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Need Me that Good Love Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 18, 2022 | ||
Theme song: "Starstruck" Years & Years Roboto A beautiful, young woman sits in the main office of Roboto on one of the sofa's while Robbie, Kim and Natasha sit across from her on the adjacent sofa. The three of them are doing an interview with the woman, who has applied to be their new lead model. After Tyler slapped Roboto a lawsuit for corporate sabotage, Kim wondered if they should wait on hiring the new model that they are about to hire but Natasha and Robbie are determined to fight the lawsuit and decided to proceed with the hiring. "We are certainly very glad you sent us a direct message on the Roboto Instagram page," Natasha looks over at the young model. "Of course, we had to see you in person because of the filters that can be used on the application." The young woman, Isabelle Moretti, chuckles back to her. "Well, I hope seeing me in person proves that my profile is pretty accurate." "Yes, very much so," Robbie nods back to her. "So, Ms. Moretti, if you sign with us, you will have to sign an exclusive contract. Is that something you can do?" "I wouldn't expect anything else," she replies to them. "I just hope that you would let my father review the contract with me first. He is a businessman and I would appreciate his insights." "Your last name sounds familiar to me?" Natasha looks back at the model. "My father is Antonio Moretti," the girls tells her. "He owns the casino, where Roboto just held the ball." "Right," Natasha nods back to her. "Antonio was very helpful with that. I think this could work. And, this means that you're the niece too Victoria and Donovan? They are my half siblings!" "Really? What a small world. But, I don't want this job based on my last name" Isabelle smiles back to Natasha, Robbie and Kim, thrilled that she likely signed a modelling contract. "Not at all," Robbie tells her. "Your resume speaks for itself. Look over this contract, and let us know what you think?" | ||
All Ritmo Cancun Resort &
Waterpark; Cancun, Mexico Helen lays in the large king size bed that is in her hotel suite at the resort. She looks next to her and sees a naked Dale Cunningham sleeping in the bed. She looks back up at the ceiling and gets a grin on her face as she thinks about how she met the attractive man by the pool earlier in the day. After they had a couple of drinks, their hands touched and they ended up in her hotel room, where they made passionate love to one another. Helen continues to smile as she thinks that this is the best thing that could have happened to her on the vacation; she came to Mexico in hopes of moving on from her feelings for Adam. Having a random hook up with an attractive man is going to help her with that, especially since it had been a long time since she was with a man sexually. She needed Dale badly, and he gave her everything she needed and more. "Yes, this is exactly what I needed," she whispers to herself as she looks over at Dale again. "And, I hope he makes love to me one more time when he wakes up," she purrs to herself as she thinks about how good the sex was. "This is too good to be true." The
Pampa Grill "Man, I can't believe that you ended things with Paige after all this time," Andrew chuckles to Max before he picks up his beer and takes a sip of it. Andrew knows how long that Max has wanted to be with Paige, so the fact that he ended their relationship is surprising to hear. "Yea, Max," Cheresa echoes to her friends. "You have wanted to be with her since we were in that Gen Next House all those summer ago." Max uneasily chuckles back to his friends. "I guess I just realized it wasn't meant to be," he shrugs back to him. "It is for the best that I realized this now instead of months down the road." "Are you holding up okay?" Cheresa asks him out of concern for his own wellbeing. "I am," Max nods back to her. "I left my job at Robertson Enterprises and already have a new gig at Roboto. I'm just excited for this next chapter. Anyways, what about you? How is the engaged life treating you?" Cheresa smirks back to her friends before she takes a sip of her white wine. "I mean, it feels pretty great, but Dawn and I are taking things slowly. We are not in a rush, especially with everything else going on." "That makes sense," Andrew looks back at her. "You can take the time and plan a wedding for the ages." "Alright," Cheresa looks back at him. "What about you? You haven't said what's going on with you?" Andrew gulps heavily as he thinks about how he and Trenyce and gave into their feelings the night of the Roboto ball and they had sex with one another. In the wake, they both realized that it was a mistake because Trenyce is engaged to Chris. "Uh, well," Andrew nervously says back to his friends, not wanting to reveal his affair with Trenyce to them. "I moved out of Trenyce's house, I guess that is what's new." "Right," Cheresa uneasily looks back at her, knowing that she agreed to keep Trenyce's secret about kissing Andrew so they covered with the fact that Trenyce was going to ask him to move out. "How did that go?" Andrew gulps back to her. "I mean I don't know, I feel guilty about a lot of stuff. I am just trying to cope with it all." "If you want to hit the gym and do some sparring, it might help you blow off some steam," Max suggests to his friend, as Cheresa wonders if Andrew is feeling guilty about kissing Trenyce. "I could use the workout myself." Andrew forces a smile on his face. "Yea, that might be good. I think I need that escape and release." The
