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Changed the World Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 15, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Kids Again" Sam Smith The
Sugarbowl The morning air is rather crisp while Abby quickly moves to the front door of the coffeehouse. She is desperate for a coffee since she didn't sleep well the previous night; she kept replaying her conversation with Paige in her mind. She can't believe that Dominick's granddaughter was so rude and cold to her. Paige even went as far as to say that Abby should end her marriage to Dominick; that is the very last thing that Abby wants to do is end her marriage, especially since Dominick just updated his will to leave her the majority of his estate if and when he should pass away. "That reminds me," she says to herself as she opens her purse to pull out her phone while she is waiting in the line up to place her order. "I need to call a lawyer to review the will. Dad told me that it would be a good idea to do that." "Did I hear someone say that they are looking for a lawyer?" a voice asks. Abby looks up and sees Ethan standing in front of her, holding a coffee in his hand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to overhear you talking to yourself," he smiles back to her. "I was just on my way out and happened to hear you. I'm Ethan Alexander, and I just happen to be a lawyer." Abby looks back at the young, attractive man with his red hair. "I uh I don't know what to say," she admits to him. "I didn't think anyone could hear me." "Hey, don't worry about it," he chuckles back to her. "We all talk to yourselves sometimes. Why don't you grab your coffee and I'll hang out over here and you can tell me what you need a lawyer for, and we can see if we can work something out?" "Sure," Abby nods back to him. Ethan moves up to the window bar and takes a sip of his coffee while he waits for Abby to come back to see him. "Thanks for waiting for me," Abby says as she moves up to him, now with a coffee in her hand. "I'm Abby Robertson, by the way." "Ethan Alexander," he reminds her of his name. "Now, what is it that you need a lawyer for?" "I am recently married," Abby tells him. "Lucky guy," he says, admiring the beautiful woman in front of him. Abby chuckles. "Thank you," she blushes back to him. "My husband, he presented me with an update version of his will as a Christmas present. My father suggested that a lawyer review the will to ensure my interests are protected." "That seems easy enough," Ethan nods back to her. "Here's my business card, Abby. Why don't you give me a call and we can set up a meeting for me to look at this will?" Abby takes the card before she looks back at the lawyer. "Thanks Ethan. We will definitely be in touch." | ||
Robertson Enterprises "You sound exactly like your mother does," Dominick tells Tyler as he pours himself a cup of coffee at the bar in the CEO office of Robertson Enterprises. Tyler just finished telling his father that he doesn't like the fact that he updated his will to leave Abby the majority of the estate. "Felicia doesn't always get it wrong," Tyler replies to him quickly. "She cares about you and the family. She doesn't want to see you throw everything away for Abby Lawson." "Abby is my wife," Dominick reminds his son. "She should be entitled to money and power when the day comes that I leave this earth." "Money and power are one thing, Dad," Tyler tells him. "Based on what Robin, Leah and Mom were saying, you left her a hell of a lot more than that." "I am just trying to do what is right," Dominick looks back at him. "I put a lot of thought into this Tyler, so please, just respect my decision." "I don't have much of a choice," Tyler grins back to him. "But I will continue to remind you of what I think is right and I don't think this is right, but it is your decision." "Now tell me, what is going on around here? Has Cheresa agreed to return to model?" "I'm afraid not," Tyler shakes his head back to his father. "But I did have an interesting proposition to my way." Dominick arches his eyebrow back to his son. "And what would that be?" "Someone suggested that I sue Roboto for millions since it was corporate sabotage," Tyler reveals to his father. "I could take Roboto and the Calimo's to the cleaners." Roboto "What did Kim say when you asked her where the two of you stand now?" Natasha asks her brother as they sit across from one another at the desk in the main office of Roboto. Robbie just finished telling his sister about seeing his estranged wife the previous day when she told him that she needed an escape which is why she went to Aspen with Greg over the holidays. At the end of their conversation, Robbie asked her where they stand now in their marriage. Robbie sighs back to her. "She didn't really give me an answer," he reveals to her. "She just said that she is still grieving