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by my Own Reflection Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 24, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Plastic Hearts" Mylie Cyrus The
Pampa Grill "I'm really glad you agreed to have dinner with me tonight," Andy tells Madeline as they sit across from one another in the restaurant. Andy takes a bite of his cobb salad before looks back over at his former sister in law; he wanted to get together with her so he could find out how she is doing with the fact that Clayton has left town. He knows that he and Nicholas were stunned by the news, but they took it as a sign that they were meant to be back together. "I feel like we have a lot to talk about." Madeline takes a sip of her white wine and looks back at Andy. "Yea, we do have some things to talk about. How are you?" "I'm alright," Andy replies to her. "How are things with you and Will? Is he still having memories or dreams of Eva?" She sighs a little back to him. "Yes, he is," she reveals to him. "Not every night, but pretty close. I'm not sure what it means but I'm trying to be supportive even though I feel like I'm competing with a ghost." "Eva hasn't been gone a year yet, so it could just be that it is fresh for Will," Andy tells her. "Give him time and you're doing the right thing by being supportive." "I will do my best. Things are well with you and Nicholas?" "I mean, yea," Andy smiles back to her. "The two us getting back together happened so fast, it was somewhat of a whirlwind to be honest. But I am happy and so is he. But it still sucks that Clayton got hurt in this process." "Yes, it is." "I've been meaning to ask you how you're feeling with the fact that your brother left town?" Andy asks her quickly. "This couldn't have been easy on you." Madeline puts her fork down and looks back at him with intent. "It really sucks," Madeline admits to him. "I just found Clayton and he takes off. And why? Because Nicholas decides, without warning, that he wants to be with you and not him." "Like I said, it was a whirlwind." "I get that, and I get that you and Nicholas have always loved one another, but at the very least, Nicholas could learn something about sensitivity." "I don't think any of us handled this situation very well. But Maddie, please tell me that you don't blame Nicholas for Clayton leaving town? Tell me that you're upset with us for getting back together?" "I don't care that you two got back together," Madeline tells him. "But I do blame Nicholas for Clayton leaving town. This falls on him and his horrible delivery to my brother." | ||
The Pampa Grill "Not at all," Robin takes a sip of her sparkling water. "I hope everything is okay?" Shane finishes his sip of his whiskey sour before he looks back at his wife. "We got the paternity test results back on baby Carter," he reveals to her. "They showed that Jacob is the father. My son has a child with Cassie Nova." Robin looks back at him in surprise. "Wow, I don't think I saw that coming. I think we all assumed that Cassie was lying." "We all did," Shane nods back to her. "But Jacob fathered her son. It's hard to wrap your head around." "If I can help with anything, Shane, I am here for you." "Thanks," he smiles back to her. "I think this has just made me realize something with our current situation." Robin arches his eyebrow back to him. "Okay? What has my pregnancy made you realize?" "We have to tell Adam the truth," Shane tells her. "He has to know that you're pregnant and that you know who the father is. The sooner we all know what's going on, the better off we will all be." Robin slowly exhales a long breath. "I I think you're right. I must to tell Adam that I'm pregnant. He's been so upset with me since he found out about you and I, but he has to know the truth. I have to tell Adam I'm pregnant." Barcode
Jacob sits at the bar in the club with a double whiskey in front of him. He is still reeling from the news that he is Carter's father; he had it in his mind that Cassie had lied about the paternity of her son, but today's test results proved otherwise. And, he can't help but think of Natasha's warning to him not to leave Cassie's side while they waited for the test results to come back because she believed Cassie could have altered the results, which he did, so the results are accurate. "I can't believe that I have a son with Cassie Nova," he whispers to himself as he takes a sip of his whiskey. "Jacob, hey," Paige says as she comes up to her former fiancé. "I got here as soon as I got your text. How did it go today?" Jacob forces a smile on his face. "I'm a father." Paige's mouth opens in surprise. She, like most people, had assumed that Cassie had been lying about Carter's paternity, even though Max had warned her that his mother was telling the truth. "So, Max was right," Paige whispers back to him. "He said that his mother was telling the truth." "Good for Max," Jacob sneers. "I don't know, Paige. I'm really thrown by this." "Well," Paige sits next to him and they lock eyes. "You can't change the truth; you're a father now. You must do decide what it is that you want. Do you want to be a father to Carter or are you going to walk away from him?" Jacob sighs back to her. "I can't walk away from him," he quickly tells her. "Then you have your answer," she replies to him. "You can now be the best father you can be to Carter." The
