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My Heart Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 24, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Glittery" Kacey Musgraves feat. Troye Sivan The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home A heavy snow is falling from the sky as Christmas day is upon Twin Peaks. In the Richardson living room, Donovan is sitting in his wheelchair while Lukas sits next to him as they watch Logan and Olly on the floor, tearing open presents. Meggan has her IPhone on and is trying to capture as many moments as she can on film. "I can't believe Olly is opening so many presents," Meggan chuckles to her brother and brother in-law. "He's only a little over one and a pro." Donovan laughs back to her. "He likes presents, I wonder where he gets that from," Donovan pokes Lukas' side as they start to chuckle. "This is nice," Lukas tells his family. "I mean that guys, this is what a Christmas should be." "I couldn't agree more," Donovan nods back to him. "I just wish my Mom and Victoria were here to celebrate with us." "The first Christmas without your parent is the hardest," Meggan replies to him quickly. "Lukas and I can attest to that. Even though we were at odds with Frederick when he passed, we loved him. And now knowing that he's alive? It makes today a little bit harder." "Let's focus on the good things, today?" Lukas suggests to his family. "We have two adorable little boys here and they are making today the most amazing holiday ever." Before anyone can say anything else, the front doorbell rings. "I'll get it, you two watch the boys," Meggan tells them as she scurries out of the room. Once she is away, Lukas looks at Donovan and feels his eyes swell with water. Having his husband and son here with him today has made him realize how much he loves them both. He hates that he slept with Jasper on more than one occasion but at least he has told his nanny that it can't happen again. Donovan looks back at his husband and sees him about to cry. He wonders what is wrong; he recalls how he was planning to surprise Lukas today with the fact that he could walk again but because he collapsed a few days earlier, he hurt himself a little bit and realizes that today isn't the right day to tell Lukas his news. "Hey, are you okay? You look like you're going to cry?" "They are happy tears," Lukas replies to him quickly as he grabs Donovan's arm and pushes into it. "You and Olly, you mean so much to me, Donovan. I hope you know that." "Of course, we know that," Donovan smiles back to him. "You're a wonderful husband and father." "I promise you, Donovan," Lukas looks into his eyes. "I promise that in the new year I will be a better husband, okay? You have my word." Donovan smiles and leans in and kisses him. "You're already the best, babe. But if we are making promises ,I promise to you that I will walk again. I know I will, and I need your support to do it." "You have it," Lukas tells him. "You have all of me. Merry Christmas, Donovan." "Merry Christmas." Meanwhile, Meggan opens the front door and is surprised to see Jeff standing in the snow that is falling down. "Jeff, hi, Merry Christmas," she says as she lets him into the foyer of the mansion. "Do you want to see Logan? He's having so much fun opening presents." "That would be amazing," Jeff smiles back to her. "But before we go see our son, I was hoping you had time to think about our last visit." "You kissed me," Meggan looks back at him as he nods to her. "You have to understand Jeff, that I have a lot of reservations." "I know, I know and I deserve that," Jeff replies to her quickly. "But it's Christmas, and I love you, Meg. I don't want to waste another day of our lives arguing or being upset with one another. If this year has taught me anything " "You're right," Meggan agrees with him as they lock eyes. "And God help me, I do still love you, Jeff." "You mean that?" Meggan nods back to him. Without saying anything, Jeff leans and kisses her passionately on the lips. They finally part ways and look into one another's eyes. "Make love to me," Meggan whispers to him. "Donovan and Lukas can watch the boys for a little while." Jeff kisses her back and then smiles at her. "This is my Christmas wish coming true," he winks at her, as she scurries him away to her bedroom. | ||
Dominick's Townhouse "I haven't seen you since Abby's huge reveal," Robin tells Leah as they sit next to one another on the sofa in the living of Dominick's townhouse, each holding an eggnog in their hand. Robin is still in shock that Abby has claimed that Frederick, not Dominick, is Leah's father. "How are you coping with this?" "To be honest, I don't know," Leah whispers back to her sister as the rest of the family is busy opening presents and laughing with one another. "It's not just that Abby said Frederick is my father; she claimed to have read it in Felicia's file and then Felicia had some kind of memory. I don't know, it's all too much to handle. I mean, to think that I'm not a part of this family " "You will always be a part of this family," Robin tells Leah, who fights tears in her eyes. "You know that and I know that, okay?" "Thanks," Leah replies to her. "Do you want another eggnog? I would love one." "Yea, that would be great," Robin tells her, as Leah stands up and moves over to the punch