telling her that she can't have it both ways. "What is that you want? Do you want Cassie to pay or are you okay with Max lying to everyone for months about his mother?" Paige sighs heavily back to him as she moves a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I do want Cassie to pay, of course, but I can still understand why Max wanted to protect his mother. I would do the same thing to help my Mom, Jacob. Wouldn't you do the same to help Natasha?" "You saw how I reacted when my Mom shot Kim at her wedding to Robbie," Jacob reminds her. "I was furious with her and called her out for her bullshit. Cassie almost killed you and you don't even seem to care about that." "Of course, I care!" Paige yells back to him. "I just I just think that we should have given Max the chance to come forward himself. You going to the police without giving Max a chance isn't fair Jacob. You have had it in for Max for months, despite him saving us from Cassie! You want me to remember that Cassie almost killed us, but do you remember who saved us? No, of course not! All you care about is keeping me for yourself, well guess what, I'm not a fucking object that you can keep as your prize!" "I hate that you think that of me." "What else I am supposed to think?" Paige ask him quickly. "You hate Max because he and I have a connection, end of story. Get it through your head Jacob, I am not your object, okay?" The
Tower's, The Penthouse; Cory & Leah's Home "I am glad the pilot was able to get us home so quickly," Cory tells Leah as he moves down the stairs of the penthouse and he sees his girlfriend pacing back and forth in the living room. They just returned from Santa Barbara, where Leah remembered that she gave birth at the winery years ago when she was there after the explosion in Lake Tahoe. They are both reeling from what Leah remembered because now it means that Leah and Jeff have another child together. "I know you were eager to get back." "It is because I remembered having my child," Leah looks at him as he comes up to her and pulls her into a hug. "There was no point in staying in Santa Barbara." "Did you call Jeff?" Cory asks her as they exit their embrace. "I am sure he will be just as shocked as we are." Before Leah can reply, there is a knock on the front door. "That is him now. Do you mind if I chat with him alone?" "Of course not," Cory kisses her quickly. "I'll be upstairs, okay?" "Thanks Cory, for everything." Leah then moves to the front door and opens it. "Jeff, hi, thanks for coming over," Leah greets her ex-husband. "Of course, you made it sound important," Jeff replies as he moves into the living room of the penthouse. "It is," Leah tells him as she moves into the living room behind him. "I just got back from the winery in Santa Barbara." Jeff looks back at her in surprise. "Really? You went back to the winery? Why? I thought you were hearing that baby crying when we were there last time?" "I was hearing the baby," she tells him. "But I've had more memories since being off the drugs that Frederick was giving me. I went back to Santa Barbara to try to remember everything." "I see," Jeff nods back to her. "And, did you? Did you remember?" "Yes, I did. I had a child all those years ago, Jeff," Leah stuns him with her news. "I remembered giving birth to a child at the winery." Jeff shakes his head in shock. "I I don't know what to say. I guess that explains why you were hearing a child cry?" "You don't understand what I just said," Leah looks back at him with intent. "I went to the winery after the explosion at Lake Tahoe." "I remember," Jeff says back to her. "We were just married, and you were taken from me." "Right," Leah locks eyes with him. "The baby I gave birth too, you would have been the father. We have another child out there, Jeff. We had another baby." Jeff is left speechless. "I know it's a lot to take in, but we had another child together. And with Frederick dead, I have no idea if we will ever find him or her. We may never know where our other baby is." "My God," Jeff gasps as he moves up and pulls Leah into a hug. "Another child? We have a son or daughter out there somewhere?" "Yes, we do," Leah says as a tear falls down her cheek as she stands in his arms. At the top of the staircase, Cory peers down and sees his lover in the arms of her ex-husband; in the arms of the father of her children, all of them. Twin
Peaks General Hospital "So, you're so close to the wedding, how are you feeling?" Helen asks Shane as she sits across from him in his office at the hospital. Helen is still pleasantly surprised that her plan to break up Adam and Robin worked; she thought the idea of using baby Dominique to get Robin to leave Adam was risky, but it has worked like a charm. Now, Shane and Robin are about to become husband and wife. All that is missing is Helen reuniting with Adam. "Never better," Shane smiles back to her. "I am about to get Robin as my wife, I wanted that for so long." "I almost can't believe that this plan of ours worked, you know? I mean, I just gave you the idea to threaten to sue for custody of baby Dominique. I never imaged it would leave to you and Robin getting married." "I firmly believe that once I am married to Robin, you and Adam will get back together," Shane replies to her. "That is the final piece of this puzzle." "I hope you're right," Helen tells him. "Because that is what I want more than anything else in this world." "Don't worry Helen," Shane smiles back to her. "We are both going to get everything that we have ever wanted; I will be married to Robin and you and Adam will reunite. Trust me, this will all go accordingly to plan." Twin
Peaks Executive Hotel Robin looks in the large mirror that is in the hotel room. She holds her wedding dress up and looks at herself. She forces a smile on her face when she thinks about her upcoming marriage to Shane. She almost can't believe that she is about to marry him; for so long, all she has wanted to be with Adam, but all of that changed when Shane threatened to sue her for custody of Dominique. Scared that Shane would bring up her actions during her pregnancy and use them against her, Robin agreed to move in with Shane to prevent a custody hearing. Then when Shane suggested they get married, Robin agreed because she does want to give her daughter the best upbringing that she possibly can. Despite everything, she still loves Adam. But she knows that she has to put him behind her. She puts her dress on the bed when she hears a knock on her door. She swiftly moves to the door and opens it. She is startled to see Adam standing on the other side of the door. "Adam, what are you doing here?" "I hope you're not mad, but Nicholas told me you