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The Truth is a Liar Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 27, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Bad Karma" Mylie Cyrus Robertson
Enterprises; The Studio Paige slowly walks up to the door of the studio and peers inside the small window that is on the door. She can see Max already inside the studio, busy at work. She takes a deep breath and she recalls how the previous night when she got home, she found Max waiting for her with a surprise romantic evening. As she had a long day, she told her boyfriend that she wasn't in the mood for the romantic evening. Max, in turn, accused her of punishing him for seemingly being on Abby's side in Paige's quest to want to drive a wedge between Abby and Dominick. Things took a heated turn and they verbally accosted one another. Paige hates how she left things with Max and hopes that they can move beyond the fight that they had. "Morning," Paige says as she opens the door. Max immediately looks back over at Paige and then moves back to what he was working on. "What are you working on?" "Just cleaning up from the last shoot," Max quickly tells her. "I am almost done then I have a meeting I have to get too." "You don't have to leave on my part," Paige moves up to him. "It gives us a chance to talk. We should talk about last night, don't you think?" Max looks back at her and nods, as he recalls how they both called each other assholes in their fight the previous night. "Yea, we should talk. I barely slept last night because I couldn't stop thinking about fight." "I don't want to fight, I want to apologize. I was out of line," Paige quickly tells him. "So was I," Max replies to her. "But that doesn't change that there is a serious issue between us, Paige. And I don't think that it is something we can get past." | ||
The Victors Mansion; Frederick's
Lair Frederick finishes taking a bit of his piece of bacon as he sits alone in the living room of the Victors mansion having his breakfast. He was up rather late the previous night working on his secret project that he hopes will help him get Felicia back. He recalls how he looked a picture of Barbara Mills that will help him with his project. He knows that he can't let anyone know what his project is because he doesn't want anyone to clue in as to what he is up too. He just knows that the sooner he can finish his project, the sooner he can reveal himself to everyone. "I should be able to finish everything today," he says to himself as he takes a sip of his coffee. "The sooner I am able to get this done, the better because it will mean that I can Felicia back." He looks the screen of his phone when he sees a news alert flash. "Roboto hosting an auction ball at the River Rock Casino", the headline reads. Frederick gets a sly grin on his face. "The ball would be the perfect place to announcement myself as being back," he nods his head. "I have to make sure I am ready in time." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home "Another visit so soon, are you doing alright?" Donovan asks Victoria as she pours two cups of coffee from the bar in the living room of the lavish mansion that he lives in with his husband and sister in law. Victoria passes Donovan, who is still in his wheelchair as everyone still believes that he can't walk, a cup of coffee before she purses her lips together. "I didn't sleep well last night," Victoria admits to him as she sits on the sofa and looks back at her brother. "After Will came by and admitted that he is having dreams of Eva, I guess I couldn't shut my brain off. I was up most of the night thinking about Mom." Donovan uneasily nods back to her. "I was thinking about her too," he admits to his sister. "I guess all the talk of her last night put her on our minds?" "Yea, I guess so," she replies to him. "You know, it's weird because Bryce mumbled Mom's name when he was in the hospital. He claims that he never met her, but I still find it odd, you know?" "Did you ask him about it?" "I did," she reveals to him. "He said he was so out of it, he has no idea why he would have said Eva's name." "That does make sense," Donovan tells his sister. "I guess this will never really get easier, will it? We will always miss Mom." "Always," Victoria says as she gets tears in her eyes. "And you, you need to remember that when you are having dark thoughts like Ernesto, okay?" Donovan gulps heavily as he thinks about how he has been challenging his father while he plans revenge on Lukas and Jasper for sleeping together behind his back. "Mom wouldn't want you to be like Ernesto, so try to keep that in your mind, okay?" "I will, Vic, thanks," Donovan nods back to her, as he wonders if he should drop this plan of revenge. *** Upstairs, in the study, Lukas sits behind his computer as he types into his laptop. Under the guidance of Meggan, he and his sister have been trying to locate Frederick on their own since both Leah and Daisy have been stressing out about trying to find their father. He just hopes that this private investigation will lead them to finding Frederick because he wants his Dad to come home and answer for everything that he has done. "Sorry to interrupt," Jasper says as he opens the door to the study and moves into the room. He immediately looks at the sofa and recalls how he and Lukas made love there on more than one occasion. "I was going to see if you wanted to join Olly and I on a walk to the park. It is brisk out today but still looks nice enough to have a walk." Lukas looks up from his screen and shakes his head no to his former lover. "I am busy on a project, so I won't have time today." "Okay, I just thought I'd ask," Jasper replies to him. "I hope that you're not saying no because of our history together." "Of course not," Lukas tells him quickly. "When I'm not too busy, I would love to walk with you and my son." "Good," Jasper says back to him. "Because Lukas, I have moved on, okay? I even have a date coming up." Lukas looks back at him in surprise. "Really? That's promising?" "Yea, we've been talking on Grindr and I think he's interested in meeting, so why not, right?" "Right," Lukas nods back to him. "I hope it goes well for you Jasper, I really do." The
