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It Out of the Park Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 14, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "10/10" Troye Sivan The
Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home The sunlight creeps into Cheresa's bedroom as a new day is dawning in Twin Peaks. The young woman lays in her bed with the blankets wrapped tightly around her. She is tossing and turning in the bed, however, as she is having another nightmare about being kidnapped by Tara. She has been having the recurring dreams since she was saved by Robbie, Kim and Greg from Tara's clutches. She is back in the Lawson storage locker, tied to a chair with Tara and threatening to shoot her. Cheresa is desperate to escape but she isn't able too. She pleads with Tara to let her go, but she isn't successful in escaping. This is dream has been recurring over and over since she got home from her ordeal. Finally, Cheresa bolts up in the bed and looks around. She can feel the sweat forming on her forehead as she realizes that she is back in her own bedroom. "It was just a dream," she says as she lays back down into the bed. "I'm fine, I'm safe Tara can't hurt me anymore." As she pulls the blankets closer to her head, she hopes that she is right: that Tara can't hurt her anymore. She knows that the police still haven't found her, which means she could come back at any time and try to hurt her again. "I have to be strong," she tells herself. "I will be fine. I will be." | ||
The Sugarbowl Cassie scurries inside the coffeehouse as she is desperate to get out from the cold, winter air that is encompassing Twin Peaks currently. She moves up to the barista and orders a large latte and then waits for her drink as Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" plays in the sound system. As she waits, she turns and sees Jacob sitting at the window seat alone. She immediately thinks back to the previous day when he finally met their son, Carter, for the first time. Right after the meeting, Jacob stunned her by revealing that he wanted to have a DNA test completed to ensure that Carter is actually his son. Cassie was livid with him and demanded that he leave. She grabs her drink and then moves up to Jacob. "Morning Jacob," she says as she arrives at the window seat. "How is your morning going?" Jacob looks back at her and wonders what she wants with him since their last conversation was not exactly pleasant. He thought she overreacted completely to his request of a DNA test to confirm that he is Carter's father. The last thing he wants to do today is get into another fight with her about it. "What do you want, Cassie?" he asks her back quickly. "If you're here to have another fight with me, I'm not in the mood." "That's not why I am here," she replies to him quickly. "I'm here because I well, I owe you an apology." Jacob arches his eyebrow back to her. "You do?" "I am sorry about how I reacted yesterday," she tells him quickly. "You have to understand, I am very protective of my children and the idea of someone swapping Carter's mouth to prove what I already know I lost it a little bit." "You certainly did," Jacob nods back to her. "I wasn't expecting that reaction at all." "Well I had time to think about it and I will agree to the DNA test. If you want to have proof that you're Carter's father, then you will get it because I have nothing to hide." Jacob looks back at her in surprise as this was the last thing that he expected form her today. "Thanks Cassie," he manages to say back to her. "I definitely want to run the test, but I appreciate you coming around. This will give everyone the confirmation that we need." The
Pampa Grill "Last night was a lot of fun," Madeline smirks over to Will as they sit across from one another in the restaurant and have breakfast on the table. Madeline recalls how the previous night she and Will made love more than once; she is so happy that they are back together because she enjoys every aspect of Will. The fact that he was able to forgive her for pretending to date Jeff to make him jealous is a blessing. "Yea, it was," Will nods back to her as he takes a sip of his coffee. He looks over at Madeline and gulps heavily; he has been thinking about his visit to Madeline at the hospital the previous day when he was giving her a kiss and he thought that he saw Eva instead of his girlfriend. It has been on his mind non-stop since he thought he was finally getting over the loss of the woman he loved for so long. The fact that he saw her, and thought about her the previous night, has made him wonder why he is thinking about her again. "Are you okay? You seem a million miles away?" "Sorry, I guess I am just lost in my thoughts right now." Madeline arches her eyebrow back to him. "What are you thinking about? Is everything okay?" Will sighs back to her. "I don't know," he admits to her. "The truth is, I've been thinking and having seeing images of Eva the last couple of days." Madeline looks back at him in surprise. "Well maybe it's because the holidays are coming up? This tends to be a sentimental time of the year." "I hope that's all it is," Will looks back at her. "Because I've worked so hard to get over her death; I don't want to have a setback." *** "I am glad the two of you could meet me this morning," Clayton