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Back to Me Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: | ||
Theme song: "Cool On You" Mariah Carey The
Sugarbowl Simona opens the door to the coffeehouse and scurries inside as she is seeking to grab a coffee before she heads back to the police station. She has a lot going on right now, but she figured she would need a caffeine boost to help her carry through the day. After she orders, she moves over to the coffee bar to add some cream and sugar into the beverage. She looks over her shoulder and sees Greg sitting by himself at the window seat. She sighs to herself as she recalls how earlier in the day Dawn and Greg asked her to look into Cheresa's disappearance; she said no because Cheresa hasn't been missing for 24 hours. "Mr. Lawson," Simona says as she moves up to Greg, who turns to face the detective. "I am glad that I ran into you." "You are?" Greg asks her in surprise. He is still worried about Cheresa as no one, yet, has heard from her. The longer anyone goes without hearing from her, the more worried he becomes about his daughter. "I'm not sure that we have anything more to discuss, detective. In case you have forgotten, I am trying to track down my daughter." "I remember," Simona purses her lips together. "I'm here to tell you that I changed my mind. I will open a case to see what happened to Cheresa. What Dawn told me earlier, it really stuck with me: the sooner we open a case, the less chance that something bad will happen to your daughter." Greg looks back at her in surprise. "Really? You will start to try to find Cheresa?" "Yes, I'll open a file as soon as I get back to my office," Simona replies to him. "If you and Dawn could gather as much information and send it over to me, that would be great." "I'll get right on that," Greg nods back to her, hopeful that the police might be able to figure out where Cheresa is. "And Simona, thank you." | ||
Roboto "Do you know how hard it was to lie to Greg's face?" Kim asks Robbie and Natasha as she paces around the main office at Roboto. She just finished telling her husband and sister-in-law about how she ran into Greg at the coffeehouse and he revealed to her that Cheresa is missing; of course, Kim couldn't tell him that she knows that Cheresa has been kidnapped because Robbie could get in trouble as a result as he paid the woman who took Cheresa. She just hopes that, together, they can figure out how to end this before Cheresa is seriously hurt. "We have to figure out how to get Cheresa home safely, and we have to figure it out now." "I don't know what I was thinking," Robbie admits to his family. "This entire situation has turned into a nightmare." "You weren't thinking!" Natasha scolds him. "You wanted to get back at Tyler and Robertson Enterprises for something that was out of our control, Robbie! Cheresa made her decision; you wanting to scare her is unacceptable! You've put her life in danger and put this company at risk." "I know, okay," Robbie tells her. "I know what I did was wrong. I have to get through to Tara; I have to convince her that this was a bad idea." Kim comes up to her husband and puts her hand on his shoulder. "I think you should call her and see if you can convince her to bring Cheresa back. Put her on speaker; Natasha and I can listen to see if we can hear any clues about where they could be." "You two have to be quiet," Robbie warns them. "If Tara thinks that anything odd is happening, she might lose control completely." "We won't say a word," Natasha replies to him. Robbie pulls out his phone and dials Tara's number. While the phone is ringing, he sets his phone down on the desk and waits for Tara to pick up. He puts his finger to his mouth to gesture for the women to remain silent. "It's about time you called me back," Tara says as she stands outside of the Lawson storage unit. "Why did you hang up on me?" "I'm sorry," Robbie replies to her quickly. "Someone was coming and I couldn't risk them hearing our conversation. Now, tell me, how is Cheresa? What have you done?" "I told you," Tara snaps at him quickly. "I took her because I was tired of waiting for direction from you. If we are going to do something, we have to take action. This will scare her, isn't that what you wanted?" "I don't want Cheresa to be hurt," Robbie tells her quickly. "She needs to be returned safely. Tara, do you understand me?" Tara uneasily chuckles back to him. "I can return her safely, but I want more money Robbie." Robbie looks at Kim and Natasha with an uneasy glance. He realizes that every second of this entire situation is getting worse by the minute. Now, Tara wants more money to release Cheresa. He sees Natasha nodding back at him, giving him the approval to give her more money. "Okay, how much more money?" "Ten million dollars," Tara stuns him with her request. "Get me 10 million and I will return Cheresa. Do we have a deal?" Robertson