our child and doesn't know if she will ever be able to forgive me. I must tell you, Nat, I don't think my marriage will survive this. I don't think Kim will ever get over this." "I am so sorry Robbie," Natasha replies to him quickly. "If it is any consultation, I don't think Tyler and I will survive this either." "He's still upset with me, huh?" "And me because I am defending you," Natasha tells him. "He doesn't understand that I just want all of us to move beyond this. I keep telling Tyler that you are already paying because you lost a child and your marriage is on the rocks, but he doesn't see it that way." "I appreciate you being in my corner Nat," Robbie replies to her. "You're the only one on my side right now, so I appreciate it." "I wouldn't be anywhere else." "Okay, enough of that, we need to focus on Roboto," Robbie tells her. "This company needs something new, something fresh, something bold, Nat. We have to figure out what we can do to get the market share back from Robertson Enterprises; their campaign with Cheresa was a huge hit, despite the kidnapping." "I couldn't agree more," Natasha purses her lips together. "We have to put our heads together to get Roboto back on top." The
Pampa Grill "You seemed restless last night again," Madeline tells Will as they sit across from one another in the restaurant, as they are having breakfast together. Will finishes swallowing the piece of his bacon before he looks back over at his lover. He knows that, once again, he was having a dream about Eva. He still doesn't understand why now, after all these months, he is having recurring dreams of his deceased lover, but he is starting to think that something more is going on with him. "You're quiet," she notes back to him as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Does that mean that you had another dream about Eva?" Will sighs back to her. "I, uh, I did, yea," he admits to her. "I was skeptical to tell you about it because I don't know how you feel about me having dreams of my dead lover. It's not exactly normal." Madeline sets her coffee up back down on the table. "You can say that again," she replies to him. "But I also realize that you have no control over what you dream about." "It's just odd," he tells her. "I thought I was doing better with Eva's passing and now, I am wrapped up in memories and thoughts about her. I feel like I am back where I was when she first passed away." "I can't lie to you and say that I am not somewhat bothered by the fact that you're dreaming of Eva all the time," she admits to him. "I guess my question is, what are you going to do about it?" Will shrugs back to her. "I'm not sure what I can do to be honest," he says back to her. "Just hope that this passes soon, I guess." "Yea," Madeline forces a smile on her face. "I hope it passes too." *** "I'm glad that we were able to have breakfast together today," Lukas tells his sister as they sit across from one another at a different table in the restaurant. "After our brief run-in with Leah yesterday, I wanted to talk to you about Dad and the possibility of finding him." Meggan looks back at him before she takes a bite of her scrambled eggs. "Leah is determined to find him," she recalls seeing their half-sister at the coffeehouse and she was desperate to find their father. "With her and Jeff having a long-lost child out there, she wants those answers." "And the fact that everyone seemingly thinks Frederick is her father," Lukas rolls his eyes back to his sister. "I still don't know how many more damn half siblings we are going to have to deal with." Meggan chuckles back to him. "You were stating that we should just move on from finding Dad. Do you mean that? Is that really want you want?" "No," Lukas replies to her. "I want to find Dad; I just want Leah and Daisy to think we aren't." Meggan smiles back to him. "I was hoping you'd say that," she admits to him. "I'll do my best to get my firm to find Dad, but we will tell everyone else that we have stopped looking. That way, no one will get their hopes up if we don't find anything." "I love that idea," Lukas winks back to his sister. "To finding Dad," he says as he raises his coffee cup to her. The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home Donovan pushes himself in his wheelchair into the living room of the living room of the mansion that he lives in with Meggan and Lukas. As he moves into the room, he sees Jasper putting Olly in his crib. "Is Olly sleeping?" Donovan asks the nanny, who he knows was sleeping with his husband. Jasper turns and sees Donovan stopping his wheelchair. "Yea, he just had breakfast and was exhausted, so I put him down." "Ah, I was hoping to see him for a while." "He will be here when he wakes up," Jasper smiles back to him. "How are you doing? Feeling any better today?" "Actually," Donovan looks back at him. "My legs are pretty sore today. They ache a