tells Nicholas and Andy as they sit in the far back corner table of the restaurant. He knows that his sister is at the restaurant too but he really wanted to see the two men that he has been sexually active with alone. He knows that this situation has gotten very complicated and he hopes that he can try to settle it all once and for all. "I thought we should talk about what has happened." Andy looks back at Clayton and then over at Nicholas. "I'm not sure that talking will solve a lot," he admits to him. "You slept with both of us, Clayton. This complicated situation just got a million times more complicated." "I know and I'm sorry about that," Clayton replies to him quickly. "The truth is Andy, you and I having sex, it really just happened. It wasn't planned and we certainly weren't building towards it." "That is true," Andy looks over at Nicholas. "We were fighting and then it just happened." "Whereas, Nicholas and I have been building towards that moment for some time. We've had a budding attraction for weeks," Clayton looks over at Nicholas. "We both enjoyed the dates that we had, right?" "We did," Nicholas looks back at him. "But to be honest, we only dated because Andy ended things between us. If Andy hadn't broken up with me, we never would have went out." "What are you saying?" Andy asks Nicholas. "I want to be with you," Clayton looks at Nicholas. "I know that sleeping with Andy was a mistake and I'm hoping that you can look past that and we can move forward, Nicholas. What do you say?" Nicholas sighs back to him and looks at Andy. "I thought about this all night," he admits to the men. "And the truth is, I never stopped caring about you Andy. The man that I love, that I truly love, is you." Clayton feels the blood drain from his face as Nicholas and Andy look into each other's eyes. "What the hell is going on here?" Clayton asks flustered. "That's what I want to know," Andy looks back at Nicholas in surprise. "What are you saying?" "I'm saying," Nicholas looks back at him. "I want to be with you, Andy. I always have and I always will." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home Donovan carefully moves himself to the edge of the bed and places his feet firmly on the ground. He was thrilled when the previous day he was able to regain some feelings in his legs and he took one step. He is hoping that he will continue to be able to walk more and regain more and more strength in his legs. He hopes that if things continue he will be able to walk again by Christmas time, which would be a miracle for him and his family. Once he feels the ground beneath his feet, he uses the wall to help stand himself up. He takes a deep breath and starts to encourage himself. "You can do this," he whispers to himself. "You can take another step. Just one one step at a time." Donovan slowly moves his right foot and plants it in front of himself. He takes another deep breath and then moves his left foot up to be next to his right foot. He feels his eyes swell with water as he just took another step. "I'm going to do this," he smiles to himself. "I'm going to walk." He looks back at his night stand and sees a picture of him, Olly and Lukas together. He smiles at the sight and realizes what he has to do next. "I will surprise Lukas as Christmas," he whispers to himself. "I will keep this to myself until I can truly surprise my husband." The
Sugarbowl "I am glad I ran into you, I've been thinking about you," Max admits to Abby as they sit across from one another in the back booth of the coffeehouse. Max randomly bumped into his friend and they agreed to catch up as they hadn't seen one another in a while. "You've been thinking about me?" Abby asks him back in surprise as she takes a sip of her coffee. "Good thoughts, I hope?" Max nervously smiles back to her. "Well, I know you just passed the one year anniversary of losing Sonny; I know how hard of a time that was for you and for Andrew." Abby gulps back to him as she takes another sip of her coffee as she recalls how she never told anyone that Max, not Andrew, was really the father of her child. At the time, she was obsessed with being with Andrew, so she said he was the father. Once Sonny died during his delivery, she never thought it would make sense to tell the truth. "I appreciate that and yes, it was a difficult day, or week," Abby reveals to him. "But it made me realize that no matter how long goes by, I will always miss my son. I will always wish he was still with me." Max nods back to her. "That makes sense, hopefully you can find some happiness today." "I am happy," Abby replies to him quickly. "You probably haven't heard, but I am a married woman," she reveals to him as she shows him her large diamond ring. "Wait, what? Who is the lucky guy? It's not Andrew, is it?" Abby chuckles back to him. "No, it's not Andrew. That ship sailed a long time ago. I've moved on. I'm married to Dominick Robertson." Max arches his eyebrow back to her. "Dominick? You mean, Paige's grandfather?" "The one and only." "What the hell are you thinking, Abby?" Abby giggles back to him. "I don't expect you to understand, no one does, but Dominick makes me very happy. He and I, we just clicked, what can I say." "Well, if you're happy then I am happy for you," Max looks back to her. "After everything we have been through, we both deserve some happiness." "I'll drink to that," Abby says before she takes another sip of her coffee. Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio Jacob opens the door to the studio and moves inside feeling relived that Cassie has finally agreed to the DNA test with Carter. Now he can focus on the rest of his day without worrying about what Cassie may try next. As he moves up to the large table in the studio, he notices Paige emerge from one of the backrooms, where storage is kept. "Morning," Jacob looks over at Paige, who smiles back to him. "Morning," she replies to him. "How was the rest of your visit with Carter?" "It's a long story," Jacob replies to her quickly. "But what I can tell you is that Cassie agreed to do a DNA test to confirm that Carter is my son. Soon I will know for sure." "You still think she might be lying?" Jacob shrugs back to her. "I don't know what to think," he admits to her. "We did have sex, I remember that but she has lied about so much in the past, how do I know that she isn't lying about me being the father too? At least this way, I will know for sure." Paige nods back to him. "I suppose that makes sense. For what it's worth, Max believes Cassie is telling the truth." "Of course he does," Jacob rolls his eyes back to her. "He lied about her being alive for months, remember? He will do anything to protect his mother." "I don't want to get into this with you again," Paige tells him as she moves a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Especially since " "Since what?" "Never mind," Paige shakes her head back to him. "I shouldn't have said anything." "It's too late, you started to say something so just tell me." "It's about Max and I," Paige looks back at him as she recalls how the two of them made love the previous night. "We are back together, officially." Jacob looks back at her in surprise. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised but I thought after exposing him as a liar you would see the kind of man that he really is, but I guess I was wrong. Don't say I didn't warn you about him, Paige because he will hurt you again, mark my words, he will break your heart." The
Davenport House; Trenyce, Chris & Andrew's Home "I've given a lot of thought to what you asked me the other day," Andrew tells Chris as he pours himself a cup of coffee as they stand together in the kitchen of Trenyce's large home. Andrew looks over at the man he thought was his father for years and thinks back to how he asked Andrew to move out because he was planning to ask Trenyce to marry him. Chris wanted some more privacy with his new fiancé and thought Andrew could get his own place. Chris crosses his arms over his chest and looks back at the younger man. "About you moving out? Have you made any decisions about it?" Andrew nods back to him slowly. "You have to understand something, Chris," Andrew looks back at him. "I moved in here when Trenyce was in a very vulnerable state; she had been attacked by the serial killer and Brad was murdered in front of her. She needed someone, she needed me, to help her through that." "I know all of this," Chris admits to him. "And you did help her, I'm not disputing that." "Good," Andrew looks back at him with intent. "Then, with all due respect, I'll move out when Trenyce asks me too. If you two get engaged and Trenyce tells me it's time for me to go, then I'll go. But until I hear that from her, I'm going to stay put." *** Meanwhile in the living room, Trenyce brings Cheresa a cup of tea and then she sits next to her daughter. "I am sorry that you had another nightmare," Trenyce tells her daughter before she takes a sip of her tea. "I am worried about you, Cheresa. Maybe it's time we seek some professional help?" "Yea, maybe," Cheresa replies to her as she sets the cup of tea down on the coffeetable. "I am just hoping that the police find Tara soon; with her still being on the loose, I am worried that she will come after me again." "There hasn't been any word from the police?" "None," Cheresa looks back at her. "Although, I shouldn't be surprised. Simona Lopez isn't known for her detective skills." Trenyce chuckles back to her. "You can say that again. Listen, I want you to be safe. What can I do to help you feel that way?" Cheresa uneasily looks back at her mother. "Well, did you think about what I said the last time I was here? I mean about telling Chris the truth?" Trenyce stands up and moves to BJ's crib when he starts fussing. She picks up her son and cradles him in her arms, which calms down the baby. "I have thought about it," she tells her daughter. "And I will tell him but I need you to do something for me." "What's that?" "Let me keep this secret just for a bit longer," Trenyce asks her daughter. "I want to enjoy this Christmas; after everything we've all been through this year, I want to have a nice, peaceful holiday. Please, tell me you won't say anything until after the holidays?" "Ugh," Cheresa groans as she falls into the sofa deeper. "I hate this, Mom." "I know, and I'm sorry I'm putting you in this position it's just, I want to get through the holidays with some peace." "Okay, okay," Cheresa waves her hand in the air. "I'll keep quiet until after the holidays. But once Christmas is over, you have to tell Chris the truth." Next
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