Pampa Grill Daisy sits in the back corner of the restaurant alone as she drinks a coffee. She needed, desperately, to get out of the Victors mansion this morning as memories of Vinny were haunting her. She is still feeling emotional over the fact that the previous day she aborted her unborn child because she couldn't believe that she was pregnant with Vinny's child. She was left feeling like she had no other choice but to end the pregnancy, even though she has been left feeling rather emotional ever since. "Morning Daisy," a voice says at the edge of her table, which causes her to look up and see Tyler standing in front of her. "It's been awhile, how are you?" "I don't think this is a good time for chat," she quickly tells him as she sets her coffee cup down. "I'm not in the best of moods." Tyler arches his eyebrow as he knows that this reaction is not like Daisy; normally she is so sweet and approachable. He immediately thinks that something must be wrong with his former fiancé, so he sits across from her and back at her with concern. "Okay," he looks over to her. "What's going on? This isn't like you?" "I told you," Daisy replies to him immediately. "I'm not in a good mood, okay? I really just want to be alone." "I'm sorry," Tyler stands up, wondering what is going on with her. "I'll give you some space but if you ever need to talk, I'm here." Daisy looks at Tyler as he walks away from the table. She finishes her coffee and then grabs her table, realizing that she needs to get out of the restaurant before someone else she knows comes up to her. The last thing she wants is to have explain her mood to someone else. She just wants to be alone and try to deal with everything that she is coping with. *** At another table, Shane and Natasha sit across from each other as they are having breakfast together. They wanted to get together to discuss the fact that the previous day they got the paternity results back for baby Carter and it confirmed that Jacob fathered him. They are still reeling with the news that their son fathered a child with Cassie Nova; Natasha, in particular, can't believe that she is the grandmother to her archrival's child. "Have you heard from Jacob since we gave him the results at the hospital yesterday?" Natasha asks Shane before she takes a bite of her waffle that is in front of her. Shane shakes his head back to her. "I tried calling him, but I think he just needed some time to wrap his head around the test results." "I told him to ensure he stayed with Cassie while we waited for the results," Natasha tells her former husband. "I was worried that Cassie would try to switch the results." "Jacob said he was with her and Carter the entire time," Shane replies to her. "So, the results, they have to be true, right?" "That's what I thought," Natasha says back to him. "But this is Cassie Nova we are talking about, anything is possible with that woman." "Well, isn't this nice," Cassie says as she smiles to the two people, she shares a sorted history with. "Having a nice breakfast together?" "It was nice until you showed up," Natasha quips back to her. "What do you want, Cassie?" Cassie uneasily chuckles back to her. "Is that anyway to great the mother of your grandchild?" "How is Carter this morning?" Shane asks her quickly. "He's fine," Cassie nods back to him. "I just came to get some take out and I'll be back with my son in no time at all. It is wonderful, isn't it? The fact that we finally know the truth that Jacob fathered my child. We will be bonded forever now." "Yes, it's great," Natasha rolls her eyes back to her. "If you'll excuse us Cassie, we were in the middle of something." "Of course," Cassie nods back to her. "Tell you what, Nat, why don't you text me later and we can set up a time for you to get to know your grandson. I'm sure Carter, and Jacob, would like that a lot." As soon as Cassie has left the table, Natasha looks back over to her ex-husband. "She's cocky and gloating to us, Shane." "Well, she thinks she's won." "I don't like this, not one bit." "I know that look on your face Natasha," Shane looks back at her. "What are you thinking?" "I think Cassie still altered those test results," Natasha replies to him quickly. "But how can we prove it? How can we make sure that Jacob really is Carter's father?" *** There is another table in the far corner of the restaurant where Greg and Kim are sitting together having breakfast together. While Greg was moving to meet Kim, he happened to see Shane and Natasha and he knows that Kim works closely with her sister in law. "Do you want to say hi to Natasha?" Greg asks Kim before he has a sip of his coffee. "No," Kim quickly replies to him. "I will see her at the office. It will be nice to have this time for you and I and not my husband or sister in law." Greg chuckles back to her. "That's fair. Things are good at the office?" "We are busy as we are planning this auction ball at the Casino," Kim informs him. "But busy is good for me right now. It is nice to have the distraction from my personal life." "I heard about that ball," Greg nods back to her. "It sounds like a good time. You will see me there." "Great, I look forward to having a drink with you," Kim smiles back to him. "How are things with you?" "I can't complain," Greg tells her. "I don't know if I mentioned this, but I've hired a new maid for the house." "Oh? That's good?" "Yea," Greg smiles back to his friend. "We are back in good shape after having to pay for Brooke's IRS bill and the house is so huge, it's nice to have the help. And so far, Traci has been a good fit." "I'm happy that you have bounced back so well, Greg," Kim tells her friend as she reaches over and grabs his hand to squeeze it. "If anyone deserves that, you do." Greg looks at Kim holding his hand and feels his heart skip a beat quickly. He looks back into her eyes and smile. "We both deserve that, Kim. Maybe we will find that together this year?" "Yea, maybe." A short way away, Robbie stands with a takeout coffee as he sees his estranged wife holding hands with Greg. He feels his blood boil as he thinks about how they went to Aspen over Christmas. "Damn you Greg," he whispers to himself. "Damn you straight to hell." Adam's
