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the Changing Season Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 15, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Neverending December" Noah Reid Twin
Peaks General Hospital "Well, this is a nice surprise," Shane smiles as he stands up from behind his desk at the hospital when he sees his wife opening the door to his office and Robin pushes Dominique's stroller inside. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon again." "Well," Robin purses her lips back to him. "After the family meeting at Robertson Enterprises, I brought Dominique to her check-up. Now it is over, I thought she could say hi to her father." "That is a wonderful surprise," Shane peers into the stroller and sees his daughter fast asleep. He can't help but feel like his heart race at the sight of his daughter; he loves her so much. "How was your meeting at Robertson?" Robin uneasily chuckles as she thinks about how Leah and Tyler filled her in about the fact that they are concerned that Dominick is involved with Abby; Felicia has revealed that she believes they are more than friends, and they have all warned him about getting involved with someone so much younger. While she agrees, Robin didn't get the chance to see Dominick as he had already left. "It is a long story," she admits to him. "One that I don't really want to get into right now." Before Shane can respond, Robin's cell phone starts to ring. She pulls the phone out of her purse and sees Adam's name on the screen. She hits decline and puts the phone back in her purse; the last thing she needs right now is to talk to him. She has to try to make her marriage work and talking to the man that she is really in love with, will not help her cause. "Everything okay?" Shane asks his wife, noticing that she is deep in thought. "Yea, of course," Robin forces a smile on her face. "Never better. How about I get some takeout for dinner and I can fill you in on my day?" "I'd love that, Robin. I really would." | ||
The Pampa Grill Adam moves his phone away from his ear while he sits at the bar at the restaurant and cancels the phone call. He still hasn't spoken to Robin since he learned the truth about Helen and Shane: they worked together to purposely break up him and Robin. He still can't believe that it was Helen's idea to have Shane sue for custody of baby Dominique if Robin didn't move in with him. He never realized that his ex-wife could be so vindictive, but maybe he never knew Helen at all. And now, he is just realizing that he has lost Robin because she is married to Shane. "Adam," Helen's voice calls out from behind him. She wasn't expecting to run into him, but she is glad that she has. She hates that the truth has come out, but she needs to make him realize that she only worked with Shane to break him and Robin up because she is in love with him. She just hopes that he will listen to her because him shutting her out is horrible for her. "I'm glad I ran into you." Adam doesn't turn around to face her, instead he picks up his beer and takes a swig of it. "I know you must be furious with me, and I don't blame you, but I was hoping that we could talk?" "You wanna talk, Helen? Really?" Adam huffs back to her. "You have lied and schemed behind my back for months, but now you want to talk? That's fucking rich." "Please," Helen pleads with him, hoping that he will hear her out. "You have to understand why I did what I did." Adam chuckles back to her. "I know exactly why you did what you did," he finally turns and glares back at her. "You claim to love me, but you have no idea what love is, Helen. Love isn't lying and manipulating!" "I just want a chance to explain, Adam." "Save it Helen," Adam replies to her. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say, and I will never forgive you for what you've done. Now, get out of my face before I say or do something I'll really regret!" *** "I saw Andy earlier and told him that you were planning on staying in town," Madeline smiles over to her brother as they are enjoying an early lunch together. Madeline is still thrilled that Will was able to convince Clayton to stay in town so they could get to know one another. Now that Clayton will be living with her, Madeline hopes that they can finally be at peace with each other since they are family. Clayton takes a bite of his chicken cobb salad before he looks back at his sister. "Really? How did he take that news? He seemed pretty pleased that I was going to leave Twin Peaks." Madeline chuckles back to him. "Well yea, he was. He was upset to see you kissing Nicholas. You can't really blame him for being upset to see another man kissing his boyfriend." Clayton feels his cheeks flush. "If I am honest, I do find Nicholas very attractive," he tells his sister. "And, Andy and Nicholas have always seemingly been back and forth; he certainly didn't object to me kissing him." Madeline moves some hair behind her ear and looks back at her brother. "Believe me when I say, getting involved with someone who is taken can be messy. I'm not going to tell you what to do, just know that I've been there, and it never ends well, Clayton." Twin
