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Were Still in Reach Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 11, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "For the Love I Lost" Sam Smith
Meggan opens her laptop and starts to type into the search bar. She can't help but recall how earlier she and Lukas went on national TV and pleaded with Frederick to come home; she, nor Lukas, have heard anything yet but she is hoping that her father was able to see the broadcast and will come back to Twin Peaks. If and when that happens, however, she knows that everyone's lives will change as Frederick had many enemies before he "died". "No new emails," she sighs to herself as she looks at her inbox. "I don't know why Dad would email me anyways." She closes her laptop and sighs to herself, wondering if she and Lukas did the right thing. "I guess time will tell." Before she can think of anything else, there is a knock on her office door. She looks up and sees Jeff appear at the entryway. She hasn't seen Jeff in a few weeks; since she learned that he was dating Madeline in hopes of making her, and Will, jealous. She told Jeff that she wanted no part of the games that he was trying to play with her and threw him out. "I hope this is a good time," Jeff says as he moves into the office. "I saw you on TV earlier, you and Lukas did a good job." "Thanks," Meggan stands up from her chair. "I don't know if my Dad will see the telecast but we thought we should try." "I hope Frederick does come home," he tells her quickly. "If he does, maybe Leah and I could find out where our child is." "That's what Leah was saying as well," Meggan replies to him. "And, she's still in shock by this claim that Frederick is her father." "Yea, it seems like there have been a few bombshells around here lately, huh?" he chuckles back to her. "How are you doing with all this, Meg?" Meggan moves a piece of hair behind her ear. "Like everyone else, I am just trying to put the pieces of all this together. It is a lot to take in; I have another half-sister and my father is alive I don't know what is next." "I am here for you, if you need me to be," he moves closer to her. "I know you were upset with me and Madeline for our games, but Meggan it is because I still want to be with you; I want that more than anything else in the world." "Jeff I " He cuts her off by leaning in and kissing her on her lips. They part ways and look into each other's eyes. "Don't give me an answer now," he whispers to her. "Just think about it, okay?" | ||
Twin Peaks General Hospital Madeline sits at her desk reviewing some files of some of her patients. The file that she has open currently is Bryce's; as she reads his latest test results, she has a heavy heart set in. The results are not good and she is dreading telling Victoria what the prognosis is. "This won't be a good conversation," she whispers to herself. "But I have to tell her. She has a right to know that her husband isn't in good shape." She stands up and prepares to leave the office so she can find Victoria. However, her office door opens and Will emerges. "Hello beautiful," he smiles at the sight of his girlfriend. "I was hoping I'd run into you." "You were, huh?" she asks him back as she moves up to him and kisses him on the lips. "I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time. I am busy today." "I won't keep you too long," he replies to her. "I wanted you to be the first to know that I officially got a job back at the hospital. It looks like we are going to be working together." "Oh Will, that's great news, congratulations," Madeline moves up to him and hugs him. "I'm so proud of you; I knew that you would get the position." "Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you," he tells her as they exit their embrace. "How about we celebrate later? Dinner and sex?" Madeline chuckles back to him. "You seem to cut right to the chase with that one." "Why not? Life is short, right?" "That sounds like a great plan," Madeline smiles back to him. "And I'll give you a preview before I leave." Will chuckles as she moves up to him and kisses him on the lips again. As he wraps his arms around her, he pulls back and looks into Madeline's eyes, only the woman he sees is not Madeline it's Eva! "Will, are you okay?" Madeline asks him quickly, causing Will to snap back into reality. "You look like you've seen a ghost?" Will gulps heavily wondering why he just had a vision of Eva. He finds himself nodding back to her. "Yea, sorry, I don't know what happened. I'm fine, and thanks for the preview, I'm already looking forward to later," he tells her, as Will continues to wonder why he thought he saw Eva. The
Pampa Grill Abby sits at a table by herself with a glass of red wine in front of her. She has her phone in her hand and she has a message to Donovan typed out but she finds herself deleting it. She knows that Donovan and Lukas have requested that she stay out of Olly's life, but she can't help but wonder how the child is doing, especially today. She sets her phone down and takes a sip of the wine. "Don't send the message," she whispers to herself. "It will just create more problems and that is the last thing you need right now. You can finish your wine and then prepare to tell your family about your marriage." She takes another sip of her wine as Andrew approaches her table. He was going to pick up some take out when he saw his former lover sitting alone. "Abby, hi," he says as he arrives at her table. "I'm glad I ran into you." "Andrew," Abby uneasily replies to him. "I was uh thinking about you recently." "Yea, same," Andrew sits across from her. "We just passed the one year mark of Sonny's birth " "I know," Abby shakes her head back to him as sadness fills her heart. "I can't believe that it has been a year." "Neither can I," he replies to her quickly. "It certainly hasn't gotten any easier, has it?" Abby shakes her head back to him. "Some days I still can't get out of bed," she admits to him. "And other days, it's