Tower's; Floor Eight; Victoria & Bryce's Condo "I think our welcome home party tired him out," Victoria returns to the living room of her condo and sees her brother sitting in his wheelchair. She quickly recalls how she and Donovan planned a small welcome party for Bryce, who was released from the hospital earlier in the day. The party left Bryce feeling exhausted and he is now sleeping, which gives her and Donovan a chance to catch up. "Bryce really appreciates you being here, Donovan." Donovan smiles back to her. "It is the least I can do," he tells her. "Bryce coming home is a miracle and it should be celebrated." "Isn't that the truth?" Victoria chuckles. "How about some wine? I didn't want to open it while Bryce was awake because he shouldn't be drinking while he is still on his medications." "I'd love a glass," Donovan tells her. "While things are good for you, things aren't so great for me right now." Victoria pours two glasses of the merlot and then passes one to her brother before she loves to the sofa and sits across from him. "Why aren't things going well for you? Because you haven't regained your strength?" "That's part of it," Donovan cryptically replies to her. "I guess I don't know Vic, I'm feeling like I am channeling Ernesto these days." Victoria slowly puts her glass of wine down on the coffee table before she looks back at Donovan in surprise. For so long, they have tried their very best to put everything that their father did to them out of their minds and their lives; Victoria knows that Ernesto was a horrible man. He is the very reason that she has had multiple personalities in her life; to hear that Donovan is channeling him scares her to her very core. "What does that mean, exactly?" she asks him after a moment of silence. "How are you channeling our father?" "I uh I discovered that Lukas is keeping something from me," he admits to her before he takes a sip of his wine. "But I don't want to get into that. The less you know, the better. But since I found out, I have been having very dark thoughts of revenge Vic and I can't stop them. I want him to pay for hurting me and lying to me." Victoria nervously looks back t him. "I don't know what Lukas did to you, Donovan, but you have to be careful with these thoughts. You must remember how horrible Ernesto was; you are nothing like him, okay? Don't forget that. And, talk to your husband. It is the only way that things will truly get resolved." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home Lukas looks at his watch while he pours himself a gin and tonic from the bar in the lavish living room of the house he lives in with his sister and husband and their children. He is surprised that Donovan isn't back from his visit with Victoria yet as it is getting rather late. In his mind, he thinks that Donovan should be home to get as much rest as possible so he can continue to get better. "Hey, sorry to interrupt," a voice calls out from behind Lukas. He turns and sees Jasper moving into the living room. "I just wanted to let you know that Olly is fast asleep, so I am going to take off. I'll be back in the morning." "Okay," Lukas takes a sip of his gin before he locks eyes with Jasper. "Thanks for all your help today. I know Olly was a bit fussier than usual because he is teething again." "It's no problem," Jasper replies to him. "Long day? You don't have a g&t every night." "Yea, it's just that Donovan isn't home yet. He went to see his sister and I thought he'd be home by now." "They probably just caught up gossiping," Jasper suggests to him. "They haven't seen each other for a while because of Donovan being in the wheelchair." Lukas nods back to him. "Good point. I guess because of his current situation, I would just rather he be home so he can rest." "Speaking of Donovan," Jasper moves a little closer to him. "The other day, he had an interesting request for me." Lukas arches his eyebrow. "Really? And what was that?" "Your husband asked me to massage his legs," Jasper reveals to Lukas, who almost spits out his drink. "What?" Lukas gasps before he coughs a little from swallowing too quickly. "Why the hell did he do that?" "He said that they were sore, and he remembered that I massaged his shoulders last holiday season." "This has to stop Jasper," Lukas glares at him. "Whatever game you're playing, it has to end now." Jasper looks back at him in surprise. "I'm not playing a game," he tells his former lover. "I helped your ill husband; I really don't appreciate your tone when I just did what he asked of me." "Fine, I'm sorry," Lukas snaps at him. "Just don't let that happen again." Roboto Robbie opens the door to the main office at Roboto and quickly scurries inside. He knows that they have a million things to do as they are planning a new launch of an upcoming perfume with the company. He wants to ensure that the product helps the company get back on top of the corporate game. He freezes when he sees Kim standing at the bar pouring herself a glass