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Play with Fire Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 04, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Never Be Me" Mylie Cyrus
"I hope that this is a good time," Natasha says as she slowly opens the door to the Tyler's CEO office at Robertson Enterprises and she scurries inside. She sees her estranged lover sitting behind the desk wearing a suit while he types into the laptop before she moves up to the desk and sets a latte from the Sugarbowl down for him. "I brought you a latte from the Sugarbowl, just the way you like it." Tyler stops working and looks back at her before he gets a slight grin on his face knowing that it is a nice gesture on her part. "I'm not sure what this is for but thank you." Natasha looks back at him. "Consider it a peace offering?" she shrugs her shoulders. "I know we haven't been seeing eye to eye lately, Tyler, but I do want us to move beyond this. The last thing I want to do is fight with you." Tyler takes a sip of the latte before he nods back to her. "I think it will take more than latte to get past everything, Nat, but I appreciate the thought none the less." "Look," Natasha folds her arms over her chest. "I know that you're upset with Robbie but what's done is done; I think we should all move beyond this, don't you?" Tyler chuckles back to her. "I don't think that it is that easy," he admits to her. "You're not the one who lost a lead model after a huge campaign. You're also not the one that is suffering from nightmares because she was being held against her will. These are real feelings, real issues that my company and more importantly Cheresa are battling through, Natasha. So, yea, it will take a hell of a lot more than a latte to fix this." "Okay," Natasha nervously looks back at him. "Then what will it take to move past this, Tyler? Tell me, what can I do to help us get past this?" | ||
The Lawson Estate; Greg &
Cheresa's Home "Well, sweetheart, I am most thrilled for you and Dawn," Greg smiles over to Cheresa as they sit next to one another in the living room of the Lawson estate. Cheresa just finished telling her father that she and Dawn have agreed to get married; while they haven't made any concrete plans yet, she is excited to share the news that she and Dawn are taking this step together. "Thanks Dad," Cheresa smiles back to him. "Dawn and I, we've been through so much in the last year or so with Shelley dying, and then finding out that Brooke was the Rose Peddle killer to being kidnapped by Tara, that this is really nice to have something to look forward too, you know?" "I understand completely," Greg nods back to her. "We have all had a year, and this news already means that this year will be better for this family. Speaking of Tara, have you heard anything from Simona Lopez on tracking that woman down? I would like nothing more than to have her pay for what she did to you." "The last I heard they were still looking for her," Cheresa admits to him. "It's like she disappeared from the face of the earth?" "I wish I had more confidence in Simona's abilities so I could reassure you that Tara will pay for what she did," Greg replies to her quickly. "But we both know that I don't have much faith in that woman." Cheresa chuckles back to him. "I do feel safe now that you have increased security around the grounds, Dad. My only question is, can we afford it?" Greg looks back at her in surprise. He knows that both Cheresa and Abby were concerned about the family's wellbeing after they had to pay for Brooke's outstanding IRS bill last year after she died. However, he has rebounded rather quickly, he believes. "Yes, of course we can," Greg tells her. "My position at the hospital is paying me very well and the last of Brooke's estate was settled and we were left with another decent amount of cash; that would have been used to pay the IRS if we hadn't, so yes, Cheresa, we are doing just fine financially. I believe we have recovered from the idea of being broke." "Well that's a relief," Cheresa replies to him quickly. "I'm sure Abby will also be happy to hear that." "With your sister marrying Dominick Robertson, I'm not sure she has anything to worry about money wise." "I still can't believe that," Cheresa shakes her head back to him. "It doesn't seem like they have much in common?" "All we can do is support Abby in her decisions," Greg tells her. "But I would have to agree with you. Look, there is something else I wanted to run by you while we are together." Cheresa arches her eyebrow back to him. "Okay? What is it?" "Well, you know that I had to let Trudy go when we discovered Brooke's unpaid IRS bill," Greg notes back to her, thinking about how he let their maid go due to not being able to afford her. "I was thinking, now that we are back on our feet, it would be nice to have more help around here. I wanted to run this by you because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable if I bring someone new on as a staff member?" "Oh Dad," Cheresa smiles back to him. "Thanks for thinking of me but like I said, with the added security around here, I would feel fine. As long as you do a background check on the new maid, it should be fine." Greg nods back to her. "Of course, I will," he tells her. "And, I'll promise you that I'll make sure I run by any potential candidates before I make my final decision." The
