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Don't Play With You Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 10, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Busy Boy" Chloe x Halle The
River Rock Casino "I don't think I heard you correctly," a stunned Dominick says as he looks back at Felicia as they stand in the casino while the ball continues to unfold. Abby moves up behind her husband and looks at Felicia, who appears to be frazzled by her experience. She was annoyed that Dominick's ex-wife interrupted them as they were having a good time together but Felicia, then, announced that Barbara Mills is alive and well. Abby never met Barbara, but she heard that Barbara was killed at Raven's Meadow when Victoria's alter ego gave her too strong of a dose of electroshock therapy, which resulted in her death. Abby knows that Felicia has had a history of mental health issues and can't help but wonder if it is happening again. "You think Barbara is alive?" Dominick then continues his question to Felicia. Felicia nods back to him quickly as she feels water swell in her eyes. A few meters away, Frederick stands, still wearing his mask, listening to the conversation unfold. He knows that this was the first part of his plan to get Felicia back and based on what he is hearing, everything went accordingly to plan. "I I just saw her," Felicia replies to Dominick quickly. "We were in the back stairwell together. I couldn't believe it, but there she was in the flesh." "Felicia," Dominick sighs back to her. "Barbara is dead. We mourned her years ago. This this is impossible." "That's what I thought!" Felicia firmly replies to him. "But, Dominick," she pleads with him as a tear falls down her cheek. "I hugged her. We spoke. Barbara Mills is alive and well." "Excuse me, what did you just say?" Helen asks coming up to Felicia, as she thought she just overheard her say that her mother is alive. "Did you say that my mother is alive?" Meanwhile, Frederick scurries away with a smile on his face, thrilled that his plan worked like a charm. "Now it he time," he whispers to himself. "I can reveal myself to everyone. This went better than I ever could have hoped for!" | ||
The River Rock Casino "Damnit Tyler, answer me!" a frustrated Natasha huffs back to her estranged lover as they stand closer to the bar in the casino. Natasha was trying to have a conversation with Tyler about them starting to bridge the gap that is between them, when he said that it is better that they stay apart because of things that are about to happen. Natasha has no idea what these things are, but she wants Tyler to explain himself. "What is going to happen? Why would you say that we should just stay apart?" Tyler sighs back to her. "I just think that you will always end up supporting Robbie," he reveals to her, knowing that Ethan could serve Natasha and Roboto with his lawsuit at any time. "I don't think that I will ever be able to get over that, Natasha." "So, that's it? We had, no we have something special, Tyler. Please don't throw this away. Please give us another chance." Before Tyler can respond to her, Ethan comes up to her with. "You're Natasha Calimo, correct?" "Yes," Natasha waves her hand back to him. "I truly thank you for coming tonight, but any questions that you have about the Queen of the Night or the gala will have to wait. I'm in the middle of something important here." Ethan chuckles back to her. "I'm not here because I have a question," he replies to her quickly. "My name is Ethan Alexander and I am a lawyer." "Great," Natasha smiles back to him. "I hope you're having a great time?" "I am," Ethan nods back to her. "I hope you had a good time because I suspect that is about to change." Tyler gulps heavily as Natasha looks at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" she asks Ethan. "Natasha Calimo," Ethan tells her. "You've been served." Natasha slowly accepts the large envelope that Ethan passes her. Once she has it in her hands, Ethan takes off but he gives Tyler a wink before he does. "What the hell is this?" she asks as she sets her champagne down and Kim and Robbie approach her. "Nat? What's all this? What's going on?" Robbie asks his sister. Natasha finishes opening the envelope and reads the paper. She immediately feels the blood drain from her face before she looks back at Tyler in horror. "You're suing Roboto for corporate sabotage?" Natasha asks him quickly as Robbie and Kim's mouths open in shock. "You're trying to destroy my company?" *** "I must admit that I've had a great time tonight," Cassie smiles to Jacob as they slowly make their way to the