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Door I Can't Keep Closed Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 25, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "High" Mylie Cyrus The
Tower's; Floor Eight; Victoria & Bryce's Condo "Does anyone know why Will asked us all to be here?" Donovan asks his sister, who is getting Natasha a glass of wine. He and Victoria were catching up when they both got urgent text messages from Will indicating that he wanted to see the two of them and Natasha. They have never been close to Will, exactly, so he has no idea what this could be about. "My car should be here soon to take me home." Natasha takes a sip of the red wine that Victoria gave her before she turns to face her half-brother. "Well, I am guessing it has something to do with Eva, right? What else do all of us have in common?" "Mom?" Victoria asks in surprise. "She's been gone for months. Why would he want to see us about her now?" "I guess we will find out," Donovan says as they hear a knock on the front door of the condo. Victoria sets her wine glass down and swiftly moves towards the door. She opens it and sees Will standing on the other side. "Will, hi, come in." "Thanks Victoria," Will moves into the condo and into the living room. "Natasha, Donovan, thanks for coming." "You have our attention," Donovan tells him. "What is this all about?" "We were all surprised to hear from you," Natasha says as she takes another sip of her wine. "I get that," Will nervously nods back to them. "The truth is, I didn't know who else to turn too with this." "With what, exactly?" Victoria asks him as she comes into the living room behind Will. "It's about Eva," Will reveals as the siblings look at one another in surprise. "I've been, well, I've been seeing her." "What do you mean, you've been seeing her? Our mother died last year," Natasha quickly replies to him, confused by what he is saying. "I know," Will nods back to her. "I found her with Dominick, remember? The images still haunt me to this very day." "Then you have to explain yourself. How are you seeing her?" Donovan asks him next, still wondering what this all means. "I'm having dreams about her," Will admits to Eva's children. "I know it sounds weird, but I see her, almost every night. I wish I could explain what this means but I have no idea." "Why are you telling us this now?" Victoria asks him. "What do you want us to do with this information?" "I don't know," Will tells her. "I just wanted you guys to hear it from me that I am seeing her. I wish I knew what this meant but I have no idea." Inside the bedroom, Bryce listens to the conversation unfolding and takes a deep breath. He had hoped that everyone would have put Eva to rest by now. The fact that Will is having dreams about her is most troubling to him. | ||
The Pampa Grill "You saw Robbie for the first time since he got the divorce papers, how did that go?" Greg asks Kim as they sit across from one another in the restaurant. They are sharing a bottle of wine as they catch up with each other. Greg is curious to know how Robbie has reacted to the fact that Kim wants to end their marriage. Kim picks up her red wine and takes a sip of it. "As well as to be expected to be honest," she replies to him. "He was not happy, and he still thinks we can make our marriage work." Greg sighs back to her. "How do you feel about that? Or do I even have to ask?" he asks her with a sly grin on his face. "I still feel the same way as before," she informs him. "Every time I see Robbie, I think about the child that I lost; that hasn't changed. And, I told Robbie that as well." "Wow, I can't believe you told him that. That must have been hard for him to hear?" Kim shrugs back to him. "He didn't have much chance to respond to me because Natasha came into the office at Roboto," Kim reveals to her friend. "Our conversation was cut short by Natasha, of all people." "Okay," Greg says before he takes a sip of his wine. "And, how are you feeling about all of this? You're still grieving your child so on some level this must hurt, Kim." Kim forces a smile back to her friend. "It goes hurt," she admits to him. "No one ever goes into a marriage thinking that one day it will end, especially after the loss of a child. But here we are." "I am proud of you," Greg smiles back to her. "You have been through hell and back and here you are, sticking up for yourself and doing whatever it is that you need to do to get better and stay mentally healthy. Not everyone would do that, Kim." "I'm trying," she smiles as a tear falls down her cheek. "But hearing that is a good reminder that I'm on