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on the High Types Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 28, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Overwhelmed" Chloe x Halle The
Davenport House; Trenyce & Andrew's Home Cheresa moves away from the entry to the living room of her mother's house and goes to the front door. She opens it and then slams the door closed, hoping to make Andrew and Trenyce hear that someone has arrived. She shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath, still startled by what she just witnessed: Andrew and Trenyce kissing one another while sitting on the sofa in the living room. She can't believe it; she recalls how Chris told her that he suspected something was going on between Andrew and Trenyce, but when she asked Andrew, he said nothing was happening. She does recall the last time she saw Trenyce, and she thought something was different about her reaction, but she never imagined that she would see them kissing. Meanwhile, in the living room, Andrew and Trenyce stop kissing when they hear the door slam closed. "I I need to get some water," Trenyce tells him as she stands up and moves into the kitchen, clearly rattled that she has once again ended up in a kiss with the younger man. "Can you please see who is here?" "Of course," Andrew looks back at her. "And for the record, Trey, Chris told me earlier that he still loves you," he tells her quickly. "So, we we need to talk about what is happening between us because something is happening. We need to figure this all out." Trenyce uneasily nods back to him as she rushes into the kitchen, desperate to get some water. Andrew turns and moves into the foyer. "Cheresa," he says moving up to his friend. "How are you? Is everything okay?" Cheresa looks back at him and immediately sees him kissing his mother again. She wonders if she will ever be able to get the image out of her head. "No," she admits to him. "Nothing is okay, Andrew. What the hell are you doing?" "What do you mean?" Andrew asks her in confusion. "I saw you," she whispers back to him. "I saw you kissing Trenyce! What are you thinking?" *** Outside the house, a black minivan pulls up to the curb and goes into park. Some binoculars moves to a set of eyes and they look at Cheresa's car that is parked in the driveway. "That is her car," a voice says in a whisper. "I just have to wait now and then I can take control of this situation," Tara's face is revealed as she gets a sly grin on her face. "If Robbie won't move the plan to the next phase, I damn well will. It's time, it's high time." | ||
Twin Peaks General Hospital
"Okay, and how long before I get the results back?" Abby asks a nurse at the hospital as she stands at the nurse's station and awaits response from Dawn, who is working a shift at the hospital. Abby has submitted the two glasses that Leah and Tyler were drinking from earlier when they asked her to stay away from Dominick; Abby, also, was able to get some of Dominick's loose hairs after they made love the other day; she is now running a DNA test to see if they all match because she hasn't been able to stop thinking about the fact that in Felicia's file from Raven's Meadow there was a note from Frederick Richardson that stated he fathered one of Felicia's children. The piece that Abby isn't sure about is if Leah or Tyler could actually be Frederick's child, or if Felicia has had another child that is out there. She knows that she must find out the truth as this could be the way for her to keep Felicia out of her and Dominick's relationship. "It is a pretty simple test," Dawn replies to her friend. "I would say you should hear in a couple of hours." Abby uneasily nods back to her head. "And, no one will know about this, right? This is strictly for my purpose?" "Well yes, this would be considered to doctor-patient confidentiality," Dawn says back to her. "No one but you will get these test results." "Okay good, thanks Dawn." "Of course, I'll call you once I get the results." Abby turns to leave and almost runs into Greg, who is also working at the hospital. She is pleased that her father was able to find a position at the hospital; after they had to pay back the IRS in Brooke's backpay of taxes, the family was left relatively broke, so him getting a job is a good thing. It's also why she is so keen on making her relationship with Dominick work. "Oh Dad, hi," Abby looks back at him. "Abby, what are you doing here? Everything is okay, with you, I hope?" Abby gulps heavily, knowing that she can't tell him about the DNA test. "Oh, I'm fine, just a scheduling a checkup. How are things with you?" "Fine," Greg nods back to her. "I am happy to be working again. I hadn't realized how much I missed it. I did hear something through the grapevine, however." Abby arches her eyebrow. "What did you hear? What's going on?" Greg pulls Abby into a waiting room so he can have a private moment with his daughter as he doesn't want this to be a public conversation. Abby looks back at him in surprise, wondering what he is going to talk to her about. "Are you seeing Dominick Robertson?" Greg whispers back to his daughter. He knows that she has been through a lot but for her to be involved with someone that much older than her is troubling to him to say the least. "Dad " Abby feels her cheeks flush. "My God, it's true," Greg shakes his head back to her. "Abby, please, you have to stop this. We have been through hell and back this year, please don't get involved with someone that much older than you okay? Promise me that you'll stay away from Dominick." "I'm sorry Daddy, I can't do that," Abby looks back at him. "Dominick and I, I don't know where it's going, but I intend to find out." The
