Episode 866
Jumping Through Hoops
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: October 23, 2022

Episode Theme song: "positions" Ariana Grande

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Trenyce and Chris agreed to reunite despite her sharing secret kisses with Andrew
- Victoria and Vinny fought for control of his gun; he knocked her unconscious and prepared to kill her
- Abby stunned Dominick and Felicia by revealing that Frederick fathered Leah!
- Donovan returned home in a wheelchair, still with no memory of hearing Lukas and Jasper kissing
- Greg was livid with Robbie for his role in Cheresa's kidnapping. Kim wondered if she knew where Tara had taken Cheresa
- Shane learned that Adam knew the truth about his plan with Helen to split Adam and Robin up

Dominick's Townhouse

The blood drains from Dominick's face as he hears the words come out of Abby's mouth in slow mouth. At the same time, Felicia covers her mouth in absolute shock. Dominick, a short time earlier, had come downstairs and overheard Abby and Felicia squabbling with one another; Abby then mentioned that she knew Felicia's secret. Dominick and Felicia both grilled her for what secret she knew about Felicia; Abby, then, revealed that she learned that Frederick, not Dominick, is Leah's father.

"I…" he chokes on his words, still unable to comprehend what she just said. "I don't think I heard you correctly?"

"I know this will come as a total shock," Abby looks back at her fiancé. "But it is true. I…I did a DNA test."

"You lying little bitch," Felicia moves past Dominick and glares at Abby. "How dare you smear my name, my child's name like this! You have no idea what the hell you are talking about!?"

"Neither do you," Abby looks back at her, confident in herself. "You were so medicated at the time, you wouldn't know which way was up and which way was down."

"How dare you!" Felicia shrieks back at her. "If I wasn't a lady, I would slap you across that chubby little face of yours!"

"Chubby?" Abby squeals back to her.

"That's enough!" Dominick's booming voice echoes in the living room. "We need to get to the bottom of this, right now! Abigail, this is some very serious accusations that you have presented us with. We need to know the entire story, and we need to know it right now."

"What's going on in here?" Leah asks as she moves into the living room. "I wanted to come see how Mom was doing, but I could hear you guys from outside. What is this all about?"

Dominick shakes his head back to Leah as this is not the way he wanted Leah to find this news out, if it is even true.

"I'm glad you're here," Abby looks back at Leah. "Because, what I'm about to say, you should hear too." She then turns her attention to Dominick. "If you want to know the truth, I will tell you everything, Dominick. But please know, I'm not doing this to hurt you; just the opposite, I'm doing this because I love you."

The Calimo Cabin

"She has a pulse," Bryce looks up at Vinny, after he checks an unconscious Victoria's neck to see if she is still alive. Vinny was holding him and Victoria at gun point and was threatening to kill them because they knew too many of Vinny's secrets. Victoria, without thinking, attacked Vinny and wrestled him for the weapon. Vinny got the upper hand and threw her against the wall, where she was rendered unconscious. "But we should get her to a hospital; she could have a broken rib or worse."

"That won't be necessary," Vinny looks back at him as he dusts his gun off. "That bitch has been a thorn in my side for a very long time."

Bryce stands up and looks back at Vinny, worried about what he is going to do next. "Vinny, she's unconscious. There's nothing left for you to do."

"That's where you're wrong," Vinny looks down at Victoria's body. "It's time for her to die; once and for all. And, there's not a damn thing she can do about it," he says as he starts to cackle before he points the gun at Victoria, while a worried Bryce looks on, believing the woman he loves is about to die.

The Black House; Helen & Dawn's Home

"It is nice that Max is playing video games with Dawn to try to take her mind off Cheresa for a while," Helen tells Adam as she passes him a glass of red wine. They are still trying to support their daughter to the best of their ability while her girlfriend is missing; they only hope that Cheresa comes home safely soon.

"Yea, Max and Dawn have been close for a long time," Adam takes a sip of his wine. "He is going to be here for her right now."

"And you? What are you thinking about?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Adam asks him back quickly. "I know that I am here to support Dawn, but damnit, Helen, I can't believe whatever you have done to me and Robin the last few months. I can barely stomach to be in the same room as you."

