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on the Road Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: October 16, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Heros/Ghosts" Noah Reid Roboto "I don't believe this!" a stunned Greg runs his hands through his hair as he just finished learning about Robbie's plan to scare Cheresa after she signed with Robertson Enterprises instead of Roboto. This included Robbie hiring a woman named Tara to send Cheresa some creepy fan letters; his plan was to start sending her dead roses but Tara got other ideas and kidnapped Cheresa because she thought she could scare the model. Now, to have Cheresa returned safely, Tara is asking for 10 million dollars. "You did all of this because Cheresa decided she wanted to be with Robertson Enterprises instead of Roboto? You really outdid yourself this time! I should rip you to shreds for what you've done!" "I know what I did was wrong," Robbie replies to him quickly, knowing that he can't justify his actions. "The most important thing, now, is that we get Cheresa home safely. We have to work together to do this, Greg." "The problem is," Greg tells him quickly. "I don't have 10 million dollars to give this woman! After Brooke died, I discovered that she owed millions in unpaid IRS bills. Paying them back, it really depleted most of my savings." "I have the funds," Robbie says back to him. "I'll have to call my personal banker but I should be able to get the money together quickly." "Great, then what are we waiting for?" Greg asks him back. "Every minute that goes by that this bitch has my daughter, is another minute she could hurt Cheresa." "I think we should call the police," Natasha tells everyone. "If Simona Lopez has already opened a file, she could help us with this. We have no idea how dangerous this Tara woman is! We want Cheresa to get home safely, and even get the money to her safely." "No," Greg shakes his head back to her. "Simona Lopez has proven herself to be incompetent; starting back from when she arrested Brooke for how we adopted Cheresa. She will only make things worse, trust me. I want to do this, just us? Is that understood?" Kim, Robbie an Natasha uneasily look at one another, knowing that call the police would be the ideal situation. However, since Robbie is the one who got them into this mess, he feels like he should follow Greg's lead. "Fine, we will do it your way," Robbie tells Greg. "No cops. Now, we just have to figure out where Cheresa is." "Leave that to me," Kim announces to the group. "I think I know exactly where Tara is keeping Cheresa." | ||
The Sugarbowl Adam grabs the three coffee's he ordered and places them in the tray. He is about to head back to Helen's house as he and his ex-wife are supporting Dawn while Cheresa remains missing. Since Dawn is so worked up with worry, he believes some coffee is in order as it might be a long night ahead of them. As he turns to leave, he can't help but notice Robin moving into the coffeehouse. He hasn't seen his former fiancé since he realized that she married Shane, after Adam learned that Helen and Shane worked together to break them up. "Hey Robin," he says moving up to her. "It's been a while, how are you?" "As well as to be expected," she replies to him. "I heard about Cheresa, I am sure that Dawn is worried sick." He holds up the tray of coffees and then looks back at her. "Yup, it will be a long night, I think. I'm just about to head back to Helen's now." "I see." "How is married life?" he asks her quickly. Robin shrugs her shoulders back to him, trying to remain positive about her marriage even though she knows that deep down, she still loves him. "It is going just fine," Robin tells him. "The most important thing is that Dominique has a family now." Adam uneasily chuckles back to her. "Yea, if you only knew " "If I only knew what?" Robin asks him, curious about what he meant. "You don't know half of the story," he tells her quickly, as his phone starts to ring. "Excuse me for a moment." Adam pulls his phone out of his pocket and realizes that it's Dawn. "Hey Dawn," he says into his phone. "Yea, I'm heading home now. I won't be long, okay? Don't worry about anything, it will all be alright." "Dawn is upset?" Robin asks him. "Yea, I have to go," Adam tells her. "My daughter needs me." "But," Robin calls out as Adam leaves the coffeehouse. "You never told me the story that I am missing?" she finishes her question, even though Adam didn't hear her. "What on earth are you talking about, Adam? What don't I know?" MW
Investigations "I hope that you don't mind that we just popped in, I know it's late," Leah tells Meggan as he and Cory move into the PI's office. Leah and Cory were having a nightcap at the Pampa Grill and decided to walk back to the penthouse; while walking, they noticed the light was still on in Meggan's office so they popped in quickly to see the private investigator. Leah is eager to know if Meggan has any leads on her and Jeff's long lost child that she gave birth to while she was in Santa Barbara all those years ago. "Of course not," Meggan replies to the couple. "I am assuming that you're wanting an update on my investigation into your child." "We are eager to hear what you have uncovered," Cory tells her as he puts his hand on Leah's shoulder. "We really want to find this child." Meggan sighs back to them. "I know you do, and Jeff does too," she admits to them. "But it is like I said to you before, this will not be easy because there is no trace of this child." Leah slowly nods back to her. "So, that means there is no update?' "I'm afraid not," Meggan admits to her. "I was thinking of heading down to the winery for a few days to see if I can uncover anything there. It is a long shot because this all happened so many years ago, but it is worth a shot." Leah feels her heart sink a little. She knew that this was a long shot but she still had hoped that Meggan would be able to find her child. "Well, keep me posted at the very least?" Leah asks her as Meggan nods back to her. "Of course, I will." "And, if I can help with anything else to assist with your search, let me know," Leah tells her. "I will do anything to find my child, anything." The
