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the Stake In Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 15, 2022 |
Theme song: "Truth Without Love" Alicia Keys Twin
Peaks General Hospital Greg opens Donovan's eyes and flashes a light into them before he makes some notes in Donovan's file. Greg then checks Donovan's vitals before he hears Donovan moan a little, which is a good thing because it means that he is waking up following his car accident. "Donovan," Greg whispers to the younger man. "You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened? You crashed you SUV." Donovan's eyes slowly open and he looks around to try to understand where he is. He moves to speak, but he finds that he is too parched. "Here, drink this," Greg passes him a cup with a metal straw in it. Donovan slowly drinks some of the water. "Take your time, there's no rush," the doctor tells him, as he remembers being on call at the hospital when Donovan and Olly were brought it because they were involved in an auto accident. Donovan stops drinking and then looks back at the doctor. "I I don't remember?" Donovan admits to him. "What happened?" "Its fine," Greg nods back to him. "You hit your head pretty good; it makes sense that you don't have any memory just yet. I would expect it to comeback soon." "Where are Lukas and Olly? Are they okay? Were they in the vehicle with me?" "One question at a time," Greg smiles back to him. "Your husband and son are just outside the hospital room; I can get them to come in. Olly was with you, but he is fine. He was in his car seat; that saved him." "Thank God," Donovan sighs back to him, as the door to the hospital room opens and Lukas and Olly appear. "Hey, you gave us a scare," Lukas says coming up to his husband, feeling relieved to see him. He remembers getting the phone call at home that Donovan and Olly were in a car accident; he has never felt so scared in all of his life. The thought that this family could have been killed really shook him; he is just grateful that they will be okay. "Are you okay? What happened?" "It appears he doesn't remember what happened," Greg tells Lukas. "He hit his head pretty good; so it makes sense that he is struggling with putting all the pieces together." "But, he will be okay?" Lukas asks him back in concern. "Donovan will be fine?" "I want to keep him here for a few days," Greg replies to him. "I want to run some more tests to make sure there wasn't any more damage. Until then, we know the full impact, it's hard to say." "Thanks doctor," Donovan says back to him before he looks at Lukas. He can't place it, but he can feel it in him that something is going on with his husband. "Why was I leaving the house with Olly? What were you doing when I crashed my SUV, Lukas?" Lukas gulps and looks back at his husband, knowing that he was making out with Jasper. He has to focus on Donovan right now, though. He can't do anything that could hurt his recovery. "Answer me Lukas, what were you doing? Why was in a rush to leave the mansion?" | |
Roboto "I wish Natasha was here," Kim tells Robbie as she stands up from the behind the desk in the main office of Roboto and looks at her husband, who is pouring himself a cup of coffee at the bar. "I would love to get her input on these new plans for the hair line." Robbie uneasily chuckles back to her before he takes a sip of his coffee. "I don't know if you've heard the latest," he looks back at her. "Cassie Nova is back in town. Apparently, she is claiming to have given birth to Jacob's son." "What?" Kim gasps back to him in shock. She didn't expect that to be the latest news; after everything Cassie put her and the company through, she had hoped that she would never return to Twin Peaks. "Poor Jacob, he has been through so much, and now this?" "Cassie was arrested but she is saying he will never meet his son if Jacob doesn't drop the charges." "That woman never ceases to amaze me," Kim shakes her head back to him. "You know, I am so glad that we are in such a good place, Robbie. We are bringing a child into this world being in love and having a solid marriage; the total opposite of Cassie and Jacob." Robbie smiles back to her. "And, I plan to keep it that way." "Good," Kim looks back into his eyes. "I know that I have been hard on you lately thinking that you're plotting against Tyler and Robertson Enterprises, but I am going to believe you when you say that nothing is going on, Robbie." Robbie uneasily gulps back to her as he thinks about his plan to get back at Robertson and Cheresa; he has hired Tara to send Cheresa some creepy fan notes and he is planning the next phase of his plan right now. He knows that later today, the next phase of the plan will take shape. "Thank you for believing in me," he manages to tell her. "I will not to anything to put you or our baby in jeopardy, Kim. " Before Kim can respond, she puts her hand on her stomach and looks back at her husband in surprise. "Oh," she says to him. "Our child is kicking a lot right now!" Robbie moves up to her and puts his hand on her stomach. "Wow," Robbie looks at her with a grin on his face. "I can't believe we created this miracle, Kim." "We did Robbie," Kim smiles back to him. "We created him or her out of love. I love you so much." "I love you too." The
