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A Single Teardrop Falling Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 15, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Save Your Tears [Remix]" The Weeknd feat Ariana Grande
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home Lukas paces back and forth in the study of the large mansion that he lives in with his sister, husband their children. His mind is racing about the events that occurred at the ball the previous night at the River Rock Casino; Frederick revealed himself to be back in town. He, Meggan and Leah all wanted more information from their father, but it had gotten so late that Frederick said that he would explain everything in due time. He can't help but wonder what this means for his, and his family's, future to have Frederick back. "You look a million miles away," a voice says at the doorway of the study. "I can only imagine what you're thinking about." Lukas turns and sees Jasper moving into the study. Immediately, Lukas recalls how he saw Jasper at the gala with a date he met on Grindr. After a few drinks, Lukas admitted to his son's nanny that he was feeling jealous about seeing him with another guy. He wishes he could take it back, but the damage has already been done. "Last night was a long night," Lukas replies to him quickly. "Seeing my father back was just the cherry on top, I guess." "I know that you and Meggan had been looking for him since it was revealed that he was alive," Jasper admits to him. "It is one thing to know he's alive but another to have him return. If there's anything I can do?" "I appreciate that," Lukas nods back to him. "I guess I will get more answers when we see him again." "Well, I'm here if you need me. Olly is having his morning nap, so we can talk if you need." "Do you want to talk about my Dad?" "Or the fact that you said you were jealous seeing me with Callum last night," Jasper winks back to him. "What do you want to do about that?" | ||
Roboto "We have a ton of damage control to do today," Natasha announces to Robbie and Kim as she storms into the office at Roboto. While the previous evening was a huge success to launch the Queen of the Night perfume, Natasha knows that the evening ended on a sour note because Tyler had her served with lawsuit papers for corporate sabotage. She is reeling that her estranged lover would try to ruin her company this way, but she refuses to accept this. She will fight this with everything she has. "This lawsuit is not going to go away." "I still can't believe that Tyler would go this far," Kim says as she pours herself a cup of coffee. "I mean, what does he think this will accomplish?" "He wants me to pay," Robbie replies to his estranged wife. "This is his way of payback for me hiring Tara to scare Cheresa last year. I never asked that woman to kidnap her!" "He thinks Robbie is to blame for Cheresa's kidnapping," Natasha chimes in. "He wants Robbie to pay because Cheresa quit Robertson Enterprises and Tyler didn't get to use her in another campaign." "I guess it just seems extreme," Kim tells everyone. "This lawsuit could do some serious damage to Roboto." "It could do more than serious damage," Natasha sternly looks back at her. "It could bankrupt us. We could lose everything we have worked towards, but I won't let that happen. Tyler will not succeed at ruining this company that my father built from the ground up. I refuse to allow that to happen." The
Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home Traci, the new maid that Greg has hired, is dusting around the fire mantel in the living room the lavish Lawson estate. As she continues to work, she can't help but recall how she overheard a conversation between the Lawson's regarding Abby possibly getting a job. She thinks that it is funny that a young, white woman is worried about getting a job or not. In her mind, it is a very white privilege moment. "Did you hear anything I just asked you?" Greg asks which causes Traci to come back into reality. "I'm sorry, I must have been lost in my thoughts," she looks back at Greg, while Dawn and Cheresa move into the living room. "Can I help you with anything, Mr. Lawson?" Greg looks back at her and arches his eyebrow. "Is everything alright with you, Traci?" "Yes, yes, I am fine," she nods back to him. "I guess I was just focused on dusting and thinking about what else I had to do today." "That's what I was going to talk to you about," Greg tells her. "I was hoping you could look at the pantry in the kitchen and maybe reorganize it?" "Of course," Traci smiles back to him. "I'll start that right away." Greg smiles back to her as she scurries out of the room. He then looks over at Dawn and Cheresa. "What was that all about?' Cheresa asks her father. Greg shrugs back to her. "Just a conversation with Traci," he tells her. "She was lost in thought and I think I startled her. Anyways, I need to get to the hospital. I'll see you later?" Cheresa nods back to him as Greg leaves the room. Dawn, however, notices that Cheresa is looking back towards the kitchen. "Okay," Dawn looks at her girlfriend. "What's on your mind? I can tell that you're thinking about something." Cheresa uneasily looks back at her. "I can't place it, exactly, but something doesn't sit well with me when it comes to Traci." "The maid? Why?" Cheresa shrugs back to her. "I don't know. I can't place it. I just have an uneasy feeling about her." "She's harmless," Dawn tells her. "She's just cleaning the house, we don't have any reason to be worried." "I hope not," Cheresa forces a smile on her face. "I really hope not." The
