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World is Trying to Break Me Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 21, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Where Does the DJ Go?" Kylie
The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's
Home Donovan slowly moves towards the living room of the lavish mansion that he lives in with his husband and sister in-law. He has slowly been regaining the strength in his legs since he was in a car accident a few months earlier; however, he hasn't told anyone that he has been able to walk again because he has wanted to surprise Lukas on Christmas. He only left their bedroom because he believed that Lukas was meeting with his family to discuss the fact that Frederick is alive; but now, he can hear voices in the living room and he wonders if he should just surprise his husband now with the fact that he is walking again. Suddenly, however, he loses his step and he falls to the ground, which creates a loud thud! He lays on the floor, with his eyes closed, not moving. Meanwhile, in the living room, Lukas looks back at Jasper, who is resting his hand on his firm chest. Lukas has told Jasper a few times now that their affair has to end, but Jasper continues to pursue Lukas. Lukas wants to be true to his husband but he can't deny the fact that he is very much attracted to Jasper; with Donovan still recovering also means that he isn't having sex, which can be frustrating for a man like him. "What are you doing?" Lukas looks back into his lovers eyes as he feels the lust build between the two of them. "I'm just doing what I think we both want what we both need " Jasper replies to him as he licks his lips. Before Lukas can reply, the two men hear the "thud" and look at one another, wondering what the noise was. Lukas rushes out of the living room and sees Donovan laying on the floor in the hallway. "Donovan?" Lukas rushes up to him quickly. "Donovan, are you okay?" Donovan slowly opens his eyes and looks back at his husband. "I I tried to walk but " "Don't say another word," Lukas tells him as he looks over at Jasper and realizes how close they were to being caught. "Jasper, help me get Donovan back into bed, please?" "Of course," Jasper rushes up and helps Lukas. They lift Donovan and slowly move him back into the bedroom. Donovan lays down in the bed and looks back at his husband. "Thank you," Donovan tries to smile back to him. "I'm I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry," Lukas says to him. "You just have to try to get some rest, okay? Everything will be better once you get some sleep." Donovan nods back to him before he closes his eyes and falls back asleep. Lukas closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He feels his heart racing at the thought of Donovan seeing him and Jasper in such a close embrace. He stands up and then leaves the bedroom. In the hallway, he sees Jasper waiting for him. "How is he?" "He's resting," Lukas replies to him quickly. "But this could have been a disaster, Jasper. Whatever we had, it's over. Do you hear me? We are over!" | ||
The Pampa Grill Soft Christmas music plays in the background as the restaurant is decorated for the holiday season. Kim sits at a table and admires the large Christmas tree in the restaurant and the twinkling lights in the garland that is wrapping around the booths. She takes a sip of her red wine and tries to smile at the sight; she has always loved the holiday season, but this year she has struggled to get into the spirit, mostly because she is still grieving the loss of her unborn child. Memories of Blake, her son, opening his presents on Christmas day have also been haunting her. She wishes that she could just press fast-forward and skip the holiday season; she is more than ready to start a new year and put this hell of a year behind her. "You look a million miles away," a voice says from her table. Kim looks up and sees Greg standing in front of her. "What are you thinking about? Or do I even have to ask?" Kim uneasily smiles back to him as he sits across from her. "For the life of me, I can't seem to get into the holiday spirit this year, Greg. A part of me just wishes I don't know that I could just escape." "It has been a hell of a year, hasn't it?" "You can say that again," Kim says as she takes a sip of her wine. "What is going on with you?" Greg shrugs back to her. "If I am honest with you, I am feeling the same as you. This holiday season feels very different, you know? Brooke and Brad are gone; Abby has married a man twice her age and Cheresa is still struggling to get over her kidnapping. It just doesn't feel like Christmas at