Enterprises "I don't believe this," Tyler says into his phone as he sits behind the large desk in the office of his family company. Dawn is on the other end of the call and just told him that Cheresa is missing and they don't have any leads on her whereabouts. He can't believe that his new leading model is missing; he just hopes that she is found safely. "Where could have gone? Yes, of course, please keep me posted." He hangs up the phone and sighs heavily, hoping that Cheresa can be found. "Where would she have gone?" He stands up from his chair and moves to the bar. While he is pouring himself a drink, Leah, Felicia and Dominick move into the office. Tyler looks at his family and wonders what everyone is doing there. "Hey, what's going on guys? What brings you by?" "I wanted to call a family meeting," Dominick tells his family. He can't help but think about earlier in the day when he ran into Abby and he proposed to her. She accepted and now, he wants to ensure that his family hears the news from him because they haven't been supportive of him being in a relationship with the younger woman. "Something has happened and you need to hear it from me." "If it is about Cheresa Lawson, I just heard the news," Tyler replies to him. "Cheresa? What's going on with Cheresa?" Leah asks her brother, having not heard anything about Cheresa yet. "Apparently she's missing," Tyler reveals to everyone. "Dawn just called me to say that Simona Lopez is opening a file to try to help track her down." "My God," Felicia gasps back to him. "I hope she is able to find Cheresa. She's so young for anything bad to have happened to her." "I am afraid that is not why I called you all here today," Dominick returns the focus to his news. "I have some different news." "Okay? Well, we are all here," Leah looks back at him. "What is going on with you, Dad?" "I have asked Abigail to marry me and she said yes," he stuns his family with his admission. "I am engaged." "Dominick! What is the matter with you?" Felicia gasps back to him. "We have all told you, repeatedly, that we don't want you with that woman, and now you're telling us that you're engaged? Have you lost your mind, completely?" "Dad, I have to agree with Mom," Tyler looks back at his father. "This is all so sudden; if you are seeing Abby, fine, but why the rush to marry her?" "This year has taught me that life is so short," Dominick looks back at his family. "Eva's life was taken at without a moment's notice; Abby has made me happy, I don't want that to end." "Dad, you have to understand our concerns," Leah tells him. "Abby is Paige's age, for crying out loud. You're engaged to a girl that is the same age as your granddaughter!" "Age is just a number," Dominick waves his hand back to her. "Now, I told you all this because I wanted you to hear it from me. I am not asking you for your permission or support. But, you should all get used to the idea of Abby being my wife, because we will be married and there's not a damn thing any of you can do about it." *** Jeff opens the door to Leah's office and moves inside as he has to leave her some files that she needs to review. He is started to see Cory sitting on the sofa inside the office. "Cory, I didn't see you there," Jeff tells him as he sets the files down on Leah's desk. "Is everything alright?" Cory sighs back to him as he recalls the conversation he just had with Leah where she admitted that she didn't think the timing was right for them to continue to try to have a child together. Ever since she learned that she had a child while she was in Santa Barbara, she has been focused on trying to find out where the child is, which might be impossible because Frederick is dead and buried. He had gotten his hopes up about the idea of becoming a father again, so Leah's decision has left him feeling uneasy. "Yea, everything is fine," he tells Jeff, not wanting to share his personal feelings with Leah's ex-husband. "I am glad that I ran into you, though." "Why? What's up?" "Well, you know the truth about Leah's time in Santa Barbara now," Cory stands up and moves closer to the desk. "You know that Leah had your child while she was there." "I still can't believe it myself," Jeff admits to him. "I never imagined Leah hearing a baby crying in her head would result in us having another son or daughter out there." "It has been a surprise to everyone," Cory uneasily chuckles back to him. "I can't help but wonder though " "Wonder what? Cory, what are you trying to say to me?" Jeff asks him. "I just can't help but wonder what this means for you and Leah going forward," Cory admits to Jeff. "What are you hoping this does to your relationship with my girlfriend?" Jeff looks back at him in surprise and realizes that Cory might be jealous that he and Leah have yet another child together. He finds himself smirking back to Cory. "I hope Leah and I can find our child," he tells Cory. "That's my goal, to find the child that I share with Leah." The
Pampa Grill "Okay, I've told you about my on-going drama with Shane and Adam," Robin chuckles over to Nicholas they continue to enjoy their dinner with one another. She picks up her wine and takes a sip of her as she looks at her brother; she knows that he is also involved in a messy situation with Andy and Clayton right now. "It is your turn to tell me what is going on with you? Have Andy and Clayton been able to come to terms with the fact that Clayton is a Wilkins?" Nicholas sighs back to her as he thinks about how Clayton kissed him again recently when he told him that Andy had ended their relationship. The ironic thing is that the reason Andy ended their relationship is because he discovered that the two men had shared multiple kisses before. "Andy and I are over," Nicholas reveals to her before he picks up his wine. "He saw Clayton and I kissing when Clayton was going to leave town. I I ended up telling him that Clayton had kissed me before. Andy was so upset that he called us off." "Oh Nicholas," Robin sighs back to him. "I am sorry. I know how much you love Andy. But I can't say that I blame him. I would be upset too if I knew that you were sharing multiple kisses with someone else. Do you think you can make him understand what's happened?" Nicholas shrugs back to her. "It's hard for me to say that I can make Andy understand when I'm not sure I understand myself." "Well, you do keep letting Clayton kiss you." Nicholas smiles back to her. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to Clayton," he admits to his sister. "He's a very handsome guy." Robin takes a sip of her wine before she looks back at him. "I think you're playing with fire my dear brother. You are in love with Andy, but attracted to Clayton and you keep kissing him. This is bound to get messier before it gets easier." Nicholas uneasily chuckles back to her before he takes a sip of his wine. "And here I thought you were going to tell me how to solve my problems," he winks back to her with another chuckle. Twin
