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Me Be Bittersweet Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: November 23, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Let Me Love You Like a Woman" Lana Del Rey | ||
Twin Peaks General Hospital "It was Meggan's idea," Leah tells the men as she grabs a glass of water from the bar in the living room. "I just have to go along with it because if Frederick comes home, it means that we could learn the truth." "You mean about finding your child?" Cory asks her as she nods back to him. "That and this entire story that Abby has put out into the universe; Jeff, this is something you don't know yet." Jeff arches his eyebrow back to her. "What else is going on? What else could have happened?" Leah uneasily chuckles back to him. "According to Abby," Leah begins to tell him. "Frederick is my father, not Dominick." "What? How the hell did she find this out? What proof does she have?" a stunned Jeff asks her quickly. "It's a long story," Leah looks back at him. "So, as you can imagine, Frederick coming home would help with many different things." Cory moves up to her and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a deep hug. "I know this is what you want, Leah, but we have to brace ourselves that we might never see Frederick again." "I know," she sighs back to him. "But we have to try; we have to do whatever we can to bring him home. Our futures all depend on it." The
Young Mansion; Nicholas' Home Nicholas looks up at the ceiling as he lays in the large king size bed in his master bedroom and tries to catch his breath. His firm chest is still sweaty and he looks over and sees Clayton, who is also naked and panting a bit, trying to get his heart rate down. Clayton surprised Nicholas with a breakfast date, which resulted in them just having sex with each other for the first time. "That was incredible," Nicholas finally says something to his lover. "I mean, wow." Clayton chuckles back to him and looks back at him. "It really was," he agrees with Nicholas. "I mean, I had wanted this to happen for some time now, so I had expectations." Nicholas smirks back to him. "Well, hopefully I lived up to those." "And then some," Clayton winks back to him. "If I would have known that bringing you breakfast would have led to this, I would have come over a hell of a lot sooner." Nicholas chuckles back to him. "I am glad that this happened too, Clayton. I just hope we haven't rushed into anything." "Nah," Clayton responds to him immediately. "Like I said, this had been building for weeks. If we didn't do this, we both would have gone crazy." Nicholas leans over and kisses him on the lips. "That's fair," he says back to him. "But maybe we should keep this to ourselves, at least for the time being." "Are you worried about Andy?" "I don't want to hurt him anymore than I already have. I just think if we give him time, he might come around." Clayton nods back to him, immediately thinking about how he and Andy had sex the previous night. He won't tell Nicholas about that for the same reason that Nicholas doesn't want Andy to know that they've had sex. "I can keep this between us," Clayton tells him. "As long as it continues to happen." "That I can get behind," Nicholas winks back to him. Twin
Peaks Sun Andy sits behind his desk at the Sun and types into his laptop as he is working on his story for the next day's paper. His mind, however, is not on the story that he is typing. He can't help but remember how he and Clayton made love the previous night, which is not what he thought was going to happen. He had gone to see Clayton to get to the bottom of why he and Nicholas went out on a date; things escalated when Reese's name was mentioned again and they ended up kissing, and then having sex. "What the hell was I thinking?" he asks himself with a loud sigh. "Here I am going on about Nicholas making this situation more complicated and I go and have sex with Clayton? Ugh, it was not my finest moment." He pauses and wonders what his next move should be. If he tells Nicholas, he could risk creating a disaster but he hates that he could be keeping this a secret too. "No matter what I do," he whispers to himself. "Someone is going to get hurt. At the end of the day, Nicholas should know what has happened though. I have to tell him." Andy nods to himself, encouraging himself to be honest with his ex-boyfriend. "If I am going to tell Nicholas, I have to do it now," he stands up from his desk. "I have to go tell Nicholas everything before I lose my nerve." Twin
Peaks General Hospital "I think the name, Bradley, is lovely," Chris tells Trenyce as she holds her son in her hospital room while Andrew and Daisy watch. Trenyce just revealed to her family that she named her son, Bradley, after Brad. "I thought it was a nice way to honor Brad," Trenyce replies to everyone. "Bradley Junior, so we can call him BJ for short." "I like it," Daisy looks back at her niece. "It is a nice touch, Trey, especially since BJ will never get to meet his father." "Greg already wants to start showing him pictures of Brad," Trenyce explains to everyone. "And, I think it's a great idea. Just because Brad is gone, it doesn't mean that BJ can't get a good sense of who he was." Chris moves closer to her and looks at her holding her son. He gets a smile on his face at the sight. "He's a lucky kid to have you as his mother," Chris tells her as he sits on the edge of her bed. "I was hoping to ask you something, though." "You can ask me anything." "When you were giving birth and you fainted," Chris tells her as Andrew and Daisy move closer to the bed. "You kept calling out for Andrew. Why? Why would you be calling out for Andrew?" Trenyce