all." "I am so sorry, Greg," Kim looks back at him. "I've been so caught up in my own mess that I have completely forgot everything you have been through lately." "There's no need to apologize," Greg replies to her. "I have an idea, though." Kim arches her eyebrow back to him. "What is this idea?" "I need an escape," Greg reveals to her. "I need to get away from Twin Peaks and all of these memories. I just got approval from the hospital to have some time off." "That's a great idea," Kim tells him. "A change of pace might do you good." "It would do you good too," Greg says back to her. "Come with me, Kim. Let's go away together, let's escape this town and everything that this year has put us through." "Go with you? I I don't know " "I rented an Air B&B in Aspen for the holidays," Greg reveals to her. "There's three bedrooms, a hot tub come on, what do you say? We, as friends, could escape everything that is holding us down here." Kim smiles back to him and finds herself nodding. "Okay," she says back to him. "Let's go to Aspen together. Let's get away from everything." *** Paige waits at the bar for her takeout order. She is busy with some last minute Christmas sales at Robertson Enterprises that she came to the restaurant to get some lunch to go before she heads back to the studio to continue to work. As she waits, she looks at her phone and sees a picture of her and Max on the screen. She can't help but get a smile at the sight of the young man that she recently reunited with. Of course, she ended up telling Jacob that they got back together and he wasn't thrilled but she has realized that she has to follow her heart and right now it is telling her that Max is the guy she wants to be with. Still, she hates that she has hurt Jacob because that was the last thing she wanted to do. "Hey, are you waiting for takeout?" Jacob asks as he moves up to the bar next to her. "I am, what are you doing here?" Paige replies to him as she looks over at him. "I was supposed to meet my Mom here but I think she's running late," Jacob tells her quickly. "I'm glad that I ran into you; I have some time off work for the holiday season so this might be the last time I see you before Christmas." "I know, I'm swamped at work because you're not there," Paige chuckles back to him. "Seriously, I hope you have a great holiday season, Jacob." "You too Paige," Jacob replies to her quickly. "But I did get you something small, I hope that's okay." "You didn't have too," Paige tells him as Jacob pulls out a small present from his pocket and passes it to her. "I know but I wanted too. Merry Christmas, Paige." Paige takes the box and opens it. Inside, there is a small necklace of a mountain peak. On the top of the peak, there is a diamond. "Jacob, it's beautiful," Paige gasps back to him. "But, I can't accept this." "Yes you can," Jacob tells her. "I got this last year when we were in Banff; I just never found the right time to give it to you." "Thank you," Paige looks him in the eyes. "We've been through a lot, haven't we?" Jacob nods back to her. "And no matter what happens in the future, I hope we can be friends Paige." Paige moves up and hugs him. "I'd like nothing more, Jacob." The
Sugarbowl "How did Jacob take the news that you are going to do the DNA test?" Max asks Cassie as they sit across from one another in the back booth of the coffeehouse with peppermint mochas in front of them. Baby Carter is fast asleep in the stroller next to the table where they are sitting. Max knows that, at first, Cassie was reluctant but she came around and agreed to give Jacob a DNA test to prove that he is the father of Carter. Cassie picks up her mocha and takes a sip of it before she looks back at her son. "He was thrilled," she admits to him. "I gave him what he wanted, so he was pleased with me." Max looks back at his mother and arches his eyebrow. He knows that he has always believed in her but he still wonders if Jacob is the father; after all, Cassie has done her fair share of lying in the past. "Okay, don't get mad at me but I have to ask you something." Cassie chuckles back to him. "Let me guess, you're wondering if I am worried about the DNA test?" "Are you?" Max asks her quickly. "Are you worried that it will prove that Jacob isn't the father?" "I am not worried in the slightest," Cassie replies to him. "I have nothing to worry about, Max, because I know that Jacob is the father. This test will prove that to him and everyone." "I'll believe that when I see it," Natasha hisses to her rival as she approaches her table. Natasha still doesn't believe that her son fathered Cassie's child and she wants nothing more to prove it. "This