Peaks Police Department The door to Simona's office at the police station opens and a police guard moves Cassie inside. Simona looks up and sees the woman she arrested and uneasily smiles at her. Cassie turns and sees Max and Jacob also in the office. She looks back at Simona, wondering what is going on. "What is this all about?" Cassie asks before she looks at Max. "My son, he's not in trouble again, is he?" "No, Mom, everything is fine," Max replies to her as Simona stands up from behind her desk. "You are one lucky woman," Simona announces to her. "Jacob has agreed to drop all of the charges against you, Ms. Nova. You are about to be a free woman." "What? Really?" Cassie gasps back as she turns to Jacob. She hadn't realized that Jacob was agreeing to her proposition, but she is thrilled that she is about to be a free woman. She knew that by telling Jacob she gave birth to his son that he would get her out of jail; after all, no one wants to see the mother of their child behind bars. "You did this?" "You know why I did this," Jacob whispers back to her, as the police guard removes the cuffs from Cassie's hand. He is determined to meet his son; he hopes that he has done the right thing by agreeing to drop the charges because he needs to be in his son's life. "Let this be a warning to you," Simona moves up to Cassie. "If I even see you forgetting to use your turn signal, you will be back in jail so fast your head will spin. But until then, you're free to go." Max rushes up and hugs his mother. "I am so relieved that you're out of jail," he tells her. "I told you that I always land on my feet," Cassie replies to him. "How about we go have a celebratory drink at the Pampa Grill?" "I'd love that," Max tells her as he leaves the office and Cassie follows. In the hallway, Jacob emerges from the office. "Cassie," he calls out to her, as she turns around to face him. "Don't forget our deal: I drop the charges, you bring my son. I want to see my son, Cassie." Cassie purses her lips together. "Then I'll arrange for him to come to Twin Peaks, darling," she smiles to him. "You will get to meet your son." *** Back in Simona's office, she sits back down behind her desk and picks up the phone. She dials a number and waits for the person to pick up. "Daisy, hi," Simona says into the phone. "It's detective Lopez." "Detective," Daisy says back to her. "What is this about? Have you found Vinny?" "That is actually why I am calling you," Simona replies to her. She knows that Daisy is desperate to find her ex-husband because he has been posing as Brett for over a year. After Daisy told her that Vinny is alive, Simona put out an APB on him but, up until now, there hasn't been a trace of him. "I have no news for you on the Vinny front. It's almost like he has disappeared." "Really?" Daisy asks in surprise. "He hasn't been back to the mansion, at least once?" "I'm afraid not," Simona replies to her quickly. "I have a guard watching the property around the clock. As soon as there is a sighting, we will know about it. In the meantime, you need to be careful and watch your back." "Don't worry, I will," Daisy nods back to her. "But please, do whatever you can to find Vinny, Simona. He could be dangerous; I know that better than anyone." The
Calimo Cabin "Okay, I got a bottle of wine because I think we will need it for this conversation," Bryce tells Victoria as he moves into the living room of the Calimo mansion. The two were having another discussion about the fact that he admitted to Victoria that she never split again; Victoria has been pressing him to tell her why he would misdiagnose her. Bryce has known that the reason he did is because he was being blackmailed by Vinny with the fact that Frederick is alive and well. He knows that if he wants to continue to have a relationship with Victoria, he is going to have to be honest with her. "Do you want a glass?" "I want the truth," Victoria replies to him quickly. "I need to know why you told me Brandy returned when she never did." "I know," Bryce nods back to her as he pours two glasses of the red wine. He moves up to her and passes her the wine. "And, I will tell you everything. But you have to understand, this has to stay between you and me, okay?" "I don't understand what the secrecy is all about," Victoria admits to him. "I need to know, and I need to know everything." "The truth is," Bryce replies to her. "This was never my idea. I was being forced into this because I was being blackmailed." "Blackmailed?" Victoria gasps back to him. "Who was blackmailing you and with what information?" "They knew that Frederick was alive," Bryce tells her. "He said, if I didn't help him get revenge on you, then everyone would know that Frederick is alive. I couldn't let that happen because Frederick has been trying to stay low until he can reveal himself to his family." Victoria shakes her head in disbelief at him. She can't believe that someone was blackmailing him into hurting her; making her believe that she split again is so cruel. "So, tell me," she looks back at him. "Who was blackmailing you? Who wanted to make me pay?" "I think I can answer that," Vinny says as he opens the door to the cabin and sees Bryce and Victoria standing together. "Did you guys miss me?" he asks with a slight chuckle and Victoria gasps at the sight of Vinny, standing in the cabin. Next
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