were getting ready here," Adam says as he moves into the hotel room. "I couldn't let you get married to Shane without seeing you first, Robin." "If you're here to change my mind " "I'm not," Adam shakes his head back to her. "I know that you have made up your mind because of Dominique. But that doesn't mean that I have stopped loving you, Robin. But I know that you're doing this for your daughter." Robin feels her eyes swell with water. "I don't deserve your love," she whispers back to him. "Yes, you do, you always have," Adam says as he moves up to her. He lifts her head by her chin with his index finger and looks into her eyes. "You're so beautiful Robin. No matter what happens, always remember that I love you." Robin leans up and kisses Adam on his lips. The kiss only lasts a moment but as soon as they part ways, a tear falls down Robin's cheek. "I know you still love me," he whispers to her. "I'll be here waiting Robin, if you realize that you don't have to marry Shane. I think you know, deep down, that you and I belong together." Robin shakes her head as he moves away from him. "You should go," she tells him as she opens the door to her suite. "I have to get ready." "I'll go, but remember what I said," Adam tells her as they lock eyes one more time. As soon as Adam is out of the hotel room, Robin leans up against the door and gasps for air as more tears start to flow from her eyes. The
Lawson Estate; Greg, Abby & Cheresa's Home Abby closes her bedroom door and scurries over to her bed. On her nightstand, she has a glass of red wine resting. She picks it up and takes a sip of it before she reaches for her phone. She opens the phone and moves to her photo album, she looks at the pictures that she took earlier when she was at Raven's Meadow. She recalls how when she was doing her community service, she snuck into the file room and took images of Felicia's file. She has been curious about Felicia since she lost it on Abby at the Pampa Grill a few days earlier. Since then, Dominick has admitted to Abby that Felicia was given the incorrect medication, and this explains why Felicia lost it on her. Abby zooms into the images on her phone and starts reading while she takes another sip of her red wine. She arches her eyebrow at the first couple of sentences. "It says that Felicia was in a mental hospital for years in Switzerland and that Frederick Richardson was her doctor," Abby says to herself as she drops her phone down. "Frederick Richardson? Why does that name sound so familiar to me?" MW
Investigations Daisy quickly moves up to the office door and peers through the small window so she can see that Meggan is still working. Daisy takes a deep breath as she prepares to open the door as she knows that she and Meggan are about to embark on a mission that will finally let them know the truth. "I'm glad you're still here," Daisy says as she opens the door and moves inside her half-sister's office. "We have to talk." Meggan looks up from her files on her desk. "Daisy, hey, I wasn't expecting you. Has something else happened with Brett that makes you think he is really Vinny?" Daisy uneasily sighs back to her. "Not today," she admits to her. "For the most part, I have tried to avoid him. I don't want him to suspect that we believe that he is Vinny, you know?" "That's probably a good idea. If you don't have any updates on Vinny, what brings you by?" "This," Daisy pulls out a ziplock bag with a toothbrush inside. "A toothbrush? I don't understand?" Meggan admits back to her. "I took this from Brett's, or Vinny's, room this morning," Daisy reveals to her. "I want you to run a DNA test and compare it to the DNA test that was completed last year after the explosions. If they match, then we know that Brett is alive, and our theory is wrong. But, if it doesn't " "Then we know that Vinny is alive and has been all along," Meggan finishes Daisy's sentence. "Exactly," Daisy replies to her as they lock eyes. "It's time we find out the truth, once and for all." Twin
Peaks Police Station Max stands up from the small cot that he is resting on in his jail cell when he hears footprints approaching his cell. He looks and sees Simona arriving with another police guard behind her. He wonders what is going on, if somehow, the charges against him have been dropped. "Detective Lopez," Max says as he moves up to the bars of the cell. "What is going on?" "Your arraignment is about to begin," Simona tells him. "We are here to take you to a small room that is next to my office. The Judge will see you there." "Already? I haven't had any time to even meet with a lawyer yet?" As the guard unlocks the door, Simona nods back to him. "The Judge didn't want to wait because of how dangerous we are considering your mother to be," she explains to him, as the guard guides Max through the hallway. "Do you want to use my office to call a lawyer? We can do that first? "No, it's fine," Max waves his hand back to her. "I'll defend myself." "Did you have the chance to call your Mom? Like I said, if you gave us your Mom, you could go free." Max puts his head down as he recalls calling Cassie and telling her about the arrest. He told her not to come back home though because he knew that she would be in trouble if she did. He can't help but recall her saying that she had some kind of "get out of jail free" card but she wouldn't say what that was, exactly. "No, I told you that I don't know where she is," Max says as they move into the main office area of the police station. "Okay, have it your way, this way," Simona gestures for Max to move up to a door. Just as the guard is about to open the door, a voice is heard in the police station. "Stop! Stop right there," Cassie Nova says as she rushes up to Simona, Max and the police guard. "You can let my son go. I am here; he will not pay for a single thing that I've done." Raven's
Meadow Bryce slowly moves up to an office door at Raven's Meadow and looks at the name sign on the door that reads: Chief of Staff. He takes a deep breath, knocks on the door and then moves inside. "I know you didn't want to be disturbed, but this can't wait," Bryce says as he moves into the office. "This is about Victoria Franky; she's asking to leave and, if I am honest, I think it's time. This plan of Vinny Victors has gone on far too long. And, we don't need her for anything. So, I think we should release Victoria so she can get on with her life." The large chair behind the desk slowly turns around, revealing the Chief of Staff. The face of Frederick Richardson is revealed! "You may think that's how it is going to go, but that is not what we will do, Bryce. Not by a long shot." Next
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