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Stranger at Home Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 15, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Easy" Troye Sivan The
Pampa Grill Will moves into the restaurant and scans the dining room as he is hoping to run into Madeline. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about the fact that she kissed him when she found out that he was able to convince Clayton to stay in town. While he has been grieving the loss of Eva, Will felt different since the last time that they kissed. Something in him is ready to try to move on from his grief, and he can't deny that Madeline is a beautiful woman, and they have history together. He just hopes that he isn't too late because he also knows that he saw her kissing Jeff recently while they were on a date. He smiles to himself when he sees Madeline at a table, collecting her belongings. He quickly walks up to her table. "Hey, Madeline, " Will announces to her. "I'm glad I ran into you." "Will, hi," she looks back at him. "I just finished having lunch with Clayton," she reveals to him. "Which, wouldn't haven't happened had you not convinced him to stay in town." Will sits next to her as he chuckles back to her. "I can't stop thinking about how you kissed me to thank me for that," he admits to her as they lock eyes with one another. "It was nice." Madeline smiles back to him. "I thought so too, Will. I could kiss you again; I am so glad Clayton decided to stay in town." "Is it wrong that I wouldn't be opposed to you kissing me again?" Madeline giggles back to him. "Of course not," she tells him. "I just assumed that you were still grieving Eva. I know that it can take some time." "I am still grieving Eva," Will admits to her. "There is a part of me that will never get over, but I am ready to try to move on. And, I can't deny that I am very attracted to you. I just hope that you're ready to be with me? I know that you and Jeff " "Are you saying that you'd like date me, Will?" Madeline asks him, thrilled that her plan with Jeff to make Will and Meggan jealous has seemingly worked. She had hoped that this would happen but because Will has been grieving Eva, she wasn't sure that he was interested in more than just friendship. "If you're willing to try, I'd like that very much," Will looks back at her. Madeline licks her lips and moves up to kiss him. Behind them, Meggan stands, having heard everything they just said. She realizes that they are now dating, which means that Madeline and Jeff are not as serious as she once thought they were. She arches her eyebrow before she turns and leaves. "I'd like that too," Madeline looks back at her newfound boyfriend. "Guess that means I get to call you my boyfriend!" "Yup, and you're my girlfriend," Will chuckles back to her. "I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time with you, Maddie." | ||
The Pampa Grill At another table, Leah and Cory sit across from one another with a bottle of white wine on the table. Leah slowly picks up a sip of her chardonnay and takes a sip of it. "How'd it go with Meggan earlier?" Cory asks her before he takes a sip of his wine. He knows that Leah and Jeff went to the private investigator to see if she can track down Leah's child that she had while she was in Santa Barbara years ago. Leah sighs back to him. "I mean, fine, I guess," Leah admits to him. "She admitted that it would be difficult to track down this child because there are, literally, no leads. But she said she would try." "Well, that's something, right?" "Between that and my Dad, I am pretty stressed right now." "Your Dad? Do you want to talk about that?" Leah sighs as she recalls how they had a family meeting earlier at Robertson Enterprises because Felicia is concerned that Dominick is getting involved with Abby. She, and Tyler, agree that it is not the best idea for their father to get involved with someone so much younger than he is. "It's a long story," Leah purses her lips back together. "This is exactly what I need. A nice quiet moment with some wine and the man I love." Cory chuckles back to her. "You know, we could go back to the penthouse," he winks to her. "After all, we could try for that baby we've been planning for? Or, do you want to shelve that now that you know you had a child in Santa Barbara?" Leah looks back at him in surprise. "To be honest, I don't know," she tells him. "I feel like my world was tipped upside down when I remembered I had another child. I don't know if now, is the best time to have another baby, Cory." Cory uneasily nods back to her. "I get it," he tells her. "But, if we are going to do this, we should do it sooner than later. Time isn't exactly on our side." Dominick's
Townhouse Abby opens the door to the master bedroom at Dominick's townhouse and swiftly moves inside. She can't stop thinking about how she read in Felicia's file form Raven's Meadow that she had a child with Frederick Richardson. She was just downstairs and saw a picture of Felicia, Leah and Tyler and wondered if one of her children were actually fathered by Frederick, and not Dominick. She has no idea if this is the case, but she knows that she has to figure it out. If this is the case, this could be the way that she can keep Felicia from ruining her blossoming romance with Dominick. She scans the room while she can hear Dominick still in the shower, as he wanted to freshen up after they had sex. Abby sees a small comb on the dresser and moves up to it. She pulls some of the grey hairs out of the comb and rushes over to her purse, where she drops the hairs into the bag. "Abby, what are you doing?" Dominick asks her as he emerges from the washroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Abby slowly turns around and puts a smile on her face. "I was just grabbing my phone to see what time it was. I must go to Raven's Meadow today to do some community