Tower's, Floor Seven; Madeline & Clayton's Condo Will steps off the elevator that moves into the hallway before he walks up to the front door of Madeline and Clayton's condo. His mind is racing about his chance encounter with Meggan earlier at the Pampa Grill; there, she revealed that Jeff and Madeline were pretending to date one another to make her jealous and she suggested that Madeline was also trying to make Will jealous. He knows that Madeline kissed him a few times before he saw her kissing Jeff, so has been left wondering if Meggan was right: was Madeline playing a game with him to try to get him to be with her? Madeline opens the door after Will knocks. "Will, this is a surprise, come in," she says with a warm smile on her face. "What brings you by this late? Or do I have to ask?" she purrs back to him, as she thinks about how they made love recently. "I I have to ask you something," Will turns to her and faces her. "And, I need you to be honest with me Madeline." She arches her eyebrow back to him. "Uh, sure? What's going on?" "I heard something tonight," Will admits to her. "Something that isn't sitting well with me." "Okay?" Madeline asks him back, curious about what is going to tell her. "What did you hear?" "That you were dating Jeff to make Meggan jealous," Will reveals to her, as she turns away from him. She has no idea how he could have discovered this, unless Jeff told her. "Is it true? Were you and Jeff pretending to date to Meggan jealous? And if so, were you trying to make me jealous too?" Madeline looks back at him carefully. "You have to understand," she begins to tell him. "Jeff really wanted to get back together with Meggan and he just thought if she saw him moving on " "So, it's true? You went along with it?" "I went along with it," Madeline nods back to him. "And, as for you, I always wanted to be back together with you, Will. I think we could be really great together. Please, don't let this come between us." "Did you think that if I saw you with Jeff, I would get jealous? Was I also a part of this plan with Jeff?" Madeline gulps heavily back to him. "Yes, but please understand, this is what I wanted you and I together, Will. Jeff was never important to me." "Ugh," Will groans back to her. "You know what? Life is too damn short to be playing these games, Madeline. I don't want to be in a relationship with games, secrets and lies. I won't be." "Where are you going?" Madeline asks him, as he storms to the door. "I'm going home," he turns to tell her. "To think about whether or this is even worth pursuing." Before Madeline can reply, the door slams closed and Will is gone. She rolls her eyes to herself wondering if she has, already, messed up her relationship with Will. Twin
Peaks General Hospital "So, we don't know why he can't feel his legs, but he is well enough to go home?" a concerned Lukas asks Shane as they stand in the hospital room, where Donovan is sitting in a wheelchair as he is about to get discharged from the hospital. Lukas, and Donovan, are concerned that the doctors still haven't told them why Donovan can't feel his legs following his car accident; they would like to have more information before he goes home. "He is well enough to go home," Shane nods back to the men. "He will have a wheel chair, and we will continue to do regular tests to see what his diagnosis is." "Are you telling me that I may never walk again?" Donovan asks him as he pushes himself closer to the doctor and his husband. "I may be in this wheel chair forever?" Shane sighs back to him quickly. "We have to play it day by day," he tells Donovan. "The more tests we run, the better chance we have of figuring out what happened. But, we can't afford to keep you in a hospital bed when we have other patients that need it. I do believe you will walk again, we have to stay positive." Donovan looks at Lukas with worry on his face. "I guess I will brace myself for the worst and hope for the best." "Hey," Lukas comes up to his husband. "We will get through this, Donovan. You will walk again, okay? And, in the meantime, you're going to get some wicked biceps working out with this chair." Donovan chuckles back to his husband. "Okay, lets go home? I can't wait to see Olly." "We will be in touch," Shane tells the men. "We will work on this together." The
Pampa Grill "When you asked me out, I didn't think you mean tonight," Nicholas looks over at Clayton before he picks up a glass of wine and takes a sip. "I certainly didn't think you meant tonight." Clayton chuckles back to him as he recalls going to the One Day House and asking Nicholas out on a date earlier in the evening. Since the two of them shared a few kisses, he decided to ask Nicholas out on a real date. He wasn't sure if Nicholas would say yes because he and Andy just recently broke up, but he is thrilled that he did. "I knew you were burning the midnight oil and thought you could use the distraction," Clayton winks back to him. "Besides, there's no time like the present to get to one another better, don't you agree?" Nicholas nods back to him. "This has been far more enjoyable than all of that work that I have waiting for me on my desk," he chuckles to him. "Thanks for letting me escape for a little while, Clayton." "Anytime," Clayton tells him. "I'm hoping this it the first of many times I can help you escape." "I think I can get on board with that," Nicholas looks back at him and their eyes lock together. At the entry way of the restaurant, Andy freezes at the sight of Clayton and Nicholas together, huddled close together, smiling and laughing with each other. "They are on a date," Andy feels his heart sink at the sight of Clayton and Nicholas together. "They are together now." Dominick's