gulps heavily and looks at Andrew, who slightly shrugs to her, before she looks back at Chris. She knows that she was likely calling out for Andrew because they had shared a few kisses before she went into labour; she can't tell Chris this because they just got back together; she knows that if he knew that she and Andrew were sharing stolen kisses, he would be furious with her. "Well," Trenyce finally says something back to him as she tries to calm down BJ, who starts fussing. "I was probably calling out for him because we live together. That's the only explanation I can think of." Chris uneasily nods back to her, believing that what she said makes sense. He has no reason to believe otherwise. "I guess that makes sense. I just wanted to be sure." "Don't worry," Trenyce smiles back to him. "You're the man I want to be with, now and forever," she tells him as Andrew forces a smile on his face, clearly upset by what she just said. Dominick's
Townhouse "Are you ready for this?" Dominick opens the front door to his townhouse and then turns around to face Abby. "Because, I am going to carry you over the threshold." Abby chuckles back to him as she sets her suitcase down on the ground. "Dominick, this really isn't necessary." "Nonsense, it's a tradition," Dominick moves closer to her. "And, you're my new wife, Abigail. I want to do everything right with you." Abby smiles back to him as she recalls how they went to Las Vegas to elope; she almost can't believe that they are married but she has a large diamond ring on her finger to prove that she is Mrs. Dominick Robertson. "Oh what the hell," Abby says as she moves up to her husband and he lifts her into his arms. She starts laughing as he carries her into the living room. "What is all this?" Felicia asks, who stands up from the sofa. She wonders why Dominick is carrying Abby into his house but immediately she fears the worst. "Dominick, what have you done?" Dominick sets Abby down on the ground before he looks back at his ex-wife. "Felicia, I wasn't expecting you to be here." "I was worried about you," Felicia replies to him quickly. "Where did you run off to the other day? What's going on, Dominick?" Abby looks back at Dominick before she returns her gaze to Felicia. "We got married," Abby holds out her hand to Felicia, who gasps back to her. "Dominick is my husband, Felicia." Felicia looks back at him and feels her blood start to boil. "How could you do this?" she asks him quickly. "You know damn well this family was not in support of you being with this woman!" "I don't care," Dominick shakes his head back to Felicia. "Abby makes me happy and I wanted to marry her. This is exactly why we eloped; we didn't want the naysayers to have a chance to stop us." "You've made a huge mistake," Felicia warns him before she looks back at Abby. "And as for you, I'm watching you, you gold digger!" "That's enough Felicia!" Dominick yells at her. "You will not speak to me or my wife like that, do you understand me?" "Dominick " "No!" Dominick cuts her off. "You will respect Abby or you will be out of my life, is that understood?" The
Cascade Apartment's; Cassie & Max's Home "Hold on, I'm coming," Cassie says urgently as the knocking on her front door doesn't stop. She looks over at Max, who stands up from the sofa. She knows that it is likely Jacob on the other side of the door because Max called Paige to tell her that baby Carter was back in Twin Peaks. She looks at her son and takes a deep breath. "You got this," Max tells her. "We are in this together, Mom." "Thanks baby," Cassie smiles back to him before she opens the door and sees Jacob and Paige standing in the hallway. "Jacob, Paige please come in." "Where's my son?" Jacob demands to know as he moves into the apartment. "I want to see him!" "Okay, please calm down," Cassie shuts the door once they are inside the apartment. "You can see him, but you have to be quiet, he is sleeping." "Fine, I'll be quiet, but I need to see him!" Cassie grabs Jacob's hand and moves him towards the bedroom. She opens the door and lets Jacob inside. Jacob moves inside and looks inside the crib, where he sees Carter sleeping. "My son?" Jacob feels his eyes swell with water. "This is my son?" "Carter," Cassie whispers back to him. "And yes, that's your son. That's our son." Jacob reaches down and touches the baby's face and feels his heart melt instantly. "He's beautiful." "He's ours," Cassie replies to him. "We made him, Jacob. We did that." Behind Cassie, Paige gulps heavily at the sight unfolding behind her. She turns around and sees Max standing there. Without thinking, she moves into his arms and hugs him. Max smiles as he holds her tightly. Twin
Peaks General Hospital Victoria moves the cup away from Bryce's mouth as she just gave him some water to help try to calm him down. She still can't believe that he is awake; for so long, she wondered if he would ever wake up, but here is he is, fighting for his life. "Hopefully that helps you," she returns to his side and looks at him. "You have no idea how glad I am that you've woken up." "I love .you ." he says slowly as he struggles to keep his eyes open. A tear falls down her cheek. "I love you too," she whispers back to him. "That's why you have to keep fighting, okay? Promise me that you'll fight?" Bryce takes a deep breath and looks back at her. "I .don't have much time," he replies to her slowly. "I'm .dying ." "No," Victoria shakes her head back to him. "Please don't say that. You have so much to live for." "I need you to do .something .for me." "Anything Bryce; tell me what you need." "Marry .me?" he stuns her by asking her. "Marry me before it's too late?" Next
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