Sugarbowl Ethan opens the door to the coffeehouse and moves inside as he is desperate to get out of the cold winter morning that Twin Peaks is experiencing. He moves up to the barista and orders a latte and waits for his drink. Just then, Paige turns around from the coffee bar and sees Ethan standing there. He looks over and sees the woman that he spilled champagne on the previous night at the ball, immediately feeling embarrassed by the encounter. "Don't worry," he chuckles to her. "I won't spill your coffee on you today." "What a relief," Paige replies to him quickly. "The last thing I need today is to have another beverage on me." "I am sorry about that," Ethan tells her. "You were right last night; I wasn't looking where I was going." "I'm glad that you realized that you were in the wrong," Paige says back to him. "I am Ethan Alexander," he moves his hand out to shake hers. "How about we start this over?" "I'm Paige," she tells him. "But if you think we will be fast friends, you should think again, Ethan Alexander. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work." Ethan smirks back to her as he watches her walk away from him. He shakes his head realizing that he made the worst first impression possible with a beautiful woman like Paige. All
Ritmo Cancun Resort & Waterpark; Cancun, Mexico The hot sun blasts its ray's on Helen's skin as she lays by the pool in Cancun, Mexico. She is so grateful that she was able to get away from Twin Peaks for a few days to clear her head. The last few months have truly taken a toll on her, so the fact that she can just relax for a while is a blessing to her. She came to Mexico, mostly, to try to move on from the feelings that she has for Adam. She has been in love with her ex-husband for years but, recently, has been trying to make a relationship with Robin work. Her behavior while Adam was with Robin became troubling to Helen as she feels like she turned into someone else as she tried to keep them apart. "This is exactly what I needed," she tells herself as she takes a sip of her pina colada. "A change of scenery to help me move on from Adam. And when I get back to Twin Peaks, I can deal with Felicia for thinking that my mother is alive. That's just impossible." She takes another sip of her drink while she recalls how Felicia told her, Dominick and Abby that Barbara is alive while they were at the ball. Helen knows that her mother can't be alive; she died years earlier at Raven's Meadow. "Is this seat taken?" a tall man with dark facial hair asks Helen. Helen looks up at the attractive man and notices his six pack since he is shirtless. She smiles back to him. "It's all yours if you want it to be." The man chuckles back to her. "This is the best spot at the resort," he tells her as he sits next to her. "The sun hits you to tan and you're close to the pool and the bar." "Both are key when in Mexico," she nods back to him. "I'm almost done my drink, actually." "What are you drinking? I'm going to grab a beer, I can get you something?" "A pina colada, if you don't mind?" "I certainly don't," the man flashes his smile back to Helen. "I'm Dale, by the way. Dale Cunningham." "Helen Mills," Helen shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you, Dale." "Ditto," he stands up and looks over at the bar. "Okay, drink time. I'll be right back." Helen smiles as Dale walks away from her. "Maybe this vacation will get a little more interesting after all," she chuckles to herself. Twin
Peaks General Hospital "How has your shift been?" Will asks Madeline as he opens the door to her office at the hospital and moves inside. He knows that his girlfriend was working over night and is close to getting off for the day. He, meanwhile, is just starting his shift at the hospital. "Pretty uneventful," Madeline stands up and moves up to him so she can give him a quick kiss on the lips. "But considering where we work, that's not a bad thing." Will chuckles back to her. "That's true. Are you upset that you didn't get to go to the Roboto gala?" "Yes and no," Madeline admits to him. "It would have been fun to get dressed up and dance the night away with you." "Our next days off, we would dance the night away together," he suggests to her. "Just because we couldn't go to the ball, we could make our own date night." Madeline smiles back to him. "That sounds nice and fun. How are you? Did you have another dream of Eva?" Will sighs back to her knowing that he has been having more and more dreams of Eva lately. He doesn't know why he has been seeing his deceased lover, but he knows the dreams are often. "Not last night but I did the night before," he reveals to her. "I know that this is awkward for you, but I am trying." "I was thinking about that," she admits to him. "What if you spoke to a professional?" "You mean a therapist?" Madeline nods back to him. "It might help get to the bottom of these dreams. Just think about it, okay?" The