of wine. He hasn't seen his estranged wife since he was served with divorce papers but he has been racking his mind trying to think of a way to make it up to her so they wouldn't end their marriage. "Kim, I didn't think that you were here," he finally announces to Kim, who turns to see Robbie moving in. "I decided to burn the midnight oil," she replies to him before she takes a sip of her wine. "I just opened this bottle, do you want a glass?" "Are you going to pretend that you didn't serve me with divorce papers?" Robbie ignores her question about the beverage. "I can't believe that you took that step, Kim." "I felt like I had no other choice," she admits to him. "Every time I see you, Robbie, I think of our baby that died. I don't think that's going to go away any time soon." "I am so sorry," he pleads with her. "But you must know that I don't want to end this marriage, Kim. I don't want this to be over for us." Kim nervously nods back to him. "Not everything in life is what we want it to be," she tells him. Before Robbie can respond, Natasha storms into the office and throws her purse on the main desk. She doesn't pick up on the tense conversation that was unfolding between her brother and sister in law. "Good, you're both still here. I've had a hell of a day and needed to come back here to work on this perfume. Do you guys have any ideas for a launch party?" Kim looks at Robbie before she turns to Natasha. "Actually, I do," Kim moves closer to the desk. "I've been thinking about the launch and how we want to, almost, rebrand, Roboto with a new light, fresh look. So, what if we shed the old and come in with the new?" "What does that mean, exactly?" Natasha asks her quickly as Robbie moves closer to desk. "I was thinking we could host a ball to launch the new perfume," Kim reveals to them. "We were thinking of the name, Queen of the Night, so a ball would be perfect for the launch. To go along with the ball, we could have an auction. We could sell off old, vintage items from Roboto's past; things like the necklace used in the face cream ad, or a VIP weekend away at Caldwell's Ski Resort. And, all the proceeds could go to a local charity." "I'm impressed," Robbie nods back to her. "I think that's a great idea." "So, do I," Natasha echoes her brother's statements. "There's just one problem with this idea." "What's that?" Kim asks them back. "The location," Natasha replies to her. "Where would we host an event this big?" Robbie and Kim look at one another quickly before Robbie smiles to his family. "What about the River Rock Casino? I'm sure they would love the publicity since they are a newer business and it is large enough space that we could throw the party of the year there!" "I love it," Natasha smiles back to them. "See, this is why we make such a good team." Robbie looks at Kim. "Yea, we have always made a good team. It's nice to be reminded of that sometimes." The
Pampa Grill "I got your text and came right over," Ethan tells Tyler as they sit across from one another in the table in the back corner of the restaurant. Ethan recalls getting a message from his former college mate asking him to meet him at the restaurant for beers. "It sounded important." Tyler picks up his beer and then looks back at Ethan. He quickly thinks back to how he ran into Robbie earlier at the bar and it has made him realize that he wants to make Robbie pay for what he has done to Cheresa and Robertson Enterprises. "It is important," Tyler replies to him. "I'm hoping that your offer is still standing." Ethan arches his eyebrow back to him. "Offer? You might have to refresh my memory on that one." Tyler chuckles back to him. "The offer that you would represent me and Robertson Enterprises in the lawsuit against Roboto. I've decided that I want to sue them for every single penny that they have." Ethan smirks back to him before he raises his glass to toast his friend. "I will definitely help you," he tells Tyler. "Let me work on the papers and I will file them soon." "Perfect," Tyler smiles back to him. "I want to Roboto and Robbie to pay for everything that they did to my company. They will pay for what they did, I will make sure of it." The Victors
Estate; Frederick's Lair Frederick slowly takes a sip of bourbon while he looks into the flames of the raging fire that is in the fireplace in the living room of the Victors estate that is on the outskirts of town. He has been working on a secret project in the tunnels of the property that he believes will help him get Felicia back in his life forever. He knows that once the project is complete, he will be able to reveal himself to his family because he will be on track to get Felicia back in his life. Once that happens, he knows that everything will start to fall into place. "Soon Felicia," he whispers to himself as he takes another sip of his drink. "Soon, we will be together." He turns around and sees a woman sitting in a chair with her back to him. Her long blonde hair is dimly light by the fire that continues to roar. "And you, my dear, you are the key to my plan," he says with a grin on his face. "No one will see any of this coming." Next
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