little." Jasper arches his eyebrow back to him. "Really? Is that common?" "I don't know," Donovan chuckles back to him. "It's my first time being paralyzed." "Fair enough," Jasper laughs back to him. "Hey, remember when you gave me that neck message? Maybe you could, uh, rub my legs for me?" Jasper looks back at him surprised as he wasn't expecting this request from him. "I, uh, sure, I could. Why don't we go to your room and you can lay on the bed and I can give you a massage?" "Thanks," Donovan smiles back to him, thinking his plan is working perfectly. "I know this isn't a part of your job duties, but I would really appreciate it." "Of course, come on," Jasper says as he starts to push Donovan's wheelchair. "Let's get this over with before Olly wakes up." The
Davenport House; Trenyce & Chris' Home "Daisy didn't say anything more last night? It sounded like she needed help but didn't want to ask for it?" Chris asks Trenyce as he pours himself a glass of water in the living room of the house that they live in together. Trenyce just finished telling him about her dinner with Daisy the previous night when her Aunt admitted that she is struggling with something that might change her life. "No, I didn't really want to pry," Trenyce replies to him quickly. "I could tell by the look on her face that she was struggling but she wasn't ready to talk about it. I just made sure she knew that I was there for her if and when she needed me." "That's why I love you so much, you're always thinking of someone else." Trenyce smiles back to him. "I just want everyone to be as happy as you and I are," she moves up to him and kisses him on his lips. "And, with BJ fast asleep, this would be perfect time for us to " "Go to the bedroom?" Trenyce giggles back to him. "We could but I was actually thinking of our wedding. I want to start putting some details together." "I love the sound of that," Chris replies to her quickly. "I can't wait for you to be my wife, Trey." "I can't wait either," she responds to him. "Nothing will stop us from being husband and wife, Chris. Absolutely nothing." The
Sugarbowl "Thanks for meeting me this morning," Cheresa tells Andrew as they sit across from one another in the back booth of the coffeehouse. Cheresa knew that she had to see her friend today because Trenyce has asked her not to say anything to Chris about seeing her kiss Andrew; before she could agree, she realized that she had talk to Andrew about what was going on with him. "Of course," Andrew smiles back to her before he takes a sip of his latte. "You know I always have time for you, Cheresa. And, congrats about you and Dawn getting informally engaged." "Oh thanks," Cheresa beams back to him. "We haven't made any formal decisions yets but just knowing that we want to be together means a lot to both of us." "I bet," Andrew nods back to her. "You two have been through a lot together, it's nice to see you two being happy." "I want to know about your happiness, Andrew," she quickly replies to him. "Are you still pining away after my mother? Do you want Trenyce?" Andrew gulps heavily as he looks back at her. He knows if he is honest with himself, he does have feelings for Trenyce, but he realizes that she is engaged to Chris and she wants to be with him. While he is upset, he knows that he has to move on from her. "Where is this coming from?" he finally says back to her. "I saw you two kissing, remember?" Cheresa replies to him quickly. "My mother doesn't want me telling Chris, but I am not sure." "You can't tell Chris," Andrew quickly says. "He would be gutted." "I know," Cheresa admits to him. "I don't know what to do. Trenyce says there is nothing going on between you two and I should just drop it." "You
should," Andrew nods back to her. "There is absolutely nothing going
on between me and Trenyce and I am not holding out hope for anything. She is with
Chris, where she should be." "Wait, let me get this straight," Dominick gets a sly grin on his face as he finishes registering everything that Tyler just revealed to him. "A lawyer suggested that you sue Roboto for corporate sabotage?" "That's correct," Tyler looks back at him. "I am seriously thinking about it." "Well son," Dominick replies to him quickly. "I think this is a great idea as long as you are prepared for the consequences." "And what would those be?" "You and Natasha," Dominick whispers back to him. "You would be over for good. There's no way she would forgive you if you tried to take down her precious family company." "The way Robbie tried to take down our company?" Tyler shrugs back to him. "I'm pretty sure I can live with that. She's not the only fish in the sea and I want them to pay for what they did to us and Cheresa. I want to see Roboto crumble." "Then call your lawyer," Dominick chuckles back to him. "Let's see them fall to the ground, Tyler." Next
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