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Like it's the First Time Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: November 30, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Authors of Forever" Alicia Keys
"It was so weird, Donovan," Victoria tells her brother as they move closer to Bryce's hospital room. Victoria is wearing a simple white dress as she is planning to marry Bryce shortly; Donovan, who is still in his wheelchair, is going to be their witness. She is still hoping that by granting Bryce's wish to get married that it gives him more strength to pull through this ordeal. The last thing that Victoria wants is for Bryce to die; she will do anything she can to try to will him to live, including marrying him. However, she can't help but think about when she was with Bryce the earlier and he mumbled "the baby" and then Eva's name; she has no idea why he would have mentioned their dead mother, but she thought it was very odd. "Why would Bryce mumble something about a baby and then our mother's name?" "It is weird," Donovan agrees with his sister. "I mean, did he ever meet Eva?" Victoria shrugs back to him as she isn't sure if Bryce and Eva ever met one another. With Bryce being so close to death, she has no idea if she will ever learn what this is all about. "I have no idea, I mean, maybe? I suppose he could have been referring to another person named Eva too?" Donovan looks up at his sister. "Do you still want to go through with this ceremony?" he asks her quickly. "Maybe you should postpone until you have more answers?" "I don't think that I have time for that," Victoria replies to him quickly. "Madeline told me that Bryce might not have much time left. The sooner I marry him the better because it might give him more strength." "That's fair," Donovan tells her. "As long as you're sure about this, Vic." "I am sure," Victoria replies to her brother. "Marrying Bryce might save his life; and when he gets better, I can find out what he meant when he called out Eva's name." | ||
The Davenport House; Trenyce
& Andrew's Home "Watch your step," Chris tells Trenyce as she moves up to the front door of the house. The snow fall the day before has made the sidewalks a little icy, so he wants to make sure Trenyce, who is carrying baby BJ, doesn't fall. He is feeling relieved and grateful that Trenyce and BJ are coming home from the hospital; after he helped Trenyce deliver her son in a blackout, in which she fainted during, he was worried that Trenyce or the baby could have been in much worse condition. "We made it," Trenyce chuckles as she reaches the door. "Thanks for bringing us home, Chris." "Of course," Chris replies to her quickly. "You know I wasn't going to let you leave the hospital all by yourself." Trenyce opens the front door of the house and she moves inside. She sets BJ down in a crib and then takes off her winter jacket. She slowly moves into the living room and jumps back when there is a loud "Surprise!" from some guests that are there to welcome her home, including Daisy, Andrew, Dawn, Greg and Cheresa. "What is all this?" a stunned Trenyce tries to catch her breath. She never expected there to be a surprise party waiting for her when she got home. "A welcome home party, of course," Chris comes up behind her. He is happy that he was able to surprise her with a welcome home party; after everything they went through, he thought this was the least that he could do for her nad BJ. She turns to face him and playfully swats him. "You did this?" she asks him as he nods back to her. "Thank you, Chris. This is really too much." "Nothing is too much for you," Chris winks back to her. "Now come on, let's show off that beautiful baby boy to all of your friends and family." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home "Okay, call me after the wedding ceremony is over and I can come get you," Lukas talks into his Iphone while he stands in the living room of his lavish mansion. He knows that Donovan is at the hospital to see Victoria marry Bryce, but he wants him to know that he will get his husband when he's finished there. He is trying to be as supportive as he can be while Donovan is in the wheelchair because he wants Donovan to recover. On top of that, he can't help but feel guilty for sleeping with Jasper behind his husband's back; he realizes that he might be over compensating since he has such guilt. "Sounds good, I love you too." "Donovan is back at the hospital? Is everything okay?" a voice asks from behind Lukas. He turns and sees Jasper moving into the living room, carrying some of Olly's freshly washed onesies. "Yea, he's okay," Lukas replies to him quickly. "I mean, there's been no change with his legs. He still can't feel them, despite going to therapy." " I am sorry to he is still going through this," Jasper tells him. "If there's anything I can do to help " Lukas uneasily chuckles back to him. "I think you've done enough, don't you?" "You weren't complaining," Jasper winks back to him. "In fact, I think you really liked it." "We aren't going down this road again," Lukas looks back at him quickly. "I told you that we are over; I have to stay focused on supporting Donovan and my marriage." Jasper licks his lips back to him. "And I told you that I would keep your secret," he tells him. "And I meant that, Lukas. No one will ever know what happened between us. And, in the meantime, if you ever need me again, I'm here." Lukas chuckles back to him. "I'll keep that in mind," he tells him. "Even though we both know it can never happen again." The
Sugarbowl "It was nice of you to suggest we give Jacob and my Mom some alone time," Max tells Paige as they sit across from one another in the back booth of the coffeehouse. They were at his apartment that he lives in with Cassie when Paige and Jacob arrived with her the previous day and they met Cassie's son, Carter. Jacob, instantly, was drawn to the child that he believes his is son and seeing them together was startling to Paige. She was skeptical of Cassie's claim that Jacob fathered her son but seeing him with the baby really hit home for her. "Jacob just met his son," she admits to him before she takes a sip of her hot chocolate. "I thought they could use the time alone together especially since this will change everything for those three." Max uneasily looks back at her. "I mean, it changes things for Jacob, that's for sure. He is a father now and there is a child here that proves it." "He was instantly drawn to Carter," Paige tells him. "He was in awe of the child." "Jacob's life will be different now that he's a father. He's responsible for a child. I almost can't imagine what that would be like," Max replies to her