bowl. As soon as Leah is gone, Robin feels faint, like she did a day earlier. "What the hell is going on here? Why do I keep feeling faint?" Leah, meanwhile, pours another eggnog for herself and one for Robin. Felicia approaches her from behind. "Merry Christmas darling," Felicia puts her hand on Leah's shoulders and kisses her cheek. "Merry Christmas, Mom. It seems like a different holiday this year, doesn't it?" Leah replies to her quickly before she looks over at Dominick and Abby, who are signing a Christmas carol by the Christmas tree. "Very different," Felicia sighs back to her. "And, based on my last conversation with Dominick, it is going to be very interesting new year." Leah arches her eyebrow back to her. "Why do you say that?" "Let's just say that I overheard your father making arrangements for his will to be updated " "No! Not to Abby?" Leah whispers back to her as Felicia uneasily nods back to her. "Oh God, what are we going to do? We have to make Dad realize he is in over his head." *** "I had no idea you had such a beautiful singing voice," Abby looks over at her husband and smiles to him. She never thought in a million years that this Christmas she would be spending it as Dominick's wife, but here she is in the living room of his lavish home. She almost can't believe it but her surroundings are making it very real for her. "It is the eggnog," Dominick chuckles back to her. "I normally wouldn't sign this much." "You should do it more often," Abby tells him before she looks around the room and sees so many happy faces around her. She pauses for a moment and thinks about her family for a moment: Sonny, Brad and Brooke all died; Greg is away in Aspen and Cheresa is spending the day with Dawn. Seeing a family that is seemingly happy and united is something she has always longed for. "Are you okay? You seem quiet." "I'm just thinking about my family," Abby admits to him. "It's the first time that I am not with any of them on Christmas. It just feels weird, that's all." "You are my family now," Dominick replies to her quickly. "You are a part of this family now." "Thank you for saying that." "This is a good time for you to get your last present," Dominick tells her as he passes her as box that is wrapped. "Another gift?" Abby asks him in surprise. "You are spoiling me." "You deserve it," he grins back to her. "Now, open it." Abby listens to her husband and slowly opens the box. It reveals a legal document and Abby unfolds it and starts to read it. "What is this?" she asks him in confusion. "My updated will," Dominick tells her. "I've left you a very wealthy woman when the day comes for me to leave you." "That won't be for a very, very long time," Abby stands up and hugs him. "But thank you, Dominick. This means so much to me." Across the room, Robin, Leah and Felicia look on in horror as they can tell that Dominick just presented his new wife with the key for their family's fortune. Aspen,
Colorado The condo that Greg has rented is a massive 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom unit that has views of the Aspen Mountains. On the balcony, there is a hot tub, where guests can enjoy their favorite beverages while enjoying the mountain views. Inside, the living room is huge with three sofas and a large fireplace that is roaring with high flames. On the sofa that is facing the fire, Kim sits with a glass of champagne in her hand. She takes a sip and feels herself getting lost in the flames as they are hypnotic. "Merry Christmas," Greg says as he moves into the living room holding the bottle of champagne. "I brought the champagne." "Merry Christmas, Greg," Kim smiles back to him as she moves over so he can sit next to her. "You know, I have to give you props, this was a great idea." "Yea? You're enjoying Aspen?" "I am," Kim nods back to him. "We are in this beautiful condo, with no Christmas decorations, no family gatherings, no husbands " she chuckles back to him. "This is exactly what I needed." Greg laughs. "I'm glad that I could help," he tells her. "I think we both needed the change in scenery and it is better to do something like this with company." Kim looks back into his eyes. "Yes, it is. You and I have been through hell of a lot together, haven't we?" "That we have," Greg nods back to her. "And despite everything, we are still friends. That says something, doesn't it?" "I couldn't have gone through these last few months without you," Kim admits to him. "You are one of the only people that have really been in my corner since I lost my baby. You, Andy and Tyler." "I will always be in your corner, Kim," Greg tells her. "Just like you've always been in my corner. That's what friends do for each other, they support one another in times of need." Kim pulls him into a hug and holds him tightly. "Merry Christmas my friend." "Merry Christmas, Kim." The
