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Facts Aren't the Same Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 11, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Dark but Just a Game" Lana Del Rey The Lawson Estate;
Greg & Cheresa's Home "Just to be clear," Greg says to his daughters as he opens a bottle of red wine at the bar in the living room of the Lawson estate and proceeds to pour three glasses. "Dominick updated his will to leave you more of the estate after he passes?" "Yes," Abby giggles in excitement before she receives the glass of wine from her father. "He gave it to me as a Christmas present." "You know what's odd about all of this?" Cheresa smirks back to her sister as she takes a sip of her wine. "Dad and I were just talking about how the finances with the family are close to back to normal and yet, you will still inherit millions from Dominick." "To be fair," Abby looks back at her family before she takes a sip of her wine. "Dominick is still a very healthy man; he's not going anywhere anytime soon." "I've been a doctor for a very long time," Greg replies to her quickly. "You never know when something could happen that would impact someone's future." "I don't want to think about that," Abby admits to them. "Dominick and I are very happy together, I can't imagine anything happening to him or us." "I have one piece of advice for you," Greg tells Abby as they lock eyes. "Have this updated will reviewed by a lawyer? Make sure that all of your interests are properly protected, okay?" Abby takes another sip of her wine before she nods back to him. "I can do that. I can find a lawyer who will review the will for me." | ||
The Pampa Grill "I am really sorry to hear that there are no updates on Frederick," Cory tells Leah as they sit across from one another in the back booth of the restaurant enjoying dinner with each other. He picks up his Manhattan and takes a sip of it before he looks back over at his lover trying to gauge where she is mentally with the fact that there have been no leads on Frederick's whereabouts. He realizes that she is desperate to find Frederick so he can put the pieces together of where her child is that she gave birth to in Santa Barbara and if he really is her father. "What do Meggan and Lukas think the next steps are?" Leah slowly picks up her glass of chardonnay before she looks back at Cory. "Lukas suggested that we move on and try to live our lives," she reveals to him, thinking about her last conversation with Lukas and Meggan. "They believe that if Frederick wanted to be found, he would be back home by now." Cory arches his eyebrow back to her. "I guess that makes sense but how are you feeling about that? How do you feel about knowing that you might never find Frederick?" "I don't think I can handle it," Leah reveals to him. "I feel like I am barely hanging on as it is, Cory. So much has happened the last few months; learning that I have another child out there and that Frederick is my father? The only person that could answer all the questions I have is Frederick. I have to find him; I have too." "I know that's what you want," Cory nods back to her. "But I do think that we have to brace ourselves for the fact that we might never find him. We might never get the answers you want." "I don't think I can accept that," Leah replies to him quickly. "I need these answers," she tells him as she gets tears in her eyes. "I have a child out there, Cory. I need to find my child and Frederick might be the only one who has those answers. Anything but finding him is out of the question." *** "It is dinner time and you don't want a glass of wine? Is everything okay?" Trenyce asks Daisy as they sit across from one another at another table in the busy restaurant. Trenyce just ordered a glass of pinot noir but Daisy just requested some sparkling water. It isn't like her Aunt to only have water, so Trenyce is concerned about what could be going on with her. "I'm fine," Daisy lies to her, not wanting to reveal that she is pregnant with Vinny's child. The truth is, she has been trying to figure out what she is going to do with this child and she still has no idea. She wanted to get out of the mansion and see someone and Trenyce was the first person she thought of. "Tell me, how is BJ doing? I'm sorry I haven't been around lately to see him." "You don't need to apologize," she replies to her Aunt. "And, he is growing like a weed. I can't believe how big he is already." "I will make time to come by later this week to see him," Daisy purses her lips together. "And things with you and Chris, they are going well?" "I guess I haven't seen you since the holiday's,' Trenyce tells her quickly before she extends her left hand out to show Daisy