Peaks Sun Andy types into his laptop as he works on a story for the following day's edition of the newspaper. As he tries to focus on the story he is writing, however, he can't stop thinking about the fact that Nicholas admitted to him that he and Clayton have kissed more than once; it was bad enough in Andy's mind to have witnessed Clayton and Nicholas kissing once, yet alone learning that happened previously as well. "Hey Andy," Nicholas appears at the entry of Andy's office. "Do you have a minute? I really want to talk to you." Andy looks up and sighs immediately. He was hoping to have a day where he didn't see either Clayton or Nicholas so he can try to wrap his head around these lip locks. "I am busy, Nicholas, but sure. What's going on?" "You really lost it the other day when you found out that Clayton had kissed me once before," Nicholas moves closer to him. "I don't want you to think anything is going on between the two us because there's not, I am in love with you." "That's what you said the other day," Andy looks back at him. "But you were kissing another guy, Nicholas, and from where I was standing, you weren't exactly pushing Clayton off you." Nicholas sighs back to him, frustrated with what is happening. He wants nothing more to be able to move on with Andy; he loves him and wants to be together with Andy "So, what are you saying? You can't forgive me?" "I think it would be best if we took a break, Nicholas," Andy reveals to him. "I need time to get my head around this and you, well, you're in luck. You're kissing friend isn't leaving town after all." "What do you mean by that?" "I saw Madeline this morning," he reveals to Nicholas. "Clayton is going to be moving in with her; he's not leaving town after all. So, there's a chance that the two of you will end up kissing again." "Ugh, would you stop with that already?" Nicholas groans back to him. "I am in love with you, Andy. I want to be with you, but you get so damn stubborn sometimes, you know that?" "Great, I'll be stubborn on my own and you can be free to kiss whoever the hell you want!" Andy yells back at him. "Happy now?" Twin
Peaks Police Station "How are you doing and don't even think about lying to me because I can tell when you're lying," Max chuckles over to Cassie as they sit across from one another in the visitor's room at the police station. He still hates that his mother has been arrested because she came back into town to get him out of jail; in his mind, this is completely Jacob's fault. He will never forgive him for breaking into his apartment and finding the burner phone that he was using to keep in touch with Cassie with. This all happened because of Jacob, Max realizes. "I mean, the bed could be softer, they don't wash clothes with that lemon scented detergent I like," Cassie winks back to him. "Look, Max, please, don't worry about me, okay? I will be fine. I have been in worse situations and have gotten out of them. I know that I will get out of here." Max arches his eyebrow back to his mother. "You mentioned before that you have some kind of 'get out of jail free' card," Max replies to her quickly. "Are you going to tell me what that is?" Cassie leans forward and looks back into her son's eyes. "Jacob came to see me yesterday," she reveals to him. "He will drop the charges against me, I am sure of it." "How can you be so sure?" "Because," Cassie reveals with a twinkle in her eye. "I gave birth to his baby. I had Jacob's son while I was away." "What?" Max gasps back to him in shock. "I have a brother? You didn't tell me you were pregnant?" "Yes, you have a brother. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to worry you," Cassie nods back to him. "And, if Jacob ever wants to meet him, he will drop the charges. Otherwise, he will never see his son. Not ever." Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio "Well, look who finally showed up to work today," Paige chuckles as she looks up from the paperwork that is on the communal table that is in the studio and sees Jacob walking inside. "You realize we start at 8, right?" "Yea, thanks for the reminder," Jacob rolls his eyes back to his former fiancé. "I didn't have a good sleep last night, so forgive me if I am running a little late." "Okay," Paige shakes her head back to him. "I guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." "If you only knew what I went through yesterday." Paige looks back at in him in surprise. "What happened yesterday? Other than me breaking up yet another fight between you and Max?" "I went to see Cassie," Jacob reveals to her as he pours himself a cup of coffee. "You went to the police station?" Paige asks him back. "Max and I were worried about that. You shouldn't have gone to see her, you know that she is crazy about you, Jacob." "Don't remind me," Jacob looks back at her. "I realized yesterday just how crazy she is." "What did she say to you that got you so worked up? It obviously rattled you enough to keep you from sleeping last night." Jacob sighs and then moves up to her. "She told me that while she was away, she had a baby," he stuns her. "My baby, because we had sex when she drugged me," he continues to tell her. "What? My God," Paige gasps back to him. "Cassie gave birth to your child? That's crazy." "What's crazy," Jacob continues to tell her. "Is that she told me I would never meet my son unless I drop the charges against her. She gave me an ultimatum, Paige. So, yea, forgive me if I still think Cassie is a crazy bitch." Raven's