One Day House Nicholas sits behind his desk in his office at the One Day House reviewing some budget spreadsheets. While he reviews the documents, he can't help but think that he is still enjoying his job at the One Day House; he likes that he is helping people and the community. "As soon as I am done this budget, I will reach out to Andy to see if he wants to go out for dinner tonight," he whispers to himself as he thinks about his lover and how good of a place they are in right now. This all started because Clayton ended up leaving town, which upset Madeline but has made his reunion with Andy easier. "I know Maddie is upset that Clayton left town, but this is for the best right now," he whispers to himself. "It will give us time to become even closer than before. After everything Andy and I have been through together, we deserve that." Nicholas looks up when he hears a soft knock on his office door. The door opens and Nicholas mouth opens in shock. "Mother? What the hell are you doing here?" Nicholas asks Melissa, who has a sly grin on her face. "Hello to you too Nicholas," Melissa grins back to him. The
Pampa Grill "You let me know if this is too much for you, okay?" Victoria asks Bryce as they sit across from one another in the restaurant. She knows that her husband is still recovering from being shot the previous year, so she doesn't want him to overdo it. Bryce chuckles back to her before he takes a bit of his chicken ceasar salad. "We can't stay in the condo all the time," he winks back to her. "This is nice, getting out to have lunch with my wife." "It is nice," Victoria nods back to him. "How are you feeling about the ball last night? Seeing Frederick certainly seemed to rattle you." "I was working for him at Raven's Meadow," Bryce reminds her. "Vinny was blackmailing me with the news that Frederick was my boss." Victoria uneasily looks back at him. "Right, do you think Frederick will come after you because Vinny died? I mean, he did try to kill me once I realized he was alive." Bryce shrugs back to her. "I don't know but I don't like this," he admits to her. "I think Frederick coming back could be the worst thing that's happen to me in a very long time." *** Natasha opens the door to the restaurant and quickly moves to the bar. She ordered some take out lunch for her, Robbie and Kim since they are going to be working non-stop trying to come up with an action plan to deal with this lawsuit that Tyler has filed against them. She freezes for a moment, however, when she sees Tyler sitting at the bar, having lunch by himself. "Fancy meeting you here," she says as she moves up to the bar and waits for her order. "Likewise," Tyler looks back at Natasha. "I would have assumed that you would be at the office all day." "I'm just here grabbing lunch for me and my team," Natasha replies to him. "We will be working all day coming up with a plan to deal with this outrageous lawsuit you filed against us." Tyler uneasily looks back at her. "If you want to blame anyone, Nat, it should be Robbie. He started all of this when he hired a woman to scare my model." "You sound like a broken record," Natasha tells him, having heard his rationale many times before. "I will tell you this, Tyler, I won't let you destroy my family company. I will do everything in my power to make beat this lawsuit." "Good luck," Tyler says back to her. "You're going to need." "Oh, and one more thing," Natasha says as she grabs her take out bags from the bartender. "You were right last night. This changes everything between us. You and I, we are officially over. We will never be together again! I can't believe I let you, a Robertson, even touch me! You can rot in hell for all I care." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home "You were jealous last night Lukas," Jasper reminds Lukas as they continue to stand in the study of the Richardson estate. "What do you want to do with that?" "I I don't know," Lukas admits to him. "I feel like my head is spinning." "You need to blow off some steam," Jasper moves up to him. "Olly is sleeping, Donovan is at physical therapy. We are alone. Let's blow it off together?" Lukas looks back at Jasper and finds himself moving up to him. They end up kissing passionately before Jasper moves him to the sofa. "Give me what I need Lukas, please," Jasper moans out loud, as Lukas takes his shirt off and continues to have sex with Jasper, unaware that the camera Donovan planted in the room is watching their every move. Next on
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