Davenport House; Trenyce & Andrew's Home Cheresa pulls her car into the driveway of her mother's home. Once the vehicle is parked, she moves to the seat next to her and grabs her purse. She wanted to stop by and make sure that Trenyce is doing alright because she knows that she was at the hospital the previous night because she had gotten so worked up about something that she had a panic attack. Considering that she is having a high risk pregnancy, Cheresa wants to make sure her mother isn't over doing it. She is about to open the door to her car when she gets a phone call. She pulls her phone out of her purse and sees that it is Tyler, so she realizes that it must be work related. She answers the call and starts talking to her boss. Meanwhile, inside the house, Andrew brings Trenyce a muffin and sets it front of her. "Okay, you're going to have to let me know how that turned out," he chuckles to her. "You know that I am not a baker." "I can't believe how domestic you're becoming," Trenyce replies to him as she takes a bite of the muffin. "And, it is really good, Andrew." "Thanks, I'm glad you like it," he says as he sits next to her. "Did I tell you that I ran into Chris earlier? We actually had a good chat." "Really?" Trenyce looks back at him in surprise. "I still feel like he is hot and cold with me. I don't know if he will ever get over the fact that I slept with Brad while he was in jail." "I know that the affair was a mistake," Andrew looks into her eyes. "But, if you hadn't been with him, you wouldn't be carrying this child now." "It is crazy how things work out, huh?" "Yea, very," Andrew licks his lips back to her. "How are you feeling now? Do you think you're feeling up to talking about the kiss we shared, Trey?" Trenyce takes another bite of the muffin and looks back at him. "I have to stay calm, Andrew. Maybe we shouldn't talk about it?" "It is just that I can't stop thinking about." Trenyce feels her cheeks flush. "Neither can I, but I think it is just the hormones of being pregnant." Andrew chuckles back to her. "Is that all? Or is that you want me to do it again?" Trenyce looks back at him in surprise but before she can respond, he leans up and kisses her on the lips. She puts her hand on his cheek and responds to him. Meanwhile, at the entry way to the living room, Cheresa stands in shock as she can see her mother and Andrew in a passionate kiss with one another. She almost can't believe what she is seeing but she can't deny that they are in a lip lock. The
Pampa Grill "I guess I am still reeling from Cassie's announcement," Paige admits to Max as they sit across from one another in the back corner table of the restaurant together. She is having a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that Cassie has told everyone that she gave birth to Jacob's son; she also told Jacob that if he didn't drop the charges against her, he would never see his son. "Jacob didn't even remember sleeping with your Mom at first." "When my Mom told me the news, I was just as surprised as everyone else," Max tells her before he takes a sip of his beer. "She certainly never told me that she was pregnant, even when we were speaking while she was away." "I wonder what Jacob will do," Paige looks back at him. "Will he drop the charges against her so he can meet this child?" Max shrugs back to her. "I have no idea what Jacob will do," he chuckles back to her. "I stopped trying to figure out how Jacob's mind works a long time ago." "I know that Cassie is your Mom and you love her," Paige replies to him. "But, do you think that there's any chance that she is lying? I mean, what if there is no baby and this is her way of getting out of jail?" Max looks back at her in surprise. He hadn't thought of that but knowing his mother, he has to admit that it could be true. "I just want my Mom to be okay," he sighs back to her. "I hope she isn't lying but I don't know." "If she is going to be honest with anyone, it would be you, Max," Paige tells him. "I think you have to ask her if it is true; you have to tell everyone if your mother had Jacob's son." The
Calimo Mansion "I hope I am not keeping you guys from something more important," Jacob tells his parents as he pours himself a glass of water as he stands in the living room of the Calimo mansion that he lives in with his mother. "But, I've come up to a decision and you guys should hear it from me." Shane and Natasha look at one another uneasily. Neither one of them have been able to think of much else since Jacob revealed that Cassie said that she had given birth to his son; they know that she gave him a horrible ultimatum: drop the charges against her or he will never meet his son. "It is safe to assume that this has to do with Cassie Nova and her demands of you?" Natasha asks Jacob quickly before she looks back at Shane. "What else?" Jacob shrugs his shoulders. "I haven't been able to think of anything else, if I am honest." "What have you decided to do, Jacob?" Shane asks his son quickly. Jacob sighs back to him before he looks at his mother, who he knows will lose it when he tells her his decision. "I I am going to drop the charges," he reveals to them, as Natasha gasps back to him. "If I have a son out there, I have to know. I have to be a part of his life. I can't go without knowing the truth." "I hate that woman!" Natasha hisses back to him. "She is using this to get out of jail when she should spend the rest of her miserable life behind bars!" "I support your decision," Shane looks back at his son. "I still just think we have to know the truth. What if Cassie is lying?" Jacob shrugs back to him. "That's a chance I have to take," he whispers back to his parents. "I can't take a chance of not meeting my son. This is my child! Your grandchild! I have to do whatever I can to be in his life. Please, Mom, tell you understand?" Robertson