exit doors. Cassie hasn't had time away from Carter for this long before but, she found herself enjoying her night out. The fact that Jacob danced with her is a plus; she is hoping that it could be the start of them having a real future together. "Yea, so did I," Jacob admits back to her. "I wasn't sure if I would considering I work for Robertson Enterprises." Cassie chuckles back to him. "How is that going? Do you think it's time that you finally left that company and went to work for your family company? I can only imagine how happy that would make your mother." Jacob stops and looks back at her in surprise. "Are you actually telling me to do something that would make Natasha happy?" Cassie chuckles back to him. "I know it would make her happy and, I don't know, you've been with Robertson for a few years now, maybe something new will challenge you? It was just a suggestion." "I appreciate you looking out for me, Cassie." "I still care about you Jacob," she says as they lock eyes. "I always have. And now that you know that you're Carter's father, I guess I was hoping ." Jacob smirks back to her. "You were hoping?" "That this could be our chance to truly be together," she admits to him before she gulps heavily. "I don't need an answer now but just know that I would love that, Jacob. You, me and Carter we could be a family." Jacob uneasily smiles back to her as he can't help but enjoy the sound of what she is saying but in the back of his mind he is thinking about Shane and Natasha warning him about trusting the mother of his child. *** Paige nervously moves up to the bar to grab another drink when she sees Max standing in line. She takes a deep breath as she moves closer to him as she recalls how he recently ended their relationship because he felt like he was never good enough for her. She hates that she made him feel that way and has been upset since he ended their romance. "Are you having a good time?" she gets the nerve to ask her former lover. Max looks back at Paige and finds himself nodding. "I mean, unlimited, free booze? How can anyone not have a good time?" Paige chuckles back to him. "That's true. You look very dashing in your tux, by the way." "Thanks." Paige gulps as the normal response would be for the man to in turn compliment her in her dress. "Look Max, I was hoping that we could talk." "If this is about Robertson Enterprises, you can save your breath. I've made up my mind and already have a new job offer." Paige looks back at him in surprise. "You quit your job?" "I gave Tyler my notice earlier tonight," Max reveals to her. "After everything you and I have been through, I didn't think it would be a good idea to see you every day at work." Paige sighs back to him. "Right, so I guess that means that you are firm on ending our relationship? You won't even entertain the idea of giving us a second chance?" Max chuckles back to her. "It wouldn't be a second chance," he reminds her. "That's the thing Paige. We have been through this over and over again. I will always care about you on some level, but we are over. I really just want to move on with my life and I hope you can respect that." Another heavy gulp comes from Paige as she nods back to him. "Of course," she forces an awkward smile on her face. "I'll give you some space until, hopefully, we can at least be friends?" "I'd like that Paige." *** "So, you and Mom were having a nice time together and then she just disappeared?" Cheresa asks Chris as they stand in the room where the auction took place. She takes another sip of her champagne as she tries to rack her head around the story that Chris just told her; he and Trenyce were seemingly having a good time at the ball when he went to get them some more champagne; since he left the bar, however, he hasn't been able to track down Trenyce, which is odd. "Yea, I have no idea where she went," Chris looks back at her with worry on his face. "I've tried calling and texting and there's no answer." "Do you think something could have happened to BJ and she went home?" Cheresa offers a suggestion back to him. "I called the sitter," Chris reveals to her. "Because I had the same thought. She hasn't heard from Trenyce." "This is really odd," Cheresa nods back to him. "But I am sure that there is a logical explanation, Chris. She probably just got caught up catching up with someone and has her phone turned off." Chris sighs heavily back to her. "I hope that's all it is. I really do." *** Andrew grunts loudly as he thrusts into Trenyce as they are making love to one another on the large king-size bed in the suite that Andrew rented at the casino. They had been