Tower's, Floor Seven; Madeline's Condo "Clayton isn't home, is he?" Will asks Madeline as they move into her condo at the Tower's. They just got back to her place after they agreed to date one another; for Madeline, she can't believe that her plan with Jeff to make Will and Meggan jealous by pretending to date worked. Will came to her and told her that he was ready to stop grieving Eva and move on with her. In her mind, she is finally getting everything that she has wanted: she has a new job at general hospital; Clayton is staying in Twin Peaks so they can get to know one another and now Will has agreed to be with her. "Nope," Madeline replies to him as she shuts the door behind her. "He grabbed a shift at Sugarbowl." "Ah," Will turns and smiles at her. "So, we are alone? For the first time since we officially became boyfriend and girlfriend?" Madeline chuckles back to him as she moves closer to him. "Is that a bad thing?" "Not at all, I was hoping we would be alone." "Is that so? What did you want to do now that we are alone?" "How about this?" Will asks before he leans in and kisses her on her lips. The kiss quickly turns passionate and they pause to look at one another. "How about we really get reacquainted?" "I thought you'd never ask," Madeline says with her eyes filling with lust as she pulls him towards her bedroom. MW
Investigations "Hey, I got your message," Jeff says as he moves into Meggan's office at the private investigator's firm. He knows that he and Leah have asked Meggan to see if she can find the child that Leah had while she was in Santa Barbara all those years ago; he can't help but wonder if she has already discovered some new information. "Is this about my child with Leah?" "No, it's not," Meggan admits to him as she moves up to the door and closes it. "This is about you and I and the games you are playing with me." Jeff arches his eyebrow back to her. "What are you talking about? What games?" "A few weeks ago," Meggan looks back at him as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I saw you and Madeline kissing at the Pampa Grill; you ended up asking me if I was jealous, which I told I wasn't." Jeff shrugs his shoulders. "Okay, you're not jealous? I'm not sure how I am playing games with you, Meg?" "I know the truth," Meggan replies to him quickly. "Madeline and Will are dating, I heard them talking about at the Pampa Grill. So, this claim that you're dating her, it's bullshit. So, what are you doing, Jeff? What the hell is going on?" Jeff gulps heavily as he hadn't realized that Will and Madeline got back together; he realizes that he is completely out of the loop because he has been so focused on Leah's revelation that they had another child together. "I haven't spoken to Madeline in a few days," Jeff replies to her. "We went on a couple of dates, but if she is with Will now, I guess we weren't that serious. It's no big deal." "I hope that's all it is," Meggan looks back at him. "Because, you will not jerk me around, understood?" "I understand," Jeff puts his hands up. "And, okay, you caught me? I pretended to date Madeline to make you jealous, Meggan. I want a chance with you, is that so bad? I was hoping " "I don't care what you were hoping!" Meggan cuts him off. "I can't believe you did this, Jeff! You betrayed me! And you want us to be together? How could do you this?" Robertson
Enterprises "This is a nice surprise," Leah stands up from behind her desk in her office at Robertson Enterprises when she sees Cory move up to her with a coffee from the Sugarbowl for her in his hand. "And, how did you know that I needed another coffee." "We have been through so much lately, I thought you could use one to help you stay focused while you are work," Cory replies to her quickly before he leans up and gives her a kiss. "Besides, it gave me a reason to come and see you." Leah picks up her coffee and takes a sip of it. "Well, I appreciate you stopping by. Was there any other reason for the visit other than giving me the coffee?" Cory chuckles back to her. "I have to admit, I have been thinking about our last conversation," he reveals to her. "You know, about whether or not we are going to continue to try to have a child. I know that you have a lot on your plate right now, Leah. But I also know that neither one of us are getting any younger, so if we are going to do this, I just feel like we should be doing it now." Leah sighs back to him and then looks at him. "I know, and I have been thinking about it too," she admits to him. "And, while I love the idea of being a mother again, I think we should shelf the idea, at least for now." Cory feels his heart break inside his chest as he was looking forward to the idea of having another child. To hear Leah, say the timing isn't right, stings. "I can tell that you're upset," Leah quickly tells him. "I don't mean to hurt you with this decision, Cory, I really don't. It's just, learning that I have another child out there that I have never met, I really want to focus on attentions on trying to find him or her. I just think a new baby would put that at risk right now." Cory uneasily nods back to her. "I get it," he tells her, even though he hates her decision. "I wish things could be different because I wanted to be a father again, but I understand completely why you are doing this, Leah. You and Jeff, you want to know your children; this could be your chance to do just that." "Thank you for understanding," Leah moves up to him and pulls him into a hug. "I still love you, very much." "I love you too," Cory whispers back to her, unable to stop thinking about how this quest to find their missing child might push Leah and Jeff back together, in more ways than one. Twin
