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Seem to Say Goodbye Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 12, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "You" Troye Sivan The
River Rock Casino The guests at the Roboto gala for the launch of their new perfume, the Queen of the Night, are all looking up at the stairs as Frederick has just removed his face mask and revealed himself to be back in town. Some are looking in shock and some are looking in horror as Frederick has never been everyone's favorite person. Before he was shot, he had ruined many people's lives, so he made a lot of enemies. "Dad?" a stunned Meggan asks him as Lukas comes up behind her. He places his hands on her shoulders as they have been desperate to try to find their father; he, like Meggan, can't believe that their father has revealed himself to everyone at the gala. "Is that really you?" "We have been looking for you," Lukas chimes in as he looks at Frederick. "It is me," Frederick looks back at his children. "I am back. I needed time to collect myself and now I am ready to be here. I saw your TV appearance. I hope you know how much that meant to me." "It meant so much that you hide yourself away for weeks?" Meggan asks him. "We have been so worried!" "You son of a bitch!" Leah, who was on her way to out of the party after she rejected Cory's marriage proposal. She wanted nothing more than to head home and try to unwind but now she is seeing Frederick in the flesh. She has been so desperate to find him so he could tell her the truth about her paternity and about her missing child that she gave birth to in Santa Barbara. "You have a lot of explaining to do! So, let's hear it, where the hell have you been?" | ||
The River Rock Casino "I don't think I actually heard you correct," Helen moves closer to Felicia, Dominick and Abby, who turn their heads back from seeing Frederick back to Helen. "You just said my mother is alive?" Felicia gulps heavily as she looks back at Frederick before Dominick and Abby. She then turns back to Helen. "I uh I know this is a lot to handle but she wanted me to keep it a secret. She didn't want you or Dawn to know." "A secret?" Helen gasps back to her. "But you're telling your ex-husband and his new wife? You saw my mother and weren't going to tell me?" "I had to tell someone!" Felicia explains. "We met in the stairwell. She emerged from the stairs and we spoke." Helen arches her eyebrow back to her, knowing that Felicia has had a history of mental illness. This story is quickly sounding more and more farfetched in her mind. "I don't believe a word of this," Helen shakes her head back to her. She then looks at Dominick, "You best get her checked out by a doctor. This isn't possible and I don't appreciate my mother's name being dragged through the mud by someone unstable like this!." "I will deal with this, Helen, believe me," Dominick nods back to her. "Thanks," Helen tells him. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a plane to catch." "Airplane? Are you going somewhere?" Abby asks her quickly. "I'm going to Mexico," Helen replies to them. "I need a change of scenery. But when I get back, this must be resolved. I don't want to hear anything of my mother being alive." Helen walks away before anyone can reply to her. Dominick sighs heavily before he looks at Felicia. "We have to get to the bottom of this, Felicia. But there is no way that Barbara is alive. Now, we have to deal with Frederick being alive."
*** Natasha turns her head from Frederick back to the legal documents that are in her hand. She then looks at Tyler and feels her blood boil at the fact that her estranged lover has sued her company for corporate espionage. "What the hell is this, Tyler?" she looks back at him with intent. "You're suing me and my company? You want to destroy Roboto?" Tyler shakes his head back to her. "This is all on Robbie," he replies to her quickly. "He did this, Natasha. He purposely tried to ruin my campaign with Cheresa and my company. If anything, this is due justice for what he has done." "This could ruin my entire company! This could ruin everything my family, my father built from the ground up!" Natasha hisses back to him. "How could you do this?" "You should be thanking me," Tyler replies to her. "Because this is the least I could have done! Robbie needs to pay for what he is had done and I'm going to make damn well sure that he does." Before Natasha can reply, Tyler looks back at her with intent. "Now, my mother needs me; Frederick is back, and I have to make sure she is alright. But Nat, this is only the beginning. I will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, to make sure your brother pays for what he has done." *** Abby quickly moves towards the bar as she feels like she needs a drink. Her head is absolutely spinning from everything that has happened; first, Felicia announced that Barbara Mills is alive, she has no idea if that is true because she know that Dominick's ex-wife has a history of mental illness and now, Frederick has also revealed himself to be alive. She needs a drink so desperately to try to wrap her head around things. She stops and sees Lukas for a moment, who is looking at his father, who has just returned. She knows that this isn't a great time, but she finds herself moving towards him. "Lukas," she says, as he turns around to see her. "I know this isn't a good time." "No, it's not. What do you want?" Abby gulps back to him. "I guess I was hoping to know how Olly is doing? I've done my part and stayed away but don't think that I don't think about that little boy. He helped me so much when I was grieving my own son." "He's fine Abby," Lukas replies to her quickly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my father, who has just returned." Abby uneasily nods back to him and realizes that she needs a drink more than ever before. As she moves towards the bar, she arches her eyebrow as she sees Ethan using some napkins to dry his wet shirt off. "Ethan? What on earth happened to you?" she asks with a sly grin on her face. The red headed lawyer looks up at Abby. "You won't believe this," he chuckles back to her. "But I accidently ran into someone and her champagne spilled all over me and her," he explains, as he thinks about how unamused Paige was when he ran into her by accident. "I'm soaked though." Abby can't help but notice his nipples sharply poking through his white dress shirt. She still can't deny that she is very attracted to the man that helped her look over Dominick's updated will. "Do you need a ride back to your place?" she quickly asks him. "I haven't had that much to drink, I could drive you so you could get dry?" "Would you mind?" Ethan asks her quickly. "I would order an uber otherwise." "No, I'll save you twenty dollars," she says as she grabs his hand. "Come