Davenport House; Trenyce & Chris' Home Trenyce paces back and forth in the living room of the house that she lives in with her son BJ and Chris. Her mind is racing about how she and Andrew made love the night of the Roboto ball; she can't believe that she gave into her feelings for Andrew. Of course, after it was over, they realized that it was a mistake because of her engagement to Chris. Now, she just must find a way to forget that it ever happened in the first place. "And I have to make sure that sleeping with Andrew never happens again, no matter how amazing it was," she whispers to herself. Chris, then, comes into the living room and notices Trenyce pacing back and forth. "Hey, what's up? I just got BJ down for his nap." "Oh good," Trenyce turns and looks back at him. "I guess I was just worried about him; I think he's starting to get some teeth in." "Yea, his cheeks are pretty flush," Chris nods back to her. "I'm glad we have a moment together, though." "We always have times together." "True," he chuckles back to her. "But I've been wondering where you disappeared to the night of the gala? I went to get us champagne and I couldn't find you when I got back?" Trenyce gulps heavily as he knows that she was with Andrew when Chris was looking for her. She finds herself trying to think of an excuse. "I know, I am so sorry. I guess I got lost in the casino exploring. I ended up in a back room where my cell service wasn't great." "Ah, well I still had a great time." "Yea, me too," Trenyce looks back at him. "But you know, enough talk of that. I would love to make love to you while BJ is sleeping," Trenyce moves up to him and runs her hands over his muscular chest. She is hoping that by being with Chris the memories of Andrew will escape her. "What do you say? Make love to your fiancé?" Chris smiles before he kisses her back. "I would love nothing more," he says as he grabs her hand and leads her to the bedroom. The
River Rock Casino "The night of the gala, I thought it was you but I wasn't sure, which is why Donovan and I are here today," Victoria smiles as she looks over at Antonio as they stand in his office at the casino. Donovan, of course, is still in his wheelchair as everyone believes that he hasn't been able to regain the strength of his legs. "It is me, in the flesh," Antonio looks back at Victoria and Donovan, whom he hasn't seen in years. He is their uncle as Ernesto, their father, was his half-brother. They shared a mother but had different fathers. Antonio knew how abusive Ernesto was and really distanced himself from him but he always felt bad that he wasn't around more for Victoria and Donovan. "It has been years since I saw my niece and nephew; I heard about your mother, how are you guys coping?" "Every day is getting a little easier," Donovan tells his uncle. "But we miss her each and every day." "My brother, Ernesto, was a son of a bitch to her," Antonio thinks back to how abusive his brother was to Eva and his children. "The best thing that Eva ever did was get away from him." "What brings you back to Twin Peaks?" Victoria asks her uncle. "And is Isabelle with you?" "Funny you should ask Marbella," Antonio replies to her, still calling her by her original name. "I've had been thinking about opening a casino for a while now; when this parcel of land became for sale last year, I jumped at the chance. It's been a slow and steady gain of interest since we opened but the gala has helped a lot. And yes, Isabelle is in Twin Peaks. She's actually at a job interview this morning to be a model." "You know this is great," Donovan smiles to his family. "Vic and I were just talking about how much we missed our Mom; have you and Isabelle around is just what the doctor ordered." "I couldn't agree more," Antonio grins back to him. "This will be good for all of us." The
Sugarbowl Robbie opens the door to the coffeehouse and quickly moves inside as he wants to escape the chilly winter air outside. He is at there to grab some coffees for him, Natasha and Kim; after they hired Isabelle earlier in the day, they have to have another meeting to continue to brainstorm how they will handle the lawsuit that Tyler has slapped the company with. After he grabs the tray with three coffee's, he turns to move to the coffee bar, but he notices Greg sitting by himself at the window seat. He quickly recalls how he saw Greg kiss him at the Roboto gala; this was after, of course, he whisked her away to Aspen over Christmas. "Greg," Robbie says as he moves up to the doctor. "I'm glad I ran into you. We have a few things to get straight." Greg looks up from his phone and back at Robbie. "What do I owe the pleasure?" he asks him sarcastically. He knows that he and Robbie have never really seen eye to eye, so he is curious about what Robbie wants. "I'm here to tell you to stay the hell away from my wife," Robbie grits his teeth back to him. "I don't want to hear about you whisking her away again or stealing kisses with her at any party." Greg chuckles back to him. "Kim and I are close, Robbie, you know that," Greg replies to him. "I suggest you brace yourself for the end of your marriage. Kim has already filed for divorce, she's going to change her mind about staying with the man she holds responsible for her miscarriage." "How dare you!" "How dare I?" Greg stands up and glares back at him. "You have a lot of nerve, Robbie. You stay the hell away from me and don't think that I won't be in Kim's corner; I've been there more than you'll ever be." Before Robbie can respond, Greg storms off. Robbie sighs heavily as he hopes that he, on some level, was able to get through to Greg about staying away from his wife even though he thinks that is the last thing on Greg's mind. Robertson