service. What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Dominick smiles back to her, knowing exactly what he has to do with the rest of his day; something that is long overdue. "I'm going to take back something that was stolen from me," he reveals to her. "It's high time I get what is rightfully mine." Roboto "I can't stay too long for this meeting," Natasha tells Robbie as they stand across from one another in the main office of Roboto. "I am meeting Jacob and Shane at the mansion; apparently, something has happened that I have to hear about." "Is everything okay?" Robbie asks his sister in concern. "I hope so. How about you? Is everything okay with you?" "Why wouldn't it be?" Robbie asks her quickly. Natasha looks back at her brother and arches her eyebrow. "You know why I am asking you this, Robbie," she chuckles back to him. "You have been close to a heart attack ever since you found out that Cheresa decided to sign with Robertson Enterprises over us. The other day, when you saw Tyler, you almost blew a fuse!" "We should be the ones being rewarded with a huge campaign, thanks to Cheresa," Robbie grits his teeth back to her. "You can't blame me for being pissed off that she chose our enemy over us." "It isn't ideal, I get that," Natasha admits to him. "But, Robbie, we have other options. We don't need Cheresa to be successful, and I don't want you to do anything that we will regret, okay?" Robbie uneasily gulps back to her as he knows he has already been working with Tara on getting back at Cheresa and Tyler. He knows that he must keep this quiet from Natasha and Kim otherwise his entire plan will be ruined. "Don't worry," Robbie tries to reassure his sister. "I'm not going to do anything that will hurt us, Nat. I'm just pissed off, in time, it will pass, I am sure of it." Bruno's
Gym Andrew finishes punching into the large black boxing back while standing in the gym. He slowly removes the boxing gloves off his hands and moves over to grab his towel to wipe his brow, which is sweaty. "You sure were taking a lot out on that bag," Chris chuckles to him as he comes up to him. "Everything okay?" Andrew uneasily smiles back over to Chris as he recalls the meeting he just left where he learned that Vinny is really alive; he still can't believe that his uncle has been lying to him for months and posing as Brett since last year. He was taking his anger out on the punching bag because this is a secret that he must keep; if he tells anyone else, he risks putting them in danger too. "Just blowing off some steam," Andrew finally replies to him. "How's your workout going?" "Pretty good, doing the same as you," Chris admits to him. "I guess, I owe you an apology too." Andrew arches his eyebrow back to him. "An apology? For what?" "For accusing you of having something going on with Trenyce," Chris reveals to him, as Andrew gulps heavily as he thinks about kissing her a few days earlier. "I don't know what I was thinking, but I believe you both if you say that nothing is going on." "Well, thanks," Andrew nods back to him. "And, I'm pretty sure I know why you were so upset by the thought of it Chris; you're still in love with Trenyce, you want her back don't you?" Chris finds himself nodding back to him. "The truth is, I never stopped loving Trey," he tells Andrew. "I was just hurt by her affair with Brad. The fact that she's carrying his baby certainly didn't help the situation." "I get that," Andrew replies to him. "But, if I have learned anything this past year, it is that life is precious. We have to take our chances while we can because you never know when you won't have the chance again." The
Davenport House; Trenyce & Andrew's Home "I am still in awe at these pictures of you in this Era campaign," Trenyce gushes to her daughter, unable to hide how proud she is of Cheresa for her first modelling gig. "I am so proud of you." Cheresa smiles back to her mother as she pours two cups of sparkling water and passes one to Trenyce. "Thanks Mom," Cheresa replies to her. "I keep saying this, but after everything the Lawson's went through with Brooke, this feels like the fresh start we needed. There are some downsides to this entire modelling thing, however." Trenyce arches her eyebrow. "What do you mean by that? What are the downsides?" Cheresa bites her tongue quickly, realizing that she can't tell her mother about the odd fan letters that she has been receiving because Trenyce must keep her blood pressure down for the rest of the pregnancy, or the baby could be a risk. "I don't mean anything particular," Cheresa lies to her. "It's just weird that everyone seemingly knows who I am now." "I guess that would take a while to get used to." "How are things around here?" Cheresa asks her, wanting to change the subject from her modelling. "You've been taking it easy since your trip to the hospital?" "I have," Trenyce nods back to her. "Andrew has been a life saver; I don't know what I would do without him." Cheresa uneasily chuckles back to him. "Yea, he's a good guy, isn't he?" "The best," Trenyce smiles back to her, causing Cheresa to wonder if something is going on between her mother and Andrew. There is something in Trenyce's eye that makes Cheresa second guess what Andrew told her about his relationship with Trenyce; but what could be going on, Cheresa wonders to herself. Twin
