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Always Been Afraid Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 20, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "pov" Ariana Grande
"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here today, I thought you had the day off?" Madeline asks Will as she moves up to the nurses' station and sees her lover behind the desk. She had assumed that he had the day off, so seeing him busy at work is a surprise today. "I did have the day off," Will looks up from the stack of files that he has in his hands. "But another nurse, Rachel, called in sick so I was able to pick up another shift." "Oh nice," Madeline nods back to him. "Maybe that means that we could take our breaks together?" "Yea, that would great," Will replies to her. "You seemed to toss and turn last night," he changes the subject with her as he thinks about the night that they shared with one another. "Normally I'm the one who has been having difficulty sleeping lately. Are you okay?" "I hope I didn't keep you," she tells him quickly. "I just kept thinking about Clayton and how he has left town. I really hate that he left without saying goodbye." "Do you think he just left a note because he was scared you would try to convince him to stay?" Madeline shrugs back to him. "I wish I knew," she admits to him. "I just feel like I just found my brother and now he is gone." "Hey, just give him some space," Will encourages her. "Maybe after everything that happened with him, Andy and Nicholas, he just needed some time to move on and then he will come back?" Madeline sighs and forces a smile on her face. "Yea, I hope so. I just want to be closer to him. I hope he gives me the chance to do that." | ||
One Day House "You left so early today, I didn't get the chance to wish you a good day," Andy smiles as he moves into Nicholas' office holding a latte for his lover from the Sugarbowl. "I come with a morning pick me up too." "That's very sweet of you," Nicholas stands up from behind his desk and moves up to Andy. They share a quick kiss on the lips before Nicholas takes a sip of the hot latte. "Thanks for this. I needed it. And sorry about this morning, I left early because I am swamped around here it seems." "At least it will help the day go by quicker?" "Here's hoping," Nicholas smiles back to him. "What's on your plan for the day?" "I have to head to the Sun to work on my article for tomorrow's paper," he tells his lover. "If I am honest though, I haven't been able to stop thinking about Clayton." Nicholas arches his eyebrow back to him. "You're thinking about Clayton? Should I be worried?" Andy chuckles back to him. "Of course not," Andy tells him. "I guess I am just still rattled that he left town. I wasn't expecting Madeline to tell us that." "Neither was I," Nicholas replies to him quickly. "But I am not complaining about it. He seemed to want to come between us, Andy. Once he realized that we were meant to be together, maybe he didn't want to stay in town?" Andy shrugs back to him. "I'm not sure but I know this will upset Madeline, and considering how close she and I are, the last thing I want her to do is be upset." "That's between her and Clayton," Nicholas informs him. "I personally think that this is a sign." "A sign?" Andy asks him with an arched eyebrow. "A sign that it is our time to finally be happy," Nicholas smiles back to him. "After everything we have been through, we can finally settle down and just be content." "I love the sound of that," Andy smirks back to him as he leans and kisses Nicholas. "To us, being happy and content." The
Sugarbowl Adam thanks the barista for his coffee and then turns to walk over to the coffee bar to add his cream and sugar to his beverage. While he stirs his coffee, he can't help but think about his last conversation with Dawn, where she told him that Helen revealed that she was going to move on from him. According to his daughter, Helen doesn't want to pine away after Adam anymore because it is too hard on her. Adam knows that he and Helen have been through so much in their years together, but so have he and Robin. He realizes that he is still upset with Robin for sleeping with Shane, but he is trying to get over that. At the end of the day, he wonders if Helen moving on is the best thing for everyone. He puts a lid on his cup and turns to leave when he sees his ex-wife sitting at the window seat alone. Helen has a latte in front of her and is staring into street side, which is rather busy, despite being a cold winter day. "Hi Helen," he says as he finds himself moving up to her. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" "Of course not," Helen looks back at her former husband. "Did you hear the news about Dawn and Cheresa getting engaged?" "It's fantastic," Adam smiles back to her. "After everything they've been through, they deserve some happiness." "I couldn't agree more," Helen replies to him. "It's surreal to think that our little girl is getting married. I still remember the day she was born." "You were at the Calimo cabin " "Oh, don't remind me," Helen chuckles back to him as she waves her hand as she thinks back to all the drama that unfolded after she gave birth to her daughter. "How are things with you?" Adam nods back to her. "Yea, pretty good, thanks. Dawn happened to tell me some other news." Helen arches her eyebrow back to him. "More news? What did I miss?" "It was about you, actually," Adam reveals to her. "She told me that you are thinking of trying to move on with your life." Helen gulps heavily back to him. "I didn't know she was going to tell you that." "Don't blame her," Adam says. "She just wants what's best, for both of us." "It's just," Helen feels her eyes swell with water. "These last few years, I've done so many things that I'm not proud of, Adam. That's not who I am. I am not that woman. And, I can't keep putting my heart on the line only for it to be broken time and time again." "For what it's worth Helen, I am sorry that I hurt you. I never meant to do that," Adam tells her. "Whatever this next chapter holds for you, I do wish you well." A single tear falls down Helen's cheek. "Thanks Adam. I do appreciate that. This will all just take some time." "You take all the time you need," Adam tells her. "You deserve to be happy. Go find that happiness." Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio Shane slowly walks up to the door of the studio in the Robertson Enterprises office tower. He peers through the window and can see Robin standing at one of the large communal desks with some paperwork in front of her. He, suddenly, has so many memories of when he was working for the company as the medical consultant; it is during those months that he and Robin grew closer and he fell in love with her. Now, they share a daughter together and she recently revealed to him that she is pregnant again. Because they slept together recently, Shane could be a father again. "You are glowing this morning," he says as he opens the door to the studio. "Pregnancy looks good on you, even this early into it." Robin turns and smiles at him. "You're very swell," she replies to him. "What brings you by today? I don't think we planned on meeting?" "No, we didn't," Shane tells her. "But I had to see you. After our last meeting when you told me that you were pregnant, it's all I've been thinking about." Robin nervously smiles back to him. "I am with child, but like I told you, it's complicated, Shane." "It doesn't have to be complicated, Robin," he replies to her quickly. "I think you should come back to my place; I know you wanted to move out after you reunited with Adam, but you, Dominique, this new baby and I, we can all be a family together. Come home, Robin. Let's make this work?" Robin looks back at him in surprise. "Did you hear anything I told you the other day?" she asks him as he nods back to her. "Then you will remember that you might not be the father of this child, Shane. There's a very good chance that Adam is the father." "How could I forget that?" "Then what is all this talk of us being a family? We can't do anything until we know the truth about this child's paternity." "So, what are you saying? You won't come back home with me?" he asks her quickly. "That's exactly what I'm saying," Robin informs him immediately. "I'm not making any decisions until we know the truth about the baby, Shane. That is the only fair thing to do in this situation. So, you need to put any of your dreams on hold until the truth comes out." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home "You must be thrilled that Bryce is getting released from the hospital," Donovan tells his sister as they sit together in the living room of the lavish Richardson estate living room. There is a large fire roaring in the fireplace while the siblings catch up with one another. Victoria nods back to her brother before she takes a sip of her tea. "You have no idea," she tells him. "For a while there, I was worried that he wasn't going to make it. Then, suddenly, he took a turn for the better and now, he gets to come home. I can't help but think that this is a miracle that Mom sent us." Donovan feels his eyes swell with water at the thought of Eva sending them gifts from the afterlife. A part of him still can't believe that their mother was murdered last year by Brooke. "I hope she is looking out for us," Donovan replies to her quickly. "We all need someone looking out for us." Victoria arches her eyebrow back to him, wondering what his comment means. "What does that mean? Are you okay?" Donovan is about to say something to her when Lukas walks into the living room, carrying a fresh pot of tea in his hand. "I think what my husband was going to say," Lukas tells his sister in law as he sets the tea on the coffee table. "Is that he is still working on regaining the strength in his legs and if Eva is watching down on him, that would be ideal." Victoria looks back at her brother, who forces a smile on his face. Victoria can't place it but she does suspect that Donovan was going to share something more with her. "Is that it, Donovan?" Victoria asks him. "You just want Mom's support so you can walk again?" Donovan nervously looks back at her as he thinks about how he can walk and on New Year's Eve, he walked in on Lukas and Jasper sharing a heated kiss. Since then, he has been planning on getting revenge on them. In fact, he went so far as to start putting the pieces of his plan in motion when he asked Jasper to massage his legs. "That is exactly it," he finally tells Victoria. "Lukas read my mind perfectly." The
Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce & Andrew's Home "Every time I see BJ, it feels like he has grown a foot!" Cheresa chuckles to Trenyce as they move into the living room of the house that Trenyce lives in with Chris and Andrew. Cheresa just put her half-brother down for his nap and is amazed how quickly he is getting bigger. "That's because he is growing like a little weed," Trenyce laughs back to her. "But honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. It means that he is healthy." "That is the most important thing," Cheresa turns to face her mother. "Are we alone?" Trenyce uneasily nods back to her. "We are," she tells Cheresa. "Chris just stepped out. Why do you ask?" "Because," Cheresa looks at her with intent. "We need to talk about you and Andrew." Trenyce folds her across over her chest. "Have you made a decision? Will you agree to keep what you saw between us? I promise you baby girl, I am telling you the truth when I say that there is nothing going on between Andrew and I." Cheresa gulps back to her, unaware that Chris has returned from his shopping and is about to move into the living room. He looks down and realizes that his shoe is untied, so he bends down to tie it. "Yes, mother," Cheresa looks back at her. "I will keep your secret. I don't like it, but I will not tell Chris anything." "Thank you," Trenyce grins, as Chris looks up in horror at what he just overheard. What secret is Trenyce keeping from him? And why is Cheresa agreeing not to tell him? "I promise you baby girl, you won't regret this." The