quickly. "But, I do know one thing." "What's that?" "I liked how you turned to me and hugged me," Max looks back into her eyes as he recalls how Paige turned to him when she saw Jacob interact with Carter for the first time. He also can't help but remember how she recently admitted to still caring for him. He hopes that everything they have been through that maybe they could get back on solid ground. It's all he has ever wanted. "It felt good to hold you again, Paige." Paige smiles back to him. "It felt good being in your arms," she admits to him. "I hadn't realized how much I missed it until last night." Max smiles back to her before he licks his lips. "Is it wrong that I want to kiss you right now?" "Of course not," Paige giggles back to him. "In fact, you should." "Yea?" Max replies to her as he leans over the table and kisses her passionately. Their part ways and look at one another. "That was even better than I remembered." "I agree," Paige nods back to him. "Guess that means we'll have to do it more often now." "I definitely agree with that," Max winks back to her, thrilled that he and Paige have seemingly reunited. The
Cascade Apartments; Cassie & Max's Home "Carter really is an adorable baby," Jacob tells Cassie as they move into the living room of the smaller apartment that she lives in with her two sons. Jacob is feeling somewhat overwhelmed; ever since Cassie stunned by revealing that she gave birth to his son, he has wanted to meet the child. The fact that he was just with his son is a lot to take in. In the back of his mind, he was always left wondering if Cassie was lying to him about the child so she could get out of jail. The fact that Carter is here, and is real, is a hard pill to swallow. He is a father and he has already missed so much time with his son. "That he is," Cassie smiles back to him. "I am still in awe that we created him, Jacob. Together, we did that." Jacob uneasily chuckles back to her. "Only, I was drugged into having sex with you, remember?" "Let's not dwell on those details," Cassie replies to him. "What matters now is that you are a father to that precious little baby boy. We are his parents, Jacob. Maybe this is a sign?" "A sign?" Jacob asks her back quickly. "A sign of what?" "That you and I were meant to be together," Cassie purses her lips together. "Maybe this was the universe's way of telling us that we should be a family; you, me and Carter?" Jacob chuckles back to her. "I don't think so, Cassie," he waves his hand in front of her. "In fact, I think it's time that we settle this one and for all, don't you?" Cassie arches her eyebrow back to him. "Settle what?" "If I am a father or not," Jacob looks back at her. "I want a DNA test to prove that I fathered Carter. I need to know if he is my child or not." The
Young Mansion; Nicholas Home "Please tell me that this isn't what it looks like?" Andy quickly asks Nicholas and a shirtless Clayton as the three men stand together in the foyer of Nicholas' mansion. Andy came over to see his ex-boyfriend to tell him that he and Clayton made love the previous night; Andy was on the fence about telling Nicholas but realized that he would rather Nicholas hear it from him then someone else. Now, however, he is wondering what else is going on as Clayton emerged without a shirt on. "What does it look like?" Clayton asks him back quickly as he pulls his shirt over his head. "It looks like you two just had sex," Andy admits to him. "Please tell me that's not what happened?" Nicholas sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Andy I can explain," he tells his ex-boyfriend. "But maybe at another time? This isn't the best time " "Nicholas," Andy pleads with him. "I came here to talk to you. I came here to tell you something." "What?" "Andy, I don't think you want to do this " Clayton interjects, worried that he is going to tell Nicholas about their night together. The last thing he wants is for this situation to become more complicated, even though he is a large part of the reason that it is complicated. "Actually, Clayton, I do," Andy says back to him before he looks over at Nicholas. "The thing that I wanted to tell you is about Clayton and I." Nicholas arches his eyebrow. "What about you and Clayton?" "We had sex last night," Andy reveals to him as Nicholas gasps and then looks over at Clayton immediately. "I know it was a mistake but I wanted you to hear it from me. So, imagine my surprise when I come here and see you two, clearly having just finished having sex with each other." "Is this true, Clayton?" Nicholas asks him, still stunned from all of this. "Did you and Andy have sex last night?" Twin
Peaks General Hospital Victoria is sitting in a chair next to Bryce's hospital bed. Donovan is on the other side of the hospital bed, watching his sister and her fiancé. Bryce's eyes are open and he is alert, thanks to some medication that Madeline gave him. At the base of the hospital bed, a reverend is standing, ready to perform a simple but efficient wedding ceremony. "Are you sure you want to marry me?" Bryce asks Victoria, still struggling to talk quickly. "Of course I am sure," Victoria squeezes his hand. "This is what you want, right?" she asks him as he nods back to her. "Then it is what I want too." She looks back at the priest and nods. "I think we are ready to begin." "Very well," the elderly gentlemen begins. "Due to the circumstances, we are going to keep this relatively short and sweet. We don't want the groom to get overly excited and miss out on his rest." "Thank you .father," Bryce smirks back to him. "We are gathered here today to bring this man and woman together in holy matrimony. Bryce and Victoria have willingly come together to be joined together in the sacred union called marriage. Do you Bryce, take this woman to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?" Bryce looks into Victoria's eyes and smiles at her. "I .do ." he says as she squeezes his hand. "And Victoria, do you take this man to your wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?" Victoria feels her eyes swell with water as she looks at Bryce, who is seemingly getting weaker. "I do," she tells him. "By the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife .you may kiss the bride," the priest says. Victoria caresses Bryce's face before she leans in and softly kisses his lips. "My husband," she whispers to him as their lips part. "My beautiful wife," Bryce responds to her. "Until the day I die, I will love you ." "I will fight for you Bryce," Victoria tells him as a tear falls down her cheek. "Please fight for us. We have so much to live for my love. So very much." Next
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