the large diamond ring on her hand. "Chris proposed!" "What? Oh my goodness," Daisy grabs her nieces hand and smiles back up to her. "This is huge, congratulations." "Thank you," Trenyce blushes back to her. "After everything we have been through, this feels like it is right, you know?" "I am happy for you Trey," Daisy nods back to her. "It seems like everything is coming together in your life." "It is nice to have this feeling of contentment," Trenyce tells her, not wanting to get into the fact that she and Andrew have had a flirtation. "So, tell me, what is going on with you?" Daisy gulps before she takes a takes a sip of her water. "I don't want to get into it," Daisy says quickly back to her. "But I am struggling with something and it is something that will change my life." Trenyce looks back at her with an arched eyebrow. "That sounds serious, Daisy. What is going on." Daisy looks back at her with tears in her eyes. "I I can't talk about it, just know that I will come to you when I make a decision, okay? In the meantime, just try to respect my privacy." "Of course," Trenyce nods back to her. "But never forget that I am here for you. If you're going through something, you know that I can count on me. Always and forever." "Thank you, Trenyce." *** "I'm really glad that you were able to get together for some beers man," Ethan says to Tyler as the two former college mates sit next to each other at the bar of the restaurant. After the two randomly met the other day at the coffeehouse, the friends agreed to catch up over some beers. "Yea Ethan," Tyler smirks back to him. "It was a blast from the past running into you. We got up to some crazy shit in college." Ethan chuckles back to him as he picks up his beer. "That we did, now we are all grown up and leading good careers." "I never did ask you the other day," Tyler replies to him. "What brought you to Twin Peaks? It is a pretty small community, I'm sure I would have known if you were here longer?" "You're right," Ethan says back to him. "I did just come to town. There was a lawsuit that I was involved with; a resident was suing the city for putting a sign on their property and the city refused to move it. It was a pretty straight forward case because the city had documentation to prove that the sign was on their property." Tyler chuckles back to him. "So, you came all this way for that simple case?" "Well yea, it was a good pay cheque and I needed an escape from Chicago." "Oh yea? Let me guess. Trouble with girls?" "Isn't that always the case?" Ethan chuckles back to him. "Anyways, the case is over, but Twin Peaks is nice. I might stick around for a while and see if I can get more work. And, I'm not in rush to get back to the problems that wait for me in Chicago. What about you? Are you married or seeing anyone?" Tyler sighs back to him. "Well that is a very long story," he admits to him. "I had been seeing this woman; beautiful, blonde, very successful " "So, what happened?" "It's a long story," Tyler admits to him. "Needless to say, her brother purposely did something to hurt my company and my employees." "What did her brother do?" "He had my lead model kidnapped and was held for ransom," Tyler reveals to him. "All because the model chose my company over working for theirs." Ethan looks back at him in surprise. "I think I might have just found my next job." Tyler arches his eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" "What this guy did, he purposely did to get sabotage your company and your campaign. You can slap them with a lawsuit. You could win millions if you hire me," he says as he flashes his grin. "I could sue Roboto?" Tyler asks his friend, who nods back to him. "Interesting, I never thought of that before." "Think about it and let me know," Ethan tells him. "I'll even give you the friends and family discount instead of charging you the first rate I normally do." Tyler chuckles as he takes a sip of his beer. "I will definitely think about that, thanks man." *** "It is not often that my daughter asks me to have dinner with her," Adam smiles over to Dawn as they sit across from one another at a table in the restaurant. "Is there a special occasion?" "Do I need one to have dinner with the man who gave me life?" Dawn smirks back to him. "But, actually, I do have some news that I wanted you to hear from me." "I'm all ears," Adam tells his daughter as he takes a sip of his beer. "Cheresa and I have decided to get married," Dawn reveals to him as Adam gasps in surprise. "We don't have any details planned yet, but I did want you to hear it from me." "I am so happy for you, for both of you," Adam tells her. "I mean that, Dawn. I want nothing but the best for you both of you." "Thanks Dad," Dawn says back to him. "Like