Helen sighs back to him. "I know, Adam. I really am sorry. I don't know what it will take for you to forgive me."

Adam looks back at her. "That's the thing Helen," he admits to her. "I don't think I ever can forgive you. What you did, I don't think it is something I will ever get over."

Helen feels her eyes swell with water at his words back to her. "I refuse to believe that," she says as a tear falls down her cheek. "You and I, we have been through so much together, Adam. Just think about everything that we have endured; the fire at the condo, Cassie taking over my life, you sleeping with her and getting her pregnant with Max, Brandy burying me alive, my God, that is just the tip of the iceberg. But you know what? Through it all, we were there for one another. We have gotten through everything, together. This is no different."

"It is different," Adam tells her. "You purposely ruined my chance at happiness, Helen. The only thing that I know for sure is that Robin needs to know the truth. I have to tell Robin what happened. It might change everything for her and her so called marriage."

The Glubbs House; Shane & Robin's Home

"Oh, you're still awake," Shane says to Robin as he opens the front door of the house that they live in together. He had a long day at the hospital and had assumed that Robin would have been in bed by now. "Do you want to have a nightcap together? I've had a hell of a long day."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Robin looks back at her husband. "Do you want a brandy? I could have one with you?"

"Yea, that sounds great," Shane nods back to her as he finishes hanging his jacket in the closet and then moves into the living room. "Dominique is sleeping, I assume?"

"For hours, yes," Robin chuckles back to him before she passes him his drink. "What made your day so long?"

Shane thinks about his patients for a moment but he really knows that he is stressing because he ran into Helen earlier and she revealed that Adam knows that they worked together to break up Adam and Robin. The last thing that Shane needs is for Robin to find this out; if that happens, he knows that his short lived marriage could be over pretty quickly.

"It was just a long day at the hospital," he admits to her. "Some days, I wonder if I like my job."

Robin giggles back to him. "You do, and you're a great doctor. Don't forget that."

"That's sweet of to say, thanks," he smiles back to her. "That's why I married you, well one of the reasons."

"What are the other reasons?"

"Ah, you want me to list them?" Shane winks back to her. "Well, I mean, you're stunning Robin. You're a very beautiful woman," he moves up closer to her. "I'm so lucky that you're my wife."

"You're too sweet," Robin replies to him.

He leans in and kisses her on the lips, which catches her by surprise but she finds herself responding to his touch.

When their lips part, he looks into her eyes. "You know what?" he asks her. "I could use something other than this brandy tonight. Let's go to bed, Robin. Together. Let me show how much I want and need my wife."

Robin looks back at him and gulps, but she finds herself nodding back to him. She grabs his hand and they move to the stairs, where they race to the bedroom, eager to make love to one another.

The Davenport House; Trenyce & Andrew's Home

"You think that Chris will be back tonight?" Andrew asks Trenyce as he moves into the living room of the house that they are living in together. He knows that Chris was there earlier; he gave Chris and Trenyce some privacy as they are dealing with their daughter, Cheresa, still missing.

"Yes, I do," Trenyce looks back at him. "We spoke earlier and we, sort of, got back together Andrew. Chris and I, we are going to be united for Cheresa."

Andrew gulps heavily as he knows that he and Trenyce have shared a few kisses now. He has known that she has always had feelings for Chris, but he still has no idea what is actually going on between the two of them. All he really knows is that he has enjoyed kissing Trenyce, more than he probably should.

"That's great to hear," he finally replies to her. "You and Chris, you were meant to be together, you always have."

"I'm glad that you think that," Trenyce moves up to him. "Because, whatever was happening between us, it has to end, okay? I am back with Chris now, the way it always should have been."

Andrew nods back to her. "There's just one small problem," Andrew tells her quickly. "Cheresa saw us kissing, Trenyce."

"What?" Trenyce gasps back to her. "When? How?"

"The morning that she disappeared," Andrew tells her. "She came into the house, remember? Well, she saw us. She was furious with me."

"And, you're just telling me this now?"

