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You Came Around Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 28, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Fever" Dua Lipa & Angele The Richardson
Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home Donovan looks at the clock that is resting on his end table in the bedroom he shares with Lukas. The time is getting closer to midnight, which means a new year is upon Twin Peaks. For the most part, Donovan is eager to start the New Year as he feels like this year has been incredibly hard on him and Lukas. The best part of the year has been seeing Olly grow up, and even the last few months Donovan has felt like he has missed out on his son's life because he lost the feeling in his legs. He has slowly been regaining the feelings and he wanted to surprise Lukas on Christmas, but he had a minor setback. However, all of that is behind him and he wants to toast Lukas at midnight. "I'll slowly walk into the living room just as the clock strikes twelve," he whispers to himself as he positions himself to the edge of the bed and prepares to stand up. "Lukas will be so surprised and we can start the New Year together, in each other's arms." Donovan firmly stands on the ground and looks at the clock. "Okay, if I leave now, I should get to the living room by 12." He slowly moves to the door, using the wall to help hold himself up. He takes a deep breath as he opens the door and prepares to find his husband. Meanwhile in the living room, Lukas pours himself a gin and tonic and takes a healthy sip of it. Normally, on New Years Eve, he and Donovan would attend the annual gala at the Pampa Grill, but this year considering Donovan's health issues, they agreed to stay in. Besides, with Olly still being small, he likes the idea of being with his son to ring in the New Year. "I'm surprised you're not going out for a big night," Jasper says as he moves into the living room of the mansion. Lukas turns back and looks at his former lover and shakes his head. "With Donovan still recovering, we thought it would be for the best to stay home." "Ah, that makes sense," Jasper licks his lips. "I think I'm pretty much done for the evening, so I think I might check out the party at the Pampa Grill tonight." "You should," Lukas replies to him quickly. "They are usually a great time." "I guess I'll let you know how it goes," Jasper looks back at him before he moves up to him. "Happy New Year, Lukas." "Happy New Year, Jasper." Jasper smiles back to him as he feels his eyes fill with lust. "Before I go," Jasper says back to him. "I know we are over and I'm trying to move on " "But?" "But, could I have one final kiss? A kiss to end this year and this chapter of our lives?" Lukas uneasily chuckles back to him. "You're relentless." "I mean it," Jasper replies to him. "One kiss that will end us forever; a final goodbye, so to speak. What do you say?" | ||
The Pampa Grill The annual New Year's Eve party is in full swing at the restaurant. The tables that normally fill the space have been removed so the guests and can mingle, drink champagne and dance the night away. As a waiter passes by her, Madeline quickly grabs two glasses of champagne and passes one to Will. "Thank you," Will says as he takes the glass from her. "This is nice, I had forgotten how much fun these parties can be." Madeline takes a sip of her champagne and looks around the room. "It is my first time ringing in the New Year in Twin Peaks in many years. I have to admit, it is making me think about my family." "Your Mom and Dad?" "And Reese," she admits to him. "We spent so many years here together; it's impossible not to think of people we have lost sometimes." They lock eyes as Will sighs a little as he recalls how he told her that he has been thinking about Eva lately. He was a little apprehensive about telling her but he didn't want to keep it from her either. "Are you talking about me admitting that I've been thinking about Eva?" "I just want you to know that it is natural to think of her, you were in love with her and she was killed," Madeline tells him. "I would be more worried if you never thought of her again." Will nods back to her. "Well, thanks for that." "But Will," she looks back at him with intent. "I just hope that Eva won't come between us. She's a memory, a lovely memory, you and I, we are our futures." "I know," Will tells her. "Happy New Year, Maddie." "Happy New Year." *** In the back corner of the restaurant, Dawn and Cheresa leave the dance floor so they can have a quiet moment together. After everything they have been through this year, having a nice celebratory evening is just what they wanted. "You seem to be having fun tonight?" Dawn asks her girlfriend as she takes a sip of her bubbly beverage. "I am having fun," Cheresa looks back at her. "Anytime you and I have a nice night out, we have a good time." "This is true," Dawn chuckles back to her. "These last few months haven't been easy on you, so I am glad that you wanted to come out tonight, Cheresa." Cheresa bites her lower lip back to Dawn. "They haven't been easy, and the nightmares are still occurring," Cheresa admits to her. "I am just hoping that the police can find Tara and arrest her; I think I will feel safer when that happens." Dawn grabs her hand and squeezes it. "I want you to be safe, Cheresa. I