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is in my Hand Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 07, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "911" Lady Gaga The
Pampa Grill Felicia collects her bill from the waitress and studies it quickly. She just finished having breakfast with Leah and Jeff where she admitted to them that she believes that Dominick is involved with Abby now. She didn't reveal that she saw Dominick and Abby have sex the previous night on the sofa in Dominick's townhouse, but she has at least put the bug in their ear that he might be moving on with someone much younger. Felicia can't stop thinking that Abby must be using Dominick for his money; she can't imagine that Abby has genuine feelings for him. So, in her mind, she has to protect Dominick from Abby because the last thing she wants is for Abby to hurt her ex-husband and her family. As she passes the waitress her credit card, she looks over at the bar and sees Abby finishing her own breakfast. She grabs her purse and her credit card and moves over to the bar. "I thought I made myself clear the other day," Felicia announces to Abby as she moves up to her. "I told you to stay away from Dominick, but you haven't listened to me, have you?" Abby puts her orange juice down and looks back at Felicia. "Good morning Felicia," Abby replies to her quickly. "My friendship with Dominick is really none of your business. And, he told me that you were going to be better once you were on your medication. Is this not the case? Because, you still acting crazy." "How dare you speak to me that way," Felicia snaps back to her. "You have no idea what I am going through with my medication." "All I know is that you lost it completely and it was because you were off your medication," Abby tells her. "Dominick told me; he confided in me. Just know that you need to stay away from me, because I won't tolerate you bullying me." "You will stay away from Dominick," Felicia warns her. "You will not hurt him, do you understand me? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a busy day planned." Abby watches as the older woman rushes away from her. She sighs as she realizes that she needs to read Felicia's file completely from Raven's Meadow; she snapped the pictures but only saw that Frederick Richardson was her doctor. "It's time to see what else I can find out about you, Felicia," Abby whispers to herself. "Because I won't let you get in the way of my relationship with Dominick." | ||
obertson Enterprises "That woman is just so vile," Natasha tells Tyler as they sit across from one another on the sofa in Tyler's office at Robertson Enterprises. Natasha just finished telling her lover that she paid Cassie a visit at the jail the other day and told her that she will finally pay for everything that she has done to her and her family. "The sight of her makes me sick." Tyler uneasily chuckles back to her. "I can honestly say that I haven't had much interactions with Cassie Nova, but by the sounds of it, that is a good thing." "Very good," Natasha nods back to him. "Anyways, enough of that. How is your day looking?" "Busy," Tyler replies to her quickly. "We are having an important family meeting with my later shortly." "It sounds serious?" "It is," Tyler looks back at her. "My mother claimed that Dominick is growing closer to Abby Lawson; as you can imagine, Leah and I have concerns about that relationship." "She's so much younger than he is," Natasha gasps back to him. "And, I thought he was still mourning my mother." "Eva is still very present in his heart," Tyler tells her. "That's why this is so important. We have to make sure that he understands what he is doing." "This is nice," Natasha looks back at him. "Us, getting along and not bickering about Cheresa's campaign. I really am glad we are putting business aside from our personal lives." "Me too, Nat," Tyler smiles back to her. "And, I agree, it is nice." The
Calimo Mansion "Morning," Kim announces to her husband as she moves into the living room of the Calimo mansion and sees Robbie pouring himself a cup of coffee. She can't help but think about the previous day when she, once again, heard him on a mysterious phone call; the most recent call, he agreed to give someone another pay cheque if they continued to work on their plan together. She just hopes he isn't doing anything drastic to get back at Tyler for "stealing" Cheresa from Roboto. "How did you sleep?" "Pretty good actually," Robbie looks back at her. "Can I get Rosario to make you some decaf? You must be missing your coffee intake." Kim chuckles back to him. "I am missing the coffee, but I will do anything for this unborn child," she puts her hand on her stomach. "I don't want anything to get in the way of our child." "Neither do I," Robbie smiles as he moves closer to her. "He or she is my top priority." "Do you mean that?" "Of course, I do, why would you question that?" "I heard you on the phone again yesterday," Kim reveals to him. "I don't know what is going on, Robbie, but please tell me that you're not planning anything against Tyler and Robertson Enterprises? We have to learn from Bob and Dominick's mistakes; their feud caused so much pain, I don't want that for us." Robbie moves closer to her and grabs her hands. "Don't worry," Robbie looks at her as he gulps heavily. "You will not be impacted by this, Kim. You and the baby are my top priority, you have to believe me." Kim pulls him into a hug and holds him tightly. "I hope you're right, Robbie. Because, we have all been through enough. We have to keep the peace." The