like the pain isn't so bad." "I hear you," Andrew tells her. "It's been an interesting time because Trenyce just had BJ and I am living there. I look at the little boy and wonder if Sonny would have been like BJ is." Abby gets tears in her eyes. "Maybe one day we will find out? Maybe one day we will each have children of our own?" "Maybe," Andrew forces a smile on his face. "And until then, if you ever need me Abs, I am here for you. No one can ever take away what we went through together." *** At the bar, Nicholas sits alone with a beer in front of him. His head is racing with the fact that right after he and Clayton had sex for the first time, Andy arrived and revealed that he and Clayton also had sex the previous night. He can't believe that he and his ex-boyfriend both slept with Clayton within 24 hours. Now, he is left wondering what they are going to do moving forward since this situation just got very messy and rather icky, in his mind. "The three of us " he whispers to himself. "We've all slept with each other. It is uh gross." Before he can say anything else, he feels a hand rest on his shoulder. Nicholas looks behind him and sees Andy standing there. "Andy, hi." "Hi," Andy uneasily replies to him. "Are you alone?" Nicholas forces a smile on his face. "If you're asking if Clayton is here, the answer is no." "Sorry, I had to ask," Andy sits next to him. "I can only imagine what you two spoke about after I left your place earlier." "How much did you love that?" Nicholas asks him quickly. "How much did you love telling me that you slept with Clayton moments after I did?" "Why do you think that I liked it?" Andy huffs back to him. "I took no pleasure in revealing any of that to you; I just thought you should know." "Sorry, I don't mean to take this out on you," Nicholas replies to him. "The truth is, I'm sort of grossed out by this entire situation." "You and me both." "So," Nicholas looks back at him. "What are we going to do, Andy? What is the best solution to this situation?" *** At the far back table, Natasha picks her up glass of wine and takes a sip as she listens to Tyler tell her that Cheresa has, officially, quit working for Robertson Enterprises because she is still traumatized from the kidnapping ordeal. Natasha can appreciate why Tyler is upset but she does wish that he would try to find a positive solution instead of wanting to go after Robbie. At the end of the day, carrying on with this feud will only hurt more people, Natasha realizes. "I am sorry to hear that Cheresa quit," Natasha sets her wine glass down on the table. "Maybe all she needs is time and she will return to modelling?" Tyler tries to nod back to her. "I would like to think that is possible but I am not sure that it is," he reveals to her. "You didn't see her, she was so upset." "If this situation is weighing on her that much, maybe she should talk to a therapist about it? The sooner she deals with these feelings, the better." "I don't disagree with that," Tyler replies to her quickly. "But that doesn't help me or Robertson right now. Cheresa's campaign was a huge success; it is doing very well this Christmas season. The fact that there can't be a follow up is a huge blow to my company." "I can relate," Natasha takes another sip of her wine. "That's exactly how Roboto felt when Cheresa signed with you over us." "Don't compare the two situations," Tyler hisses back to her. "Cheresa made a decision to sign with Robertson; Robbie kidnapped her to punish her. They aren't even closely related." "Robbie didn't kidnap her," Natasha rolls her eyes back to him. "Tara did that. Robbie isn't innocent but he damn well didn't have Cheresa kidnapped." "If you believe that " "Then what?" Natasha asks him quickly. "Finish what you were going to say, Tyler." "Never mind," Tyler stands up from the table. "It's not important. We are clearly divided on this issue, Natasha, and I'm not sure that there is a bridge we can build to bring us back together. Not on this situation." Natasha watches as Tyler rushes away from the table and wonders if she and her lover will be able to move past this or if this will cause a permanent rift between them. She sighs softly before she picks up her glass of wine and takes another healthy sip of it. The Calimo
Mansion Kim slowly moves down the stairs of the Calimo mansion and makes her way towards the living room. She has returned to the mansion after spending some days at the Twin Peaks Executive Hotel; she needed space from Robbie and Natasha after her miscarriage, but she knows that the mansion is her home and she feels very safe and comfortable there. However, she has moved out of her bedroom that she shared with Robbie and into one of the many guest rooms that the mansion holds. She still blames her husband for causing her miscarriage; had he not hired Tara to scare Cheresa, the young model never would have been kidnapped and Kim's miscarriage wouldn't have happened while they were trying to save Cheresa. As she enters the living room, she stops in her tracks at the sight in front of her. There is a table in front of the fireplace, which has flames roaring in it. The Christmas tree is up and the lights are sparkling; there is soft music playing and a bottle of champagne is chilling on the table. Robbie is looking into the fireplace wearing a tuxedo. He turns around and flashes his smile at his wife. "There you are," he tells her. "I've been waiting for you." "What is all this?" Kim asks him as she moves up to him. "A romantic dinner for two," Robbie replies to her quickly. "I've had the chef prepare all your favorites. I was hoping we could sit, eat, drink and just enjoy each other's company. It has been so long since we've done anything like this." Kim sighs back to him and looks around her. She can tell that he went to a lot of trouble to set this up for her, but the fact remains that it doesn't change how she is feeling inside. "This is a lovely gesture Robbie, it really is." "Let me get you a glass of champagne?" Robbie turns and opens the bottle of champagne and pours two glasses. He turns to his wife and passes her one. She takes a sip and then looks back at him. "I can't do this," she sets the glass back down on the table. "Robbie, this gesture is very nice but it won't bring back my our baby. Nothing will ever bring him or her back." "I know that," Robbie replies to her quickly. "I was hoping that we could try to move on. I know this doesn't change what happened but " "But I am not ready for any of this," Kim admits to him. "I I need time " "I am trying to be supportive Kim, but I don't know what else I can do." "Neither do I," Kim looks back at him. "I don't know if there is anything you can do, Robbie. My baby is dead, and you're responsible for that. I don't know if I will ever get over that, and that is something that you have to accept." Twin