the right track." *** "I've been thinking about something since we met with Leah earlier," Jeff tells Meggan as they sit at another table in the restaurant having a late dinner with each other. Meggan takes a bite of her spinach salad with roasted chicken before she looks back at Jeff. "Something to do with your long lost child? I am trying my best to pick up on any leads, I told you and Leah that much earlier." Jeff nods back to her. "I know and I believe you," he tells her as he thinks about how desperate Leah was to find their child, or Frederick, who she believes would have more answers if he was located. "I just had an idea on how we could get more answers." Meggan arches her eyebrow. "Okay? I'm listening, what is this idea that you have Jeff?" "The Riverbench winery," Jeff replies to her quickly. "What if we go back to Santa Barbara? We could find something, I don't know, in Frederick's old office or maybe in Leah's old bedroom? It just seems like Leah had those memories of having the child and then came home. The winery could be the way for us to get as many answers as possible." Meggan looks back at him as her mind starts to wonder. "Well? You're not saying anything," Jeff chuckles back to her. "Do you think this is a good idea or not?" "No, I do," Meggan finally nods back to him. "I think it's a great idea. That could be the very best way for us to get a lead on your child with Leah." The
Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home "I've been meaning to ask you, how did therapy go today?" Dawn asks Cheresa as they sit next to one another in the living room of the Lawson estate. Dawn knows that her girlfriend had her first therapy appointment earlier in the day and she is eager to know how it went as she knows that Cheresa has been struggling to get over the kidnapping from last year. "It was alright," Cheresa admits to her. "I mean, it was my first session, so it was a lot of getting to know the therapist." "What did you think of the doctor?" "She's great," Cheresa nods back to her. "She's black and, also gay, so I felt like I could relate to her. I think in time this will help me a lot." "That's awesome," Dawn smiles back to her. "I'm really proud of you for taking this step." Before Cheresa can respond, Traci moves into the living room and catches the attention of Cheresa and Dawn. "Oh, Traci," Cheresa looks over at the new maid that Greg recently hired. "You startled me." "Sorry Ms. Lawson," the maid replies to her. "I was just going to ask you if you needed anything else this evening or if it would be alright if I headed upstairs to bed for the night." "We are good," Cheresa smiles back to her. "Have a good night, Traci." "You as well," Traci replies before she scurries off to the stairs. "Who was that?" Dawn asks her girlfriend with a grin on her face as she thought the encounter was amusing. "That is our new maid," Cheresa replies to her quickly. "Greg hired her because we are in a better place financially again." "Ah, well, as someone who has never had a maid, I don't know if I should be happy or sad for you." Cheresa chuckles back to her. "Once we are married, you'll have a maid!" Dawn giggles back to her. "Okay, I kinda do like the sound of that." The
Davenport House; Trenyce, Chris & Andrew's Home "Thanks for putting BJ down tonight," Trenyce says to Chris as he moves into the living room of the house that they share together. "It is nice that we have this partnership so it's not always one of us handling him." "I do what I can," Chris looks back at her with an uneasy smile. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about the fact that he overheard Cheresa tell Trenyce earlier in the day that she would keep her secret; he has no idea what secret Trenyce is keeping from him but he is determined to figure it out. "That's what makes us so great together, Trey, we work together on everything." "That's sweet of you to say," Trenyce smiles back to him. "Do you want a drink? I could make cocktails or open some wine?" "If you want one, we could," he nods back to her. "I really need to talk to you about something." Trenyce arches her eyebrow back to him. "That sounds serious? What's up?" "I know you have a secret," he looks back at her as her eyes open wider in surprise. "And, I want to know what it is." "Secret?" Trenyce tries to chuckle back to him. "What are you talking about?" "I heard you and Cheresa earlier," he reveals to her. "She said she is going to keep your secret." "Oh," Trenyce giggles back to him. "That." "Yes, that. What's going on, Trey?" Trenyce takes a deep breath. "Well, I've made a decision, or at least I was wrestling