Sugarbowl "So, I happen to run into Andrew earlier," Cheresa tells her father as they sit across from one another in the back booth of the coffeehouse. She can't help but recall how Chris suggested to her that he believed that something was going on between Andrew and Trenyce; when she saw Andrew, she asked him if anything was going on and he said that there wasn't anything between the two of them. Chris takes a sip of his coffee and looks back at his daughter. "You did? How did that go?" "It was fine," she nods back to him. "I kept your name out of it, but I did ask him if there was anything going on between him and Trenyce. I thought he would be honest with me." Chris looks back at her in surprise. He didn't think that she would ask Andrew what was going on with him and Trenyce; still, he hasn't been able to shake the feeling that something is going on there. "And? What did he say? Did he give you any insight?" "He said that he is just supporting Trenyce because of the high-risk pregnancy," Cheresa replies to him. "I don't know, Chris, I consider myself to be a good read of people. I believed him? I don't think anything is going on with him and Trenyce." "I appreciate you asking Andrew," Chris looks back at her. "You didn't have to do that." "I know," Cheresa smiles back to him. "I wanted too because I couldn't imagine that something was going on there." "I still can't shake this feeling," he admits to her. "I can't place it, it's just a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I just hope I am wrong. In the meantime, I hope Andrew is being honest." "I believe him," Cheresa nods back to him. "I really do, so as soon as you can deal with the fact that Trenyce is having Brad's baby, I think you two could get back together. Isn't that what we all want?" The
Davenport House; Trenyce & Andrew's Home "Thank you so much for bringing breakfast," Trenyce tells Andrew as they sit across from one at the table in her home. Considering that she was at the hospital for most of the previous night because she had a panic attack after Andrew admitted that he liked kissing her. She can't deny that she has been attracted to him, but she has chalked up to her hormones being all out of whack due to her pregnancy. "I was famished." "I imagined you would have been considering your night last night," Andrew takes a bite of his toast before he looks back at Trenyce. "I am just glad that you and the baby are okay. You gave me a scare." "I know," Trenyce nods back to him. "I never meant to scare you. I am just glad that you were here to take me to the hospital." "And now, we are on operation keep Trenyce cool and calm." Trenyce chuckles back to him. "I don't have that much longer with the pregnancy," she tells him. "It shouldn't be too hard to stay calm, right?" "That's what I'm hoping for!" Andrew laughs back with her. "Oh!" Trenyce suddenly looks back at him in surprise. "Come over here, Andrew. Come, right now!" Andrew stands up and rushes to her side. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" Trenyce grabs his hand and puts it on her stomach. They lock eyes for a moment as Andrew's eyes open wider as he can feel the baby kicking her stomach. "Wow," Andrew looks into her eyes. "That's incredible!" "Isn't it?" Trenyce smiles back to him. "And, soon he or she will be here. I can't wait to hold my child, Andrew." "Neither can I," Andrew looks back at her. "This baby will be loved, Trenyce. We will make sure of that." The
Glubbs House; Shane & Robin's Home "So, what do you want to do today?" Shane asks Robin as they move into the living room of the house that they live in together. "It is our first full day as newlyweds, we could take quick trip somewhere as a honeymoon?" Robin uneasily chuckles back to him. "I'm not sure that is the best idea," she reveals to him. "It appears that there is some issue going on with my father; Tyler has asked me to go to Robertson Enterprises for a family meeting." "I suppose you're right," he looks back at her. "Natasha texted me and revealed that Cassie Nova is back in town. Apparently, she's been arrested for trying to kill Paige and Jacob last year." "Really? Thank God," Robin tells him. "Hopefully the charges stick, and she finally gets what is coming to her." "That's what we are all