Black House; Helen & Dawn's Home "I can't tell you how happy this has made me," Helen smiles to Dawn as she pours herself a cup of tea as she stands in the living room of the house that she raised her daughter in. Dawn just finished telling her mother that she and Cheresa have agreed to get married. "You and Cheresa have been to hell and back together, so this is finally a light at the end of the tunnel." "Well, please don't get your hopes up too much," Dawn replies to her quickly. "We haven't made any decisions just yet, we just know that we want to get married." "You've come to the right place if you need help planning a wedding," Helen takes a sip of her tea. "I could use the distraction right now and helping my beautiful baby girl plan her wedding could be just the thing I need." Dawn arches her eyebrow back to her. "You need a distraction? Why, what is going on, Mom?" Helen sighs back to her as she thinks about how Adam, once again, told her that they don't have a future together. Over the Christmas holidays, Helen realized that she has no choice but to move on from her ex-husband, which is difficult because she has loved Adam for as long as she can remember. "I well, it is something that you probably don't want to hear, Dawn," Helen moves to the sofa and sits next to her. "But, I've realized that I have to move on from your father. I'm not going to pine away after him anymore." "What do you mean? You know that you and Dad belong together, Mom." "No, we don't," Helen says as she gets tears in her eyes. "If we were meant to be together, then we would be. He wouldn't be with Robin, Dawn. I can't keep putting my heart on the line for a man that doesn't want to be with me. I can't keep getting my heartbroken." "Oh Mom," Dawn moves up and hugs her mother tightly as a tear falls down Helen's cheek. "I am so sorry that it has come to this. I wish things could be different." "So, do I," Helen replies to her. "More than you'll ever know." Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio Robin carries a large box of props that the team uses in various photoshoots and places it in a corner of the studio. She is tiding up the space since the team was busy doing a lot of Valentine's Day campaigns over the Christmas season; once Valentine's Day happens; they will be planning for Easter and so on. The business world is always a couple of holidays in advance with their campaigns. She stands up and puts her hand on her stomach. She closes her eyes as she thinks back to New Years Eve when she realized that she is pregnant; she was feeling faint on Christmas Day which reminded her of when she was pregnant with Dominique; she ended up taking a home pregnancy test and it was positive. Now, she is pregnant, and she is back in a similar position: she has no idea who the father of her child is, Adam or Shane. "I can't believe that this is happening," she whispers to herself as she continues to hold her stomach. "I'm going to have another baby; this baby is a miracle and I love him or her already. But I have no idea who your Daddy is. I can't believe that I was so foolish to sleep with Shane and Adam so close together." She sighs as thinks about how upset Adam was with her when he learned that she slept with Shane; she knows that it just happened as she really thought her relationship with Adam was over. She had no idea that Shane and Helen had plotted behind her back to keep her and Adam apart. "No matter what happens, I will always love you," she says looking down at her stomach. "But I have to figure out who your Daddy is. I have to know if I'm carrying Adam's baby, or Shane's." Dominick's
Townhouse "Do you realize that it's almost lunch time and we haven't left the bed today?" Dominick grins as he looks over at Abby, whose naked body is wrapped around in the bedsheet. The two have been in bed most of the morning, making love to one another over and over again. He hasn't been this sexually satisfied in years and he realizes that it is the joys of having a younger, and very attractive wife. Abby looks back at him with a sly grin on her face. "I certainly hope you're not complaining?" "Of course not," Dominick chuckles back to her. "I just haven't had this type of attention in a very long time." "Well," Abby moves closer to him and runs her finger down his chest. "You gave me so many wonderful presents on Christmas Day and this is my way to show you how much it means to me, Dominick." "You mean me updating my will?" Abby shrugs back to her. "That and the diamond necklace," Abby purses her lips together. "You spoiled me, Dominick." "You deserve it my love," he whispers back to her. "And so much more." Abby leans in and kisses him passionately on the lips. "And, it will be my job to show you how much I appreciate you," she says as they look into each other's eyes. "Today and always." "I want you again," he whispers back to her. "Then have me," Abby tells him. "Make love to me, Dominick." The