on, let's get out of here." Ethan smiles as they walk towards the exit as he is looking forward to changing his clothing. Twin Peaks
General Hospital "I am so glad that you were able to see me this late at night," Robin tells Madeline as they stand next to one another in a hospital room at Twin Peaks General Hospital. "This is a test that I needed to happen, and it couldn't wait any longer." Madeline nods back to her as she reads Robin's file. "A paternity test to determine the father of your baby? Are you sure you need this test?" "I do," Robin nods back to her. "I am embarrassed to admit it but I don't know who the father is." "You don't need to explain to me," Madeline replies to her. "I can run the test, but do you have any DNA of one of the two father's?" "Yes," Robin tells her quickly as she pulls out a small plastic bag from her purse. "This is some of my husband's hair. I got it from his hairbrush." "Perfect," Madeline tells her. "I will take this and run it with the sample that I just got from you. I'll be in touch with the results." "Thank you, Madeline, I really appreciate this." Madeline smiles back to her before she exits the hospital room. Robin takes a deep breath before she sends a text to Adam and Shane. "Just had the test. Waiting for the results. Soon, we will know who the father of the baby is," she types before she pushes send. She takes a deep breath as she looks forward. "I have to know who the father is, my entire future depends on it," she whispers as she holds her stomach. All
Ritmo Cancun Resort & Waterpark, Cancun, Mexico Immediately following her departure from the gala, Helen went to the airport and hoped on a airplane to Cancun, Mexico. Within a couple of hours, she arrived, and is now laying by the pool at her resort. Her mind is spinning, however, over everything that has happened. "This vacation is everything I need right now," she whispers to herself as she grabs her tequila sunrise and takes a sip. She recalls how she told Dawn recently that she needed to move on from Adam, since he was still in love with Robin. In order to move on, she decided that a vacation is just what the doctor ordered, so she got her travel agent to book in at the resort. "I need to try to forget Adam. I must move on with my life. The sun, the drinks, the beach, the pool, this is just what I need to move on with my life." As she takes another sip of her drink, she can't help but think back to Felicia claiming that her mother, Barbara, was still alive and that she spoke to her at the gala. "That's impossible," Helen shakes her head back to herself. "My mother is not alive. And by the time I get home, Dominick had better have figured out what the hell Felicia was speaking about." The
River Rock Casino Bryce continues look at Frederick, who is standing on the staircase in the casino. Immediately, he thinks about how Vinny was blackmailing him with the fact that his boss was Frederick when he worked at Raven's Meadow. To keep everyone happy, Bryce drugged Victoria into believing that she had split again, and her alter ego had taken control of her again. He also recalls how he gave Eva a drug after she was declared dead following her stab wounds; in fact, the drug brought her to life and Vinny whisked her away. He is now wondering if Frederick has his wife's mother. "Bryce?" Victoria looks back at her husband. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Bryce gulps heavily as he makes eye contact with Victoria. "Haven't we all? I mean uh, we all thought Frederick was dead." Victoria arches her eyebrow back to him. "Do you know Frederick?" Bryce shrugs his shoulders. "I mean, small medical community." "Right," Victoria nods back to her, realizing that he might have said too much. "That's what you said about my mother too." "I am just surprised that he's back, that's all," Bryce tells her as Victoria continues to look at him with wonder. He knows that she wanted to ensure he didn't' stay too long at the party, so this is a perfect way for him to leave the gala. "I think, I know that I'm ready to go now, Vic. Are you?" "Sure," Victoria uneasily nods back to him. "Let's go." As they walk towards the exit, Victoria can't help but wonder if there is more about her husband that she doesn't know. She has this sinking feeling that Bryce is keeping something from her, but what could it be? *** "I swear to God that I'm telling the truth," Felicia tells Dominick as they move towards the exit of the casino. "I saw Barbara tonight, Dominick. Tell me that you believe me?" Dominick sighs as he passes Felicia her jacket. He can't help but be worried about her as he knows that Barbara has been dead for years; the fact that Felicia is claiming that she saw her makes him wonder if she has had a relapse with her health. "Felicia, darling," he replies to her quickly. "It is late, I think we've all had a long night at the party. I think we should head home and have a good night's rest and we can talk about this tomorrow, okay?' "But what about Frederick? Don't you want to find out where he has been? Or why he is back now?" "That son of a bitch is the last thing on my mind right now," Dominick tells her. "You're my main priority and I want to make sure you're okay. Frederick can remain in hell, where he should have been all these years." Felicia nervously chuckles back to him as she recalls how Barbara told her that Frederick is the one who saved her. If that's true, Felicia knows that she has to thank him for saving Barbara's life. "Okay, let's go home," Felicia says back to him. "You're right, it has been a long night." *** "Answer me Frederick!" Leah grits her teeth together as she moves closer to Frederick. "Where in the hell have you been? You know what we have been looking for you and you purposely stayed hidden? Why?" Frederick chuckles back to her as he moves down the stairs. "All will be revealed in good time," he replies to her. "For now, I would love to see my children and get reacquainted. Meggan, Lukas, how are you?" Meggan rushes up and hugs her father as a tear falls down her cheek. "I can't tell you how good it is to see you," she tells him. "I never thought I would see you again." "I know my beauty, but I had my reasons to stay hidden. I will explain that all to you later. How are my grandchildren?" "You know about Logan?" Meggan asks him as they exit their embrace. "And Olly?" Lukas asks next in surprise. "Of course, I know everything that has gone in my children's lives. I have never stopped keeping tabs on you, all of you," he says as he looks over at Leah. "I might not have been here in person, but I have been in spirit." "Well then," Lukas moves closer to him. "I agree with Leah. We need answers Dad, where have you been and why has it taken you so long to come back to us?" Next
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