Calimo Mansion "It feels like a quiet Christmas this year," Jacob says as he pours himself a rum and eggnog in the living room of the Calimo mansion while Robbie and Natasha stand by the Christmas tree. "With Kim away and Sophie still at boarding school, the house does feel emptier this year," Natasha looks back at her son. "But the three of us are here and are together, that's what is important, right?" "Yea, I suppose so," Jacob moves up to his family. "Uncle Robbie, are you okay? I'm sorry that Kim isn't here." "I'm sorry too," Robbie takes a sip of his eggnog. "But she needed time and space, so I have to give her that. I just hope that when she gets home it will help." "Anything is better than nothing," Natasha tells her brother. "This might be just the thing that Kim needs." "I hope so because right now, it feels like I've lost her," Robbie replies to his family. "Sorry, I'm not being very Merry this Christmas." "It's okay," Jacob tells him. "The fact is, I am also struggling with some personal issues." "Does this have anything to do with Cassie and baby Carter?" Natasha asks him quickly, as he nods his head back to her. "I met the baby, by the way." "You did? How'd that go?" Robbie asks her quickly. "As well as to be expected when Cassie Nova is involved," Natasha replies to them. "I still think that wench is lying, I just hope we can prove it." "The good news is that she agreed to the DNA test so we should find out the truth sooner than later," Jacob tells his mother. "And that will be the best outcome of this, knowing the truth, knowing if I am a father to that precious baby boy." The
Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce & Andrew's Home "Did Andrew indicate how long he would be gone to see Dawn and Cheresa?" Chris asks Trenyce as he picks up some of the wrapping paper that is on the floor from all of the gifts that they opened that morning. Trenyce looks up from peering inside the crib where baby BJ is fast asleep and over at Chris. "No, but it is nice that he went to see them. I know that they wanted to come here but with all the snow, Cheresa was nervous to drive here." Chris smirks back to her. "And if gives you and I some time alone together." "As long as BJ stays sleeping." "He's a good kid, he will," Chris moves up to her and wraps his arms around her. "Merry Christmas Trey." "Merry Christmas, Chris," she replies to him as she kisses him on his lips. "What a year this has been, huh?" "You can say that again," he nods back to her. "I can't help but think of Albertinah today. She always loved Christmas, you know?" "I remember," Trenyce looks back into his eyes. "I'm sorry that she's not here with us today. But you know what? She is looking down upon us; she is with us in spirit." "I believe that," Chris tells her as he moves back to the Christmas tree. "And I think she would want you to open this last Christmas present that I have for you." "I didn't see another present under the tree?" Trenyce looks at him as she accepts the small present. "Where did this come from?" Chris innocently shrugs back to her. "Why don't you open it, Trey?" Trenyce smiles as she opens the box. She gasps when she sees a large diamond ring inside. "Chris, what is this?" Chris falls to one knee and grabs Trenyce's hand. "We have been to hell and back Trenyce," he tells her. "But at the end of the day, we always find out way back to one another and we always stronger than ever. Let's be strong together for the rest of our lives marry me?" Trenyce feels like her eyes swell with water. She had no idea that Chris was planning to propose to her today; immediately, she thinks back to sharing more than one kiss with Andrew. Once she and Chris reunited, however, she made sure that she and Andrew ended their brief interlude. Still, she finds herself thinking of him a lot. "You're leaving me hanging down here," Chris winks back to her. "Sorry, yes," Trenyce shakes her head back to him. "Of course, I will marry you, Chris!" Chris gets up and twirls Trenyce around in the air as they laugh together. Once her feet are planted on the ground again, Chris kisses her passionately. "Merry Christmas babe, you just made me the happiest man in the world," Chris tells her as they hug and Trenyce gulps heavily. Twin
Peaks General Hospital Victoria paces back and forth in Bryce's hospital room as she is worried about her husband's prognosis. She recalls how Madeline told her that she didn't think Bryce would survive beyond Christmas; Victoria then visited Eva's grave and pleaded with her Mom to send Bryce the strength he needs to survive. After everything that she has been through this year, the last thing Victoria wants to go through is the loss of her husband. "Bryce," she finally moves up to her husband and grabs his hand. "It's Christmas," she says as tears fill her eyes. "I usually love this time of the year but this year, you know, it feels a little different. I am praying for you to come back to me, you know, truly come back to me." Victoria puts her head down and then looks up suddenly when she feels Bryce squeeze her hand back. "Bryce? Can you hear me?" Bryce slowly opens his eyes to her and looks at his wife. "Hey beautiful," he whispers to her. "Did I hear you say it was Christmas?" Victoria nods back to him as a tear runs down her cheek. "You heard correct." "Well then, Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas, Bryce," Victoria says as she leans up and kisses him on the lips. "How are you feeling?" "A little sore but better than I have since I got in this joint," he replies to her. "Why? Did you think I was going to leave you? Because, I'm not going anywhere." Victoria lets another tear fall down her cheek as she rests her head on his chest. "It's a Christmas miracle," she tells him. "It really is a miracle." Next
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