Peaks Police Station "Are you sure you want to do this?" Paige looks back at Jacob as they sit next to one another outside of Simona's office at the police station. She recalls Jacob telling her that he must drop the charges against Cassie to ensure that he can have a relationship with his son; if Cassie's claim is true, he has to do everything he can to be a part of his child's life. "We don't even know if Cassie is telling the truth?" Jacob sighs and looks back at her. "I know, and my parents have the same concern," he tells her. "But the fact is, if my child is out there, I have to do whatever I can to be a part of his life. I don't like this either, but I can't stand by and do nothing." Paige uneasily smiles back to him. "Wow," she replies to him quickly. "I have never seen this side of you before, Jacob." "What side is that?" "A protective father," she smiles. "If you do have a child out there, they are going to be one lucky kid." Jacob chuckles back to her. "Thanks. I just hope I am doing the right thing." "Just so you know, I asked Max to talk to Cassie to find out the truth," she reveals to him. "If there's one person in this world that Cassie will be honest with, it is Max." Jacob rolls his eyes back to her. "Well, yea, I agree, but I don't know that Max would tell me the truth either way. I don't trust him, and I know what you're going to say, I should, but I'm sorry, I don't and I don't think I ever will." Before Paige can respond, Simona opens her office door and welcomes the two of them into her office. "I am assuming this visit has something to do with Cassie Nova?" Simona guesses as they move into her office. "Yes," Jacob replies to her quickly. "I want to drop all of the charges against her, and I want to drop them all today." *** Meanwhile, in the visitor's center, Max sits across from his mother. He can't help but recall his last conversation with Paige, where she pleaded with him to find out if she is telling the truth about her claim that she gave birth to Jacob's baby or not. He knows that Cassie has been saying that she has had a 'get out of jail' free card, and this would make sense if this is what she was talking about. "You are looking well," Cassie tells her son. "I hope to be out of here soon so we can be together and truly catch up. It seems like a lot has changed since I was last in town." Max chuckles back to her. "Things have changed," he nods back to her. "You having another child, being the biggest change of all." Cassie nods back to him. "Jacob is a father, it's almost hard to believe, isn't it?" "You can say that again," Max replies to her quickly. "I have to ask you something, and don't get pissed off okay?" Cassie arches her eyebrow back to him. "Uh, okay? What's going on?" "Is this all true?" Max asks her as they lock eyes with one another. "Did you really have Jacob's baby? Or is this just a ploy to get all of the charges dropped against you?" Cassie chuckles back to him. "You sound like Natasha, she's so nutty, she would think I'm lying about this." Max shakes his head as he giggles. "You have to admit Mom, you've pulled your fair of tricks over the years. So, come on, tell me, what is going on? Is this true? Do I really have a baby brother?" "Yes, you do," Cassie nods back to him. "I had Jacob's baby; I am not lying this time, Max. You have a brother, and the minute I get out of here, you will get to meet him." Twin
Peaks General Hospital "Abby, hey," Dawn says as she comes up to her friend, who is still in the waiting room of the hospital. "I got your test results back." Abby stands up from a chair and looks at Dawn and gulps heavily. "Really? You weren't lying, that was fast." "Yea, I purposely ran a rush on them cause I knew you were eager to have them," Dawn tells her as she passes her the envelope. "The results are labelled inside by the glasses you provided to us; one from a male and the other from a female. Let me know if you have any questions." "I shall, thanks Dawn." Dawn nods back to her. "Before I go, have you heard from Cheresa? I've been trying to call her, but she hasn't responded." "Uh, I haven't heard back from her just yet, but if I do, I'll tell her to call you." "Thanks, I appreciate that." Abby waits for Dawn to leave the waiting room before she opens the envelope. She reads the document in front of her quickly. "Okay," she says to herself. "The male sample matches Dominick's DNA," she tells herself. "So, Tyler is Dominick's son." She continues to read the results. "My God," she gasps as she feels the blood drain from her face. "Leah's DNA didn't match Dominick's. Frederick Richardson must be her father," she covers her mouth in shock. "Leah isn't Dominick's daughter." The
Davenport House; Trenyce & Andrew's Home "I, I can explain," a panicked Andrew tells Cheresa quickly as she just confronted him about kissing Trenyce. He had no idea that anyone saw them together but now he realizes that this could be blown out of proportion completely since neither he nor Trenyce even know what is going on between the two of them. "It it just happened. You have to believe, Cheresa, nothing is going on between Trenyce and I!" "How the hell do you expect me to believe that after what I just witnessed? Do I need to remind you that Trenyce is pregnant with Brad's baby and is claiming to still be in love with Chris? This is a mess!" "I know, I know," Andrew replies to her quickly. "Just, don't say anything, okay? Trenyce can't get worked up because of the baby. Please, Cheresa, let me make this right." "I don't think you can make this right," Cheresa looks back at him. "I won't say anything, but you better figure this out before everyone gets hurt in the process." "I will, I promise." "I have to go," Cheresa looks back at him. "Tell my mother I said hello." Cheresa storms out of the house and takes a deep breath. She feels her heart racing a million miles a minute, still reeling from what she saw inside the house. She quickly moves up to her car and as she unlocks her door, a white rag suddenly covers her mouth as someone stands behind her. Soon, the chloroformed filled rag causes Cheresa to pass out and she collapses into Tara's arms. Tara looks at Cheresa and gets a grin on her face. "Robbie was taking his sweet time moving the plan to the next level," she whispers to Cheresa as she starts to drag her to the back of the van. "So, I'm taking control." She throws Cheresa's body into the back of the van before she returns to the front seat and speeds off. Next on
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