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Myself a Million Times Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 18, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Missed You" The Weeknd
Daisy wraps herself tightly in her large winter coat as she slowly moves her way up to the front door of the medical clinic. She feels her heart racing as she gets closer to the building. For weeks now she has been wrestling with what to do with the fact that she is pregnant with Vinny's child; the man who not only tortured her, but so many others, has fathered her unborn child and she was struggling with how to proceed. Her mind has been racing with a million different situations but none of them really seemed to be fair or right in her mind. She feels her eyes swell with water as she moves closer to the door. Finally, she has made up her mind, even though she knows that this is a very difficult decision. In her mind, this is the right thing to do. Even though this has been, by far, the hardest decision she has ever had to make, she feels like she has no other choice. She takes a deep breath letting the cold winter air hit her lungs before she opens the door to the clinic. She looks around and, thankfully, doesn't see anyone that she knows in the waiting room. She removes her gloves before she moves to the front clinic. "May I help you?" the nurse says from behind the desk. "Yes," Daisy nervously replies to her. "I have an appointment; I'm here to have an abortion." | ||
The Lawson Estate; Greg &
Cheresa's Home "Is there a specific reason why you left your last employer?" Greg looks at the resume that is in front of him before looks over at the young woman that he is interviewing to be his new maid at the estate. He recalls how he had to let his last maid go after he discovered that Brooke owed millions in unpaid IRS bills but now that things are back on track financially for him and his family, he decided to rehire in the position. The young woman, Traci, looks back at Greg and tries to hide the gulp in her throat. "Well," she purses her lips together. "If I am honest with you, Mr. Lawson, I was let go." Greg arches his eyebrow back to her. "You see, the couple that I worked for, they were going to travel overseas since their youngest child moved away to college. They didn't need a maid around the house when they were going to be travelling the world. They have security watching the property while they are away." "I see," Greg nods back to her. "I suppose that is why they aren't listed as a reference?" "That is correct," Traci smiles back to him. "Last I heard they were in Oaska; I am not sure that they would have time for a phone call for a reference right now." "That is understandable," Greg replies to her. "Look, I have to admit that I don't like not having a reference for you, Traci, but you are the most qualified applicant I've had so far." "Perhaps, to put your mind at ease," Traci begins to suggests back to him. "Why don't we start with a trial basis? That way, if you are unpleased with my performance, you can let me go with no strings attached. It can be in our contract?" Greg smiles back to her, impressed with her suggestion. "I like the way you think, Traci. Come by tomorrow morning, say around 8, and we can review the contract together?" "I'd like that very much," Traci leans forward and shakes his hand. "You won't regret this Mr. Lawson, believe me." *** Meanwhile, upstairs in her bedroom, Cheresa puts her hair up into a ponytail while Dawn lounges on the bed. Cheresa and her girlfriend are spending the day together, which is a nice change of pace because she has been thinking about Trenyce and Andrew almost non-stop. Spending time with Dawn has been the change of pace that she needed, more than she knows. Of course, she is also still struggling with the inner demons from being kidnapped last year. "You're quiet, are you sure you're okay?" Dawn moves to the edge of the bed and then stands up. "Yea, I'm fine," Cheresa sighs back to her. "I guess I'm still a little groggy from having another nightmare last night." "Not again?" Dawn puts her hands on Cheresa's shoulders, growing more concerned that Cheresa continues to suffer from nightmares from her ordeal the previous year. "I think that we need to take more action to help you get better." Cheresa looks back at her in surprise. "More action? What do you mean? What do you think I should do?" "I think you should see a professional," Dawn reveals to her. "You've been through so much, Cheresa, talking to a therapist might be the best thing for you." Cheresa finds herself nodding back to her before she pulls Dawn into a tight squeeze. "That is a great idea," Cheresa whispers back to her. "And you're right, it might be the way for me to work through all of these emotions I'm having." MW
Investigations "I am afraid that I don't have good news for you guys today," Meggan looks back at Jeff and Leah as they all sit in the main office of the investigator's firm. Meggan knows that her lover and his ex-wife have been desperate to try to find their long-lost child that Leah had while she was at Santa Barbara after everyone assumed that she was died in the explosion in Lake Tahoe. Meggan, however, hasn't been able to uncover anything about the child. "I guess that means that you haven't found any leads on our child?" Leah sighs back to her newly discovered half-sister. She is still rattled that Frederick, not Dominick, is her biological father. "It is not due to lack of trying," Meggan replies to her quickly. "It's just, there's not a lot of information to go off of." "We are trying to stay positive but the longer we go without finding anything, the more it difficult it becomes," Jeff looks back at her. He is trying to be strong for Leah, but he too is starting to believe that this may not be possible and that kills him. He wants nothing more than to find his long lost child that he has with Leah. "This is hopeless," Leah covers her mouth as tears flood her eyes. "We will never find our child! We will never know if we had son or daughter!" "Don't give up," Meggan moves up to her and puts her hand on her shoulders. "We will continue to search, Leah." "Meggan is right," Jeff looks over at his former wife. "We have to stay positive." "We have to find Frederick," Leah sys as a tear falls down her cheek. "We have to find him because he could solve all of this for us. The question is, where the hell is he?" Twin
