Episode 899
Put My Hand into Hellfire
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 26, 2023

Episode Theme song: "Golden G String" Mylie Cyrus

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Max surprised Paige with a romantic dinner but she claimed she was too tired to participate. Max thought Paige was punishing him for defending Abby
- Madeline told Andy she blames Nicholas for Clayton leaving town
- Kim suggested that Roboto hold a ball to launch their new perfume
- Ethan agreed to file a lawsuit against Roboto for Tyler
- Frederick worked on a secret project to help him get Felicia back
- Victoria overheard Bryce mumble Eva's name while he was in the hospital
- Robin told Adam that she is pregnant
- Jeff suggested to Meggan that they go to Santa Barbara to try to find answers about his long-lost child

The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair

Frederick peeks his head into one of the bedrooms that are in the Victors mansion and gets a sly grin on his face when he sees a person with long blonde hair fast asleep on the bed.

He slowly closes the door as he takes a deep breath, grateful that the person is resting. "Sleeping beauty needs to get some rest," he whispers to himself as he moves back into the living room of the mansion where he is hiding out. He is still so glad that he thought of staying at the mansion while he is working on his current plan that will help him get Felicia back because no one knows where he is. It is the perfect hideaway to stay until he is ready to reveal him.

He pours himself a scotch from the bar as he thinks about how he is working on a secret project; once he is finished with his project, he will be able to reveal himself to his children. He hopes that Meggan, Lukas and Daisy are all receptive to him being back, but he will cross that bridge when he gets there.

"Before I can let everyone know that I'm back and alive, I have to get everything to be in perfect order," he tells him as he takes another sip of his scotch. "In fact, I should get back into the tunnel to finish my project. I'm almost done and the sooner I am done, the better off I will be."

The Tower's; The Penthouse; Cory & Leah's Home

"Who could be at the door at this hour?" Leah asks Cory, who is moving to the front door of the penthouse. The two were just about to go to bed when they heard the doorbell ring. As it is pretty late, Leah wonders who it could be.

Cory opens the door and is surprised to see Jeff standing in the hallway. "Jeff, this is a surprise. What's up? It is late for a visit."

"I know," Jeff says as he moves into the penthouse. "I won't stay long but something has happened, and I needed you to hear it from me."

"It's not Paige, is it?" Leah asks him quickly.

"No, our daughter is fine," Jeff replies to her. "It's about the search for our missing child."

Leah nervously looks over at Cory before she looks back at Jeff. "Our child? Has Meggan found a new lead? When we were together earlier…"

"There are no new leads," Jeff interrupts her. "At least not yet."

"What does that mean?" Cory moves closer to him. "Is there a prospect of a lead on the missing child?"

"I had an idea," Jeff looks back at them. "I thought if we went to the winery in Santa Barbara, we might be able to find some leads."

"We were there last year?" Leah reminds him. "It was difficult for me, but I did remember giving birth."

"Right," Jeff nods back to her. "But you just remembered you gave birth; we didn't actually look for any more information. I thought maybe we could look around Frederick's study or find something in the bedroom you stayed in?"

"I think that's great idea," Cory tells him before he looks over at Leah. "This could be a way to get a lead."

"Okay," Leah nods back to Jeff. "Let's go to back to the winery. Let's see if we can uncover something about our child."

Adam's Townhouse

Adam's mouth opens in surprise as the words from Robin's mouth hit him like a ton of bricks. He suddenly feels like the room is spinning: Robin is pregnant. He knows that they made love the night that they reunited, which was the night before he found out that Robin and Shane were together. He never thought that Robin would end up pregnant.

"I…I don't think I heard right," he stutters back to her. "You're….pregnant?"

Robin uneasily nods back to him. "I know this is a surprise," she replies to him. "It was for me too. But I was feeling faint around Christmastime and I bought a pregnancy test and it was positive. And, now, I'm having all the same experiences that I had when I was carrying Dominique."

"I…I am surprised," he forces a chuckle out of himself. "I didn't think that I would be a father again at this stage of my life."


"I mean, wow," he moves closer to her, not letting her finish her sentence. "We are going to be parents!? We are going to have a baby together, Robin!?"

"Adam," she says again as they lock eyes. She knows that she has to finish telling him the story before he gets carried away. "Do you remember why we are estranged right now?"

"None of that matters now, Robin," Adam looks back into her eyes. "We are going to be parents! I can't believe it. You and I, we made a baby together. Oh, Robin, this is amazing."

"Shane might be the father," she quickly tells him. "I slept with Shane and then I slept with you; we actually don't know who the father is Adam."

Adam feels the blood drain from his face as he looks back at her in horror. "I'm sorry," she tells him. "But I couldn't let you get too excited before we know the truth. We must figure this out, together. We have to figure out who fathered my baby."

The Tower's; Floor One; Andy's Condo

"Did you get everything done at work that you needed too?" Andy asks Nicholas as he puts his toothbrush down on the countertop of the washroom just off his bedroom in his condo. Andy knew that Nicholas was swamped at work which is why he ended up having dinner with Madeline earlier in the evening time.