will do anything in my power to make that happen." "My own superwoman," Cheresa winks back at her. "Thanks babe." "I mean it," Dawn looks back at her. "You mean so much to me, Cheresa. I don't want to spend another day without you." Cheresa looks back at her in surprise. "What are you saying?" "Marry me?" Dawn stuns even herself by asking Cheresa to marry her. "Let's get married this year?" *** "I am so ready for this year to be over," Robbie tells Adam as they stand next to one another by the bar. "It has been one horrible event after another." Adam uneasily chuckles back to him before he looks over at Robbie. "Come on man, it wasn't all bad? Didn't you marry the woman of your dreams this year?" Robbie sighs as he thinks about his marriage to Kim and how it is, already, on the rocks because he hired Tara to scare Cheresa; of course, this took a turn for the worse when Tara kidnapped Cheresa and during the rescue mission, Kim miscarried their child. Kim, now, has been blaming Robbie for the death of their unborn child which has caused a huge rift between them. "Marrying Kim was one of the best days of my life," Robbie admits to him. "But so much has happened then." "You have to believe that Kim will get over the grief of losing her child Robbie," Adam tells his friend. "She won't be in pain forever; you just have to give her some time and space." Before Robbie can reply, he hears his phone chime. He pulls it out of his tuxedo pocket and opens the email that he just received. "My God," he whispers to himself. "What is it?" "It's an email from my pilot," Robbie looks back at him. "He emails Natasha and I whenever someone uses the private jet." "Did Natasha go somewhere?" "Kim did," Robbie feels his blood start to boil. "She went to Aspen for Christmas." "See, that might be good. It might be the getaway that she needed," Adam suggests to him. "She didn't go alone," Robbie sighs heavily. "She went with Greg Lawson that son of a bitch is moving in on my wife, and I won't let that happen." *** "I almost can't believe that this is happening," Andy looks over at Nicholas with a grin on his face as he takes a sip of his sparkling cider, since he can't drink the champagne. It was only a few days ago when Clayton got together with Andy and Nicholas to tell everyone that he wanted to be with Nicholas and that having sex with Andy was a mistake. Nicholas stunned everyone by revealing that he never stopped caring for Andy; Andy admitted the same thing and the two of them reunited while Clayton left in a huff. "We actually together again on New Year's Eve." Nicholas smirks back to him before he leans in and kisses him. "We never should have been a part from one another in the first place, Andy." "You won't hear me contest that statement," Andy replies to him. "Seriously, Nicholas, I do love you and I am sorry for pushing you away." "Let's make a pact," Nicholas looks back at him. "No more apologizing; let's move forward together because together we are stronger and can overcome anything." "I like the sound of that. This New Year will be a great year with you, I can feel it." "I'll drink to that," Nicholas toasts his lovers glass before he takes a sip. "Happy New Year, Andy." "Happy New Year, Nicholas." *** Across the room, Clayton scowls at the sight of Nicholas and Andy being all mushy with each other. He still can't believe that despite sleeping with both men, they ended up reuniting and he is alone. All he really wanted was to be with Nicholas as he felt a true connection with him. Now, that is all in the past. "I will still fight for you," Clayton whispers to himself. "As God as my witness, I will not let you go without a fight." Before he can say anything else, his cell phone rings. He pulls it out from his pocket. "Hello." "Clayton, darling," Melissa Young's voice says into her phone as she stands in her mansion in Boston. "It's been far too long, how are you?" "Melissa? What the hell do you want? This seems very random." Melissa chuckles back to him. "It has been a while but don't worry, I've been keeping tabs on you and your uh progress in Twin Peaks. It seems you've hit a little glitch in your plans? Nicholas, my son, has reunited with Andy, is that correct?" "It's correct," Clayton nods to her. "But don't worry, I won't let go without a fight. I love Nicholas and he will be mine." "I was hoping you'd say that," Melissa purses her lips together. "Because, I believe it's time for you to drop your other little bombshell. Nicholas and Andy won't know what hit them." Clayton gets a sly grin on his face. "Are you sure? It's not too soon?" "Do you want Nicholas?" "Of course I do." "Then the time is now," Melissa giggles back to him. "This will ensure you get Nicholas back, and then everyone wins." *** Andrew grabs a glass of champagne before he moves over towards Chris and Trenyce, who are having their first night out away from baby BJ since he was born. They hired a babysitter and are now enjoying the last evening of the year. As Andrew moves closer to the couple, he can't help but notice something on Trenyce's left hand. Soon, he realizes that it is an engagement ring; Chris proposed to Trenyce and she clearly accepted. Now, he can't help but think of the few kisses and Trenyce shared before BJ was born. "Hey guys, Happy New Year," Andrew says as he approaches the couple and gives them hugs. "Happy New Year, Andrew," Trenyce smiles back to him. "I must admit, it feels weird not being with BJ right now." "Ah, the distance is good for you and him," Chris puts his hand around her. "He is in good hands, don't worry." "I couldn't help but notice that rock on your finger," Andrew points to Trenyce's hand. "I guess congratulations are in order?" "I asked the woman I love to marry me and she said yes," Chris chuckles back to him. "You know what that means, right? 