River Rock Casino The River Rock Casino is a relatively new building just on the outskirts of Twin Peaks. The casino has a large hotel above it with multiple rooms; on the main floor, there is the casino that features slot machines, craps, baccarat, various poker tables and keno games. There is also a large theater for live performances. The casino only opened the previous fall but is already doing very well for the local economy. Andrew moves through the casino looking around in awe. He was in Las Vegas a few months ago and the new Casino in Twin Peaks holds up to the strip, he thinks. As he looks around, he wonders if he should sit down and play some blackjack. It might be a good way for him to get his mind of Trenyce and the fact that she is trying to move on from their attraction. He doesn't know what else he expected but he knows that he is still longing to be with her, even though it is wrong of him. He moves up to the poker table and sits down. "Deal me in," Andrew looks at the dealer, who starts to shuffle the cards. Roboto Kim slowly opens the door to the main office at Roboto and peers inside. She scurries inside when she doesn't see Robbie in the office. The last thing Kim wanted to do today was see her estranged husband because she knows that she sent him divorce papers. She can only imagine that he is upset because he has been pleading with her to give them another chance. "I just got some tests back from the lab," Natasha stands up from behind the desk and looks at her sister in law. "I'd love to get your opinion on which sent we should proceed with. The sooner we can move ahead with our new perfume, the better off we will be." Kim puts her briefcase down on the sofa and looks back at Natasha. "You startled me, I thought I was alone." "Sorry, I didn't mean too," Natasha tells her. "I can imagine you weren't looking forward to seeing Robbie, but I am here." Kim arches her eyebrow back to her. "Have you talked to Robbie today?" Natasha uneasily nods back to her. "He mentioned that you filed for divorce. Are you sure that is what you want?" Kim sighs back to her. "I haven't thought of much else these last few months," she tells her as she gets tears in her eyes. "The fact is, I lost another child Natasha. I don't know if I can look at Robbie the same way that I used too because of his role that he played in the death of the child." "You know he regrets that," Natasha tells Kim. "I know you're grieving; I would be too but I need you to remember that you did love Robbie once upon a time. I would hate for you to wake up one day and realize that this is all a mistake on your part. Don't throw what you have away, Kim. Not before you have thought long and hard about this." The
Pampa Grill Robbie puts his laptop into his briefcase and then looks back at the bar where he is sitting. He slowly picks up the large manila envelope that contains the divorce papers that Kim sent him and looks at him as he wonders if this is truly the end of his marriage. He has been working so long trying to get Kim to forgive him for his role in Cheresa's kidnapping, but he hasn't been successful because she blames him for the miscarriage. "I won't lose you Kim," he whispers to himself as he puts the envelope in his briefcase. "I have to make you realize that we belong together." He stands up to leave when he sees Tyler moving into the restaurant. He looks the other way, not wanting to see Natasha's estranged lover. He knows that Tyler blames him for Cheresa quitting working at Robertson Enterprises. Tyler, however, sees Robbie and quickly moves towards him. "Did you think you were going to hide from me?" Tyler asks his foe as he moves up to him quickly. "I have a few choice words for you, Robbie." Robbie turns to Tyler and throws a sly grin on his face. "I'm sure you do, Tyler. But man, I am busy, and I am late. There's nothing you can say to me that I haven't said to myself a million times over." "It's not that easy," Tyler shakes his head back to him. "You don't get to play with people's lives and then act like it is no big deal." "I know what I did was wrong, okay? Are you happy now?" "No," Tyler grits his teeth back to him. "You played with my company; you ruined any chances I have for another successful campaign with Cheresa. And for that, you're going to pay." "What are you saying, exactly?" "I will not rest," Tyler glares at him. "Until you have paid for what you've done to me, Robbie. So, watch your back because I will make you pay. Mark my words, you will suffer for what you did to me and my company." Twin
Peaks Medical Clinic The lights slowly come to Daisy's eyes as she starts to come too. She panics a little when she doesn't realize where she is immediately. She looks down and sees that she is wearing a light blue gown and she is laying on a small bed with bright lights above her. She looks to the left and sees a woman standing next to her. "You're awake, how are you feeling?" the woman asks Daisy. Daisy nods but struggles to open her mouth. "Here have a drink of some water," the woman tells Daisy as she passes her a paper cup full of water. Daisy quickly drinks it all before she looks back at her. "What happened?" "You don't remember?" she asks as Daisy shakes her head no. "You came here for an appointment." Daisy feels the blood drain from her face as she realizes what she has done. She came to the clinic to have an abortion and the fact that she is waking up means that the procedure must be over. Tears immediately form in her eyes as she covers her mouth as the reality is hitting her. She went through with it: she ended the life of her unborn child. "The baby?" she gaps back to the nurse. "It's gone," the nurse tells her. "The procedure went off without a hitch." Daisy nods back to her as another tear forms in her eye; she did it: she aborted her baby. She thought that she would feel relief but instead all she feels is an emptiness inside her that is quickly taking over. Soon, tears fall down her cheeks as she starts to weep as she lays in the small hospital bed. Next
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