Peaks Police Station The police guard opens the door to the visitor's center and Cassie emerges, immediately feeling a lump form in her throat when she sees Dominick sitting in a chair waiting for her. She should have expected that he would pay her a visit, but she can't help but feel some nerves around seeing him. "Beautiful day out isn't it, oh wait, you haven't been outside," Dominick sneers to her as she sits across from him. "You are right where you belong, Cassie." "Why are you here, Dominick?" Cassie asks him quickly. "Do you need to feel like a big, strong man, so you come to bully a woman behind bars?" Dominick chuckles back to her. "To think that I trusted you once upon a time," he shakes his head back to her. "You were going to help me take down Roboto, remember?" "You've always hated the Calimo's, just as much as I have," Cassie purses her lips together. "It was a win-win situation, you know that very well to be true." "Yes," he glares back at her. "But what I didn't expect was that you'd steal millions of dollars from me. Don't think that I have forgotten about that for one second, Cassie." Cassie giggles back to him. "You think this is funny?" he asks her. "You're in jail, Cassie. And with you behind bars, I am going to prove that you took my money, and I will get it back, mark my words, I will get it back." Cassie stops laughing and moves forward to look into Dominick's eyes. "Good luck proving anything, you pathetic old man," she spits at him before she turns around and looks at the guard. "I'm done here." The
Calimo Mansion "Jacob, darling, I am sorry that I am late," Natasha announces as she moves into the living room of the family mansion that she lives in and she spots her son pouring a glass of wine for himself and for Shane, who is sitting on the sofa. "I got caught up in a meeting at Roboto." "That is okay, Dad just got here himself," Jacob tells her. "Would you like a glass of wine with us?" "I'd love one," Natasha says as she moves up to Shane to give him a hug. "I hear congratulations are in order; you and Robin, married, huh?" Shane chuckles back to her. "Yea, sorry for the lack of invite to the wedding, it was just us and Dominique." "That's okay," Jacob tells his father as he passes Natasha a glass of wine. "I need you guys to finish that glass of wine quickly, please." Natasha finishes swallowing before she chuckles back to him. "Jacob? What is it? Why do you want us to be a little tipsy? Has something happened?" "You can say that," Jacob uneasily looks back at his parents. "I went to see Cassie Nova the other day at the jail house." "I saw that bitch too," Natasha spits. "She's just as evil as she's ever been." "What did she say to you?" Jacob quickly asks his mother back. "Did she say anything?" "Nothing of importance," Natasha waves her hand back to him. "Just that she would be out of jail soon enough." "Jacob, why do I get the feeling that something bigger is going on here?" Shane asks him. "What happened when you went to see Cassie?" Jacob sighs and braces himself for the bombshell is about to lay on his parents; he just hopes that they understand. "She believes that I am going to drop the charges against her," he reveals to them. Natasha and Shane start laughing together. "She's completely lost her mind," Natasha replies. "Last year," Jacob continues to explain to him. "I went to Cassie's apartment; I couldn't remember what happened, exactly, but slowly my memory returned. She drugged me and we had sex that night," he continues to tell his parents, who gasp in shock. "Cassie told me that since she's been away, she gave birth to my son." "What?" Shane asks him in horror. "Do you believe her?" "I don't know what to believe," Jacob admits to his parents. "But she told me that if I ever want to see my son, I have to drop the charges against her. If I don't, I will never meet my child." "That bitch," Natasha grits her teeth together. "She's using her child to get out of jail? This is so typical Cassie." "Wait, how do we know there is a child?" Shane asks his family. "What if this is her way of getting out of jail, but there is no child?" "We have to find out the truth," Jacob replies to his parents. "If I have a son out there I have to know. I have to know if Cassie had my baby." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home "There you are," Jasper moves into the study of the mansion and sees Lukas standing in front of the fireplace, which has flames raging on inside of it. Jasper can't help but think about the fact that he kissed Lukas after he and Donovan had another disagreement. While Jasper knows that Lukas is a married man, he can't help but be wildly attracted to him. "I have been looking for you." Lukas turns around and sees his son's nanny moving into the room. He, like Jasper, hasn't been able to stop thinking about their kiss earlier. "You have? Any particular reason, Jasper?" "I thought we should talk about what happened earlier," Jasper moves closer to him. "I don't know what came over me." Lukas chuckles back to him. "I don't think you have to explain, Jasper," he admits to the nanny. "It is clear that you have wanted to kiss me for a while now." Jasper chuckles back to him. "I can't lie about that. I can't help but be attracted to you, even though I know you're married." "Well, for the record, even though I am married, I liked the kiss. A lot." Jasper moves up to him. "Then, let's do it again?" he asks as he leans in and kisses Lukas passionately. Lukas responds by wrapping his arms around Jasper's back and kissing him back. Meanwhile, Donovan moves into the living room of the mansion and moves to the bar. After his morning at the office, he came home and feels like needs a drink. He takes a sip of the scotch before he pauses as he can hear a noise. "I thought we should talk about what happened earlier. I don't know what came over me," Donovan can hear voices. He turns around and sees Olly's baby monitor, which is where the sounds are coming from. He moves closer to the monitor and puts it up to his ear and immediately feels the blood drain from his face. "It is clear that you have wanted to kiss me for a while now," Donovan can hear Lukas' voice reply to their nanny. Within a few minutes, Donovan is standing in the living room, hearing his husband kissing their son's nanny upstairs in their home together. Donovan quickly takes another swig of his scotch and puts his empty glass down, wondering what the hell he is going to do. Next
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