I said, we haven't made any concrete plans down yet, but I will let you know when we do. Now, how are things with you and Robin?" Adam uneasily chuckles back to her before he takes a bite of one of his sweet potato fries. He knows that he and Robin are not in a good place because she slept with Shane; he is still upset with her for being with another man when she claims to love him. "I suppose there is no easy path to true love," he tells her quickly. "But let's not dwell on that tonight, not after you just gave me the good news about you and Cheresa." "If there's trouble with you two," Dawn looks back at him. "Maybe it's time to realize that you two aren't meant to be together, Dad. Maybe it's time you realize that you're supposed to be with Mom." "Dawn " "No, listen Dad," Dawn continues to look at him intently. "I saw Mom earlier and she told me that she is moving on from you; she's not going to pine away after you anymore. This could be your last chance to be with her. I think if you ask yourself, truly ask yourself, who you love, you will realize it is Mom and has always been Mom. Don't throw this chance away Dad, don't throw away the chance to give us our family back." Twin
Peaks General Hospital Robin slowly walks up to Shane's office door in the hospital and prepares to knock on the door. She knows that the sooner she tells him that she's pregnant the sooner they can try to figure out who the father of the baby is; Shane or Adam. She takes a deep breath before she knocks on the door and opens it. "Robin, this is a surprise," Shane says as he stands up from behind his desk and sees his estranged wife move into the office. "What brings you by?" "I had to see you," Robin replies to him. "Something has happened, and I had to tell you about it." "Are you okay? You're not sick, are you?" "No, nothing like that," Robin says as she moves some hair behind her ear. "You know that Adam and I made love before he found out that you and I had sex, right?" Shane nervously nods back to her. "I figured out but I'm not sure I need to know the details." "I'm pregnant, Shane," Robin quickly tells him. "I am going to have another baby." Shane's eyes open wider in surprise. "Wow, how are you feeling?" "I'm fine," she forces a smile on her face. "But Shane, you and I had sex and I slept with Adam." "Right," Shane replies to her. "So, you're pregnant and either one of us could be the father?" "I'm so embarrassed by all of this," Robin admits to him. "But yes, I have no idea who the father of my baby is." Shane pulls her into a hug. "Don't worry, I won't leave your side until we figure this okay? We will get to the bottom of this, I promise you." The
Cascade Apartments; Cassie, Max & Carter's Home "Carter went to sleep very quickly tonight," Cassie tells Jacob as she moves into the living room of her apartment that she lives in with her children. "I guess his day at the hospital left him feeling exhausted." "He was a trooper today that's for sure," Jacob grins back to her. "I don't know if I said this, but thank you Cassie." "You're thanking me? For what?" "For today," Jacob replies to her quickly. "I know you had your apprehensions about doing the paternity test, but I appreciate that you agreed to do this for me." Cassie nods back to him. "If this is what you need to realize that you're Carter's father then I am happy to help. Like I said, I have nothing to hide, so I know what the results will say." Jacob quickly recalls to himself how Natasha told him not to leave Cassie's side until the results are back because she is concerned that Cassie could change the paternity test results to show that he is the father. "My Dad said that we won't have to wait too long for the results, which is good. We will all know the truth sooner than later." "Yes, we certainly will," Cassie replies to him. "Do you have any plans for the rest of your night?" "No, I don't." "Stay for a late dinner?" Cassie asks him. "I could order pizza and open some wine?" Jacob smiles back to her. "That sounds nice, as long as you get extra cheese on the pizza." Cassie chuckles back to him. "Of course, I remember how you like your pizza. I remember a lot of things about our time together." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home "We have been so focused on finding Dad that I haven't had the chance to ask you about Donovan," Meggan tells Lukas as she pours herself a glass of sparking water at the bar in the living room of the large mansion that she lives in with her brother and his husband. Lukas sighs back to her as he knows that Donovan is still struggling to regain the strength in his legs as a result of his accident last fall. "I mean, don't worry about it. It's been a shock knowing that Dad is alive." "That is has," Meggan nods back to him. "So, how is Donovan? Is your husband showing any signs of improvement?" "I'm afraid not," Lukas replies to her. "He is still very positive and determined to get back on his feet, but so far, he hasn't made any progress." "His attitude is half the battle," she tells him. "It's good that he's so positive about it." "I know," Lukas says. "I wish I could be as positive as he is," he chuckles. "It's just, every day that goes by, it is harder to imagine him getting better." "I have faith that he will, and so should you. You and Donovan will get through this, Lukas. I know it." *** Meanwhile, in the master bedroom, Donovan slowly paces back and forth as his mind is racing about what he is going to do to get back at Lukas and Jasper for sleeping together. He is still livid that his husband is sleeping with their nanny under his nose while he has been struggling to recover from the car accident. He knows that he must ensure that Lukas, or Meggan, don't see him walking around; he doesn't know how yet, but he knows that the fact that he can walk again can be used to his advantage. "Somehow I have to make them pay for doing this to me," Donovan whispers to himself. "But what can I do? They think I'm still struggling to walk. What could I do to Jasper and Lukas?" Suddenly, Donovan recalls how before Christmas, Jasper gave him a massage in front of Lukas, which seemingly annoyed his husband. He now realizes that Jasper was likely trying to make Lukas jealous and he had no idea. "That's it," he says. "Jasper's massage is going to end up being his downfall," he whispers as he gets a twinkle in his eyes. The
Sugarbowl "I heard from Jacob," Paige looks over at Max as they sit in the back booth of the coffeehouse with some hot chocolates in front of them. "Carter had the paternity test earlier." Max nods back to her. "Yea, my Mom was texting me while she was at the hospital. She said Shane took three swabs from Carter's mouth to ensure accuracy." "I guess that means that we learn the truth sooner than later," Paige sighs back to him. "It will be nice to put this part to rest, hey?" "Totally," Max says. "I still think my Mom is telling the truth. I can't imagine that she would lie and still agree to the test." Before Max can say anything else, he notices Paige looking over his shoulder towards the door. He turns his head and sees Abby moving into the coffeehouse. "Abby's here," he looks back at his girlfriend. "Yea," Paige rolls her eyes back to him. "She is not my favorite person right now." "Why? Because she married Dominick?" "My grandfather shouldn't have married her," Paige hisses. "And, to make things worse, he's updated his will and is leaving her almost everything." "How do you know that?" "My Mom was there at Christmas when Dominick presented it to her," Paige reveals to him. "This entire thing has gone on way too long and I have to do something to stop it." Before Max can say anything further, Paige stands up from the booth and rushes up to Abby. "Oh Paige, hi," Abby smiles to her. "I was just picking up some pastries to take home to Dominick. I thought we could have them over a night cap together." "You can save the bullshit loving wife persona you have going on," Paige glares back to her. "I can see right through you." Abby arches her eyebrow back to her. "What are you talking about? I am not putting on a show, certainly not for you." "You and my grandfather will end this marriage, do you hear me?" Abby chuckles back to her. "You can't stand it, can you? You can't stand that I make Dominick happier than he has been in years?" "You will do nothing but hurt him! You have to stay away from him!" "Sorry little girl," Abby hisses back to her. "I will do no such thing. I am in love with Dominick and we will spend the rest of our lives together!" "Over my dead body," Paige glares back to her, as Max comes up to his girlfriend. "Hey, hey, hey," Max says as he puts his hands on Paige's shoulders. "Let's all just stay calm, okay?" "Calm? This gold digger has sunk her claws into my Grandfather's back!" Paige squeals. "You watch your mouth," Abby tells her quickly. "Or I will go to Dominick and tell him exactly how you're behaving. You know damn well he will take my side in this, Paige. And, he will cut you out of his life! Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to home to my husband." Paige starts to go after Abby, who walks away from her, but Max stops her. "Paige, come on," he tells her. "Let her go, she's not worth it, okay?" Paige turns to him as she feels her blood boil. "I have to do something to get her away from my grandfather. I can't sit back and let her ruin my family! I won't!" Next
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