"I didn't want to upset you," Andrew says. "You're at the end of a high risk pregnancy; I thought this would upset you. Please, Trey, don't let this get you worked up, okay?"

But it is too late, Trenyce starts breathing heavily, worried that when her daughter is found, she will expose her and Andrew for sharing a kiss to Chris. Andrew realizes that Trenyce is starting to panic and moves up to her.

"Okay, take it easy," he says as he guides her to the sofa. "Breathe in, breathe out, come Trey, you can do this … think about the baby."

Trenyce starts breathing and nods back to him. "I…have…to…focus….on….my…baby…." she says back to Andrew, who continues to look at her with concern.

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home

Lukas moves into the living room of the lavish estate that he lives in with his sister and his husband. He brought Donovan home from the hospital earlier in the evening, which was an ordeal because the doctors still do not know why Donovan can't feel his legs. Until that time, Donovan will have to use a wheelchair, which might be permanent if he never regains the feelings in his legs. On top of this, Lukas can't help but wonder if the reason Donovan raced out of the mansion that night was because he overheard him kissing Jasper. Part of him can't help but think that this is all his fault.

"How's Donovan doing?" a voice calls out from behind Lukas, who is pouring himself a scotch at the bar.

Lukas turns and sees Jasper standing in the living room. "He's sleeping, thankfully. He is really struggling with this concept of being in a wheelchair, maybe forever."

"I can't imagine," Jasper moves closer to him. "But Donovan is a young, strong, healthy man; I have to believe that this is just temporary."

"I hope you're right," Lukas tells him before he takes a sip of his scotch. "I can't help but think this is all my fault; if Donovan heard us…"

"The good thing is that he doesn't remember right now," Jasper licks his lips back to him. "He can focus on regaining his strength and we can go from there. I have to admit to you, Lukas, I haven't been able to stop thinking about kissing you."

Lukas feels his cheeks flush. "My husband is sleeping in the next room, Jasper."

"And, the last time, he was downstairs while were upstairs. We have been close before."

"What are you saying?"

Jasper moves up to him and kisses him on the lips. They part ways but Lukas looks back at him and kisses him again.

"Damnit," Lukas pulls away after the second kiss. "We can't do this! We can't!"


"Well, don't keep us waiting," Greg impatiently looks at Kim, who just revealed to him, Robbie and Natasha that she might have an idea of where Tara took Cheresa after she kidnapped her. Greg is still reeling from the fact that Robbie basically put this entire plan into motion because he was upset that Cheresa decided to sign her modelling contract with Robertson Enterprises instead of Roboto; if anything happens to his daughter, he has no idea what he will do to him. "Where do you think this woman, this Tara, took my daughter?"

"Well," Kim takes a deep breath. "When Robbie was on the phone with her earlier, he put us on speaker so Natasha and I could listen in."

"Right," Natasha nods back to her sister in law. "I didn't think I heard anything that would have given a clue as to where Tara was, though?"

"Neither did," Kim replies to everyone. "I mean, at first. But something kept replaying in my mind over and over. I heard this horn in the background. And, I've heard it before."

"A horn?" Robbie asks his pregnant wife. "Like, Tara was driving? I didn't get that feeling at all."

Kim shakes her head back to him. "No, she wasn't driving," she explains. "The horn I heard, it was in the distance. While I was sitting earlier, I remembered where I heard the noise before … the pier. I think it was a boat horn."

"The pier?" Greg asks her. "Where would Tara have taken Cheresa on the pier?"

"The storage lockers," Kim tells everyone. "I think Tara took Cheresa to the storage lockers. I mean, think about it, the Lawson locker would still be a crime scene because of Brooke and the Rose Peddle killer; no one would ever think to go there."

"Okay, now that you say that, I think you're right," Robbie nods back to his wife. "I heard it too, come to think of it."

"Great, well, let's go. The sooner we get confirmation of this the better," Greg says, eager to go save his daughter.

"Sure, I can drive," Kim says rushing to grab her coat.

"No," Robbie stops his wife. "Greg and I will go, you and Natasha can stay here. I don't want you, or our baby anywhere near that locker room."

Kim sighs back to him as she had hoped to be there to help out. "Fine, but you need to call me as soon as you know what's happening."