Nicholas puts his book down on his lap and looks over at his lover, who is moving closer to the large king size bed that they sleep in together.

"I did," he replies to him. "Tomorrow will be another busy day at the One Day house but it keeps me on my toes. How was your dinner with Maddie?"

Andy sighs a little as he crawls into the bed next to Nicholas. He recalls how Madeline admitted to him that she blames Nicholas for Clayton leaving town because she felt like his delivery to her brother was insensitive about not wanting to have a relationship with Clayton. Andy is grateful that Madeline is supportive that he and Nicholas have reunited but he wishes that she wouldn't blame Nicholas for Clayton leaving.

"It was alright," Andy looks over at him. "It was nice to catch up with her."

"How is she holding up with Clayton leaving town? I'd imagine she wouldn't be thrilled that he left town."

"She's not happy about it," Andy informs him. "But it is out of her control. She can't make Clayton stay in Twin Peaks or even come back to town."

"Maybe he will come home soon? It's hard to say."

"Yea," Andy forces a smile on his face. "I guess it just sucks because…well, never mind. It's not important."

"No, tell me," Nicholas grabs Andy's hand. "Whatever you were going to say, I want to know."

Andy nervously looks back at him. "It's just that…well, Madeline said she blames you for Clayton leaving town. She thinks you were too insensitive to his needs when you told him you and I were getting back together."

"I see," Nicholas looks down, still feeling ashamed by how messy things got between him, Andy and Clayton. "And you? Do you blame me too for Clayton leaving town?"

"Of course not," Andy tells his lover. "I love you Nicholas and I wouldn't change us being back together for anything. And as for Madeline, she will get over this. She has to realize that Clayton made his own decisions; we can't control him."

"Thanks Andy," Nicholas smiles back to him. "I guess I needed to hear that."

"Anytime my love. Now, let's get some sleep? I'm exhausted."

The Claus House; Paige's Home

"What did you just ask me?" a stunned Paige asks Max as they stand next to one another in the living room of the house that Paige grew up in. When she got home, she was surprised to find Max waiting for her in the living room with a romantic dinner set up for her. She explained to him that while she was surprised, she wasn't feeling like a dinner because she had a long day. They started discussing if this had anything to do with the fact that Max has been defending Abby's marriage to Dominick and Max asked her if her shutting him down was a way for her to punish him. "You think I'm punishing you?"

"Are you?" Max asks her back. "You have been hell bent on proving that Abby is up to no good when it comes to Dominick and I have been telling you that it is none of your business. Is that far of a stretch to think that now you don't want to have dinner with me as a result?"

"I am exhausted from my day," Paige replies to him. "I told you that."

"Right," Max nods back to him. "Fine, I guess I'll go. But you know what, this really sucks Paige."

"I'm not going to apologize to you, or anyone, for having a long day and wanting to go to bed," she tells him. "And, I'm not going to apologize to you for wanting Abby out of my grandfather's life! I'm entitled to have an opinion."

"No one is saying that you're not allowed to have an opinion," Max tells her. "But you have been talking about trying to find a way to get Abby out of Dominick's life. That's more than opinion, Paige. It sounds like you're going to do something to Abby or Dominick."

Paige rolls her eyes back to him. "I don't know what I could do but I can't sit back and let this unfold."

"You realize that Dominick isn't even your grandfather, right?" Max asks her as her eyes open wider in surprise.

"How dare you?" she shrieks back to him. "Just because my mom found out that Dominick isn't her father doesn't erase the years we have spent as a family, Max! My God, you're such an asshole when you're mad."

"I'm the asshole? You should take a long look in the mirror, sweetheart."

Paige looks back at him in horror as she can't believe he would talk to her that way. "Get out," she whispers to him. "Get out of my house! And Max, don't you ever come back here."

Tyler's Townhouse

Tyler pours himself a bourbon from the bar in the living room of his townhouse and takes a sip of it. His mind is racing on the fact that he met with Ethan earlier in the evening and asked his friend to file lawsuit papers against Roboto to sue them for corporate sabotage. He wasn't sure if he was going to file the lawsuit but the more he thought about it the more he realized that he needs Robbie to pay for his role in Cheresa's kidnapping; as a result, Cheresa quit modelling for Robertson Enterprises and he wasn't able to use the model in another ad-campaign.

"I guess Dad is right," he whispers to himself as he recalls a conversation he had with Dominick recently. "My relationship with Natasha will not be the same once she learns that I have filed this lawsuit against Roboto but I am only doing what I think is right; I believe that Roboto, and Robbie, should pay for what he did."

He takes another sip of his drink before he arches his eyebrow when he hears a knock on his front door. He moves up to the door and is surprised to see Ethan standing in the night.

"Ethan, man, come in," Tyler welcomes his friend into his home. "What brings you by? I didn't think I'd see you again after our drink at the Pampa Grill."

"Yea, I know it's late," Ethan nods back to him. "After our meeting, I filed those the lawsuit papers for you. I have them here," Ethan explains as he opens his briefcase and passes Tyler a large envelope.