talking about whatever was going on between them and Trenyce admitted that she had feelings for him too. Andrew, then, kissed Trenyce and they ended up in bed together. With another final grunt of pleasure, Andrew climaxes and looks down at Trenyce, who has a sweaty smile on her face. "God, that was incredible," Andrew gasps for air as he tries to get his heartrate back down to normal. "I had wanted you for so long." "I could tell," Trenyce chuckles back to him. "You were very eager." "I guess I was pent up," he winks back to her. "Do you want to have a shower or something?" "No," Trenyce gets up quickly. "I should get back to the party. Chris is probably wondering where I am." Andrew uneasily nods back to her. "Chris, right. Damn, Trey, what did we just do?" Trenyce slides her long dress over her naked body. "Look Andrew, we both wanted tonight to happen. But you're right, we can't let this happen again, okay? We got this out of our systems and now we can move on." Andrew gulps heavily. "Right, we can move on." "I'll see you later, okay? I have to get back to Chris." Before Andrew can respond, Trenyce rushes out of the suite leaving him alone. He runs his hands through his hair and looks at the bed, where he just made love to Trenyce. "How the hell am I am supposed to forget the best sex of my life?" he asks himself quickly before he rushes off to the bathroom to have a shower. *** Paige grabs her glass of champagne from the bartender and takes a healthy sip of it. After her talk with Max, she decided to have one more drink before she will head home. She had truly hoped that she would have bene able to convince Max to give her, and their relationship, one more chance, but he is determined to move on with his life. "Well, cheers to being single," she says to herself as she turns around. Just as she turns, she raises her glass, but someone runs into her, causing her to spill her champagne all over herself and the other person. "What the actual fuck?" she gasps out in shock that her dress has been ruined. "Do you even watch where you're going?" Ethan looks back at her, equally stunned by what happened. "I I'm sorry," he says before he starts to chuckle. "Wow, I can't believe how wet we both are." "This isn't funny," Paige grits her teeth back to him. "Not even close." *** Frederick stands at the top of the staircase that spills into the main room of the casino where the ball is taking place. He has a fresh glass of champagne in his hands as he looks out into the crowd. He can see Lukas and Meggan talking to one another; he can see Leah, who looks upset, rushing towards the exit; he can see Dominick, Abby, Helen and Felicia huddled together in a deep conversation about Barbara Mills; he can see Bryce and Victoria getting ready to leave the party as well. He takes a deep breath as he walks down some of the stairs. "Ladies and gentlemen," he says at the top of his lungs. The crowd starts to mumble as they look towards him. "I am glad you're all here because I have an announcement to make." "This isn't your event," Kim says as she rushes up towards him. "What is this all about?" "I'm back and I'm here to stay," Frederick replies as he slowly lifts his mask and reveals himself to everyone at the party. Immediately, Bryce, Meggan, Lukas, Felicia, Dominick and Leah stop and look up in shock that Frederick is back in town. "Dad? Dad is that really you?" Meggan gasps as tears fill her eyes as Lukas comes up behind her, also stunned to see Frederick. For so long they were wondering if they would ever see him again. "In the flesh," Frederick grins to the crown. "Isn't anyone going to welcome me home?" *** In the backroom, Barbara slowly walks around thinking about how she reunited with Felicia tonight. Of course, her friend ran off when she revealed that Frederick is the one that saved her life. "All in good time," Barbara whispers to herself. "You will realize that Frederick saved me, and you will want to thank him." "And that's when Frederick will continue to help me," she tells herself. "But in the meantime, enough of this. I am incredibly hot." Barbara moves up to the small mirror on the wall and moves her hands to her neck. She starts picking at her skin until she lifts a layer off of her neck. Slowly, the face mask comes off and underneath is Eva! Eva shakes her head as she looks into the mirror before she looks at the mask of Barbara's face in her hands. "Now that I did my part, Frederick can help me get my memories back," Eva purses her lips together. "And then I can get back to my old life, whatever that may be." Next
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