Enterprises "I can't tell you how concerned I am about Felicia," Dominick admits to Tyler as he pours himself a scotch from the main office at Robertson Enterprises. He is visiting his son today to tell him about Felicia's claim that she saw Barbara Mills alive and well at the gala the other night. Dominick knows that it is impossible that Barbara is alive, so the fact that she is, makes him wonder if something more is going on with his ex-wife. "I can understand that," Tyler nods back to his father as he stands up from behind the CEO desk. "After all this time, what would make Felicia think Barbara is alive? And noting that she spoke to her?" "I wish I knew," Dominick replies to him quickly. "She has been so good since we got her back on her medication last year? I hope that this isn't a setback." "She will always have this illness," Tyler reminds him. "Maybe we should be more diligent about her constantly getting doctor appointments to ensure her medication levels are okay?" "That's not a bad idea," Dominick tells him. "I hope that's all it is, you know?" "Keep me posted please?" Tyler asks him as Dominick nods back to him. "I would offer more help, but I suspect I'm going to have my hands full around here." Dominick arches his eyebrow back to him. "What's going on around here?" "I had Ethan file those lawsuit papers against Roboto," Tyler smirks back to his father. "Natasha was served at her party the other night." Dominick chuckles back to him in delight that Tyler was able to serve Natasha and Robbie with the lawsuit papers at their own event. "I wish I could have seen the look on their faces " "Natasha was livid," Tyler nods back to him. "She's already ended our relationship." "I wish I could say that I was upset by that news." "I know, I know," Tyler chuckles. "The fact that I'm not upset shows that we were never meant to be in the first place. I will move full steam ahead on this lawsuit Dad; I will make Robbie and Roboto pay." Before Dominick can respond, there is a knock on the office door. Jacob, then appears and moves inside. "Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." "Not at all Jacob, what can I do for you?" Tyler asks his employee. At the door, Abby freezes as she was about to enter the office to talk to Tyler about possibly getting a job at the company. She didn't realize that Jacob was just moving inside, so she stops to listen to what the conversation that is about to unfold. "I've been thinking about my future here and I've made a decision," Jacob announces to Tyler and Dominick, who look at each other quickly. "My time here at the company has come to an end. I've decided to pursue other opportunities." Tyler sighs back to him. "This isn't the best timing," he admits to Jacob. "Max Black also just gave his notice to me. Are you sure that there's nothing that I can do to change your mind?" "I'm afraid not," Jacob says back to him. "I just found out that I am a father to a baby boy. I really need to focus on him and my relationship with him. I already feel like I've missed too much time with Carter." "Very well," Tyler shakes his hand. "I do thank you for all of your contributions Jacob." Abby smiles to herself having heard that Max quit and now Jacob is leaving the company. In her mind, she realizes that she has a great chance to get a job here now. She quickly scurries away before anyone can see her. Once Jacob has left the office, Tyler looks over at Dominick. "Another blow, Dad. That's why I need this lawsuit to proceed. I won't let Roboto win!" "You won't son," Dominick nods back to him. "You have got this, I know that." The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home "I can't believe this is happening," a rattled Daisy says as she moves to the bar in the living room of the Richardson Estate and pours herself a bourbon. In the room with her are Meggan, Lukas, Leah and Frederick. Her three half-siblings called her in the morning with the news that Frederick revealed himself at the gala; Daisy is stunned that Frederick is back because they had been looking for him since they learned he was alive and well. On top of this, she is still struggling with the fact that she recently aborted her child. "You're back and you really are alive." Frederick chuckles back to her. "I am back," he tells his children. "I have to let you know that I did see your television appearance," he says as he looks at Meggan and Lukas. "I saw you ask me to come home." "Then why didn't you Dad?" Lukas asks him quickly. "We wanted you to come home and yet you chose to wait months before you came back? What gives?" "You have to know that we just wanted you back with us," Meggan agrees with Lukas. "We just wanted to understand what happened." Frederick nods back to them. "I understand that," he tells them. "The truth is, I needed time to get all my ducks in a row. I didn't want to come home and create chaos." "That's ironic because that's exactly what this has been," Leah looks over at him. "You owe us a hell of a lot more of an explanation. Where the hell have you been?" "I was working at Raven's Meadow for a long time," Frederick reveals to his children. "And then after Vinny was shot, I left because I knew that it would be revealed that I was alive and well. I was staying at the Victors mansion outside of town." "And how did you survive the shooting? And the smothering?" Daisy asks him, recalling how her Aunt Jemma shot Frederick and then smothered him when he survived the shooting. "That's a long story," Frederick tells her. "Needless to say, I am a doctor, so I was able to give myself a drug that made it appear that I had died but I was alive. I needed time to recover and I had made such a mess of things that I wanted time for everything to cool down." "Okay," Leah cuts him off. "Enough of you. Where the hell is my child? And are you my father? Tell me, Frederick! I need to know!" she says with intent as Frederick gulps heavily and then he looks over at Daisy, Lukas and Meggan. He then looks back at Leah, who clearly needs answers from him. Next
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