"Whoa," Tyler smiles back to him. "I wasn't expecting you to file these so quickly?"

"I know," Ethan chuckles back to him. "I got the feeling that it was important, so I wanted you to have them as soon as possible. I hope that it's okay that I stopped by with them?"

"Yes," Tyler grins back to him. "This is more than okay, Ethan. I was just thinking to myself that the sooner Roboto is served the sooner I can make them pay for what they've done. So, this is great, this is exactly what I needed."


"I wasn't expecting anyone to be here," Natasha announces to Robbie as she opens the door to the main office at Roboto and spies her brother sitting behind the main desk. Natasha just came from Victoria's condo where Will admitted to her, Victoria and Donovan that he has been having dreams of Eva; Natasha was a little spooked by his admission as Eva has been dead for months now. All the talk of her mother has left Natasha feeling nostalgic for the woman that gave birth to her.

"I thought I'd continue to work on some of the plans for the auction ball that Kim suggested we throw earlier," Robbie tells his sister as he stands up from behind the desk. "Besides, I couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well be productive."

"How are things looking with the ball?" Natasha asks him as she pours herself a glass of water from the bar.

"Pretty good," Robbie admits to her. "The casino accepted our offer, so we have a venue and we are coming up with a lot of great pieces to auction off."

"That's great," Natasha slowly nods her head back to him. "This ball will be just what we need to get Roboto back on top."

"I couldn't agree more," Robbie replies to her. "Since you know why I'm here, I have to ask, why are you here? Why aren't you at home sleeping?"

"It's a long story," Natasha sighs back to him. "I had a meeting with Victoria, Donovan and Will earlier."

"That seems random."

"It was," Natasha nods back to him. "Will wanted us to know that he was having dreams of Eva."

Robbie looks back at her in surprise. "He's dreaming of Eva? What you are, Victoria and Donovan supposed to do with that information?"

Natasha uneasily chuckles back to him. "I wish I knew," she replies to him. "But I must admit, all of the conversation about my mother has made me miss her all over again. It's still hard to believe that she's gone."

"Eva will always be with you," Robbie comes up to her and hugs Natasha. "She will always be present in our life and heart."

"I know," Natasha lets a tear fall down her cheek. "It's just sometimes I wish she was here. I wish I could have one more moment with her, you know?"

"I get it," Robbie continues to hold her. "I really get that."

The Tower's; Floor Eight; Victoria & Bryce's Condo

"I'm sorry if Will, Donovan or Natasha woke you up," Victoria tells Bryce as they sit next to one another on the sofa in their condo. Bryce had gone to bed earlier in the evening after a small welcome home party with Donovan, but he woke up once Will arrived to announce that he was still having dreams of Eva. Victoria wants to ensure that Bryce is getting enough rest as he is still recovering from his gunshot wound from last year.

"It's fine," Bryce looks back at his wife. "I did go to bed pretty earlier in the evening. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow."

"And you can have breakfast that isn't hospital food."

Bryce chuckles back to her. "I can't wait," he winks back to her. "So, what was the big meeting about tonight, anyways?"

"Will," Victoria looks over at him. "He was in love with my mom before she died. He wanted to tell me, Donovan and Natasha that he was having dreams of her."

Bryce arches his eyebrow back to her. "What did he think you three could do with that news?"

Victoria shrugs back to him. "I don't think he was looking for us to do anything," she reveals to him. "I think he just wanted to talk about it with people who loved Eva. To be honest, it was nice being with my siblings and Will so we could talk about Eva. It helps keep her memory alive, you know?"

"I know I never got to meet your mom," Bryce replies to her. "But if you ever need to talk to me about her, you can do so."

Victoria smiles back to him. "Thanks," she says. "Are you sure you never met my mother?"

"Pretty sure, why do you ask?"

"There was a day when you were in the hospital," Victoria reminds him. "You actually mumbled my mom's name. And you said something about the baby? Why did you mumble the baby and my mom's name, Bryce?"

Bryce nervously shrugs his shoulders. "I…I don't know," he finally tells her as he feels his heart start to race. "I was so out of it, I'm not sure that I even knew what I was saying."

Victoria nods back to him. "I guess that makes sense," she says. "It was just odd, especially if you never met my mom."

"Nope," Bryce quickly tells her. "I definitely never met her."

The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair

In the secret tunnels of the Victors mansion, Frederick stands at a long table continuing to work on what looks like some pottery. The object, however, is thinner and has the shape of a face.

"Okay," he says looking closer at the object. "This is coming along very nicely. I just have a few minor adjustments and it will be ready."

He pauses for a moment. "Now, where is that picture for reference? I need to make sure it is identical."

He opens a drawer and slowly pulls out a picture. He gets a sly grin on his face as he looks at the picture of Barbara Mills before he looks back at the project he is working on.

"That is pretty damn close," he says with a wicked grin on his face, realizing that slowly his plan is coming together perfectly. And, he knows that when it is done, he will be able to get Felicia back and that's all he has ever wanted.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Max comes to a stunning conclusion
- Adam and Robin continue to discuss her pregnancy
- Cassie gloats

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