2023 will have a huge wedding; Trey and I will finally be husband and wife." Andrew looks back at Trenyce as they both recall how each other's lips felt against theirs. Trenyce forces a smile on her face and looks back at Chris. "Yes, nothing will stop us from being married this year," she looks back at him. "That's great," Andrew gulps heavily, unable to stop thinking about his kisses with Trenyce. "Something to look forward to then," he says as he forces a smile on his face. *** "I saw Adam over there talking to Robbie," Shane tells Helen as he moves up to her and passes her a glass of champagne. He recalls how he recently told Helen that he told Adam that he and Robin made love recently; of course, Adam was furious but Shane is thinking that he needs to move on from the idea of being with Robin; the last thing he wants to do is pine away after a woman that doesn't want to be with him. He even told Helen that he was thinking of moving on from Robin and putting this behind him. He will always be a father to Dominique but that doesn't mean that he has to be together in a relationship with Robin. "I saw as well," Helen takes the champagne from him and takes a sip. "I've avoided him all night. I don't want to end this year on a sour note." "Things are still that bad between the two of you, huh?" Shane chuckles back to her. Helen shrugs her shoulders. "I am just giving him space. If that's what he wants, then that's what he'll get. How about you? Have you heard from Robin?" Shane shakes his head no to her. "Nothing other than a couple of texts about setting up visits for me and Dominique. It's like I told you the other day at the park, I'm sort of bracing myself that this chapter of my life is coming to a close." "And, you're okay with that? You're okay with letting go of Robin, for good?" Shane sighs back to her. "I don't know what other choice I have," he confesses to her. "The last thing that I want to do with my life is pine away after a woman that doesn't want to be with me. I don't want my children to see that behavior from me." "That's fair," she replies to him. "I must confess, I don't think you will be off the market for very long. A good looking doctor? I'm sure many women would be happy to be with you." Shane chuckles back to her and looks over at her. Before he knows what he is doing, he leans over and kisses Helen on her lips. When they part, he looks back into her eyes. "Happy New Year, Helen." Robin's
Townhouse Robin paces back and forth in the living room of her condo townhouse. She hasn't been able to stop thinking about how she has been feeling faint lately, including on Christmas Day. At first, she was wondering what was going on with herself but then it hit her: the last time she felt that way, she was pregnant with Dominique. Once she realized this, she went to the drug store and bought a home pregnancy test and now she is waiting for the results. "This has to be negative," she whispers to herself as she runs her hands through her long hair. "I can't be pregnant; I can't be." She stops and pauses to herself as she recalls how she and Shane made love recently. The following morning, Adam arrived at and Shane revealed that he schemed with Helen to break up her relationship with Adam. Robin was horrified and ended up reuniting with Adam; in the union, they made love to one another. Now, if she is pregnant, it means that she has no idea who the father of the baby is. It could be either Shane, her husband, or Adam, the man she actually loves. "Please, please, please," she says with a desperation in her voice. "Be negative." She hears the alarm on her phone go off and she feels her heart skip a beat knowing that the pregnancy test results are back. She takes a deep breath and moves into the washroom. She slowly picks up the pregnancy test and looks at it. She feels her heart sink into her chest at the results. "I'm pregnant," she slowly sets the pregnancy test back down on the counter. "God help me, I'm going to have another baby." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas and Donovan's Home "Come on, what do you say?" Jasper licks his lips back to Lukas. "One final goodbye kiss? For old time's sake?" Lukas chuckles back to him. "Fine, but this has to be the last time Jasper, we can't do this anymore." "I know and don't worry, it will be the last time, I promise." Lukas looks back at him and then leans into kiss him his lips. The kiss lasts for a moment and at the doorway, Donovan stands in shock at the sight in front of him: his husband kissing their nanny! He had hoped to surprise Lukas by showing him that he can walk again but instead he can see his husband in the arms of another man, as he can hear fireworks exploding outside, meaning it is officially the New Year. Next on One Day at a Time -
Donovan plots revenge |
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