test will prove that once again you're nothing but a lying whore." "Hey, watch it," Max looks back at Natasha, furious that she is speaking to his mother that way. "My brother is sleeping, you have no right to talk to her that way, especially in front of a child." "Don't worry about it Max, I can handle this piece of trash," Cassie sneers back to Natasha, who freezes at the sight of the stroller. "Carter is in there?" Natasha ignores Cassie's verbal assault. "Can can I see him?" Cassie purses her lips together and slowly lifts the shade that is covering the sleeping infant. Natasha peers inside and sees the baby sleeping; it is the first time she is seeing her grandchild in the flesh. For a brief moment, she is taken back to when Jacob was an infant; the resemblance is uncanny, she thinks to herself. "I look forward to seeing the test results," Natasha stands tall and looks back at Cassie. "And so help me God, if you're lying about this, I will make you regret it." Natasha turns and starts to walk away but Cassie stops her by calling her name. "Oh Nat," Cassie says as Natasha turns around and looks at her. "Merry Christmas sweetheart, we are going to be forever connected," she says as she gets a sly grin on her face. City
Hall Outside of City Hall, there is a large Christmas tree that is beautifully decorated. Behind the tree, there is a skating rink where families can enjoy the ice with hot chocolates and candy canes. It is a tradition in the city that has gone on for years. Most people do enjoy the atmosphere, despite the cold air nipping at them. Helen sits on a bench and watches people skate around on the ice while she admires the large tree behind them. She takes a sip of her hot chocolate and tries to snuggle into her large jacket even more in an attempt to stay warm. "Looks like we had the same idea today," Shane says as he moves up to her bench and sits next to her, as Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" plays on the public speakers. "Nice day to enjoy some of the holiday cheer, hey?" "I need all the cheer I can get these days," she replies to him quickly before she takes another sip of drink. "Robin paid me a visit earlier and warned me to stay the hell away from her and Adam. It looks like we have really made a mess of things this time." Shane looks back at her in surprise. He didn't realize that Robin went to see Helen, but after she stunned him by revealing she wanted an annulment, it does make sense that she would warn Helen to leave her alone. "We did and I think I might have made it worse." Helen arches her eyebrow back to him. "I don't know how anything could get worse," she admits to him. "I feel like I've lost Adam for good this time. I don't see how he will ever forgive me for what we did." Shane gulps back to her as he recalls running into Adam earlier in the day at the Sugarbowl. "It is interesting that you say you had a run in with Robin earlier because I happened to see Adam," he reveals to her. "And, to be honest, he was a jerk to me about how he got back together with Robin." "I guess it is true, they have reunited then?" "It seems that way." "So, Robin warned me to stay away from the two of them and Adam was rude to you," Helen looks over at him. "Like I said, it feels like we've lost everything." "I might have done something that I'm not proud of," Shane reveals to her quickly. "I told Adam that Robin and I made love." Helen gasps back to him in surprise. "You didn't? When I suggested that to you, you said we shouldn't get involved anymore?" "I know," Shane admits to her. "And I thought that too but he was being so smug and I just blurted it out." "So what do you think is going to happen now?" Shane shrugs back to her. "I wish I knew," he tells her. "But I can say that I am tired of this, Helen. If Robin doesn't want to be with me, so be it. I don't think I can wait around for her forever. Life is too short to pine after someone that doesn't want me. Maybe it's time for you to have the same mentality?" Helen sighs back to him before she takes another sip of her drink. "Yea, maybe." Adam's
Townhouse Adam
moves up to the bar in his living room and pours himself a scotch. He takes a
sip as he looks into the flickering flames in his large fireplace as he mind wanders
back to his chance run-in with Shane earlier in the morning at the coffeehouse
where he told Adam that he and Robin made love. Adam was under the impression
that their marriage had been in name only but hearing that Robin and Shane did
make love is a blow to Adam; especially since once they reunited, he and Robin
made love as well. |
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