with one but since that conversation with our daughter it has been finalized." "And that would be?" "Andrew," Trenyce looks back at Chris. "I think it's time he moved out. I agree with you after all, it's time he left." Chris arches his eyebrow back to her. "Why was that a secret with Cheresa?" "Because," Trenyce gulps back to him. "Like I said, it wasn't a firm decision. I was thinking about it and I didn't want Cheresa to say anything until I had made up my mind. But now I have. I think Andrew should move out." Chris moves up to her and pulls her into a hug. "I love you," he whispers into her ear, as Trenyce breathes a sigh of relief that she was able to cover. "And I agree, it's time that Andrew move out, especially since we are planning our wedding." The
Pampa Grill Ethan takes a sip of his Manhattan as he looks across the table and sees Abby sitting across from him with a glass of sparking rose wine. They lock eyes for a moment and instantly both feel some sparks between them. "I'm sorry that we are meeting so late," she finally breaks the silence between them. "I had a busy day. I am hoping that you had a chance to look over my husbands will?" Ethan grins back to her, which makes her feel weak in the knees. While Abby is in love with Dominick, she is having a difficult time not being attracted to the man sitting across from her. She recalls how Greg suggested to her that she have a lawyer look over the updated will that Dominick presented her at Christmastime; it just happened that she met Ethan at the coffee house and he agreed to look over the document for her. "I was actually here with a friend earlier, so it's no big deal," Ethan nods back to her. "Is your friend, Tyler Robertson?" she asks him quickly. "He is, do you know him?" "He's my stepson," Abby reveals to him. "I'm married to his father, Dominick." "Ah," Ethan nods back to her. "I thought the name on the will looked familiar, but I didn't connect the dots because I thought you would have been married to someone uh " Abby giggles back to him. "Someone closer to my age?" "I didn't mean to offend you," Ethan shakes his head back to her. "It's fine," Abby replies to him. "I'm pretty used to that reaction from people. And the truth is, Dominick and I, we just sort of happened. Neither one of us were looking for this, it just happened." "That's how relationships go sometimes. For the record, he is a lucky man." Abby blushes back to him. "You said that when we met at the Sugarbowl too." "If nothing, I am consistent," he winks back to her. "So, about the will, have you had a chance to look over it?" "I did," Ethan tells her as he passes her the documents back. "And, it looks pretty straight forward. Your interests are completely protected. You have nothing to worry about." "Well, that's music to my ears," she smiles back to him. "Thanks Ethan, I really appreciate you doing this for me." "It was my absolute pleasure, Abby." The
Claus House; Paige's Home Paige opens the front door to her house and quickly moves inside. It has been an incredibly long day and she is looking forward to putting her pj's on and watching some Netflix with a glass of wine before she goes to sleep as she has another busy day planned the following day. As she moves into the living room, she freezes in her tracks when she sees Max standing in the room with a small table that has candles on it. "Max," she gasps back to him. "What are you doing here? What is all of this? How did you get in here?" Max chuckles back to her. "I wanted to surprise you with a romantic evening," he explains to her. "I got your Dad to let me in so I could set this all up for you." "You did?" "I did," Max nods back to her. "I haven't liked how we have been fighting with each other lately over Abby and Dominick. I wanted to do something special for you to show you that I still love you." Paige uneasily sighs back to him. "I really wish you would have told me about this," she admits to him. "Like I said," Max replies to her. "I wanted to surprise you. Are you telling me you're not surprised?" "No, I very much am surprised," she tells him. "It's just It's been a very long day. I was hoping to come home and just veg for a while before crashing." "I see," a disheartened Max says back to her before he goes to blow out the candles on the table. "It's fine, I guess I should have asked first." "Don't be mad with me," Paige tells him. "I really appreciate this, I am just exhausted." "Are you?" a frustrated Max asks her back. "Or is this another way for you to punish me, Paige?" "Punish you? For what?" "For thinking that Abby didn't do anything to Dominick to get him to marry her," Max tells her. "You're still pissed that I'm defending my friend, aren't you?" Adam's