Peaks General Hospital "I just can't get over the turnaround that you've made, Bryce," Victoria tells her husband before she moves some hair behind her ear as she sits next to her husband in his hospital room. She is still in disbelief that Bryce has made such vast improvement after being shot last fall; he went from being on death's door, to be awake and alert and seemingly on the road to recovery. "I have a lot to live for, what can I say," he looks back at his wife. "You married me when we thought that you were going to lose me, Vic. I can't tell you how much that means to me." Victoria gets some water in her eyes as she grabs his hand and squeezes it. "I know we were getting through a lot of issues, Bryce, but we were building something special when were together at Raven's Meadow. We still have a ways to go, but I am happy to be your wife." "And I, I am happy to be your husband." Before Victoria can say anything else, Madeline opens the door to his hospital room holding some paperwork in her hands. "Doctor, what's the good news today?" Bryce asks her out of concern. He hopes that nothing is more serious is going on with him since he feels so much better. "I do come bearing good news," Madeline nods back to him and Victoria. "Your latest test results have come back and you're doing very well, Bryce." "That's very good news," Victoria smiles over to her husband. "You're doing so well that I am going to discharge you from the hospital," Madeline reveals to them, as they gasp back to her. "It doesn't mean that you won't have regular checkups, don't get me wrong, but you are well enough to go home." "I I don't know what to say," Bryce admits to her. "I never thought this day would come." "You get to come home," Victoria looks back at him. "And we can finally start living a normal life together, Bryce. I am so happy." The
Pampa Grill Robbie sits at the bar of the restaurant looking over some files from Roboto that he and Natasha worked on earlier in the morning. He is still determined to come up with a new plan for the company to help get them back on top; they have faltered too much lately, and he knows that if his father, Bob, was still alive, it would be unacceptable to him. "We have to figure out what we are going to do to get back on top," he whispers to himself as he checks his phone and sighs. The image of the screen is a picture of him and Kim when they were still happy. He longs for the two of them to get back on solid ground, but he is beginning to wonder if that will ever happen. When he asked her where they stood the other day, she couldn't even give him a straight answer. "While I'm focusing on the company, I still wish there was something, anything, that I could do to get you back Kim. How can I make you realize that we still belong together? I don't want to lose you, Kim. I can't lose you." Before he can say anything else, a young man approaches him. "Robert Calimo JR?" "Yes, that's me. Can I help you?" "You've been served," the man says as he passes Robbie a folder before he leaves. Robbie looks at the large envelope and starts to open it. He pulls out some legal documents and feels his heart sink in his chest. "Divorce papers," he feels his heartbreak inside his chest. "Kim wants to end our marriage." Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio "Hey, I come with coffee from the Sugarbowl," Max says as he opens the door to the studio and sees Paige standing at the large communal table looking at some pictures that were taken recently for the company. As he moves up to her, he can't help but remember how he had to break up a verbal spat between Abby and Paige, as Paige was upset that Dominick married the younger woman and has updated his will to reflect that. Paige wasn't overly thrilled that Max intervened, but he didn't want their fight to get out of hand. "Here you go." "Thanks," Paige says back to him, not looking up from her work. "You shouldn't have." "I didn't like how we left things the other night," he admits to her. "I didn't mean to come between you and Abby, Paige, it's just, fighting with her at the coffeehouse wasn't going to solve anything." "She has to know that what she is doing to me and my family is wrong," Paige finally looks up at him. "My family's entire wealth is now being left to a woman that has been married to my grandfather for like two seconds. It's not okay, not in the slightest." Max sighs back to her. "I just don't think you should attack Abby," he admits to her. "She didn't do anything; this was all Dominick's doing. He proposed to her; he changed his will. If you want Dominick to do something to his will again, you should talk to him." "Are you actually going to stand there and defend Abby? You know all the garbage she has pulled over the years, Max! She has conned my grandfather into all of this, I just know she has!" "I am sorry Paige," Max shakes his head back to her. "I don't believe that for one second. How could she have convinced your grandfather, one of the most powerful and intelligent men in the world, to marry her and change his will? I don't think that's what happened all." "All I know," Paige glares back at him. "Is that Abby doesn't deserve everything that is being left to her in that will. And I will stop her, even if it's the last thing that I do." Dominick's
Townhouse; Dominick & Abby's Home Abby steps out of the shower and grabs a fresh towel to start drying herself off. As she does, she can't help but remember the previous morning when she met Ethan Alexander and he offered to look over the updated will for her. She shuts her eyes for a moment and thinks about Ethan's red hair, his brown eyes, the way he licked his lips; she opens her eyes and immediately scolds herself. "I am married," she whispers to herself. "I love Dominick and he has given me everything that I could have asked for. Is Ethan a good-looking man closer to my age? Yes, I'm allowed to look, but I must make sure Dominick is happy and satisfied. I won't lose my marriage, not now, not ever." "Darling, is everything alright?" Abby can hear Dominick's voice call out from the other side of the washroom door. "Yes, yes," Abby moves up to the door and opens it. "Sorry, I guess I took a longer shower than usual." "It's fine," Dominick smiles at the sight of his half naked wife. "You look beautiful all wet." Abby giggles back to him before she moves closer to him and kisses him on the lips. "Do you have any plans right now?" He leans into her to kiss her again. "I think we just made some, don't you?" "I was hoping you'd say that," she purrs as she guides him to the large king size bed in their bedroom. Twin
Peaks Medical Clinic Daisy lays on the hospital bed in a small room of the medical clinic. She looks around the room and sees various medical posters that are offering support for various illnesses, Botox and community support. She looks down at her hands and notices that they are trembling. She feels some beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead and she has many butterflies in her stomach. "I I am doing the right thing," she whispers to herself as she bites her lower lip. "I can't have this baby. I can't." Before she can say anything else, the door to her room opens and a doctor comes in. "Hi Ms. Davenport," the woman says to her. "I'm Natalie Burns, I'll be your physician today. Before we get started, I must ask: are you sure this is what you want to do? You've weighted all your options and you want to proceed with terminating your pregnancy." Daisy freezes before she nods back to her. "I'm sure. I can't have this baby. This is my only option." Next
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