Townhouse Abby looks into the fireplace that has large flames raging inside of it while she stands in the living room of Dominick's townhouse. She is there to spend the evening with her lover, but he is up in his study taking a rather important business call. He has given up the CEO position of Robertson Enterprises to Tyler, but with Cheresa missing, Dominick is helping him with some investors. Abby, like everyone else, is just hoping that Cheresa is returned safe and soundly because she can't imagine losing her sister after the year she has had. "What are you doing here?" a voice calls out from behind Abby. The younger woman turns and sees Felicia moving into the living room and heading straight to the bar. "Oh, let me guess, you're going to celebrate this farce of an engagement?" Abby uneasily chuckles to Dominick's ex-wife as she quickly recalls how she learned that Leah is really Frederick's daughter, not Dominick's. She still has yet to decide what she will do with this information but she knows that it could be the key that keeps Felicia out of her and Dominick's relationship. "Dominick and I are going to spend the evening together," Abby purses her lips together. "Not that it is any of your business, Felicia." "I would prefer you to call me as Mrs. Robertson," Felicia tells her as she takes a sip of her nightcap. "I don't think that is necessary," Abby replies to her immediately. "Especially since, very soon, I will be Mrs. Dominick Robertson. That has such a lovely ring to it." "If you actually think that I, or my family, will allow you to marry Dominick, you are more delusional that I thought." "There is nothing you can do to stop Dominick and I from being together, Felicia," Abby tells her. "In fact, I know something that could stop you from even being a part of this family." Felicia looks back at her with a raised eyebrow. "What are you babbling on about?" "I know your secret," Abby whispers back to her, as Felicia looks at her with intent. "I know exactly all about your sorted history, Felicia. I know everything." Felicia starts to uneasily laugh back at her. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Abby shrugs her shoulders. "I don't care if you know or not," she tells her. "I am telling you, I know your secret, Felicia. And, I will expose it at a moment's notice." "What secret is this?" Dominick asks his fiancé as he moves back into the living room. "Tell me Abigail, what secret of Felicia's do you know?" The
Calimo Cabin Vinny continues to hold the gun towards Victoria and Bryce, as he wants them to stop talking about why Bryce misdiagnosed Victoria by telling her that she split again when she never did. In Vinny's mind, if Victoria learns the truth, she will know, yet another incriminating piece of information against him. "Vinny, please," Bryce looks back at the man that has been blackmailing him into helping him for months. "Put the gun down, no one needs to get hurt in all of this." Vinny uneasily chuckles back to him. "That's easy for you to say, you're not the one whose life isn't about to explode if the truth comes out." "You don't think that my life won't implode?" Bryce asks him back. "After everything that I've done for you I could go to jail!" "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?" Victoria asks as she is still confused as to what is going on between the two men. "Why were you blackmailing Bryce, Vinny? Why did you tell him to make me believe that I split again? And, why, have you been posing as Brett for a year?" Vinny rolls his eyes back to her. "I had to," he tells her quickly. "After the explosions, if I was revealed to be alive, I would have bene arrested. I couldn't go to jail. I couldn't let that happen." "So you posed as Brett for a year? That's extreme, even for you," Victoria tells him. "And, that doesn't explain why you made me believe I split again, Vinny. Why would you do that?" "Isn't it obvious?" Vinny sneers back to her. "You were the reason my plan was exposed last year! I wanted you to pay for what you did to me, Victoria. You made me believe that you loved me and then you exposed me to Meggan and Brad! I wanted to get my revenge on you." Victoria feels her eyes swell with water listening to Vinny's reasoning. "I I don't know what to say," she admits as she looks at Bryce. "You wanted revenge so you made me question my mental health? You know damn well how hard I fought to get back to a good place, Vinny! What you did, was beyond cruel." Vinny chuckles back to her. "You got exactly what you deserved," he sneers to her. "It's amazing what some drugs will do to someone," he winks back to her. "And once again, thanks to my doctor friend, I was able to make you believe that Brandy was back." A tear falls down her cheek as she looks back in horror at Bryce. "You drugged me?" she asks him as he looks away from her. "No wonder I felt normal again once I stopped taking the pills at Raven's Meadow! You two, you're sick! And, you're not going to get away with this." "Stop right there," Vinny re-aims his gun at Victoria. "You're not going anywhere. And, now that you know the truth, I have no choice but to kill you. Both of you! Say good night, because you're about to never seen another day again." Next
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