Townhouse "Who the hell could be here at this hour?" Adam asks himself as he moves to the front door of his townhouse only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants. He was just about to turn in when he heard his doorbell ring; he has no idea who could be at his place when it is so late at night. He opens the door and is surprised to see Robin standing on the other side of the door. "Robin, what on earth are you doing here?" Robin quickly moves inside, escaping the cold weather as she does. She turns to face her estranged lover and looks at him. "I had to see you," she tells him. "I have something to tell you and it couldn't wait." Adam closes the door and then looks back at her. "And it couldn't wait until morning? It's late." "I know and I'm sorry about that," Robin replies to him. "And no, this can't wait. It's very important." "Okay?" Adam says as he moves her into the living room. "What's going? What is so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow?" "There's no easy way to say this," Robin nervously looks back at him. "But " "You don't have to be nervous. You and I, we've been through so much together, Robin. And while we're not in the best place right now, we still love one another deep down." Robin gets a calming smile over her face. "I needed to hear that," she tells him. "Because, this is complicated." "I'm here, just tell me," Adam says back to her. Robin takes a deep breath and then locks eyes with Adam. "I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home Donovan slowly walks through the bedroom he shares with Lukas at the Richardson estate. He is finally home after a visit with Victoria and Bryce but his mind is racing on the fact that Will told him and his siblings that he is having dreams of Eva. He doesn't understand why Will would be having dreams of Eva now since she was killed so many months ago. "It's just so odd," he whispers to himself. He turns quickly when he hears the door starting to open. He races to his wheelchair and gets back into his normal sitting location since everyone believes that he is still confined to his chair. "Good, you're home," Lukas says to his husband, not seeing Donovan get back into his chair. "I was getting worried since it was so late." "Yea, sorry," Donovan looks back at Lukas. "Will showed up and the evening ran later then I thought it would. It's nice that you worry about me." "Of course, I do," Lukas smiles back to him. "You're my husband." The response makes Donovan want to vomit since he can only think about seeing Lukas kiss Jasper on New Year's Eve. He still knows that he is planning revenge on the two of them for playing them like a fool. "I wanted to talk to you about something," Lukas continues to husband. "Jasper mentioned to me that he massaged your legs when they were sore?" "Yea, he did," Donovan nods back to him. "He is a lifesaver, that guy." Lukas nervously nods back to him. "Can you do me a favor? Come to me with those types of requests going forward, okay? Jasper is our nanny and we should let him focus on Olly." Donovan looks back at him in shock that Lukas is jealous of his interaction with their nanny. "Sure, Lukas," Donovan replies to him. "I'll do just that." The
Victors Mansion; Daisy's Home "I'm sorry that I asked you to come over when it is so late," Daisy tells Meggan as they move into the living room of the Victors mansion. Daisy has been feeling depressed since she decided to have an abortion to end the pregnancy she had with Vinny so she called her half-sister over. "I was going to call Trenyce, but with her having a baby, I didn't want to bother her." "It's fine," Meggan looks back at her. "I was surprised to get your call but it wasn't a big deal. I was about to head back to the office after a dinner with Jeff. Is everything okay?" Daisy immediately gets water in her eyes as she thinks about her procedure earlier in the day. "Hey, what is it? You look like you're going to break into tears. What's going on, Daisy?" "I'm sorry," she covers her mouth as she fights tears. "I I don't know what it is, exactly, I'm just I'm just incredibly sad." Meggan quickly moves up to Daisy and wraps her arms around her. "Whatever this is, I'm here for you," she whispers to her sister. "You're not alone." Daisy starts to weep into Meggan's shoulder as Meggan wonders what is going on with her sibling as she has never seen Daisy in this state before. The longer Daisy weeps into her shoulder, the more worried Meggan becomes. Next
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