"We will," Robbie kisses her forehead. "Come on Greg, let's go."

The Dockside Storage Lockers

Cheresa continues to look at the scissors that are relatively close to her. She knows that if she could get the scissors, she could try to cut the ropes that are keeping her to the chair; if she could get untied, she could try to make a dash for the door.

"Okay, you do this Cheresa," she says in her head, as she is still wearing a mouth gag. "Just go slowly and you won't tip your chair this time."

She uses her strength to hop the chair closer to the table. She does it again and again until she is next to the table. She gets a grin on her face as she uses her feet to knock the table over, and the scissors land right in her lap.

Just then, Tara opens the door to the storage room and immediately looks at Cheresa and sees the scissors.

"What the hell is going on here little girl?" a furious Tara asks as she moves up to her and grabs the scissors from her lap. "Are you trying to escape? Oh no, you've just made a huge mistake."

Cheresa's eyes fill with fear as Tara reveals herself to have gun. She shows Cheresa the weapon and then gets a sly grin on her face.

"Never forget," she whispers to Cheresa. "I am in charge here. Not you, not anyone else! Do you understand me?" she yells in frustration, as a tear falls down Cheresa's cheek as she wonders how she will ever get free now.

The Calimo Cabin

Victoria slowly groans as she starts to come too, just as Vinny points his gun at her. "It's time, it's time that Victoria stop being a thorn in my side," he says as Bryce looks on in horror.

Bryce turns and sees Victoria's eyes slowly opening and then he looks back at Vinny, who is about to pull the trigger on the gun. Without thinking, Bryce jumps towards Vinny and attacks him.

"You will not hurt her!" Bryce yells as he and Vinny fight for the fun.

"You're pathetic!" Vinny shouts back at him. "You're in a love with a psycho!"

"You're the fucking psycho," Bryce yells back at him.

Victoria's eyes open and she gasps at the sight of the two men fighting in front of her. "Wait," weakly she says to them. "Stop this! This isn't going to end well!"

"I'm going to kill you," Vinny says as he grabs Bryce and looks deep into his eyes. "You're never going to tell anyone my secrets, Bryce! This is going to end right here, and right now," Vinny smirks to him as both men reach for the gun that is laying next to Bryce's body.

Suddenly, two gun shots are fired and Victoria screams in horror, wondering who hit by the bullets that escaped the gun.

Dominick's Townhouse

"What is going on?" a confused Leah asks Abby, Dominick and Felicia as she moves further into the living room. "I just stopped by to say goodnight to Felicia, and now you want to tell me something?"

"Yes," Abby looks back at her. "You see, I was assigned to do community service at Raven's Meadow," Abby tells everyone. "While I was there, I happen to come across Felicia's file, from when she was there."

"You read my file?" Felicia gasps back to her.

"And, in the file," Abby ignores her. "There was a note from Felicia's doctor, Frederick Richardson. It said that he fathered one of Felicia's children."

"This is nothing but lies! Hideous lies!" Felicia shrieks back to her. "You're a lying pig slut!"

"I wasn't sure if the note meant that Tyler or Leah was his child, or if there was another child out there," Abby continues to tell everyone. "But I knew that I had to find out. So, I took some of your hair, Dominick, from your comb. And, when I saw Leah and Tyler at Robertson Enterprises, I took their water glasses and had the samples compared."

"This is crazy," Leah shakes her head in disbelief. "What the hell are you trying to say here, Abby?"

"The results confirmed that Frederick is Leah's daughter; Dominick, I'm sorry, but your DNA did not match Leah's. You're not her father, you never have been," Abby tells him, as Dominick runs his hand over his face.

He feels sweat forming on his head and a little lightheaded. He looks back at Leah.

Leah looks at the man she thought was her father for decades and feels tears swell in her eyes. She looks at Abby and is about to say something, but instead she collapses to the ground, fainting at the thought that Frederick was her father.

"Leah!" Dominick and Felicia rush to their daughter. "Leah, can you hear me? Leah!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Abby apologizes to Dominick
- Daisy gets stunning news
- Kim sneaks off to the storage locker

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