Enterprises Abby slowly walks up to the door of the main office at Robertson Enterprises and prepares to enter. She still has no idea why she got a phone call from Leah asking her to meet her at the office; she can only assume that Felicia has told her that she is seeing Dominick now. While Abby and Dominick have grown closer, she knows that his ex-wife is not happy that she is in his life. Abby, however, also can't stop thinking about the note that she read in Felicia's file from Raven's Meadow: Frederick Richardson indicated that he fathered a child with Felicia. She has a sample of Dominick's DNA because she took some strands of his hair; if she can get something from Leah, she knows that she could compare the samples. She opens the door and is surprised to see both Leah and Tyler standing inside the office, each with a cup of water in their hands. "Hello," Abby says as she closes the door behind them. "I have no idea why I was summoned here today, but I came. What is going on?" Tyler and Leah look at one another before they turn their attention to Abby. "We have reason to believe that you are getting involved with our father," Leah finally tells the younger woman. "You have to understand that we have some serious concerns about that." Abby sighs back to them. "I guess my question to both of you is: how is this any of your business? I am a grown woman; Dominick is a grown man; what we do, is between us?" "Our father just lost his wife," Tyler replies to her quickly. "He is still grieving Eva, are you sure that you want to be his rebound? We just don't want anyone to get hurt here." Abby shakes her head back to them. "I will repeat myself, in case you didn't hear what I just said, how is this your business?" "We are just concerned about our father," Leah tells her quickly. "We don't want to see him hurt. He has been through enough this year." "Well, don't worry, I have no intention of hurting him," Abby replies to them immediately, as she notices that they finish their water and are setting their glasses down. "Now, if that's all, I really don't have the time to be grilled by the two of you." Abby turns to leave but she purposely knocks over a table, causing a huge crash when a lamp falls on the ground. Glass shatters everywhere, causing everyone to gasp in shock. "Oh my God, I am so sorry," Abby moves back away from the shattered glass as Leah and Tyler rush up to her. "Are you okay?" Tyler asks her in concern. "You didn't get cut, did you?" "I'm fine, I just didn't see that table, I am so sorry." "Its fine," Leah replies to her as she and Tyler start to clean up the mess. While they are tending to the mess, Abby moves over to the bar and puts the two glasses that Tyler and Leah were using into her bag. She then looks back at them. "Sorry again, I really should be going." Leah and Tyler look at one another, wondering if they have gotten through to her. "Well, it's clear that something is going on," Tyler tells his sister. "How are we going to get through to Dad?" "I wish I knew," Leah admitted to him. "Because, the longer this goes on, the bigger the chance that woman will hurt Dad, and I don't want that to happen." Dominick's
Townhouse "I can't tell you how pleased I am that you're back to feeling like normal self," Dominick smiles over to Felicia as they stand in the living room of his house. He still wishes he could figure out who switched Felicia's medication; however, he also realizes that the most important thing is that Felicia is back to feeling healthy and she is on her regular medication again. "You and I both," Felicia replies to him quickly. "It makes total sense now as to why I was losing it; I was being given the wrong pills. I still wish I knew who would want me to lose control. What if they try it again?" "Don't you worry about that," Dominick comes up to her. "I will make sure that no one hurts you again, Felicia." Felicia uneasily smiles back to him. "I wish I could promise you the same, Dominick." "What do you mean by that?" "Abigail Lawson," Felicia replies to him quickly. "I still think that she is bad news for you. She is nothing more than a gold digger slut, Dominick! Promise me that whatever this is between you two, you will end it before it goes on too long?" Dominick sighs back to her. "I don't know what the future holds, Felicia," he admits to her. "But what I can tell you, is that spending time with Abby has really given me a new zest for life. I haven't felt this way in a very long time." "What are you trying to say, exactly, Dominick?" "I'm saying," Dominick uneasily gulps back to her. "I think I am falling for Abby. I might be falling in love with her," he reveals to her as the blood drains from Felicia's face. Twin
Peaks General Hospital "Hey," Lukas moves up to Donovan, who is laying in his hospital bed. "Let's not get too worked up, okay? The most important thing is that you're going to be okay and so will Olly. We have to count our blessings. When your memory comes back, you will remember where you going when you left the house. " Donovan uneasily nods back to him. "I guess you're right," Donovan replies to him. "I just wish I remembered why I was in such a rush to leave the mansion with Olly." Lukas uneasily nods back to him, also wondering why Donovan was leaving the mansion in such a hurry. Surely, there's no way that Donovan could have known about him and Jasper's kiss, could there? "Like I said," Lukas looks back at his husband. "You're going to be fine, that's all that matters right now. Everything else, we can worry about later, okay?" Next on
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