hoping for," Shane moves to her and pulls her into a hug. "Thank you for caring about me and my son." "Of course, I care about you Shane," Robin whispers back to him. "I wouldn't have married you if I didn't care." They exit their embrace and Shane looks into her eyes. He leans in and kisses her lips while she moves her hand to his cheek. At the window, Adam peers through and sees the two kissing. He can see the large diamond ring on Robin's hand and feels his heart break. He is still reeling from learning the truth about Helen and Shane's plan to break him and Robin up; once he left Helen's, he raced over to tell Robin, but he now realizes that he is too late: Robin has married Shane and they are together. He sighs as he turns around and moves back to his car. "I've lost her," he whispers to himself. "I've really lost her." Robertson
Enterprises "Okay, so we all remember what we are going to say, right?" Tyler asks Felicia and Leah as they stand in the main office at Robertson Enterprises. "I'm not sure how Dominick will take this conversation, but we all have to be on the same page." "I think we all know that Abby Lawson is not the woman that Dad needs in his life right now," Leah chimes back to her brother. "So yes, I think we are all on the same page." "What page would that be?" Dominick asks as he opens the door to the office and moves inside. "The whole family is here. I thought it was just going to be you and I this morning Tyler?" "Sorry, Dad, this involves all of us," Tyler tells his father. "We have something very important to talk to you about?" Dominick arches his eyebrow as he folds his arms over his chest. He isn't sure what this is about, but he can tell from the tone in his son's voice that it is serious. "Alright, I'm listening. What is going on?" "What is your relationship, exactly, with Abby Lawson?" Felicia asks her ex-husband. "And, don't you lie to me, because I know there is something going on?" Dominick uneasily chuckles back to her as he thinks about the previous night and how he and Abby had sex for the first time. He still can't believe that they went to that place, but he certainly isn't complaining; he hadn't felt that way in a very long time and he needed her more than he realized. "Abby and I are friends," Dominick replies to them quickly. "I'm not sure where this is coming from?" "Friends is fine," Leah tells her father. "But anything else is out of the question, Dad. Abby is far too young for you, and we are all still grieving Eva! You simply can't get into a relationship with her." Dominick puffs out his chest more. "Listen to me, my relationship with Abby is between her and I. I am not going to justify it to anyone, even my own family! What I will tell you, is that for the first time in months, I feel re-energized and like I have new purpose in life. That should be a good thing!" "We just don't want you to get hurt," Felicia looks back at her ex-husband. "And, if there's one thing that I sure of, it is that Abby Lawson will hurt you, Dominick! So, please, stay away from her!" The
Lawson Estate; Greg, Abby & Cheresa's Home Abby opens the door to her bedroom and moves inside. She throws her purse on the bed before she closes the door to her bedroom. She needs to be alone so she can finish reading Felicia's file from Raven's Meadow. She still can't believe that, once again, Felicia approached her and warned her to stay away from Dominick. She has no idea what Felicia would do if she learned that she and Dominick made love for the first time the previous night, but she refuses to give in to Felicia's demands to stay away from Dominick. "I won't let that old woman scare me," she says as she sits on her bed and pulls out her phone. "No one will stop me from getting everything that I want and deserve." She opens the photo album on the phone and zooms into the images she took of Felicia's file. "There's that name again, Frederick Richardson," Abby whispers to herself. "He was her doctor for years while Felicia was in a mental hospital in Switzerland. So many of these notes are in Frederick's handwriting, which makes sense. The most recent ones are Dad's handwriting because he was the Chief of Staff when Felicia was there a couple of years ago." She moves to the next image and zooms in again. She gasps when she reads one of the notes that Frederick has in the file. "What the hell is this?" Abby asks herself as she re-reads the note, almost unable to believe what it says. "Felicia and I have a child together, but she doesn't know that. This medication will ensure she doesn't remember our night together. Give two pills a day to ensure she doesn't remember." Abby puts the phone and looks forward in confusion. "Felicia and Frederick share a child together?" she asks herself, still trying to piece this all together. "Who could that be? Which of Felicia's children was fathered by Frederick?" Next
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