Peaks General Hospital "I am glad that I found you," Madeline says as she moves up to Bryce's hospital room door and sees Victoria about to enter. She has been dreading telling Victoria the latest about Bryce's condition but this is part of the job that she has to get used too. "I have Bryce's latest test results." Victoria feels her heart skip a beat. She has hoped and prayed that marrying Bryce would help give him the strength to get better; she just hopes that is working and he is starting to get better. "Please tell me it's good news, Madeline? I need to know that my husband is getting better." Madeline shakes her head back to her. "I'm sorry, it's not good news. The test results show that he is getting weaker," Madeline reveals to him. "I I don't think he has must time left." Victoria feels her eyes swell with water. "What are you saying?" "I'm saying," Madeline looks back at her. "I I don't think he will make it past Christmas. If he makes it to Christmas, it will be a miracle." Victoria covers her mouth as a tear falls down her cheek. "I am so sorry, Victoria. I hate to tell you this " "No, I appreciate the update," Victoria manages to say back to her. "If you don't mind, I want to sit with him for a while. I want to spend as much time with my husband as I can." "Of course," Madeline nods back to her. "I'm around if you need anything, Victoria. And again, I am sorry." The
Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home "Do you have any idea why Abby wanted to have a family gathering?" Cheresa asks Greg as she moves into the living room of the Lawson estate. Greg turns to his daughter as he makes a couple of rum and eggnogs and then passes one of them to Cheresa. The large Christmas tree is already up and the lights twinkle as Greg takes a sip of the festive drink. "She certainly did let me know the reason. I can only imagine it has something to do with the holidays? Maybe she wants some Christmas present ideas?" "Yea, I guess that is a possibility," Cheresa takes a sip of her drink. "We also just passed the one year mark of Sonny's passing; with BJ here, maybe it is bringing up those memories?" "I hadn't even thought of that," Greg admits to her. "I guess we will find out when she arrives." "Oh good, you're both here," Abby announces as she moves into the living room. She moves up to Cheresa and hugs her then she does the same with her father. "You made it seem important, what is going on Abby?" Greg asks her. "I have some news and it was time that you heard it from me," Abby looks back at him and then over at Cheresa. "What's up?" Cheresa asks her sister quickly. Abby holds out her hand to reveal the large diamond ring on her finger. "Dominick and I, we got married. We eloped in Vegas!" Greg feels the blood drain from his face at the bombshell that Abby just dropped on him. "Abby, what the hell?" he asks her quickly. "I thought I told you that getting involved with Dominick wasn't a good idea, and now you're married to him?" "Wow, Abs, I can't believe this," Cheresa echoes Greg's statement. "He's older?" "Guys, please, just be happy for me, okay?" Abby smiles back to them. "This is what I want, I want to be Mrs. Dominick Robertson. And, I've secured all of our futures." "What does that mean?" Greg asks her back in surprise. "It means, I'm a very wealthy woman again," Abby purses her lips together. "So this family will not have to worry about losing those millions from Brooke's IRS bills." "Abby, did you marry Dominick for his money?" Cheresa asks her sister quickly. "Of course not!" Abby shrieks back to her. "But it doesn't hurt, does it? I am happy guys, I really, really am. I'm finally going to have everything I've ever wanted." The
Victors Mansion; Daisy's Home Daisy slowly walks through the living room of the mansion that she has been living in for months. She moves up to the fireplace and picks up a picture from the mantel; she looks at the image of her and Vinny from years earlier when they were still married. Back when they were happy; so much changed, she thinks to herself as she runs her finger over the image. She sets the photo back down on the mantel and moves her hand to her stomach. "I'm pregnant," she whispers to herself, recalling how she seduced Vinny to prevent him from finding out the truth that she was trying to run a DNA test to see if Vinny was alive or if it was Brett; of course, the truth was revealed that Vinny was alive, however, he was shot and killed at the Calimo mansion which means the father of her unborn child is dead. "What am I going to do? I'm going to start showing any time now. I have to figure this out." She looks back at the picture of her and Vinny. She picks it up and throws it across the room; the glass shatters on the wall. "Damn you!" she says as she covers her mouth as tears flood into her eyes. "You hurt so many damn people and now we are here left to clean up your mess! God, this is a nightmare. I just need a sign of what to do, please, someone tell me what to do," she cries as a tear falls down her cheek and she finds her hand on her stomach again, thinking about her unborn child. Next
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