Meadow "Has there been any update on the whereabouts of Bryce and Victoria?" Frederick asks Vinny, who moves into his office at Raven's Meadow. Frederick is hoping that Vinny has been able to track down the nurse that was working for him for months because he knows that if anyone gets wind that he is alive, all hell will break loose. The last thing that Frederick needs is for his secret to be revealed; he has too many plans in motion to let that happen. "I have people looking for him," Vinny tells him as he moves up to his desk. "But so far, nothing has turned up." "Damnit," Frederick yells back to him. "We have to find Bryce before Victoria can reveal that I am alive and well." "I know that," Vinny nods back to him, realizing that Bryce knows that he was drugging Victoria to make her believe that she split again when she was always healthy and helped arrange the baby switch with Abby's baby. "And, Bryce knows a lot of secrets about me as well. This could be dangerous for both of us, Frederick." Frederick looks back at with intent. "Then we have to find them, Vinny. Our entire futures depend on it." The
Calimo Cabin "Thanks for the tea," Victoria sets her teacup down on the coffee table in front of her while she sits in the Calimo cabin. She looks at Bryce, who is putting another log on the fire to keep the cabin heated. "I didn't realize how cold I was until I had a couple of sips." "You can tell that fall is here, that is for sure," Bryce smiles back to her as he looks over his shoulder. "If you're feeling up to it, we could bundle up and go for a walk later. The colors on the trees are probably stunning right now." "Yea, that might be nice," Victoria replies to him quickly. "I could use some fresh air, I think." "Okay, how about after lunch we go for that walk?" "Sure," Victoria nods back to him. "I do have a question though," she admits to him as she moves back to the sofa and sits next to her. "The medication you were giving me at Raven's Meadow, why was it making me believe that I split again? When I stopped taking the pills, I felt completely healthy. What was going on with the pills?" Bryce sighs heavily and looks back at her. "You never split," he reveals to her. "Brandy had never returned, Victoria." Victoria looks back at him in surprise. "But that doesn't make any sense to me Bryce. You told me when I first went to Raven's Meadow that I split again and now you're telling me that I never split. Why did you lie to me? Why did you convince me to check myself into Raven's Meadow? Answer me! Why did you make me think Brandy was back when I was healthy the entire time?" Tyler's
Townhouse The words replay over and over again in Daisy's mind; "Vinny is alive," Meggan told her as they stood in her office at MW Investigations. She is reeling from the fact that after all these months, they have proof that Vinny is alive and has been posing as Brett. But it all seemingly makes sense to Daisy now as to why it felt differently when she and "Brett" made love for the first time; it was really her ex-husband. A part of Daisy feels sick to her stomach that she didn't realize that right away; she was with Vinny for so many times, she should have known instantly that it was him, not Brett. "Okay, I got here as soon as I could, what is this all about?" Andrew asks as he moves into the living room of Tyler's townhouse and sees Daisy, Meggan and Tyler present. "I'd like to know that too," Tyler looks back at Daisy and Meggan. "You two made this seem very important." "It is important," Meggan replies to them quickly. Daisy slowly gets up off the sofa but braces herself, as she feels slightly faint. "Daisy, are you okay?" Tyler asks her, noticing that she is holding herself up. "I'm fine," Daisy replies to him. "This is just a lot to take in." "What is it?" Andrew asks again, wondering what this is all about. "Vinny Victors is alive," Meggan reveals to everyone. "He has been posing as Brett this entire time. We ran a DNA test to confirm." "What?" Andrew gasps back to the room. "I have spent so much time with Brett, how did I not know that he was really Vinny?" "He fooled all of us," Daisy looks back at them. "We have to decide what we are going to do; I want to go to Simona Lopez. We have to get the officials involved; he could be dangerous." "I think we need to hold off," Tyler tells them. "I want to figure out if he switched my mother's medication. I think we need to figure this out completely before we do anything." "I agree," Andrew nods back to them. "Let's all agree to meet again in a few days and see what to do next." Daisy sighs heavily. "We just have to be careful," she tells everyone. "If Vinny knows that we are on to him, he could turn dangerous. He blew up his mansion last year, held Brett and I captive and has been lying to all of us for over a year; we must move with this caution. I'm just worried about what he will do if he clues in that we know he's been discovered." Next
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