Victors Mansion; Daisy's Home Daisy hears the crying of an infant as she quickly moves into the living room of the Victors mansion. She hasn't moved out of the mansion yet despite Vinny being killed last year. She knows that she should move out, but she hasn't been able too yet. She frantically looks around the room until she spies a baby crib in the corner of the room. She rushes up to it and looks inside the crib to pick up the crying child. She screams in horror, however, when the baby in the crib has the face of Vinny! Suddenly, Daisy shoots up in the large bed that she was sleeping in and she looks around the room. She tries to control her racing heartrate as she realizes that she was having a nightmare. "I'm going to have Vinny's baby," she whispers to herself as she puts her hand on her stomach. "What am I going to do? I'm going to have that monster's child! This can't be happening, but it is. It is happening." She moves to the edge of the bed and grabs her robe, which she immediately pulls around her body. "I have to figure this out," she tells herself. "I have to figure out what I am going to do with this child that I am carrying because I can't go on this way. I just can't." The
Tower's; Floor Three; Madeline's Condo Will slowly opens his eyes as he lays in the bed that is in the master bedroom of Madeline's condo that she shares with Clayton. He is sleeping in late today because he is working the late shift at the hospital. As he leans up in the bed, he feels some light sweat on his forehead. He crawls out of the bed, revealing that he is only wearing a pair of white boxers. His toned chest is like his forehead with some light sweat visible on it. "I had a dream about Eva," he tells himself as he grabs his grey sweatpants and pulls them onto his long legs. "Why am I seeing her again? Why do I keep having visions of you?" "Hey, I thought I heard you," Madeline says as she comes into the bedroom. "I still have some coffee on if you'd like a cup." Will turns to her face forces a smile on. "That would be great," he replies to her quickly. "Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Will sighs back to her. "I I had another dream about Eva," he reveals to her. "I don't know what this means but I don't understand why now, after all these months, I am seeing her in my dreams again." Madeline uneasily nods back to him. "I still think it is just that we passed through the holidays," she moves closer to him. "Your subconscious is probably just telling you not to forget her over Christmas." "I hope that's all it is," Will replies to her. "I just can't place that there is something more going on with me. I just don't know what it could be. Anyways, I'd love that coffee and you can tell me how your morning has gone." "I wish it had been better," Madeline admits to him as she follows him into the small kitchen of the condo. Will stops pouring his coffee and looks over at her. "Better? What happened Maddie?" "This," Madeline passes him an envelope. "It's from Clayton." Will arches his eyebrow as he sets his coffee down and takes the letter from Madeline's brother. Will pulls out the letter from the envelope and quickly reads it. "Clayton left town?" Madeline sadly looks back at him. "He left early this morning before we were up. After finding my brother, he has left again." "Is this because Andy and Nicholas got back together?" Madeline shrugs back to him. "I wish I knew," she admits to him. "When I saw him the other day, he said he still loved Nicholas and would do anything he could to get him back. Now, he has left town. I don't know what he is thinking or feeling, and I don't think I can help him since he left." Will moves up to his lover and pulls her into his arms. "I'm sorry Madeline," he says as he holds her. "I know you wanted to have a real relationship with Clayton. But maybe this is for the best?" "I just hope he's okay," Madeline admits to him. "He's been so lost, I just want him to know that he could have leaned on me and I would have supported him. Now, I have no idea if or when I will see him again, and that is a hard pill to swallow." Robertson
Enterprises "I don't think you want to know the answer to that question," Tyler looks back at Natasha, who just asked him what she can do to help them move past the tension that they are feeling in their relationship. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know what I could do," Natasha replies to him quickly. "I don't like having this awkward feeling between us, Tyler." "The fact of the matter is," he sternly looks back at her. "You continue to defend Robbie's actions. That is unacceptable to me. What Robbie did was inexcusable. He should be paying for what he did. Instead, you defend him at every damn turn, Natasha!" "He is my brother," Natasha pleads with Tyler. "I know what he did was wrong, Tyler, but Robbie, he is paying for what happened. He lost a child. His marriage is barely hanging on. I don't see the point in continuing to drag him through the mud because our feelings are hurt." "It's more than hurt feelings! And that's what you don't seem to understand!" "So, because I am defending my brother, we are in this stalemate?" "As long as you defend Robbie and his actions," Tyler tells her as they lock eyes with one another. "Then I honestly don't see us having a future together. But thank you, again, for this latte. It's lovely." "You don't mean that," Natasha's lower lip quivers. "I mean every word of that," Tyler nods back to her. "You are choosing your brother over what's right, and I have a major problem with that. And, I don't see us getting past it. Not now, not ever." Next
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