Townhouse "Thanks for coming by this morning," Adam says as he welcomes Robin into his townhouse. He recalls how the previous night she stopped by and revealed to him that she is pregnant; at first, Adam was very excited at the idea of being a parent together with Robin, but she quickly revealed to him that Shane could also be the father of her child. "I didn't sleep much after you left last night and wanted to talk to you again." "I'm sure you have a lot of questions or concerns," Robin replies to him quickly. "I know I laid a lot on you last night." "You certainly did," Adam tells her. "How are you today? How is the baby?" "We are both good," Robin smiles as she puts her hand on her stomach. "I can already tell that he or she is getting bigger." "I'm happy to hear that," Adam nods back to her. "So, you said you couldn't sleep? What were you thinking about, Adam? You have to tell me what you're thinking about so we can deal with this together." Adam sighs back to her. "I can't deny that I was taken aback by the fact that you could be pregnant with Shane's baby, again," he reveals to her. "But the child could also be mine." Robin nods back to him. "The next step now that you know the truth is that we have to find out who the father is," she replies to him quickly. "Once we know that, we can move forward." "That's the thing," Adam looks back at her with intent. "I've made a decision." "Okay? What is it?" "If Shane is the father of your child," Adam uneasily looks back at her. "Then you and I, we are over for good." Robin feels the blood drain from her face at what Adam just told her. "I I don't know what to say." "There's nothing to say," Adam replies to her. "I'm telling you that I won't be able to handle you having another child with another man since you just did this with Dominique. It would be another sign that we just aren't meant to be, Robin. There's only so much that I can handle, and this would be my last straw." Robin gulps nervously back to him. "Okay," she whispers back to him. "I guess we need to figure out who the father is so we all know what our futures hold." Robertson
Enterprise's; The Studio "You think there's a serious issue between us?" a nervous Paige looks back at Max, who just told her that he thinks there is an underlying issue between them in their relationship. "I do," Max nods back to her. "It took me a long time to realize it but after our fight last night, I realized it. It was crystal clear to me." Paige gulps back to him. "And what would that be? You have to tell me what's going on, Max." "It's not easy for me to say," Max whispers back to her. "Because for so long, I have wanted to be with you. I have wanted us to work. I moved heaven and earth for us to be together, but it's never enough." "I apologized for what I said to you," Paige tells him. "We just have to learn how to communicate better and we will be fine." "No, we won't," Max tells her. "And the reason is because deep down, you don't think I'm good enough for you. This goes back our entire relationship, Paige. You never wanted to date me, I was always your second choice. You proved that when dated Jacob instead of giving me a second chance after it was revealed about how Abby and I broke you and Andrew up; it was revealed again after the ordeal with Cassie in Banff." "I defended you against Jacob after your mom kidnapped Jacob and I," Paige tells him as she feels the wind being sucked out of her. "I don't know where this is coming from." "It's coming from me finally opening my eyes to what is going on," Max tells her. "Look Paige, I will always cherish our time together but this thing you and I have, this ring around the rosy, it has to end. I don't want to do this anymore." Paige feels a tear fall down her cheek. "I I don't know what to say," she admits to him. "I never meant to make you feel that way." "I know you didn't," Max replies to her. "And my love for you all these years, it has blinded me to this. But I deserve better. I don't deserve to be treated this way. Again, I don't hold anything against you, I just have to walk away from this before I get hurt again." "What are you saying?" "We are over," Max looks into her eyes. "We aren't dating anymore, Paige. I am grateful for our time together, but I am saying goodbye to you and us." Before Paige can say anything, Max slowly walks out of the studio and leaves her alone. Paige takes a deep breath as another tear falls down her cheek. "Goodbye Max," she whispers to herself as she feels her heart break inside her chest. The Victors Mansion;
Frederick's Lair Frederick pushes a small cart with breakfast on it up to the door of the bedroom where his mysterious guest is staying. He pauses for a moment before he knocks on the door. He then opens the door and moves inside. "Good morning," he smiles. "I brought you some breakfast. I wasn't sure of what you wanted, so I bought eggs, waffles, fruit, yogurt and coffee, I hope you're hungry." "I am," a voice calls out as they stand up from the bed. "I'm famished." "Good because we have a couple of busy days planned," Frederick replies to the guest. "We have a lot to do." "Please," the guest's face is revealed to be Eva Robertson, who is alive and well! "Tell me that today is the day that I'm going to get my memory back? Tell me that today is the day I'm going to remember who I am?" Next
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